The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 444 Thirty Thousand Years

The boundary sea is thick with fog, blocking people's sight.

This is water vapor formed by the evaporation of sea water, which is essentially a variety of avenue rules.

A drop of seawater is an ancient world. The evaporation of seawater means the collapse of the ancient world. The rules in the ancient world are mixed together and merged into the water vapor, forming a complex and changeable mist.

This is an extremely dangerous boundary sea. Just the water vapor mixed with countless laws can burn human beings into dust. The physical body cannot withstand it at all, not to mention that huge waves often blow up from the boundary sea, as well as from The dark storm at the end of the world sea and so on.

After the Chi Cang Nirvana Stone Village, he came to the Boundary Sea to light the divine fire, relying on his passively activated body of the Immortal King. Otherwise, with his meager Taoism at that time, he would have been destroyed into dust before he truly entered.

In addition to the dangers of the boundary sea itself, there are also dangers from the creatures sailing on the boundary sea. Those who can sail in the boundary sea are at least immortal creatures. True immortals come to become kings and ancestors, and immortal kings come to destroy the world. Coming from the Kaiwang Realm, in this vast Boundary Sea, they do everything they can to devour other people's Human Realm Fruits and turn them into nutrients, trying to use them to make further progress. This kind of thing is too common in the Boundary Sea.

Unless they are acquainted with each other and know the details of the other party, otherwise, the creatures will be cautious when meeting each other, extremely cautious, and will often fight and fight to the death.

Today's boundary sea is more dangerous than before. The great liquidation has caused the kings who went to sea to return one after another. An astonishing number of kings have accumulated in the offshore area that was originally uninhabited.

They occupied some islands and sat cross-legged on them to practice, motionless, like wooden sculptures.

The reason why the island is occupied is because the special environment of the boundary sea is extremely beneficial to the cultivation of the Immortal King. As time goes by, there will be fewer and fewer places to stand on the boundary sea. There are great benefits to occupying it in advance.

There are also some creatures sitting in ancient ships, floating quietly on the sea. Some of them do not want to participate in the great reckoning of the heavens and the world, while others avoid the cause and effect and do not want to fight with the enemy...

In short, the vast offshore sea near the dam boundary is a mixture of fish and dragons, and everyone is there. As soon as Chi Cang stepped into this sea area, dozens of eyes swept over him.

The owners of these eyes are malicious, indifferent, and kind, and they are all different.

After seeing that Chi Cang was not the enemy they were wary of, some of them withdrew their gaze and no longer paid attention. They did not want to make enemies with others. They wanted to find out Chi Cang's identity just to protect themselves. Once a powerful enemy came here, they would Will run away immediately.

Other eyes were reluctant to leave for a long time. They knew that Chi Cang's Taoist cultivation was extraordinary, and they had ideas about it and wanted to make plans for it.

It's just that due to Chi Cang's illustrious reputation and the terrifying strength of the supreme giant, he didn't dare to take action easily.


Chi Cang snorted coldly, implying the attack of Dao Tianyin and Yuan Shen. Those malicious peepers only felt their ears buzzing and felt dizzy. In shock, they immediately put away their little thoughts.

In response to the kind eyes, Chi Cang nodded to the other party. Now that he represents the Immortal Realm, it is best not to easily make grudges with others.

In the darkness, some figures sitting cross-legged like rocks suddenly opened their eyes, looking in the direction of Chi Cang's retreat, with doubts in their eyes.

"Why would he go out to sea at this time? Isn't the Immortal Realm confronting the foreign realm? Aren't you afraid that the Immortal Realm will be breached?"

Since Chi Cang traveled far away immediately after the war in the Immortal Realm, the news had not yet reached this offshore area. Therefore, the kings entrenched in this sea area did not know that two more invincible giants were born in the Immortal Realm.

"That's the Thunder Emperor, one of the most powerful men in the Immortal Realm. Over the past hundreds of thousands of years, he has killed more than one peerless man." Someone whispered, telling Chi Cang's achievements.

For 400,000 years, the Immortal Realm led by Chi Cang and Liu Shen has killed all the giants and conquered enemies from all directions. It has long been famous and synonymous with invincibility.

His arrival in this sea area calmed down the originally chaotic area a lot. No one dared to jump out and block the way. Even if some beings were very interested in Chi Cang's Dao Fruit, they would not do it rashly. This would only cause trouble. Bringing death upon oneself.

It wasn't until Chi Cang drove the thunder pool away that the king of darkness closed his eyes again.

The Boundary Sea is really huge, boundless, and the Chi Cang who controls the thunder pool is like a drop in the ocean, incomparably small.

The road ahead is long, and I don’t know how long it will take. Chi Cang sits cross-legged on the thunder pool alone, silently deducing the whereabouts of the Bone God General. As powerful as he is, he also paid a small price to dispel the fog and get the direction forward.

In the vast sea of ​​​​worlds, many ancient worlds have risen and fallen. It is easy to lose your way while sailing on the sea. As for the islands, it is difficult to see one, and the distance between them is unimaginable.

Before Chi Cang set out, he left his coordinates in the heavens in advance, so that his return would be much simpler.

Ten years later, Chi Cang was blocked by a living being. This was an Immortal King. He was not weak, and his Taoism was so powerful that he was almost on the verge of becoming an Immortal King.

But despite this, he was still lost, his eyes were blood red, he was crazy and bloodthirsty, his aura was chaotic, and his soul was filled with black energy.

Now, this lost Immortal King has only one instinct left, which is his obsession, eager to break through the king realm and become an emperor. Therefore, whenever he encounters a living being, he will rush forward and devour the opponent's Dao Fruit.

Even though Chi Cang was far stronger than him, he couldn't stop this lost Immortal King from rushing over. He had completely lost his mind.


Chi Cang took action, and his palms were filled with lightning. With one blow, the Lost Immortal King lost its fighting ability and suppressed it.

After hundreds of thousands of years of practice, Chi Cang's Taoism has become deeper and deeper. Compared with when he first entered this realm, he is even more unfathomable. It takes almost no effort to suppress the king who has not reached the ultimate realm.

Looking at the king roaring and struggling in the seal, Chi Cang felt an inexplicable sense of sadness.

It is so difficult to become a king and an ancestor. It is extremely fast to become a king in an era. It has gone through a lot of hardships and countless hardships of life and death to get to this point. In the end, it ended up like this. How can it not make people sigh?

"Send you to your afterlife." Chi Cang said with a sigh.

This king's mind was eroded and he was completely lost. From another perspective, he was actually dead.


Chi Cang cut off his head, and then used the magic power and symbols of the supreme giant to destroy his origin.

After dealing with the blockers, Chi Cang continued to move forward.

Before setting off, Chi Cang knew that this was destined to be a long journey, and ten years would only last in a blink of an eye.

The Bone God General is not weak. He set off first and has traveled for thirty thousand years. It is really not easy to catch up.

However, Chi Cang has no intention of giving up. He brought the White Bone God General out from the depths of the Realm Tomb. He will follow him in conquests in the north and south for more than 300,000 years. No matter what, whether it is life or death, there must be a final conclusion. OK.

In this way, he walked continuously for more than 20,000 years. What is the concept of walking for more than 20,000 years with the terrifying strength of a supreme giant? I am afraid that I can travel all over the world, but for the sea of ​​​​realms, it is still insignificant and nothing.

Along the way, Chi Cang kept encountering kings lost in the sea. He suppressed them one by one, wiped out their lives, and then burned their bodies to ashes and scattered them in the boundary sea. The vast boundary sea was their best destination. If they Their true soul is still there, and they may also hope that someone will do this. This is their last dignity as kings.

Chi Cang also met the forbidden creatures who were on the road of return. They noticed Chi Cang's power and extraordinary. No one took the initiative to provoke him. They just met each other from a distance, looked at each other, and then walked away.

On this day, Chi Cang suddenly opened his slightly aged eyes, looking into the distance, he saw traces of the island, and it was not small.

When he landed on the island, he discovered that there was a teleportation circle engraved on the island. This was so rare.

You must know that it is impossible to set up a magic circle in the boundary sea, it will be wiped out, and only some special islands have that kind of good fortune.

Only one teleportation circle of this kind can save the Immortal King hundreds of thousands of years of work.

If we fly like that, God knows how long it will take to get close to the depths of the boundary sea.

Chi Cang stood in front of the magic circle and saw that it was the work of a group of powerful people. Obviously, there was a group of forerunners who built the magic circle here to save time for future generations. At the same time, it was also to make it more convenient for him to return.

He deduced silently, and then used his past abilities to wander in the long river of time, starting from 50,000 years ago, and finally saw the figure of the Bone God General. He came here 20,000 years ago. Just when Chi Cang set out, Bai Gu finally left through the magic circle.

After learning the information he wanted, Chi Cang no longer hesitated and activated the magic circle. The light intertwined and Chi Cang's figure disappeared into the magic circle.

When he reappeared, he was already on another island. Compared to just now, he had penetrated a larger distance into the boundary sea. If he flew hard, it would take hundreds of thousands of years.

The place is full of luster, with a mysterious and enchanting aura. The island is large and open, with traces of various predecessors left behind, making it easy to find.

Chi Cang found several stone tablets with some ancient texts engraved on them, originating from the age of the Emperor. They told the ancient king's guesses about the end of the Boundary Sea and left several ways to get there.

Some people cross the sea directly and reach the end of the boundary sea little by little. Some people are actively eroded by the darkness, their souls leave the body, and go to the dark land through the dark cage. There are also some people who fight their way into the ancient palace of Jie Yin and fight all the way to the end...

Although they are all speculations, there is no need to doubt the authenticity. They are all summarized by the kings of the past dynasties.

Looking at the mottled stone tablets and the somewhat decayed ancient characters, Chi Cang fell into deep thought.

In the course of time, he saw a scene. Tens of thousands of years ago, the Bone God General stood in front of an ancient stele and read the words on the ancient stele just like him.

In other words, the Bone God General knows these methods to get to the end of the Boundary Sea proposed by predecessors.

So, which one will he choose?

Under Chi Cang's gaze, after reading the content on the stone tablet, the Bone God General from tens of thousands of years ago left silently and continued on his way.

"Did he choose to cross directly?"

Chi Cang said to himself that if this was really the case, then he could definitely catch up with the Bone God General, and Chi Cang was confident that he could persuade him to turn back.

After all, the most terrifying dark storm is brewing in the deepest part of the Boundary Sea. It is now difficult for the Immortal King giants to gain a foothold there. If they insist on going there, they will only suffer disaster.

However, Chi Cang is not sure what will happen to the White Bone God General. What he knows, the White Bone God General also knows.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang couldn't help but feel a little worried in his heart.

However, Chi Cang could only deduce the general direction of the Bone God General's departure, but could not deduce his specific location.

With a long sigh, Chi Cang continued on his way and left the island. He took out the thunder pool, used it as a vehicle, and sailed away alone.

In this way, we walked for thousands of years.

During this period, Chicang suppressed many lost immortal kings, fallen kings, and some taboo creatures who had their thoughts on him along the way.

Although Chi Cang's reputation is great, in the boundary sea, it is only powerful in the offshore area, and the creatures in the depths naturally do not know his information.

In total, he walked for a total of 30,000 years. This was not a short period of time. If he returned immediately, it would take another 30,000 years, so the round trip would take 60,000 years.

If placed in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, 60,000 years is longer than the time for a great emperor to dominate the world. From rising to becoming an emperor, to living the second life, to leaving or transforming into a Tao, in the end, the traces of the Great Dao will go through a long period of time. The years will completely dissipate, and at that time, the Emperor of Humanity will appear again in the world.

All I can say is that time flies by and time is ruthless.

The boundary sea was turbulent, and waves were hitting Cang Yu. Chi Cang rode on the thunder pool, breaking through the wind and waves, and galloped towards the depths.

Seven years later, Chi Cang found an island. When he landed on the island and his spiritual consciousness spread out, his expression changed slightly.

In the center of the island, a pitch-black skeleton sits quietly cross-legged. Its hands, feet, neck, etc. are all wrapped with bright immortal gold chains, which are firmly rooted in the ground of the island. Under the skeleton, there is also a secret sculpture engraved on it. The formation was filled with sealed energy, and everything was so silent, as if it had been silent for eternity.

At this moment, Chi Cang understood that after leaving the island with the teleportation circle, the Bone God General walked for nearly ten thousand years. He felt that the crossing was hopeless and the time required was too long, so he chose another method. Take the initiative to be eroded by darkness, give up your body, and go to the dark place through the dark prison.

This magic circle and the fairy gold chain are the seals he left behind to prevent his bones from causing trouble in the world after falling into darkness.

Chi Cang let out a long sigh, but in the end he still failed to catch up, a step too late.

He came to the magic circle, and suddenly, the ground cracked, and a stone tablet rose up with the words of Immortal Realm engraved on it.

The general idea is that the Bone God General guessed that Chi Cang might come looking for him, and left him "last words", telling Chi Cang not to worry about him. He had never planned to finish this business alive. No matter what, he had to know the truth. In the end , the White Bone God will ask Chi Cang to suppress the bones he left behind, and the dark matter will breed another soul in it.

Since the Bone God General had committed murder before and killed many innocent creatures for the Heavenly Emperor, he was worried that his body would change in a bad direction after falling into darkness, so he hoped that Chi Cang could take action to deal with the aftermath.

Naturally, Chi Cang would not refuse. He said nothing and directly opened the sealing circle.

Immediately, there was a clattering sound from the fairy gold chains, the dark black bones sitting cross-legged trembled, and fire suddenly appeared in the deep eye sockets.

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