The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 448 Return of the Thunder Emperor

"This era is called Luan Gu." Chi Cang said seriously.


Wushang whispered to the three ancient immortal kings, his face turned serious and he couldn't help but become solemn. If any era was labeled as "chaos", it would be terrible, and it was destined to turn the world upside down.

"I've never heard of it, but we were all born during the reign of Emperor Luo. How far away are we from the chaos of the past?"

"Di Luo? It's been a long time ago..." Chi Cang shook his head and sighed. These people have really been imprisoned for too long. They don't know that hundreds of epochs have passed by Di Luo.

But on the other hand, they are also really powerful. They have persisted in the dark cage for so long and still maintained a trace of clarity and reason. Needless to say, they must be the most amazing group of creatures of that era.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be targeted by the darkness.

Of course, most of the Immortal Kings who were imprisoned were eroded by the darkness when they entered the world sea. A small number of them were so stunning that the darkness took the initiative to find them. Generally speaking, the strength was uneven.

The stronger one can naturally last longer, and the weaker one can last shorter time.

At that time, in the area dedicated to imprisoning the Immortal King, many huge cages were dim, which meant that the creatures inside were already in danger. Chi Cang specially selected three bright cages and swung his sword to rescue the three Immortals. Kings are not simple people.

In their heyday, they were all giant-level figures, and they were not ordinary giants.

The long river is long and the waves are rolling. Chi Cang controls the thunder pool, carrying the four immortal kings and the girl with double eyes, drifting down the long river of time.

Along the way, we passed one splendid era after another, and one splendid ancient history book after another.

"Did you see that? That's me, young and frivolous. I don't take the ordinary path. I insist on going against the flow and carving my own path." An Immortal King pointed to a river of time with a smile on his face.

He continued: "It's a pity that I have already taken the path, but I still fell short. I was eroded by the darkness and fell into a cage forever. I thought there was no hope of returning to the world in this life. Unexpectedly, Taoist friend Chi Cang gave me a chance to be reborn. "

"Haha, that's me. I came out of the wilderness as a young man and determined to be the emperor of heaven. I was born in the emperor's fall and died in the emperor's fall..." Another Immortal King gave a long laugh, parting with nostalgia and parting with regret.

After learning about the past of these three Immortal Kings, Chi Cang was slightly shocked. He really rescued three amazing people this time. They were actually the best among the Immortal Kings. They each opened up their own system and were determined to succeed. Be the supreme emperor.

It's a pity that fate plays tricks on people. Because their path is too unnatural, darkness comes to their door, and they are trapped in the prison of darkness forever.

Chi Cang suddenly understood, no wonder these creatures have not been eroded and lost their minds. Even if they are shrouded in darkness, they are still releasing their brilliance in the long night.

As for Wushang, he came from an ancient caged land, encountered a crack that was rare in all eternity, escaped from the caged land by luck, and became a great figure in the outside world, becoming a powerful figure in the foreign land.

However, one day, the ancient artifact of origin arrived, and the dark matter erupted, eroding all the creatures in that world. From then on, that world became a foreign land, with wars in the north and south, and dominance throughout the ages.

Everyone took a ride in the Thunder Pond, traveled through the long river of time, and looked at ancient and modern history, and they all sighed leisurely.

It turns out that they have been imprisoned in a dark cage for so long, and countless epochs have passed by the outside world.

The original mother realm of the three Immortal Kings has long since turned into ashes and disappeared in the long river of history.

No wonder Chi Cang has never heard of their names.

In the early days of the Emperor's Fall, it was an extremely dazzling golden world. At that time, this side had just been bloodbathed by darkness. Countless immortal kings and true immortals had fallen, and inheritances and roads were lost. People who wanted to evolve to higher realms needed to rely on Make your own way to the sky.

As a result, a hundred flowers bloomed and a hundred schools of thought contended. Each world had its own representative. In some ancient worlds, a group of people even cooperated to create a system.

Only in this way can we resist the strange erosion. This is what happens in the Immortal Realm. The blond woman's grandfather and a group of creatures jointly created the Immortal Realm method and almost broke through the King Realm. There are also amazing people in other ancient realms.

The three ancient immortal kings rescued by Chi Cang were such existences. They were amazed by time, but they did not escape the suppression of darkness. However, in that terrifying dark cage, they endured for endless years, maintaining their sanity, and finally When Chi Cang opened the cage.

"It turns out that the Mother Realm we were waiting for has returned to dust, and earth has returned to earth." The three immortal kings sat on the thunder pond, and followed the long river of time downwards, reading all the ancient history and knowing many things. I was as clueless as when I first came out.

"On the contrary, the Immortal Realm is still there, but I don't know if those old guys are still there. The Immortal Realm back then was dominated by them and it was very prosperous for a while." An Immortal King looked at Chi Cang.

There were almost no figures they were familiar with in ancient history. Therefore, the three of them were very confused. Could it be that those old guys in the Immortal Realm also encountered unexpected events and were caught in a dark cage?

Hearing this, Chi Cang replied: "Are these fellow Taoists talking about the Heavenly Emperors who were born after the fall of the Emperor?

They were indeed gone, they had touched the dark taboo, they had shot down the ancient Jie Yin Palace, but in the end they were all robbed, and even their clansmen were killed and injured. "


The three of them let out a long sigh, and felt a sense of regret. Darkness and years had taken away too much. Couldn't they even resist such stunning creatures?

When it comes to darkness, people on the Lei Pond are silent a lot, because this topic is too heavy and makes people breathless.

After a long time, the three ancient immortal kings spoke again.

"My motherland has turned into ashes, and we have no place to stand when we return to the world. I wonder if the fairyland is willing to take in the three of us?"

Chi Cang was overjoyed. These three immortal kings were creatures of the same era as the blond woman's grandfather. They were even older than the butcher. Moreover, they were powerful in Taoism and each had created a system of their own. If they joined the immortal realm, they would be one of them. Big boost.

Even though they only have their souls left, their physical bodies may still be in the ancient palace of Jie Yin. Once they get angry, ordinary giants will find it difficult to stop them.

"If you are thirsty for talents in the Immortal Realm, how can you turn away three fellow Taoists?" Chi Cang immediately agreed.

Seeing this, Wu Shang on the side also wanted to join the Immortal Realm. After all, the Immortal Realm was so powerful that in troubled times, it would be difficult to survive by relying on oneself.

Of course, he is always thinking about rescuing the clansmen imprisoned in the Cage Land.

At this time, Chi Cang looked at Wu Shang with a smile in his eyes, leaving Wu Shang confused.

"Fellow Taoist you have any advice?" Wushang asked.

"Fellow Taoist Wushang, your tribe in the Cage Land has been rescued by me and my Taoist companions, and they are currently living in the Immortal Realm."

"What? Fellow Taoist Chicang, are you serious about this?" Wushang was shocked. He knew the horror of the prison land very well. The descendants of the three major quasi-immortal emperors could not get out after exhausting their years, but now Chicang told him , all rescued?

"Of course it is true. Fellow Taoist Wushang, please take a look."

Chi Cang pointed his finger, and countless images appeared, flashing before Wu Shang's eyes.

"I see, I didn't expect that my clan was imprisoned in that cage for billions of years, and finally we were rescued by fellow Taoists." Wushang sighed, his soul glowed, and he felt relieved.

"Wushang has no repayment, so he joins the Immortal Realm and protects this pure land with his life." Wushang said sincerely.

Ever since he escaped through a rare crack in the ages, he has been thinking about helping the tribe escape from imprisonment. Unfortunately, before he could achieve it, he was contaminated by ancient artifacts of exotic origin and fell into darkness.

Now, Chi Cang has completed this thought, and Wu Shang has no regrets in his heart.

"Fellow Taoist Wushang's words are enough." Chi Cang replied with a smile. The harvest from this trip was really great.

However, when he thought of the Bone God General who escaped from the prison and disappeared, the smile on Chi Cang's face immediately disappeared and turned into worry.

Break out of the dark cage realm and go to the deep dark place. Life and death are unpredictable. The Bone God General is in danger.

He shook his head, controlled the thunder pool, and traveled through one era after another.

Finally, Chi Cang sensed where his true body was. He slashed out into the void, controlled the thunder pool, and rushed into the crack.


On the island above the boundary sea, a thunder pool suddenly appeared above the head of Chicang's body, as if it had just burst out of the river, with misty water vapor and a strong law of time.

He opened his eyes suddenly, and an extremely tyrannical force spread out. The fairy gold chains that imprisoned his limbs and waist immediately broke, and the God Locking Formation was put away.

At the same moment, Chi Cang's past body stood up, watched his body recover, smiled slightly, and then disappeared.

Chi Cang, who ended his journey in the dark cage realm, successfully returned to the world from that forbidden place, and brought back Wu Shang and other four immortal kings' souls. By the way, he also rescued the lost and confused double-eyed female yuan. god.

"Fellow Taoists, please take a rest in the thunder pond. We will return immediately to the fairyland." Chi Cang said to the spirits in the thunder pond.

Naturally, Wushang and others had no objection. Their soul loss was too serious and it would take a long time to recover. In the blazing thunder pool, there was endless vitality and the environment could not be better. It was very suitable for them to rest and heal.

Seeing that the four great immortal kings and the double-eyed girl began to sit cross-legged to heal their wounds, Chi Cang nodded, put away the thunder pool, and left the coordinates on the island, which might be used later.

Later, he sensed the direction of the teleportation circle and left the coordinates when he left.


The waves of the boundary sea were rolling, and Chi Cang released the Immortal Killing Platform, floating on the boundary sea. This great murderous weapon caused a terrifying phenomenon as soon as it appeared. The sea of ​​blood surged, and countless immortal king corpses were floating in it. , the scene is horrifying, even the powerful ones of the Immortal King level will be frightened when they see it.

He jumped onto the Immortal Killing Platform, sat cross-legged at the place of execution, drove the Immortal Killing Platform, and headed towards the island where the teleportation circle was built.

This line is not close, it will take at least ten thousand years to reach it, so along the way, Chi Cang has to practice hard and hone his own way.

The soul left the body and went to the dark cage field. Chi Cang gained a lot. The soul has been strengthened to a certain extent. He must seize this opportunity to take himself one step further.

Time flies and years are ruthless. In the blink of an eye, 60,000 years have passed since Chi Cang left the dike world and left the world sea.

During this period of time, the heavens and worlds were not at peace. In the world sea, giants continued to return, setting off great wars in the heavens, until the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and the world was born and the world was destroyed.

At the same time, there are also chaotic and crazy kings returning in large numbers, attacking the fairyland and other places.

Although Thunder Emperor, one of the two leaders of the Immortal Realm, left the Immortal Realm and fled to the Realm Sea, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng rose up and became famous in these 60,000 years. The kings outside the realm were timid and did not dare to invade the Immortal Realm. In this domain, only those kings who fell into madness dared to kill them.

The Nine Heavens and Ten Lands adjacent to the Immortal Realm are also pure lands that cannot be set foot in. Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng all came from the Nine Heavens, so they naturally protect them with all their strength.

The burial ground that was allied with the Immortal Realm also benefited. No one attacked there, so the burial ground was naturally happy. After all, their practice was to sleep. If they kept fighting, there would be no time to sleep.

On this day, there were waves in the waters near the boundary sea. The Thunder Emperor, who had been out to sea for 60,000 years, unexpectedly came back. Riding on the shocking weapon of death - Immortal Killing Platform, he was floating alone in the boundary sea, heading towards The dyke world came galloping.

The kings entrenched on the offshore sea looked at each other coldly, and they were all silent. Today's Immortal Realm is so terrifying that people don't want to face it. The newly rising Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng are extremely powerful and can be called giants in the world sea. , it’s really scary.

Now, with the return of the Thunder Emperor, the strength of the Immortal Realm will be even stronger. Therefore, no one will block the Thunder Emperor's path without having the foresight.

In the turbulent offshore sea, battles between immortal kings often break out. It can be called the tomb of kings, and the atmosphere is extremely tense. But now, it is unusually peaceful, all because of the figure sitting cross-legged on the Immortal-Slaying Platform.

Some giant-level creatures with profound Taoism saw some changes in Chi Cang, and wondered to themselves, feeling that Chi Cang was even more unfathomable and unmeasurable than when he left. This made them frightened. In the realm of the Immortal King, Taoism The stronger you are, the harder it is to move forward.

However, this does not seem to be reflected in the Thunder Emperor.

After a calm journey, Chi Cang successfully reached the shore and climbed onto the embankment. After 60,000 years, he finally returned.

Chi Cang didn't waste any time and immediately entered the Immortal Realm. Sensing the return of the Thunder Emperor, all the kings of the Immortal Realm woke up and arrived.

Liu Shen is here, her grace is still the same, her white dress is holy, she is wearing a hazy veil, and her beautiful eyes are staring at the sky.

Shi Hao, Meng Tianzheng, Qi Yu, the giants of the Immortal Realm, Gen Yi, Zhen Long, etc. all gathered together and asked Chi Cang about his experience over the years and whether he had found the White Bone Divine General.

When they learned that Chi Cang was actively eroded by darkness and went to the dark prison, all the kings were shocked. It was a desperate place. Even the Immortal King would find it difficult to get out after entering. It was just like the Jie Yin Ancient Palace, which made people's faces change.

Unexpectedly, Chi Cang took the initiative to go there and finally killed him.

Shi Hao was also surprised. Apart from Chi Cang and a few souls in Lei Chi, he was the only person to break out of the dark cage. It was not a wonderful journey, and Shi Hao still has lingering fears.

Afterwards, Chi Cang informed everyone of the whereabouts of the Bone God General, and everyone sighed after hearing the words.

"Alas, fellow Taoist Bonesman is in danger now."

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