The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 449 The end of the road

Everyone sighed, a giant who could rival Qi Yu could not come back. This was a huge loss to the Immortal Realm.

However, the kings of the Immortal Realm more or less knew the origins and life experiences of some of the Bone God Generals, and knew that he might be a living being who survived the previous reincarnation.

What is reincarnation?

The Blazing Willow God once discussed with the heavens and believed that the day when the immortal kings of the heavens, as well as the immortal creatures, and even the splendid inheritance and civilization, were collectively destroyed, it would be the end of reincarnation. After that, the heavens and the world would be like a blanket. After harvesting, the soil regenerates green shoots, flourishes, and starts the next cycle.

Only in this way can we explain where those immortal kings with endless longevity went before the emperor fell.

Of course, everyone's sighs only go so far, because there is a great horror in this, which cannot be said. If you investigate deeply, you may be robbed.

The kings can also understand the choice of the Bone God General.

His era and his epochal cycle have disappeared in the long river of history, and have not left any traces in the world.

The only clue points to the end of the boundary sea. In this case, he naturally wants to know the truth and know everything.

Chi Cang also sighed in his heart. He did not indulge in sentimentality. After telling the whereabouts of the Bone God General, he invited out the immortal king souls who had resumed their cultivation in the thunder pool.

As soon as they appeared, the eyes of the kings of the Immortal Realm changed, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Wu Sha!"

A giant in the Immortal Realm shouted loudly, his whole body was filled with immortal light and symbols were everywhere. It was obvious that he was extremely uneasy in his heart.

Everyone was not surprised, because this giant had suffered great losses at the hands of Wushang. The Immortal Realm and the Foreign Realm had a war a few epochs ago, and many kings were killed and injured. Later, both sides felt that the price was too high, so they They reached a tacit agreement to cease fighting and retreated.

It was in that battle that this Immortal Realm giant had a fight with Wushang, and suffered a big loss due to his talent of being immune to magic, and he was afraid of him ever since.

After Wu Shang walked out of the thunder pool, he felt the hostility of the kings of the fairyland. Fortunately, Chicang had explained it in advance. He knew that this was the cause and effect between his dark soul and the kings of the fairyland.

"For those fellow Taoists who have met the Immortal Realm, I am indeed called Wu Shang, but I am not the Wu Shang you are familiar with." Wu Shang explained.

When the kings heard this, they immediately thought of the reason. Chi Cang had returned from the Dark Cage Realm this time. Could it be that he had rescued these Immortal Kings and Souls from the Dark Cage?

"Fellow Daoist Chi Cang, does this Wu Shang come from the dark prison?" Qi Yu asked.

Chi Cang nodded.

Liu Shen recalled the scene when Chi Cang turned around and captured Darkness Wushang. Now, Wu Shang's original soul was rescued by Chi Cang. If he returns to his body, then the fairyland will have a top giant who can be immune to magic power.

She looked at Chi Cang, who was also looking at her, with a smile on her lips and endless symbols pouring out of her hands.


The sound of breaking through the sky sounded, and cracks appeared in the void. Things full of seal symbols flew out from them. Under the leadership of Chi Cang, the seals were gone.

Everyone only saw these things with their seals removed attracting each other and docking together in the air to form a tall, majestic figure.

In just an instant, the might of a giant exploded, and Darkness Wushang was released from the seal by Chi Cang, immediately releasing its own power.

"Chi Cang, you are finally willing to let me out."

Dark Wushang whispered, his eyes were weathered, and deep in his eyes was filled with murderous intent, without concealment.

He is an executioner who has not only slaughtered the Immortal Kings and creatures in the Nine Heavens, but also killed countless geniuses and powerful men in the Immortal Realm. This is an irresolvable hatred that has no solution, so there is no need to be pretentious.

"Well, this time, you should go to hell, so there is no need to seal you again." Chi Cang nodded.

Hearing this, Darkness Wushang's eyes flickered and he stared around. All the kings from the Immortal Realm came together and surrounded him in circles. There were old faces and new faces like Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng.

With such a powerful force besieging this place, even Wu Shang, a giant from a foreign land, would not be able to escape.

You know, this is the hinterland of the Immortal Realm, and it is impossible for the immortal kings who are hiding in the foreign land to come here to support him.

Darkness Wushang knew in his heart that today would probably be a bad day. However, as an immortal king with a terrible reputation, he had his own pride and would not give in to his opponents or admit defeat.

Suddenly, Anhui Wushang saw a figure, which was an extremely powerful Yuan Shen. His appearance was exactly the same as his own, and his body was actually vaguely connected with that Yuan Shen.

At this moment, Anhui Wushang was stunned, thinking a lot in his mind.

He is a giant of the Immortal King who has existed since the origin era of the foreign land. His generation is so ancient that he naturally knows many secrets about dark matter.

For so many epochs, he has witnessed with his own eyes the rebirth of generations of creatures under the "moisture" of dark matter, forgetting the past and becoming another strange creature.

Darkness Wushang also considered its own origin, because it was unusual when it was born, and its physical body was extremely tyrannical, which was too strange.

Unexpectedly, what he once thought became a reality, and he really had an original soul.

Only then did Darkness Wushang understand what Chi Cang meant.

He was a little angry and furious. Thunder Emperor Chi Cang actually planned to annihilate his soul and leave his body to his original soul.

"Don't even think about it."

Darkness Wushang shouted. Although he had no weapons in his hand, he was still extremely ferocious. The power of the supreme giant exploded and he killed in one direction of the circle surrounded by the kings of the fairyland. This direction was the one that Wushang thought was slightly weaker. direction.

He felt that relying on his talent of being immune to mana, he could take them by surprise and attack from this direction.

In the past, every time the foreign land lost power and needed to retreat, Wushang always came to stop the retreat. He had long been accustomed to one man being in charge, and no one could stop him.

Therefore, Darkness Wushang is confident that he can break out.

However, what surprised Anhui Wushang was that the Immortal King in other directions had no intention of helping at all, and instead looked at him with a strange look.

Before he had time to think about it, endless symbols burst out from Dark Wushang's body, which was immune to mana and various magical powers. This was what he relied on to fight out.

In front of him, a handsome young man stood there. His face felt strange to Anhui Wushang, but there was also a hint of familiarity. After thinking carefully, Anhui Wushang recognized that this was Huang, the hero of the Nine Heavens who had been imprisoned in a foreign land.

Back then, Huang was just an escaped creature. Now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and Huang has become an Immortal King. In the eyes of Darkness Wushang, the Immortal King who has been accomplished for hundreds of thousands of years is vulnerable to him and can be crushed. .

That's why he came to kill Shi Hao.

"Wu Shang, the executioner of the Immortal Ancient Era." Shi Hao whispered, the six secret realms were rotating, and endless secret power poured out from the portals. A brilliant little man appeared above his head. This is The sixth secret realm of the human body he opened up is a "god" woven together between the physical body and the soul. It possesses mysterious and extraordinary combat power, which is enough to destroy the origin of giants.

Facing Dark Wushang's charge, Shi Hao was calm and solemn, and directly used the sixth secret realm as his trump card.

"Huang, a mere junior, dare to block me?" Anhui Wushang said coldly, extremely powerful, and wanted to kill Shi Hao with one blow.

"Are you still living back then? That's right. You were sealed by Uncle Chi Cang and spent in darkness and silence. How would you know that times have changed?" Shi Hao shook his head and sneered.

He didn't say much. The "god" in the sixth secret realm was filled with brilliance. He made the same movements as the main body, squeezed the invincible fist seal, and had a big showdown with Wu Shang who rushed over.

This is the ultimate killing move that combines thousands of moves into one strike. One strike determines the outcome, which is better than thousands of collisions and battles.

"Die, you have become a king at such a young age. If I kill you, the Immortal Realm will definitely feel pain." Darkness Wushang roared, and the symbol of immunity to mana condensed in his hand, turning into a bronze halberd, pointing towards Shi Hao Chopping off the head.

This blow was terrifying. It was a fatal blow from an extremely powerful man. It was a matter of life and death. How could Darkness Wushang hold back?

Shi Hao's hair was flying, and together with the villain from the Sixth Secret Realm above his head, he waved the fist seals in his hands and pushed across the sky.


There was a loud noise, deafening. This was undoubtedly an earth-shattering collision.

The result was not as expected by the kings of the Immortal Realm. Darkness Wushang failed and failed to suppress Shi Hao. He broke out from this direction. Instead, he was hit by Shi Hao and flew back. The king's blood flew out and the blood splashed into the sky. .

Darkness Wushang was in a daze, a little unbelievable. The bronze halberd condensed with his talent runes fell with all his strength. Even a giant could not stop it. Why could Shi Hao resist it? Moreover, he smashed the bronze halberd and fought back. Hurt him?

"How could this be?"

Darkness Wushang showed an expression of disbelief.

The power released by the villain on Shi Hao's head was actually useful to him. The immune mana was ineffective in front of the villain.

This was the essential reason why his fatal blow failed just now.

All the kings of the Immortal Realm showed smiles. Heilongjiang Wushang had no choice but to go to Huang. Now he has hit the wall.

"Huh? I understand, you are the one."

Suddenly, a piece of cause and effect appeared in Darkness Wushang's mind. At that time, one of the immortal kings who participated in the deduction of the people who threatened the foreign lands in the Nine Heavens' future generations was Darkness Wushang. Later, the Red King suffered a backlash, and everyone involved in this incident... The creatures and memories in their minds are covered by the power of great cause and effect.

Now, the Red King has been liquidated by Shi Hao, and the cause and effect of that year has surfaced. Angui Wushang has just escaped from the seal, and he only recalled this incident.

"Haha, it's me, the instigator, the mastermind - the Red King has returned to the west, you go down below to accompany him." Shi Hao sneered.

"The Red King is dead?"

Jiujiang Wushang was slightly shocked. There was no need for the other party to lie to him about this kind of thing. Moreover, when deducing the Red King, there was indeed nothingness, indicating that he had really encountered something unexpected.

It seems that many things have happened in the outside world during the hundreds of thousands of years since he was sealed by Chi Cang.


Darkness Wushang was afraid of Shi Hao's Sixth Secret Realm, and knew that he couldn't get out from Shi Hao's direction, so, dragging his seriously wounded body, he started to kill another unfamiliar face.

This time, the expressions of the kings of the Immortal Realm were even weirder. Darkness Wushang was really good at picking people off, and he actually chose the direction where Meng Tianzheng was.

Meng Tianzheng said nothing, and the Shenzang system broke out, giving Anhui Wushang a heads-up.


Heilongjiang Wushang, who was already seriously injured, suffered another serious injury. He really didn't expect that this new face, the newly promoted Immortal King, would be as ferocious as Huang.

He really made a mistake. He just walked out of the seal without polishing his eyes.

There is nothing that can be done about it. There are too many kings here. In the dark and desperate situation, how can you have the energy to sense and investigate one by one? This time, he suffered a big loss, lost his best opportunity, and never had a chance to escape.

Of course, this is the inner monologue of Darkness Wushang. In the eyes of Chi Cang, Liu Shen and others, as long as they are here, Darkness Wushang never has the chance or possibility to escape.

"Stop struggling. You should not have existed in the world. You were born from dark matter. If your heart is towards the light, you can still live, but right now, it seems that you will never be redeemed." Wushang Orthodox Yuanshen sighed. Open your mouth.

These words stimulated Anhui Wushang. He was disheveled and found it difficult to accept that his body would soon be taken over by another soul, which made him crazy.

"I kill you!"

He no longer thinks about escaping, because with the powerful immortal kings such as Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Huang, Meng Tianzheng, and Qi Yu, he cannot escape at all. Anhui Wushang has already recognized the reality.

In this case, Anhui Wushang plans to kill this original soul without stopping.

"Stop being so arrogant, Wushang, just punish him." Chi Cang shouted coldly and took action directly.

The Immortal Killing Platform appeared, suspended in the sky, and the endless sea of ​​blood rolled behind the Immortal Killing Platform. An Immortal King was floating in this sea of ​​blood.


Chains of order shot out, like straight divine spears, piercing through everything and heading straight into the darkness without fear.

After practicing hard for so many years, killing creatures of the same level one after another, Chi Cang's Taoism has become deeper and deeper, and the Immortal Killing Platform has become more powerful. These chains released the terrifying power of imprisonment, and pinned the seriously injured Darkness Wushang on the spot.

Then he dragged it towards the Immortal Killing Platform.

Darkness Wushang was horrified. Is the current Thunder Emperor so powerful? Compared with the battle at the border, it was much stronger.

In a moment of carelessness, he said something.

"Thunder Emperor!"

Darkness Wushang roared, being dragged out of his body and onto the execution platform.

Wushang's body has no owner, and its original soul immediately takes possession of it. Although this body has been eroded by dark matter, those materials have long been consumed in the process of evolution. If you don't take the initiative to attract the dark matter, you will no longer be able to sense it. There are traces of darkness.

If we take over directly, there will be no further trouble.

Seeing that his body was taken over, Darkness Wushang was shocked and angry, but there was nothing he could do. At this moment, he was at the end of his rope.

"Fellow Taoist Chicang, please send this executioner on his way. This can be regarded as an explanation to all the fellow Taoists in the Immortal Realm." Wushang said.

Chi Cang nodded, and under the gaze of the kings of the Immortal Realm, amidst the desperate roar of Darkness Wushang, he waved his guillotine, first cutting off the connection between Darkness Wushang and his physical body, and then cutting off the soul of Darkness Wushang's soul. head.

Blood spattered and flowed along the Immortal Killing Platform into the vast sea of ​​blood. In this blood sea phenomenon, another giant-level creature was added. The blood waves rolled and made a gurgling sound. You can see that the dark and shameless head is there. Sink and float in the sea of ​​blood, bloody and strange.

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