The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 450 The Supreme Immortal King

Darkness Wushang, a generation of immortal giants from foreign lands, was once a lingering nightmare for countless creatures, and now, he finally got the end he deserved.

Chi Cang put away the Immortal Killing Platform and congratulated Wu Shang who took over the body. The kings of the Immortal Domain also sent congratulatory words.

After being eroded by the darkness and imprisoned in a dark prison for so many years, Wushang could one day recover. It must be said that this is a miracle, and he is undoubtedly lucky.

Later, Chi Cang introduced the other three ancient immortal kings to the kings of the Immortal Realm. They were creatures of the same era as the ancestor of the Butcher, the blond woman's grandfather, the Emperor of Heaven who founded the Immortal Realm system.

At that time, the Lord of Heaven had just fallen, and the source of darkness at the end of the sea of ​​​​world began a round of harvesting of all heavens and worlds, wiping out all the true immortals, immortal kings, etc. here, and most of the inherited methods disappeared. cut off.

The world has entered a new reincarnation.

At that time, sentient beings had no method in front of them for them to practice and evolve. They had to develop and create everything by themselves.

It was in such a difficult environment that a golden age emerged. A group of ancient forerunners and outstanding figures blazed trails one after another, providing feasible methods and directions for spiritual practice for future generations.

The three Immortal Kings Yuanshen in front of them were three of the leading figures of that era. They were extremely talented and talented, and they each developed their own systems and methods.

Although they ultimately failed, encountered mishaps, and were eroded by darkness, their strength and excellence could not be concealed.

The kings of the Immortal Realm were all shocked when they learned the origins of the three people. These three people were older than all the creatures present and could be called the ultimate antiques.

Only the Bone God General who left the Immortal Realm is older than them.

Moreover, the three of them have developed unique systems. Regardless of whether they can become quasi-immortal emperors, they are much stronger than other immortal kings.

Therefore, everyone respected the three of them. Except for Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng, everyone else treated them as juniors.

Even Qi Yu calls himself a junior.

He admitted frankly that when he was young, he had seen records about the three immortal kings in ancient books. Relatively speaking, he was considered a junior.

Of course, Qi Yu, as a top tycoon, cannot lower his seniority so easily. For those who are cultivators, those who are masters come first, regardless of age. The reason why he is so convinced is because the three immortal kings each opened up a system. .

Having worked with Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng for so many years, Qi Yu deeply felt how important it was to create a system that suited him. Once he did this, he would be different from others and become Special and powerful.

After some discussion, Chi Cang introduced the double-eyed girl to the kings, saying that she was one of his descendants, and hoped that the kings could take more care of her in the years to come.

The kings of the Immortal Realm will naturally not deny the Thunder Emperor's favor. Now Chi Cang has become more and more unfathomable. During the 30,000 years since his return, he has shown great power and killed one crazy monster after another. The fallen king, and the king who just returned from the deep sea, has no eyesight, and has evil intentions towards him.

It can be said that Chi Cang's hands were covered with the dripping blood of the Immortal King, and the heads that rolled down under the guillotine were enough to pile up into a hill.

The three immortal kings and Wu Shang who were traveling with him all saw this and were sincerely convinced by Chi Cang.

Needless to say, the kings of the Immortal Realm have long seen Chi Cang's powerful methods of overwhelming opponents from all directions. Deep in their hearts, Chi Cang is undoubtedly one of the leaders of the Immortal Realm.

Under Chi Cang's signal, the double-eyed girl bowed to the fairy kings present one by one.

Looking at the ancient and vague majestic figures, the double-eyed girl's heart was shaken. She knew that this was a great favor given by Chi Cang. From then on, she would basically not encounter any obstacles when walking in the fairyland.

When the girl with double pupils came to Shi Hao, there was a complicated look in her eyes.

"I really didn't expect that the little guy back then would have come to the front and become an eternal giant."

Although her interaction with Shi Hao was not that deep back then, she understood Shi Hao's character, so speaking was not a taboo.

Naturally, Shi Hao wouldn't care. Now that he has become a giant, there are fewer people who can reminisce and talk to him. How can he blame him if he finally meets one?

"Things in the world are unpredictable. I never expected that after we said goodbye, there was no news from you. It was as if you had evaporated from the world. In the end, you were imprisoned in a dark cage and never saw the light of day." Shi Hao responded.

Both of them sighed, lamenting the ruthlessness of time. The last time they met, Shi Hao was just a young man who still drank animal milk. In the blink of an eye, 460,000 years had passed, and the level of the two of them had already drastically changed. change.

Next, Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the kings of the Immortal Realm discussed how to settle Wu Shang and the three Immortal Kings who joined the Immortal Realm, and arranged an unowned universe for each of them.

The wars over the years have caused the Immortal Realm to destroy many universes, but compared to the overall situation, those destroyed are insignificant.

The Immortal Realm is still the vast and boundless hometown of immortals, and it is more than enough to accommodate four immortal kings.

With their joining and the return of Thunder Emperor Chi Cang, the power of the Immortal Realm has been greatly enhanced, and everyone has full confidence in resisting the great liquidation.

However, Chi Cang knows very well that the Great Liquidation is nothing. The most deadly thing is actually the most terrifying dark turmoil in history. He is afraid that after the Great Liquidation is over, a dark storm will sweep across the heavens and the world, and the world will encounter irresistible destruction. Sexual attack, all immortal creatures will be destroyed, the inheritance will be completely destroyed, and then they will enter the next reincarnation.

In order to be able to calm down or protect himself when the final chaos comes, Chi Cang must try to break through as soon as possible.

Since the beginning of this cycle, countless immortal kings have competed with each other, and hundreds of teams have competed, but none of them have taken that step. This shows how difficult it is to break through the king's realm. Chi Cang has unique qualities and conditions. For example, he is in For example, he became an immortal in this mortal world, and he opened up the great road system.

However, Chi Cang had no idea whether he could succeed or not.

No matter what, reaching the top as soon as possible and then starting to try to break through is what he should do now.

If it doesn't work once, try it twice. If it doesn't work twice, try it three times... until you succeed.

Chi Cang asked about the situation in foreign lands, the situation in the heavens and the world, the sea and the sea, etc., and then said goodbye to the kings.

He gathered with Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng again, and talked a lot about the situation in the Boundary Sea. Along the way, Chi Cang witnessed with his own eyes the scene of the giants returning from the depths of the Boundary Sea.

In the years to come, the world and the sea will only become more chaotic. The previous battles can only be regarded as the early stages of the great reckoning.

In troubled times, the safety of the Immortal Realm and Jiutian requires supreme giants like them to defend and achieve great fame.

However, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen have gone a long way to the realm of supreme giants and are working hard to defeat the king and become emperor. At the moment, they need to concentrate on reaching the peak of the Immortal King and then try to break through the king realm.

Therefore, the important task of defending the Immortal Realm and Jiutian, and the leadership responsibility of leading the kings, is left to Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng.

They have only entered this field for tens of thousands of years, and it is the time when they need to hone their skills. Raising the banner of the Nine Heavens of the Immortal Realm and attacking the kings of all walks of life is what they should experience.

Naturally, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng would not refuse. They knew that the retreat of Chi Cang and Liu Shen was the top priority. If they really broke through the king realm and became quasi-immortal emperors, then all the wars at this stage would be easily resolved.

The four of them discussed the details in secret.

From this day on, Chi Cang and Liu Shen will not appear on the battlefield of the Immortal Realm. Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng will take over as leaders and lead the kings to protect the Immortal Realm and Jiutian.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen would not take action unless absolutely necessary.

Because the two people's methods involve time and space, they are destined to wander in ancient times or the future, unable to be distracted. It does not mean that they are unwilling to care about anything or care about nothing.

After Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng left, Chi Cang took Liu Shen and left the Immortal Realm, traveling to ancient realms one after another, traveling throughout the heavens.

This is what Chi Cang has wanted to do for a long time. There is nothing more pleasant than traveling with beauty.

Liu Shen was very calm, letting Chi Cang pull her to play in the world of mortals, and the two of them joined hands, just like a couple of gods and immortals.

In the end, the two even held hands and walked in the long river of time, watching the rolling waves, watching the ups and downs of ancient history. In the disappearing ancient history, they experienced the strange customs and customs, and witnessed the glimpse of the brilliant civilization.

There are some nodes that are difficult for even giants to set foot on, but they are walking on plain ground, wandering in the ancient times.

This is a romance unique to the supreme giant, and it is also an unforgettable and wonderful journey.

The reason why he took Liu Shen to visit the heavens and ancient and modern times before retreating was because Chi Cang knew that it would be difficult to have such an opportunity in the future.

For the existence of their level, a retreat lasts for tens of thousands of years. As soon as the eyes are closed or opened, the outside world has changed.

The dark catastrophe is ahead, and it is still unclear whether they can break through it. Taking Liu Shen and tasting the splendor of the world, even if they fail in the future and everything is gone, there will be nothing to regret.

The beautiful years are always so short. The two walked out of the long river of time and returned to the fairyland. Then they immediately retreated and began to practice in depth.

In the place where they retreat, the door is always closed, and the dust falls layer after layer. Even if the outside world hits it, the sky is dark, the sun and the moon are dark, and the place is still peaceful.

One hundred and eighty thousand years passed by in a blink of an eye. During this period, the Great Reckoning was pushed to its peak, and the heavens were in chaos, making people frightened and trembling.

More and more kings are returning from the depths of the realm sea, making the worlds of Nuoda seem a bit crowded.

With so many kings gathered together, it is naturally impossible for them to live in peace. You must know that they are all killers in the world sea.

As a result, an even more terrifying war broke out, sweeping through all the worlds. Immortal realms, foreign lands, and burial places were all affected. Countless immortal kings participated in the war. Even the slightly calmer sea near the sea, which was regarded as a safe haven by many kings, could not reach the sea. Escape from the flames of war.

This battle lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and even the powerful Immortal Kings felt a little tired.

The Immortal Realm had to join the war. The new leaders Huang and Meng Tianzheng led the kings of the Immortal Realm to repel all the powerful enemies. They personally killed the giants and gained unparalleled fame. People all know that the Immortal Realm not only has the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrifice. Ling, the two most powerful people, and Huang and Meng Tianzheng.

However, the Immortal Realm itself also suffered casualties, which was inevitable. At the same time, some universes became the battlefields of the Immortal King's war and were destroyed.

But overall, the losses to Fairyland were not huge.

This is also because the outside forces are afraid of Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who have never shown up, and are afraid that they will suddenly attack, so they do not dare to attack the border with their entire army.

Many forces are spreading rumors that the Thunder Emperor of the Immortal Realm and the Ancestral Sacrificial Spirits are trying to break through the King Realm. Although the Immortal Kings sneered at this and thought it was impossible for them to do it, there were also people who were worried and had been inquiring about Chi Cang. and news from Liu Shen.

The kings of the Immortal Realm remained silent on this matter and did not reveal any useful information at all, making the suspicion that the two men were in seclusion even more intense.

However, the Immortal King from outside the territory was not too worried, because those who tried to defeat kings and become emperors all suffered great disasters, and the butcher almost died tragically because of it.

If the Thunder Emperor and the Ancestral Sacrifice Spirits of the Immortal Realm fail to break through the King Realm, they are destined to suffer heavy losses. This can also be regarded as a weakening of the power of the Immortal Realm. External forces are happy to see this situation.

What they didn't know was that Chi Cang and Liu Shen hadn't started trying at all.

For 180,000 years, the two of them have been tempering their Taoism, sharpening their Taoism, and using their strength to push their own Taoism towards the peak of the Immortal King.

After a long period of practice, the two of them succeeded one after another and reached the pinnacle in the field of supreme giants.

Their combat power was much stronger than before the retreat, and they had reached an extremely terrifying situation.

The nine-headed monster back then was one step away from becoming the supreme giant. It could fight with Chi Cang and Liu Shen at that time, but now, both Chi Cang and Liu Shen can crush the nine-headed monster.

The years are long and the ancient history is long. From the beginning of this reincarnation to the present, the number of supreme immortal kings who have appeared in the world can be counted with your fingers.

It can be said that their achievements are enough to be proud of the world.

The two of them realized the surging power in their bodies, and even they themselves sighed. This kind of combat power can really be regarded as the pinnacle of the Immortal King realm. There may be someone stronger, but it must be related to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Just talking about the word Immortal King, they have already achieved the ultimate.

If they were allowed to fight against the giants now, it would be a one-sided situation.

Of course, although the Supreme Immortal King is strong, he is not out of the category of Immortal King. If there are enough enemies, he can still consume them to death.

After reaching this state, looking up at the state of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor is much better than before.

However, there is still a feeling of flowers in the mirror and moon in the water.

It can only be said that the gap between the quasi-immortal emperor and the immortal king is too big. Even if you reach the top of the immortal king, the probability of breakthrough is still very small.

"If you can't cross such a natural chasm in one leap, it may be difficult to cross it in the future." Chi Cang finished his hard training and sighed to himself.

Only when you stand at the pinnacle of the Immortal King do you realize how difficult it is to attack the quasi-Immortal Emperor. Like the deceased Red King, the giants are clamoring to break through the King Realm before they reach the top. This is simply whimsical and has no success at all. Maybe, it's just that Yelang is arrogant.

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