The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 453 Quasi-Immortal Emperor

"help you?"

Chi Cang whispered, and immediately understood the idea of ​​selling fake medicine. The other party actually regarded the ancient artifact in front of him as an opportunity to break through the king's realm.

This coincided with his and Liu Shen's conjectures. However, even with all his methods, he could not shake the ancient artifact and could not open a crack. How could he help?


Six ancient immortal trees over one foot tall merged into one, and suddenly became extremely bright. In the hazy light and shadow, a tall figure suddenly walked out, with his iconic white hair hanging down to his waist, dragging a ray of light in his hand. The group is like a tripod, a bell, a tower... it is unpredictable and elusive.

The spirit selling counterfeit medicine that had just spoken out immediately turned into a stream of light and rushed into the white-haired figure's brow.

At this time, the counterfeit medicine seller is considered complete. The physical body and the soul are integrated, and the power has reached its peak.

At the same time, the last flower on the six ancient trees with intact immortal roots fell down, came to the top of the white-haired figure, and fell into its heavenly spirit cap.


There was a loud noise, like two giant objects colliding, and the entire ancient temple shook.

An indescribable power erupted from the counterfeit medicine seller, affecting all directions.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen, who were not far away, felt the most profoundly. They only felt that the powerful Taoism of their supreme immortal king was like an ant in this wave of fluctuations.

The two of them looked shocked, realizing that the counterfeit medicine seller had far surpassed them on the road to breaking through the king's realm. They were really close to succeeding, and they were so close that they even touched with one foot.

A bright and dazzling light flowed around the figure with disheveled white hair, making even the Supreme Immortal King couldn't help but tremble.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were convinced that this kind of brilliance could only be possessed by those at the level of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Those selling fake medicines were worthy of the reputation spread by the outside world and had actually reached this point.

However, the two of them also discovered the problem keenly. Although the counterfeit medicine seller was strong and had a chance to become a quasi-immortal emperor, they were still one step away. This step was a chasm or an abyss. They could not jump across the vast sea and sky. It would be extremely difficult to come back again.

Just as Chi Cang said when he came out of seclusion, if you can't jump over it and try to break through again, it will be extremely difficult and difficult, and maybe you will waste your life here.

At this moment, Chi Cang finally understood why the counterfeit medicine seller had to end his transformation and escape from seclusion here. It would be difficult for him to succeed. Time cannot wear away that day.

Just like the Lord of Heaven, he was illuminated by the ancient artifact of origin, and then his parents, children, and comrades died in front of him. His sad emotions were like some kind of factor, promoting the process of breaking through. So, he jumped over and stood high above. If it hadn't been for that piece He wants to become a quasi-immortal emperor, but he doesn’t know how long it will take, and whether he can achieve it is unknown.

Therefore, this time may be the only chance to sell counterfeit medicine. He has made a desperate move and transformed the six paths into one. He has never been so close to the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

When the opportunity passes, he may pass by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Even if he is surrounded by that kind of bright light, it is useless. He is not a true Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Chi Cang understood the situation at the moment and wanted to help the counterfeit medicine seller, even if he was seriously injured because of it. However, he failed when he opened the ancient artifact. Can he succeed if he tries it again?


After the flower fell into the head of the counterfeit medicine seller, his body spasmed and a terrifying aura erupted. There was chaos in the head, as if it was creating the world and destroying everything.

It can be seen that the counterfeit medicine seller is in great pain and growls from time to time. That flower is his ultimate Tao Fruit, which imitates countless Tao Fruits in the world and integrates countless ancient systems.

How can it be so easy to truly become one and return to oneself? This is probably the reason why those selling counterfeit drugs have never been able to take that step.

Chi Cang knew that the matter was critical and it was not the time to hesitate, so he said to the counterfeit medicine seller: "Fellow Taoist, the attempt to open this device just now failed. I do not have the key needed to open the ancient device. I will try again later. "

As he spoke, he held the Great Luo sword embryo and struck with all his strength, causing the sword embryo to erupt into a brilliant rain of light. Suddenly, a strange scene appeared in the rain of light.

The scarlet river flows between the large tombs, strangely and silently. Several creatures sit cross-legged on a vague and primitive platform, drifting away along the scarlet river.

Chi Cang was stunned for a moment, what kind of vision is this? It was so strange that as the supreme Immortal King, he could not clearly see the face of the figure sitting cross-legged on the stage.

Without any time to think, he suddenly swung the sword body and slashed at the origin ancient artifact. He also used the rotten wooden box, the thunder pool, and the immortal killing platform.

Although the counterfeit medicine sellers were in great pain, they still took action and attacked the ancient artifacts.


There was an earth-shaking loud noise, the ancient temple shook, and the box trembled slightly.

This combined attack made the nine-color radiance overflowing from the Origin Ancient Artifact more intense, but it still did not open.

Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller did not give up. They immediately fired several blows at the ancient artifacts. Not far away, Liu Shen also took action. The three of them worked together, not only their weapons, but also their bodies. They also touched the box directly, which was a test to see if they themselves were the key to unlocking the ancient artifact.

Finally, their successive attacks had an effect. After a violent trembling, the ancient artifact began to crack, like a box made of nine-color fairy gold, about to open.

Chi Cang was horrified, was it really successful? At the same time, he was also thinking about what caused the device to crack.


The sky collapsed and the earth shattered, ghosts cried and gods howled.

This sacred box made a terrifying sound, and was accompanied by countless visions as the box was completely opened.

There are innate gods falling into pieces and turning into ashes, there are countless dark cages floating up and down in the long river of time, there are bright flying fairy light rain covering the world, various scenes are intertwined together, as if they are telling some kind of terrifying story. the truth.

That kind of supreme Qi becomes more and more vast, rushing out like a vast ocean.


There was a soft sound, and the ancient box bloomed like a flower. The box was like petals that bloomed one after another, and like the cracks of magnificent jade, one petal after another, with brilliant light rain and a light that could burn the heavens. Dazzling fire.

It is indescribable that the origin of the ancient artifact is really opened at this moment.

All the box flaps fell down, revealing the contents inside. Before they could see clearly, Chi Cang and Liu Shen groaned, holding their heads, and backed away quickly.

They were covered in blood, their skulls were in severe pain, as if they were about to be split open by life, and there were cracks all over their bodies. Even if they stood on the top of the Immortal King, their Taoism was astonishing, they could not withstand the energy emitted by the fully opened ancient artifact. The nine-color brilliance was almost swept into tatters.

This is simply unimaginable. The two of them have practiced the complete Immortal Sutra, and their bodies are unparalleled in the world. They are able to traverse the heavens and the world sea, but now, they are almost torn apart.

On the other hand, those who sell counterfeit medicine have also suffered a terrible impact, but the situation is much better. After all, the seller of counterfeit medicine is at the peak of his life at this moment, and is extremely close to the quasi-immortal emperor realm.

Everyone steadied their figures and looked towards the cracked box. There was a dazzling light there. It was the same as what Chi Cang had seen back then. It was difficult to see clearly what was inside the light group.

After paying a heavy price, Chi Cang and Liu Shen saw clearly that a ball of light flowed with nine colors, so rich that it became liquid, wrapping a head like fairy juice and jade liquid.

"A head?"

The two of them were shocked. They never expected that there was a head inside the box.


The person selling fake medicine revealed the truth, it was an imperial crown.

Hearing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen endured the severe pain, used their supreme Dharma Eyes and their most powerful divine senses, and finally saw clearly that it was really a snow-white bone crown.

When the two saw the truth inside, an inexplicable force appeared, suppressing them and trying to completely wipe them out. Even if the two tried their best to resist, it was still unbearable. There is no doubt that this force surpassed the Immortal King. It is the power that belongs to the quasi-immortal emperor.


Suddenly, the snow-white bones flew out from the nine-color liquid, shaped like a crown, carrying an ancient aura and supreme majesty, descending into the world like an emperor descending from the dust.

This is an imperial crown made of skulls. It is white and flawless, crystal clear, and flowing with strange nine-color brilliance, falling down and shattering everything.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen couldn't bear it, their bodies shook, their souls were in severe pain, and they were on the verge of disintegration.

This is still the case if the Imperial Crown does not fly towards them. If the Imperial Crown flies towards them, they will be seriously injured even if they are not dead.

The snow-white imperial crown, with supreme pressure, descended above the head of the counterfeit medicine seller, and then fell, touching the white hair of the counterfeit medicine seller, and wanted to wear it.

At this moment, the quasi-immortal emperor's brilliance around the counterfeit medicine seller boiled up, colliding fiercely with the power of the imperial crown, trying to prevent the imperial crown from falling.

Since the counterfeit medicine sellers had not really taken that step, these brilliance still fell far short, and they were finally crushed by Emperor Guan.

The bone crown, heavy and boundless, crushes everything, as if it were condensed from countless ancient worlds and fell on the head of the counterfeit medicine seller.


The counterfeit medicine seller screamed, his skull cracked instantly, and his soul was suppressed so much that it almost exploded on the spot.

This is a massacre, and it is a sure-fire situation for those who are not up to the level of a quasi-immortal emperor.

Various terrifying visions appeared. The bone crown was mysterious and powerful. After falling on the head of the counterfeit medicine seller, bone spurs appeared one after another, piercing into his skull, as if to take root in it. At the same time, nine colors of radiance flowed. , permeated the whole body of the counterfeit medicine seller. The most frightening thing was that the white bones were wrapped with a dense mass of dark matter that could not be dissolved, trying to inject it into his body.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen changed their colors. It was definitely a dark source substance, exceeding all the dark substances they had seen before. Once the counterfeit medicine was eroded, the consequences would be disastrous.

The two of them were about to make a move, but they stopped in the next second because the terrifying pressure carried by the bone crown after it fell caused a shocking change in the head of the counterfeit medicine seller.

The ultimate Tao Fruit, which was originally difficult to fuse and turn into for one's own use, was actually merging with the flesh and god selling counterfeit medicines under heavy pressure.

In this way, the counterfeit medicine sellers would have the opportunity to jump over the chasm and succeed in desperate situations. The two of them took action at this time, which would crush the counterfeit medicine sellers' hopes of success. Therefore, they stopped, and the counterfeit medicine sellers had wasted countless money. Aren't we just waiting for this moment in this era?

Even if he died, he would have no regrets.

The Emperor Guan also noticed this, spawning more bone spurs, and the dark source material was also injected into it. In an instant, it eroded the body of the counterfeit medicine seller, approaching the head where the soul was.


Part of the body of the counterfeit medicine seller suddenly exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere, which was extremely miserable.

This is not because of the imperial crown, but because of the intense changes that are going on in the heads of the counterfeit medicine sellers. Transformation is like a silkworm chrysalis turning into a butterfly. It requires a process, but the counterfeit medicine sellers rush past them in a domineering manner. The good thing is that the body dies and the Tao disappears.

He gambled everything, put everything on the line, and became benevolent if he failed, even if he fell into the darkness. Back then, he transformed into six parts, wandered the heavens, and understood all the ways, just for the ultimate leap at this moment. At this moment, he was It was so tragic that both Chi Cang and Liu Shen felt the same.


The counterfeit medicine seller let out an earth-shattering roar, and his whole body cracked, like porcelain about to be broken, and the depths of his head, which was about to be eroded by dark matter and bone spurs, erupted with a brilliant brilliance. This was accurate. The brilliance of the Immortal Emperor level was much richer than what he had cultivated before.

He succeeded, accomplished the almost impossible thing, integrated the ultimate Dao Fruit for his own use, jumped over the despairing chasm, and became a quasi-immortal emperor.

Chi Cang and Liu Shen were shocked. Ever since the Lord of Heaven crossed the boundary sea and went to the other side to quell the chaos alone, and his body and soul disappeared, endless years have passed, and no one has broken through the shackles and become a quasi-immortal emperor. Now, selling fake medicine He did it. Although he went through many hardships, he really succeeded.

However, their smiles stopped, because the person selling counterfeit medicine had become a quasi-immortal emperor, and the situation was not optimistic.

The extremely domineering breakthrough method caused him to be seriously injured and he was on the verge of disintegration. The reason why he has not collapsed yet is because the injury was forcibly suppressed by Yi Zhunxian Emperor Daoxing, who sold counterfeit medicine. In addition, there was also the terrifying darkness. The original substance eroded him, exacerbating his injuries.

Moreover, his breakthrough made the bone crown on his head go crazy, and erupted with a terrifying quasi-immortal emperor level power to destroy the counterfeit medicine sellers who had just broken through and whose realm was not yet stable.

Sure enough, he suffered a great disaster and had a fierce confrontation with the bone crown. The terrifying power rushed out of the ancient temple and affected the entire burial place.

Seeing this, Chi Cang looked at the Great Luo sword in his hand. It was cast by the Ancient Yi Dynasty, and it was at least a quasi-immortal emperor-level artifact. Even if it couldn't break the bone crown, it should still be able to help sell counterfeit medicine.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang no longer hesitated, swung the Great Luo Sword Fetus, and struck towards the imperial crown on Tianlinggai who was selling counterfeit medicine.

The vision reappeared, endless rain of light flew, and a simple Taoist platform floated on the sea of ​​blood. There were several vague figures sitting on it, heading towards the unknown depths, passing by large tombs one after another.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but the figure on the Taoist platform turned his head and seemed to be looking here. Then, the Daluo sword struck the emperor's crown, bursting out with bright light.

This chop actually worked. It wiped away all the bone spurs rooted in the head of the counterfeit medicine seller. Under the huge force, the imperial crown was split away and separated from the counterfeit medicine seller's head, and he got a breather. This opportunity avoids the dilemma of falling immediately after breaking through.

However, the situation is still not optimistic. The counterfeit medicine seller was taken advantage of by Gu Guan, who was severely injured and injected with the most original dark matter, aggravating his disintegration trend. Even if he was suppressed by the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Taoism, it was still somewhat unable to suppress him. Living.

At the critical moment, the counterfeit medicine seller used a secret method to suppress himself and prevent the situation from deteriorating, and once again sealed himself in the fairy medicine.

However, the elixir could no longer bear it and exploded into pieces, turning into nothing.

Seeing this, Chi Cang didn't care to confront Di Guan, and threw out his fairy seed thunder pool. The counterfeit medicine seller understood it, rushed into the thunder pool, and sealed himself in it. If he didn't seal himself, he would be in danger of falling down.

The imperial crown was no small matter, the burst of quasi-immortal emperor power caused fatal injuries to the counterfeit medicine seller.

If he recovers from his injuries and confronts this crown again, not to mention crushing it, suppressing it will not take much effort. Unfortunately, the bone crown was worn on his head before he became a quasi-immortal emperor, and countless bone spurs were released in advance. On the other hand, Bone Crown had the upper hand and had the element of a sneak attack.

After solving the dilemma of selling counterfeit medicine, Chi Cang stood ready and waved the Daluo sword again. At the same time, he grabbed the rotten wooden box with his other hand and blasted towards the bone crown.

This rotten wooden box couldn't even be cut open by the Great Luo sword. It was so hard that it was beyond imagination, so it was swung by Chi Cang and smashed into the imperial crown.


There was a loud noise, and the bone crown was hit, and then fell towards the peeling box.


The box is like petals, closed one by one, and all the box petals are unified, gathering the bone crown, covering everything.

During this process, the imperial crown trembled continuously and emitted nine-color rays of light, seemingly unwilling to give in.

But in the end, it was taken away, and the ancient artifact returned to its original position, flowing with brilliant brilliance, ups and downs.

The ancient temple returned to its former peace, as if nothing had happened.

The new book will probably be online the day after tomorrow. This one will be completed together with Mortal Fans. This was the case with the previous book Zhetian Fans, so you don’t have to worry about whether there will be eunuchs.

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