The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 454: Their respective paths to defeat the king

Everything is over, only the nine-color radiance flows quietly in the temple.

Chi Cang looked at the Daluo sword body that had lost its glory and the ordinary rotten wooden box in his hand, and then at the ancient artifact that had been restored to its original state, and fell into deep thought.

He could see that Diguan was not willing to just return to the box, and seemed to want to rush into the thunder pool and kill the person selling the counterfeit medicine.

But in the end, for some reason, I had to retreat.

Chi Cang guessed that it was either because of the Da Luo sword's embryo, or because of the rotten wooden box, or perhaps both. Chi Cang, the supreme immortal king, couldn't see through these two artifacts, so it was naturally difficult to guess.

Recalling the thunder pool, Chi Cang and Liu Shen were in a daze when they thought of the self-styled sellers of counterfeit medicine inside.

A genuine quasi-immortal emperor appeared just like this. It was so sudden that people couldn't react.

As this great reckoning intensifies, and a dark storm blows up, approaching the dyke world, an invincible quasi-immortal emperor emerges, capable of sweeping all directions and sweeping away everything. The breakthrough in selling counterfeit medicines is simply a timely success.

The only fly in the ointment is that the counterfeit medicine sellers were seriously injured, corroded by the original dark matter, and were in danger, and even their realm almost fell.

If the situation wasn't an emergency, why would he use self-promotion to prevent the situation from getting worse? He is a quasi-immortal emperor, and such a powerful Taoist practice cannot suppress the decline, which shows the danger involved.

I don't know how long it will take to wait for him to recover and heal his injuries.

The two of them used their consciousness to enter the thunder pool and saw the self-proclaimed seller of counterfeit medicine. At this moment, he fell into a strange situation. While resisting the disintegration of his body and soul, he was also fighting against the dark source material to avoid himself. Fell into darkness.

This dark origin from the origin of ancient artifacts is so terrifying that it can turn a huge universe into a dark territory with just a trace. Emperor Guan realized that the person selling counterfeit medicine had become a quasi-immortal emperor, and he injected hundreds of them at once. A wisp, almost a small ball. If it were thrown into the fairyland, it would probably turn the fairyland into hell in an instant.

Chi Cang once took the initiative to introduce dark matter into his body in order to achieve the purpose of being detained by the dark prison. He knew very well that the horror of this kind of thing would cause the body to produce a brand new dark soul, causing the original soul to fall. He fell into darkness and was imprisoned in a dark cage, never to see the light of day again.

However, this small group of dark origin material entrenched in the head of the counterfeit medicine seller is not like this.

It contains an inexplicable will, and it is controlling the origin of darkness to rush towards the soul selling counterfeit medicine. It is not just as simple as corroding the physical body.

It seemed to know that the dark cage could not contain a quasi-immortal emperor's soul, so it had no intention of luring the counterfeit medicine seller into the dark cage, but wanted to directly disrupt his soul.

This move hindered the recovery process of the fake medicine and caused him huge trouble. At present, the only way to maintain a balance is to prevent the injury from getting worse.

Chi Cang thought for a while, then sent a message to the seal, asking the seller of counterfeit medicine if he and Liu Shen needed help. This is inside the thunder pool, where there is the purest thunder calamity liquid, which can offset dark matter to a certain extent.

After a long time, he got a response.

A weak voice selling counterfeit medicine came from within the seal: "Erosion by the source of darkness is both a danger and an opportunity. If we can rely on the Taoism of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor to survive unharmed, we will not be immune to the darkness when encountering the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor in the future. The original clamp."

Hearing this, Chi Cang and Liu Shen immediately understood the idea of ​​selling fake medicine. They nodded and stopped mentioning the matter of assistance.

"Today, thanks to the help of two Taoist friends, otherwise, I would never have a chance to meet the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in this life. Such a great kindness will be unforgettable." The counterfeit medicine seller spoke again and expressed his sincere thanks.

At the same time, he also mentioned a series of travel experiences in ancient times that traveled through the past and present.

If he hadn't followed Chi Cang, traveled into the ancient history that had disappeared in the long river of time, and witnessed the amazing time practice systems, it would have been difficult for him to reach the level of the quasi-immortal emperor.

Even if the six bodies are united into one, I am afraid that they will only be able to cultivate the brilliance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but will not be able to achieve true success.

This is the grace of achievement, the grace of rebirth is indescribable.

Because of this, the counterfeit medicine seller trusted Chi Cang 100%, and the moment he threw him out of the thunder pool, he sealed himself in it without hesitation.

At this moment, he is in the weakest stage. If Chi Cang intends to destroy him, the chance of success is not small. After all, he has just advanced and his realm is not yet stable.

Of course, Chi Cang will not kill each other, betray his trust, or seek consequences for others.

And Chi Cang didn't think that this time the person who opened the Origin Ancient Artifact achievement and sold counterfeit medicine was an opportunity for the other party to intercept him halfway.

In his opinion, the imperial crown is not a chance, but a catastrophe. If Chi Cang's accumulation reaches the level of selling counterfeit medicine, and the emperor's crown falls, it may be considered a chance, and he will have the opportunity to do it. Release your potential under such huge pressure and make the most of it.

But for now, he is still far from Liu Shen. Compared with the counterfeit medicine sellers who have accumulated endless years, they are no different. Being covered by the imperial crown will only cause serious injuries and the danger of death.

Now they need more powerful thrust to attack the quasi-immortal emperor realm, or the extension of the system, the extension of the avenue, or the tempering and accumulation of one era after another...

In comparison, the extension of the system and the extension of the avenue are more effective and the time taken will be greatly reduced. This is exactly what Chi Cang and Liu Shen planned.

Time is tight, and they don't have much time to kill. Like those who sell counterfeit medicine, they have been accumulating since the ancient Emperor Luo, and they have a lot of time to consume. But unlike Chi Cang and Liu Shen, the ancient era of chaos may break out. They need to rise quickly to have the strength to deal with the catastrophe.

Now, even though a quasi-immortal emperor has appeared in the world, the two of them do not feel safe anymore.

The fall of the emperor, the fall of the emperor, was the tragedy of a generation of quasi-immortal emperors, and it was always a warning to them.

A quasi-immortal emperor is still unable to support the overall situation, and the dark power is more terrifying than imagined. Just relying on one person selling fake medicine may end up making the same mistake as the emperor, and he will be unable to support himself.

After an exchange with the counterfeit medicine seller, he fell into a deep sleep. Before falling asleep, he told Chi Cang that he could be awakened in times of crisis.

This recovery may take one hundred thousand years, or it may take two hundred thousand years, no one knows how long it will take. Until then, those who sell counterfeit medicines will keep calling themselves here.

Chi Cang put away the thunder pool, turned his head and glanced at the ancient artifacts floating in the nine-color brilliance, then turned back and left the ancient temple side by side with Liu Shen.

Outside, the kings of the Burial Land looked shocked, staring at this place far away from the Burial Abyss where the ancient artifacts were stored, and they were all extremely nervous.

Just now, the counterfeit medicine seller had a confrontation with the Emperor Guan, and a wave of quasi-immortal emperor level erupted, sweeping across the entire burial ground. Many burial kings were awakened and rushed over.

At this moment, the fluctuation disappeared and the Burial Abyss became peaceful. All the kings of the Burial Abyss were worried about the safety of Chi Cang and Liu Shen. Although Chi Cang gave a guarantee that he would not blame the Burial Abyss, if they really died in the Burial Abyss , the burial place is difficult to explain to the fairyland.

Suddenly, two figures flew out of the huge maw-like burial abyss. They were none other than Chi Cang and Liu Shen. They were covered in blood and their bodies were full of cracks. They looked very embarrassed and miserable, looking like they were injured. Light appearance.

A group of burial kings came forward to ask what happened inside.

Chicang clasped his fists and greeted the Burial Kings. He couldn't tell them all about the Burial Kings' problems, so he concealed the fact that he had become the Quasi-Immortal Emperor by selling counterfeit medicine. He only said that he and Liu Shen were close to the origin of ancient artifacts and suffered a big blow. Tribulation, severely injured.

There is no way, this is the time of weakness when selling counterfeit medicines. If this news spreads, then the creatures hoarded in the heavens and the seas and seas will definitely go crazy. They have paid countless prices for this. Break through the king realm? Now that someone has succeeded and has an opportunity, no Immortal King can bear this temptation. Even if there is a high probability of death, they will still be willing to give it a try.

The Burial Kings knew that there might be something hidden in the words of God Blazing Cang Liu, but they did not dwell too much on the matter.

After saying goodbye, Chi Cang and Liu Shen left the burial place and returned to the Immortal Realm. They sent a message to Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng to explain what happened in the ancient temple, left some instructions and began to retreat.

Although they were not targeted by the Imperial Crown and landed on the Heavenly Spirit Cap, they still endured the oppression of the Imperial Crown and witnessed the birth of a quasi-immortal emperor.

This was a great opportunity, which provided them with a lot of inspiration. With the experience of their predecessors, they would be able to avoid many detours in the future.

The following years are extremely critical for the two of them. They have no time to accumulate, so they can only extend the avenue and extend the system. Otherwise, there is no hope of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor before the dark catastrophe comes.

This is foreseeable, and the same is true for Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng. This point was already explained by the Blazing Willow God in the transmission to the two.

In the small world, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant. The Willow God sits quietly on the Taoist platform, revealing his true body. It is a towering giant willow, towering into the sky, with billions of silk ribbons hanging down, crystal clear and fluttering in the wind. There are real dragons, real phoenixes, Kunpeng, etc. playing and playing among the wickers, and wisps of holy light are shed.

It can be seen that there are thousands of light clusters floating around the willow tree, and there are hazy and grand sacrificial sounds coming out, as if it is connected to vast worlds, with endless divine kingdoms standing in the forest, and all the gods and demons sitting cross-legged, chanting together. In the name of God Willow, bless her true form.

This is her capital to break through the realm of giants and become the supreme one. It is an extension of the road of worshiping souls. Each ray of light represents a lifetime and Nirvana for all generations, which led to her current situation.

Now, to attack the quasi-immortal emperor, ten thousand light groups and simple avenues are no longer enough, and groundbreaking breakthroughs are needed.

Liu Shen took a deep breath and began her journey to defeat the king.

The endless willow branches and the ten thousand light clusters representing the willow god's supreme fruit all burst out with bright light. The power of the Supreme Immortal King has affected the stability of time and space here. A long river is mighty and powerful, rushing from the distant ancient times. , flows through this node, and then goes downwards without looking back, not knowing the starting point or the end point.

This is the long river of time, the link connecting all ancient histories. It lasts forever and never stops for anyone.

As time goes by, countless talented people have glimpsed in the long river of time, and there are also great beings standing on the long river, observing the past and present, and overlooking the reincarnation of the times.

One ancient history book after another sank to the bottom of the river, forming a solid river bed. This is proof that each creature came into the world and bloomed brilliantly.

Facing this eternal river, Liu Shen made a bold move. Her supreme Tao fruit exploded and turned into little rain of light, covering the willow branches with supreme laws and surprises. The symbol of the world rushes to the upstream and downstream of the long river of time.

Suddenly, the terrifying power of cause and effect struck, and on the long river of time, thunder and punishment surged into the sky, killing those willows.


The unimaginable cause-and-effect thunder punishment and the backlash of time and space shrouded the wicker branches one after another with brilliant light. Various visions emerged, as if they were telling a lost ancient history or the truth of the world. In the extreme cycle of reincarnation, at this moment, the willow branches are blocked and it is difficult to take root in various nodes of the long river of time.

However, Willow God did not give up. Her whole body burned with radiance, giving each willow branch strength, bathing in backlash and thunder punishment, just like when she fell into the stone village and became a lightning-struck tree, fighting against billions of thunders.

The scene was extremely shocking, but it was obscured by the fog of cause and effect. Even the immortal kings who could walk on the long river of time could not detect the clues. They just felt that the fog on the long river of time was thicker and a little disturbing. Because of this The change was not too big, and the Immortal King deduction could not produce any results. Gradually, no one cared.

On the other side, Chi Cang also started his own road to defeat the king. He had been prepared for the expansion of the avenue and the expansion of the system.

In the past, he had been suppressing himself and did not cultivate his future body. He only relied on hard training to accumulate Taoism, and finally stood at the top of the field. Now, his future body can be used as a back-up and come in handy.

On the ancient Taoist platform, there are endless sounds of scriptures, involving the past, present and future. Just like Liu Shen's place, time and years are chaotic.

On the left side of Chi Cang, he was sitting upright in the past, chanting mysterious scriptures in his mouth. His body was the same, but there was a flower of the avenue suspended above the head of the body, shrouded in a haze, which could be vaguely seen. When he came out, there was a little man sitting cross-legged in the haze, exactly the same as Chi Cang.

It is surrounded by fragments of time, hazy, as if it is living in the distant future.

This is the most mysterious future body among the three bodies Chi Cang has cultivated.

At this moment, there are past and present bodies, chanting ancient, present and future sutras together, channeling the secret power, and blessing the future body. The little man becomes more solid, with a bright body, surrounded by countless symbols of the avenue, as if to break time. Shackles, from the future to the present world.

However, it is more difficult for this body to appear in this world than imagined. The blessing of the power of the three lives does make the future body sitting cross-legged on the flower of the avenue stronger, but it also triggers some kind of power, making the fog surrounding it The haze is getting thicker.

No matter how hard Chi Cang tried, it was difficult for him to step down from the flower of the avenue.

Chi Cang sighed, and in the murmur of chanting sutras, he had a clear understanding. He was able to quickly cultivate his past life because he had wandered in the ancient times and traveled through the lost ancient history. There were suitable methods. environment.

But Chi Cang has almost never set foot in the future, for no other reason than going to the past that has already happened and going to the uncertain future, and the backlash he encounters is completely different.

Even the powerful Immortal King, looking down at the years, is only looking at the ancient times and looking down at the present.

The more powerful a creature is, the more afraid it is of the future. If a creature is powerful enough to ignore the backlash and browse the future at will, then it can see what will happen in the future in advance and know its own ending. , so the whole world will be in chaos.

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