The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 458 The ancient bell stained with blood

"This flower is sacred, and we cannot act rashly. We will wait until the fortune tellers from the tribe arrive. Do you fellow Taoists have any objections?" The old man from the Three-Eyed Clan said after looking around for a week.

"That's what I say."

The representatives of other races naturally had no objection. After what happened just now, they all felt wary of the fairy flower in the fairy pond. How could they dare to plot against it?

Everyone was exploring near the Immortal Pond, constantly planning, and coming up with ideas. For example, the number of their races was greater than the number of elixirs. Even if they added the one common to all races, there were more monks and less flesh, so there were six in total. The elixir is shared by all clans, and when it is used in the future, it will be divided equally among all clans.

The fruit and juice of the elixir will not harm the elixir after being picked, but it will take a long time to recover if you want to pick it again.

As for the immortal flower surrounded by the elixir, everyone was afraid and did not dare to talk about it. They only felt that its origin was shocking and had unbearable consequences. They knew that it was a trivial act, so it was better not to be contaminated.

Finally, all the tribes discussed and established the area where the most central immortal vein is located as a forbidden area for all tribes. Each tribe will send personnel to guard it. No ordinary tribesmen can approach it unless there is something particularly important.

This is also for the sake of protecting the ethnic group, so that it can continue better. If anyone can come with the Immortal Vein and take fortune anytime and anywhere, it will cause unpredictable consequences.

After completing the plan for the Kunlun Mountains, they decided to call themselves the Kunlun Immortal Clan from now on. All races living here are members of the Kunlun Immortal Clan and have the obligation to protect the safety of this place, and to watch and help each other. Non-aggression.

Many rules, iron laws, punishment methods, etc. have also been set for this, covering all aspects.

This is also what the tribe told them when they were sent out to search for the legendary Kunlun Immortal Vein.

It is best to plan these things in advance, otherwise, when the ethnic groups migrate, there will be many people with different opinions, which will cause a lot of disputes, which will be detrimental to the alliance of the various ethnic groups.

After doing all this, each tribe left one person behind, and the others embarked on the return journey. This time, they picked many medicine king-level medicines in the Kunlun Mountains. Even if they encountered many difficulties and hardships on the return journey, these medicines were there. , there is no need to worry too much.

After waving goodbye and watching the tribe go away, the remaining creatures gathered together and made a stipulation that no one could go to the fairy pool in the center before the tribe migrated here, otherwise, they would attack it in groups.

Before leaving, they took some water from the fairy pond, which was of great benefit to practice, reshape the foundation, and activate the power of blood in the body. Therefore, in the next time, they will stay in the territory of their own tribe and take fairy water. Pool water, as well as various powerful medicines, were used to perform penance.

You should consider the ethnic group, but your own practice is also a top priority.

Chi Cang sat cross-legged on the flower of the avenue, silently watching all this without disturbing anything.

For him, in the Kunlun Mountains, only this fairy pond, which can be called the source of all veins, is useful to him. Other medicine kings and elixirs are meaningless, just like weeds.

No matter how these beings who are going to be called the Kunlun Immortal Clan are used, he doesn't care.

What Chi Cang needs now is the assimilation effect brought about by the gathering of a world's energy and the condensed immortal energy into liquid, to eliminate the breath of his own years, so as to reduce the power of backlash, and ultimately achieve the goal of cultivating the future body faster. Effect.

Seeing those dozen creatures in different places, cultivating separately, Chi Cang no longer paid attention, but looked at the five elixirs surrounding the Flower of the Avenue.

These little things are quite clever. They surround the Flower of the Avenue and devour the energy of time that has overflowed from the Flower of the Avenue. This is of great benefit to themselves.

The Age of Ending Dharma has come, and everything in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has been cut off by God's will, including the elixir of immortality. Their intelligence has been blinded, and they have experienced a significant degradation. Many things have been forgotten because of this, and they are not as wise as before. Extraordinary.

The flower of the avenue symbolizes the future and is full of vitality of the years. There is also Chi Cang sitting cross-legged inside chanting ancient, modern and future sutras continuously. Some of the power of sutras offsets the backlash of cause and effect and overflows the breath.

These elixirs absorb this breath, and over a long period of time, they can peel away the fog in the mind and enhance one's own intelligence.

For elixirs, what they desire most is probably to have the wisdom of a living being and to practice like a normal living being.

However, it is impossible to practice elixir cultivation without great opportunities. This is their luck and their sorrow.

The five elixirs have been gathered around the Flower of the Avenue for hundreds of thousands of years, and their effects are visible to the naked eye. At this time, they are definitely much smarter than the elixirs outside.

The dozens of races that had just broken into the Immortal Pond did not pay attention to them, because they knew their own value, and those creatures would not persecute them, but would protect them, so the elixirs had no intention of escaping.

Moreover, this flower of the avenue is their opportunity, and they are unwilling to leave it unless they have to.

Chi Cang doesn't mind their existence. If they have the opportunity to cultivate into human form in the future, this can be regarded as a blessing.

Time passed little by little, and hundreds of years passed in the blink of an eye. The living beings left in the Kunlun Mountains made great progress, and correspondingly, their longevity also grew a lot.

They are eager to wait for the tribe to migrate. However, they know the dangers along the way. The migration of more than a dozen large ethnic groups is not an easy task. There are old, weak, women and children who need to be taken care of.

During this period, they had always abided by their agreement and never stepped into the central immortal vein.

Finally, on this day, outside the majestic Kunlun Mountains, a large black shadow slowly approached.

More than a dozen ethnic groups spent hundreds of years, passing through countless dangerous places, traveling all the way across mountains and rivers, and arrived at this paradise on earth.

The towering Kunlun is vast and boundless.

When the huge team of thirteen races saw this mist-shrouded fairyland, they all cried with joy and were speechless with joy.

Many people knelt on the ground to thank the gods and ancestors for their blessings in a unique way.

The place where they originally lived was a source of life, inhabited by many races. Most of them survived the most difficult dark ages under their protection. However, they did not bring those races with them during this migration.

Because although the Kunlun Mountains are large, they are also limited. The thirteen tribes cannot share much of the resources within them, so how can they share them with other tribes?

Moreover, deep down in their hearts, they have always been superior to others. With the blood of true immortals flowing in their bodies, they are naturally nobler than other races.

What qualifications do those races have to move into the paradise on earth?

"Is this Kunlun?"

The clan leaders of more than a dozen races looked at the vast Kunlun Mountains, and their hearts were shocked. Before they really entered, a spiritual energy hit their faces.

From now on, they will live in this fairy land on earth and become true near-immortals.

The queue was very long, and those at the front were old and weak women and children. They were worthy of being descendants of true immortals. Even though they were very old, their eyes were still sparkling. Some young girls had extraordinary temperament, with majestic heads, piercing eyes, and full of energy and blood in their bodies. He is so strong that you can even hear the sound of blood rushing. He has extraordinary qualifications and his future achievements are limitless.

Behind the old and weak women and children, there are young and middle-aged people. Some are in human form, and some are revealing their true bodies, turning into snakes, gluttons, purple lions, etc., all of them are extremely powerful and imposing. The young and middle-aged people of each ethnic group are guarding some. Large objects, including ancient coffins, ancient utensils, etc., are all covered with charms like ghost paintings, filled with sealing power that cannot be underestimated.

Many talismans are yellow and old, full of the vicissitudes of time. At first glance, they are amazing sealing talismans left over from ancient times. They are used to seal ancient coffins, ancient utensils, etc., which makes people think a lot.

Chi Cang, who was far away in the Immortal Vein in the center of Kunlun, sensed the arrival of these groups and cast his gaze over here.

In Chi Cang's sight, the conditions of all the creatures of more than a dozen races were completely invisible.

It can be seen that as time goes by, the blood power in the bodies of these descendants of true immortals is gradually falling asleep. In the future, with the perfection of the great road of heaven and earth, rules for this extraordinary race will come into being. They will gradually decline.

However, settling in Kunlun is different. This is the place where the fortunes of the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths gather. Living here can maintain their family's destiny, which has a long history.

It is foreseeable that after the world recovers, this group of so-called Kunlun immortals will become the protagonists of the world for a long time.

But it is only for a long period of time, and it cannot be strong forever. This is the law between heaven and earth. It flourishes and then declines.

When Chi Cang's eyes came to the ancient coffins and artifacts guarded by the young adults of these ethnic groups, he penetrated the ancient charms at a glance and saw the scene inside.

It is not difficult to guess what is in the ancient coffin. They are some bloody bodies, corpses filled with immortal energy. Some are relatively complete, and some are completely broken, with only a small part of the body remaining.

They all belong to true immortals. For the creatures in the Dharma-ending world, these true immortal corpses are really precious and of great use. They were found on the edge of the battlefield after the great war. In the era when there were no immortals in the world, the true immortals’ corpses were really valuable. The immortal corpse is naturally an existence with a clan heritage.

And those ancient artifacts, including antique boxes, broken towers, rusty tripods, blood-stained bells, etc., many of them are more or less damaged. Before they were damaged, they should all be first-level immortal artifacts. The presence.

Endless years have passed, but today's broken immortal weapon still possesses vast divine power.

However, there are very few ancient artifacts that can truly exert some of their immortal power, and there are only a few of them. Among them, the blood-stained ancient clock is the most important.

Although the bell body is damaged, with one tenth missing, and there are many cracks on the surface, it is not as good as before. However, there are traces of the blood of terrible creatures on its surface, and part of the bell body has turned dark red.

Because the owner of the blood is powerful, the divinity contained in the blood is also extremely amazing, nourishing the broken ancient clock. Of course, it is still far behind its heyday.

If you want to restore the past immortal power, you must have a powerful true immortal to recast this bell, or find a heaven-defying immortal vein, put it in it, and use the power of heaven and earth to repair it. However, the latter will take a long time. Moreover, it may severely damage the vitality of the immortal veins.

Chi Cang immediately thought of the Kunlun Immortal Vein at his feet. If these ethnic groups used this Immortal Vein to repair the blood-stained ancient bell, they might actually be able to succeed.

And if the ancient clock that contains the law of time is restored, it will show extremely terrifying power.

Perhaps, when the bell rings, time will stand still, or time will pass in a blink of an eye, turning the opponent from a young man to a gray-haired man, old and frail.

With this magical weapon, it is enough to be invincible in this world.

But if you do this, the Kunlun Immortal Vein will be severely damaged. After all, this is the end of Dharma. Immortal things should not appear in the first place. Repairing the ancient bell is like going against the will of heaven.

In this way, Chi Cang, who is in the Kunlun Immortal Vein, is bound to be affected to a certain extent.

Chi Cang has already thought about it in his heart. If these races really have such a plan, then he will speak out to dissuade them. Of course, in the end result, Chi Cang will not intervene, and he does not have the ability to intervene. These people are not fools. A little trial You can know Chi Cang's reality at once, so Chi Cang will not force them to do anything.

Even if the Kunlun Immortal Vein's vitality is seriously injured, the impact on him will not be great. If the Kunlun Immortal Vein is destroyed because of this, he can still transfer. Although Chi Cang without his soul and body cannot affect the outside world, he can still do it by escaping. of.

So, don’t worry too much.

While thinking, the thirteen races of the Kunlun Immortal Clan began to march towards the Kunlun Immortal Mountain.

The thirteen creatures who stayed here hundreds of years ago also discovered the arrival of the tribe, and they all stopped practicing and came to greet them.

The creatures who left back then saw a qualitative leap in the moral conduct of those who stayed behind, and they were all extremely envious. They were not surprised, because the environment in the Kunlun Mountains was so good, and the roads could be found.

The recovery of heaven and earth naturally starts from this source of thousands of veins, and then radiates in all directions. If you come here to live at this time, you will undoubtedly enjoy the great fortune and be ahead of the outside world by an unknown amount.

Not long after, each of the thirteen ethnic groups entered their own territory and began to build their residences. They built them according to the immortal pavilions recorded in ancient books, hoping to get closer to immortals. This was a manifestation of their good wishes.

A few years later, the Kunlun Mountains took on a new look. There were beautiful fairy palaces one after another, hidden among the clouds and mist, like fairy palaces falling into the mortal world.

After several years of cultivation, the overall potential of the Kunlun Immortal Clan has been greatly improved. Those medicine kings, the juice of the immortal medicine, and the water of the Immortal Pond have activated the true immortal blood in their bodies, erupting rapidly, and everyone has made a huge leap forward. .

With their current strength, they are enough to sweep through all the sources of life in the world. In the era of recovery of the world, they have completely surpassed other races. However, they have also encountered problems, and their fertility rate has been affected. Compared with before, There has been a decline. This may be the way of balance between heaven and earth. Whatever you gain, you have to lose.

Time flies, and the years fly by.

The resurgence of heaven and earth arrived with great vigor, and countless quintessence substances erupted from the ground and merged into the universe, causing the cultivators in the nine heavens and ten earths to explode.

On this day, the earth shook, and the continent that stretched for countless miles collapsed, forming fragments one after another, floating in the deep space of the universe. Under the influence of the rules of the avenue, these fragments gradually became stars, and they became more and more interconnected with each other. Coming farther and farther, in the future, if you want to go out of the stars and reach another source of life, you will need extremely strong strength to do so.

The conjectures of Chi Cang and Liu Shen back then have come true. The source of life is far apart in the sky. If the geniuses want to meet, they have to travel through the distant starry sky.

Fortunately, the God Realm they built together is still there. Although it is badly damaged, it can still connect some life stars in the star field.

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