The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 459 The Age of Mythology

The Kunlun Immortal Clan ruled this era. Each of the thirteen major clans was extremely powerful, and geniuses among the clans sprouted up like mushrooms after a rain.

They have resources and a monastic environment that are unmatched by other races. Coupled with the general trend brought about by the recovery of heaven and earth, most of the tribesmen have risen rapidly.

As for the creatures and monks in the outside world, although the number of monks is booming, their cultivation speed is difficult to compare with that of the Kunlun Immortals living in the Kunlun Mountains.

In this era, Kunlun is synonymous with near-immortality, and anyone who walks out of it can dominate the world.

However, the Kunlun Immortal Clan is well aware of the principle of prosperity and decline. They occupy this amazing Immortal Vein. Who in the world does not covet it? One day, someone will try to take advantage of their eternal foundation.

Therefore, the Kunlun Immortal Clan sent some people down the mountain to influence the future direction of the star where the Kunlun Mountains are located.

Later, through the creatures that appeared in the fragments of the God Realm, they found the life stars where they were located, established forces on them, and even if they did not control everything openly, they secretly monitored the movement of all the life stars in this star field.

At the same time, the Kunlun Immortal Clan is also actively expanding outwards, and its sphere of influence includes not only this star field, but also other areas.

The name of the near-immortal clan spread throughout the depths of the starry sky.

Not only are they fighting in the north and south to expand their influence, but they are also looking for information related to the Immortal Realm in the universe. The ascension platform they had no hope of opening back then now has hope. They just wait for the road to be more complete and become emperor.

In this case, it is natural to control the ascension platform in your own hands.

However, the small continent cracked and turned into stars. The area where the ascension platform was located can no longer be found. It escaped into the starry sky and turned into an ancient star.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan traveled through countless ancient stars in deep space. It took them thousands of years to find the whereabouts of the ascension platform. When we piloted a huge interstellar warship and sailed to that star, the local indigenous creatures They also launched a counterattack, and all the old men, women and children came out to resist the enemy together.

Unfortunately, in the face of absolute strength, all resistance and struggle are in vain.

Before capturing this star, the fortune teller with low morals among the Kunlun Immortal Clan walked out tremblingly. I am already very young, with pale hair. I have taken various medicine kings and death medicine divine fluids to continue my life. However, in the cruel apocalyptic era, it is to reach the mortal world and never grow old or die.

At the very last moment of his life, the old fortune teller who was old and frail and dying naturally had to exert his remaining coolness for the ethnic group.

I stand under a majestic Taoist platform built in the starry sky of the universe, and I have devoted my utmost efforts to deduce the destiny of the Kunlun Immortal Clan. At the same time, I am also deducing whether the ascension platform can really lead to the immortal realm.

As I cast the spell, the entire starry sky darkened, and various terrifying visions appeared. Blood rained all over the sky. There were countless corpses of gods and demons, dressed in ancient costumes, standing in the void, exuding a rotten atmosphere. Creepy.


Lightning and thunder roared, blood rained in torrents, and there was no "one". The chaotic thunder calamity was brewing in the void, and it was impossible to strike down at any time.

I was just a human being, but if I wanted to peek into the future, I was destined to pay a very heavy price.

Of course, the old fortune teller originally retreated with the intention of death.


The old man of the Kunlun Immortal Clan coughed up blood and trembled violently all over. His pale hair fell one by one, his skin became more and more wrinkled, his life breath dropped to the bottom, and the look in his eyes dimmed, and he was as breathless as a gossamer.

Obviously, when I peeked into the future, I made a small mistake and suffered a small disaster.

However, I really deduced some important information about the future fate of the Kunlun Immortal Clan and the ascension platform.

"Looking into the future, you will see blood red. This is a small omen of misfortune. It indicates that there will be no small calamity for your clan. It is a mistake, and there will be no chance of life in the calamity."

The old fortune teller coughed up blood with determination in his eyes.

"Let me take a look and see who has shaken the fortune of your clan."

I cast the spell again, using up my maximum potential. Immediately, visions appeared one after another, celestial phenomena appeared frequently, and the entire star field was affected. The hearts of the Kunlun Immortal Clan were shocked. Is this the result of touching the taboo?

Finally, the old fortune teller peeled away the blood-red fog and saw a clue.

At that moment, my body automatically disintegrated, and the backlash of cause and effect hit me overwhelmingly.

At the very last moment of his life, the old fortune teller roared, leaving clues to the tribesmen in the distance.

"To the extent that I am insulted, I am the most honored among emperors. All gods will worship me, and all ghosts will respect me..."

The second before he was about to turn into ashes, the old diviner's lips moved slightly, leaving information about the ascension platform.

"What? This ascension platform can really ascend to the Immortal Realm? It's just that the difficulty is higher than the broken ascension platform." The creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan said to themselves, that was the old fortune teller at the last moment. message left.

"The Lord among Emperors", that sentence makes the people of the Kunlun Immortal Clan fearful. To be called the Lord among the Emperors must be conceivable. A creature that can do that will have a huge impact on the Kunlun Immortal Clan in the future. Strange It is a small omen of evil, it is too late, and there is no chance of survival.

The creatures of the eighteen tribes pondered those words, and their expressions were light. It turns out that it is really impossible for our foundation to be shaken or overthrown in the future, and it will be fulfilled in the body of a creature who is known as the most noble among emperors.

We will take that news back to Kunlun.

And the ancient star that carries the ascension platform was named Feixianxing by the Kunlun Immortal Clan. We left a small enough arrangement under that star, just waiting for the paths of heaven and earth to be broken, and the mark of Tianxin to be born in the world. , the weakest in the clan take another step back.

As long as you reach the top of the extreme path and integrate the Tianxin mark, you are not qualified to stand on the ascension platform. However, at this moment, more than half of the ascension platform is broken, leaving not a single terrifying finger print.

The message left by the deceased old fortune teller showed that the ascension platform is still available and connected to the fairyland, but the difficulty of ascension is beyond imagination. It seems that there is a way to ensure the success of ascension before attaining enlightenment.


The magnificent warship traveling across the stars started up again, making very little movement, and headed towards the vast starry sky.

In the end, the predictions made by the old fortune teller were brought back to Kunlun, causing panic among the eighteen tribes of people. Is the future golden age really so bleak? It is simply unimaginable that there is no creature that can threaten the weak Kunlun Immortal Clan.

Since then, the news has been blocked and has become a taboo among the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan also started looking for solutions, reading ancient books, and working hard to train fortune tellers to predict and deduce the future direction of the tribe.

Unfortunately, before the next deduction by the old fortune teller, the "future" was completely blurred and difficult to see clearly.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan can only move in other directions, and many ideas have been put forward. For example, after the small tribulation of the clan, find a way to the immortal realm, and the whole clan can ascend. Or, refining a statue can maintain the fate of the clan. The heaven-reaching immortal weapon, even if no creature known as the "Honor of Emperors" appears, and there is no heaven-reaching immortal weapon, it can still protect us from illness. What's more, we believe that the future is reversible. It is recommended that when the clan's power is at its peak, The clan retreated and gave up the fairy veins.

Of course, the previous one was rejected as soon as it was proposed. We are called the "Kunlun Immortal Clan" and all our achievements are bound to "Kunlun". How can we give up so easily?

Even if you spend your immortal energy to refine the heaven-reaching immortal weapon, you may just give up.

However, once this is done, the vitality of the Kunlun Immortal Veins will inevitably be slightly damaged, and the good fortune of our eighteen clans will be affected. Therefore, the Kunlun Immortal clan is determined and has not really finished refining the immortal weapon.

In the center of the Immortal Vein, under the flowers of the Immortal Pond Path, Chi Cang noticed the anxiety of the eighteen clans. It seemed that we really planned to use the Immortal Vein energy to refine weapons. My expectation back then came true.

If something like that really happens, Chi Cang will speak out to dissuade her. As for whether it will be ineffective or not, it is something I can control. After cultivating my future body, I will be able to leave the Flower of the Path, because there is no way in the inner world. The backlash of cause and effect lingers.

Time passed, and tens of thousands of years passed by in a flash. On that day, the paths of heaven and earth suddenly roared, and the universe shook violently, shaking the stars, sun and moon.

All the ascetics feel the Dharma, as if the paths between heaven and earth are muddy and broken.

At the same moment, in the Kunlun Mountains, a figure stepped out and came into the white and dry void of the universe, triggering a thunderous catastrophe. That catastrophe destroyed most of the star field. Fortunately, there was no life in this star field. Stars, otherwise, it will cause terrible disasters.

Before that figure passed through the small tribulation, a trembling energy spread throughout the four days and ten places. No one could prove it. He came from the Kunlun Immortal Clan and became the supreme humane person respected by the world. From then on, he was powerful in the world. Combine the four desolations and suppress the universe.

A bright and cruel era of enlightenment has arrived.

The entire four days and ten places were under the pressure of that supreme being. I integrated the newly born Tianxin mark and integrated my own path into it, so as to crush ten thousand paths.

Some creatures who have no hope of becoming emperors have been completely suppressed by the path we have cultivated, and they are doomed to be lonely in misery in this life.

Many people are willing to give up, thinking that as long as they persist, there is still no chance. But gradually, we will understand that only one person can achieve enlightenment in this life. Once he succeeds, all the bones will wither, and everyone else will give up hope. There will be a law in this life. Enlightenment.

The influence of the Kunlun Immortal Clan reached its peak due to the birth of the Supreme.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the Kunlun Immortal Clan stepped out of the Supreme One after another and continued to rule the four heavens and ten lands. The ancient star where the Kunlun Mountains are located is also famous in the universe and is called the hometown of immortals.

Until one day, in the dead starry sky, under a dry and ruined ancient star with no trace of life, deep in the small ground full of cracks, there was movement from an ancient tomb that had been buried here for many years.

The dim candlelight swayed slightly under an ancient coffin made from the trunk of an immortal ancient tree, making a "cracking" explosion sound.

If no one were here, they would definitely be shocked to the point of being shocked when they saw that fire candle, because the material of the fire candle is made of corpse oil mixed with the flesh and blood of immortal beings and the flesh and blood of human supreme beings, and is not decayable. Qi permeates the air.

That kind of fire candle will always be extinguished and will remain bright forever, so it can be called an ever-lasting candle.

The candle in this ancient tomb has been burning for a long time and has not been extinguished. In the past, there have been waves and shocks, and the candle light has moved.

But today, it suddenly shook.

In the ancient coffin, which was all made from the trunk of an ancient tree, a fat Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe opened his eyes.

I seemed a little confused, and my face gradually turned from pale to red, showing a sense of wealth.

A long time ago, the fat Taoist priest pushed away the coffin board and sat up from lying on his back. At this moment, the confusion in my eyes has disappeared, there is no sadness, and there is no loneliness.

I know that it must have been an eternity ago, and in the vast world, there is no one living at the same time as me.

The fat Taoist priest held up the antique wooden hairpin stuck under his hair. It was a little crooked.

"Oh, a million autumns, I know what year it is today, the descendants of Thunder Emperor, the descendants of Liu Shen, Huang, little elder... are they okay? Where are they now?" I felt a little emotion, and there was a look in my eyes. Plant vicissitudes of life.

"Becoming an immortal in four lifetimes is an intense road. Master, can you really succeed?" I said to myself, and the image of Lao Fasheng emerged in my mind.

Shaking his head, the fat Taoist priest sat up from the ancient coffin, took out a memory crystal, copied the memory he had no memory, stored it in it, and then used a secret method to cut off everything in his mind.

When I appeared again, I had already arrived under an ancient star of life. However, at this moment, my memory was blank. I only knew that my name was Cao Yusheng, and there was an ancient scripture floating in my mind - The Art of Overcoming Tribulation.

"Fellow Taoist, please stay."

The fat Taoist priest Xiang Yanzhi smiled slightly and stopped a dumb-looking young man.

"The Taoist priest has no advice?"

The young man who was stopped asked cautiously.

"Fellow Taoist, he is very lucky. The Yintang is red, which is a sign of good luck." Cao Yusheng said in a rather mysterious way, looking at the old gourd in the young man's hand with a hidden look.

"Oh? How do you say what the Taoist Master said?" The young man suddenly became interested.


Xiang Yanzhi smiled, put his hand on the young man's shoulder, and pulled me to a corner...

As time goes by, the traces of the next Kunlun Immortal Clan Supreme to attain enlightenment disappear, and the mark of Tianxin is vacated. In order to compete for the opportunity to attain enlightenment, countless geniuses start small fights, staining the universe and starry sky with blood.

Among them, the genius of the Kunlun Immortal Clan has the least chance, and they are also the public enemies of other people who will become enlightened. Because in those years, the Kunlun Immortal Clan has never let the chance of enlightenment pass by, and has ruled the world for nearly 700,000 years. Seven supreme beings emerged, shaking the starry sky.

It was that time, but it happened without exception. A fat Taoist priest with a smile on his face defeated many opponents, including the genius of the Kunlun Immortal Clan. He proved the Tao against heaven and had an enemy in the universe. He was known as the "Heavenly Lord Overcoming Tribulation".

My combat power is even more powerful than that of the Kunlun Immortal Clan's Supreme Beings who have attained enlightenment one after another. I am as special as a myth. Moreover, I am the first creature to break the Kunlun Immortal Clan's monopoly. The world regards this as the beginning of the mythical era.

A mythical era with great turbulence and far-reaching influence has arrived.

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