Yuanshi Tianzun opened the ascension platform and disappeared in a brilliant rain of light. As soon as the news was spread by Feixianxing, it soon swept the entire universe.

Many big clans are discussing this matter. Some say that he succeeded and went to the legendary fairyland, while others say that he failed and became a pile of ashes in the ascension passage. The blood stains and clothes on the platform are proof of this. , tells the powerlessness and desolation of an emperor in his later years.

There are different opinions, all kinds of theories and speculations, but no matter what, the disappearance of a generation of Tianzun marks the end of an era.

The ancient stars and Kunlun Immortal Veins were sealed in the four huge immortal sources in the Immortal Pond. The four motionless old creatures suddenly opened their eyes. Tianzun disappeared, and his Great Dao and Tianxin mark were separated. This violent fluctuation, even if it is separated Zhuxianyuan can also sense it.

"Yuanshi, who created the secret word "fight" and whose combat prowess was astonishing, finally chose that path." An old creature spoke and sighed.

Back then, they were invincible and stood at the supreme position. However, standing on the ascension platform, they felt their own insignificance. During the deduction, their chances of successfully ascending were less than 100%. , under such circumstances, it is naturally impossible to risk one's life and gamble on the illusory luck.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan occupies the Immortal Veins, and its big trees attract the wind, which makes people jealous. They are worried that if they give it a try and follow the path of mortal immortals, after failure and fall, the Kunlun Immortal Clan will be uprooted by the next generation of Supreme Beings.

There was no other way. For the sake of the ethnic group's foundation, the four supreme beings killed themselves one after another and sealed themselves in the fairy pond, with the intention of protecting the future of the ethnic group.

Compared with the resolute Yuanshi Tianzun, they made a choice that was less than noble. Therefore, all four of them sighed.

What they didn't know was that Chi Cang heard their conversation in the middle of the fairy pond not far away.

"Yuanshi, is he the creature that I transmitted the message to that day? With his qualifications, there should be no problem in becoming an immortal. It would be a pity if he died in the ascension passage. However, judging from his appearance, he is not a person who died young. He may succeed in ascension Maybe." Chi Cang said to himself, with fairy light shining in his eyes.

At this time, he possesses the Taoist skills at the top level of the Immortal King. He has access to the past, present and future, and overlooks the long river of time. He can know many things with a little deduction. Of course, the secret cannot be leaked, and he will not talk about it.

The disappearance of Yuanshi Tianzun has opened a new round of competition for the supreme position. Countless races are eagerly looking forward to the day when Tianzun's traces disappear. Many unnatural beings who were born prematurely directly use the found divine source. , self-proclaimed, waiting for the opportunity of enlightenment to appear again.

The entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are in a tense atmosphere, and the storm is about to come.

As time goes by, the long picture of history rolls forward. This time, what greets all sentient beings in the universe is not the God who protects the world, but the Holy Spirit who brings trouble to the world.

This race is uniquely blessed by nature. It has been baptized by the essence of the sun and the moon, and has exhausted the mysteries of creation. It has created something out of nothing, and has been favored by God. As soon as it is born, it is difficult to compete with others of its generation. However, the lineage of the Holy Spirit will always fail due to various reasons. Being born early and unable to be perfect is something that many Holy Spirits regret throughout their lives.

In this life, the Holy Spirit has been gestating in the stone for millions of years. He was only a little short of breaking the shackles and reaching perfection. Who knows, the stone statue was stained with blood, and the Holy Spirit inside was forced to be born prematurely.

As soon as Shi was born, this holy spirit had unparalleled powerful combat power. Because the road to the great road was blocked by the outside world, the stone man had a grudge. After he was born, he directly bloodbathed several life stars, killing hundreds of millions of corpses and leaving rivers with blood. .

The great clans in the universe didn't pay much attention to this matter at first, but as a result, this Holy Spirit specifically searched for the stars of life and massacred all spirits to vent his anger.

In the end, all the tribes couldn't bear it anymore and sent out the peerless experts of the quasi-supreme level to surround the Holy Spirit on an ancient star. A war broke out between the two sides. Even the supreme weapons appeared. The quasi-supreme ones of the Kunlun Immortal Clan were in charge. Together they managed to suppress it.

People are all shocked by the strength of the Holy Spirit. This is just a Holy Spirit who has never experienced Dzogchen. If a Dzogchen being appeared, wouldn't the entire universe be burned to the ground?

Fortunately, someone pointed out that not all Holy Spirits are murderers. This Holy Spirit is killing all directions just because outside beings ruined its path and forced it to be born early. The stone people have grievances, and they will naturally kill each other after they are born. Cruel character.

Later, no one mentioned the Holy Spirit anymore.

This small episode did not affect the magnificent battle for supremacy. Various races are cultivating the most powerful geniuses, just to be promoted to the supreme family and bless future generations for eternity.

Many unheard-of physiques have appeared, and the great worlds have competed and collided with brilliant sparks, pushing this great world to the top.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan, which had the most hope and the deepest foundation, once again lost its position of supremacy. A pinnacle quasi-emperor of the human race, holding the Sword of Eternal Life, relied on his heaven-defying recovery ability to fight his way out of the siege after a bloody battle and had the last laugh.

The moment he attained enlightenment, all the myriad ways of heaven and earth appeared and were pressed under his feet, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors.

The rules of the Tao are changing and arranging, and the Dharma of the most powerful person in this life will become the only one, overpowering all Taoisms and dominating the universe.

This is a majestic young man, standing proudly on a mottled ancient chariot, holding a long sword. He has survived the catastrophe of enlightenment, exuding a terrifying energy that makes even the gods tremble.

"The Immortal Lord!"

When the failed peak quasi-emperors in the distance learned about his supreme Taoist name, they were all dejected. The long sword was engraved with the word "immortality", which is also in line with the fighting style of this immortal emperor. His recovery ability is too outstanding. However, bloody battles and life-and-death battles failed to bring him down. Instead, he became more and more courageous until he attained enlightenment.

The Supreme Qi permeates the air, and the Immortal Lord stands at the top, overlooking the nine heavens and ten earths. There is no doubt that in the next tens of thousands of years, the entire universe will be his world, and no one will dare to disrespect him wherever he goes.

In the following years, the Immortal Lord followed the example of his predecessors, studied the secret technique of recovery, pushed it to the extreme, and developed an ultimate secret technique - "Zhe". Even if there is only a drop of blood left, relying on the word "Zhe" Secret, can also be resurrected.

After cultivating his Taoism to the extreme, Changsheng Tianzun began to pursue the way of immortality again. He traveled all over the universe, looking for opportunities to become immortals. Like Yuanshi Tianzun, he visited the Kunlun Immortal Clan who are near immortals.

This time, Chi Cang did not send a message to remind him that he had seen some secrets of the Ascension Platform. Whether he chooses to ascend from there depends entirely on whether the current Heavenly Lord has the courage to sacrifice his life and move forward indomitably.

After leaving the Kunlun Immortal Clan, Changsheng Tianzun first went to the Ascension Platform to take a look at the relics left behind by Yuanshi Tianzun after he disappeared.

The mottled bloodstains still have a kind of divinity that will last forever. The burnt corners of the clothes still have terrifying principles that do not belong to this world. In a daze, the Immortal Heavenly Lord seemed to hear the roar of the Yuanshi Heavenly Lord.

"Ascending platform, Thunder Emperor, Liu Shen, Huang, Meng Tianzheng..." He whispered to himself softly, remained silent for a long time, and finally drove the chariot away from Feixianxing.

The years have passed and the world has changed. The Immortal Lord is worthy of being the one who created the secret of the word "zhe". His longevity is beyond imagination. Together with the second life, he has lived for nearly 40,000 years in total. He is worthy of the title of "The Immortal Lord".

The world thought that like Yuanshi Tianzun, he would choose to embark on the heroic path of the Ascension Platform. As a result, until the Tianzun Avenue separated, there was no movement on the Feixian Star.

And in the vast Beidou source of life, there is an additional restricted area, known as the Immortal Mausoleum. It was originally a cemetery. It is said that true immortals were buried there. Originally, there were still living beings entering in search of opportunities. Later, something happened to the Immortal Mausoleum. It became extremely dangerous, with no way in or out, and over time, no one dared to try it, and it became a forbidden area of ​​life that made people laugh.

"Haha, he chose the same path as us." The self-proclaimed supreme of the Kunlun Immortal Clan chuckled.

"I told him how to kill himself back then, so I guessed that he would be like this. How could he be willing to die if he took immortality as his name?" Another Supreme sighed.

"According to deductions, the crack between the Immortal Realm and the Human Realm will appear in Beidou, but it will be endless years later. He is dormant there, and he must be trying to see if there is a chance to penetrate through the crack."

"This is our opportunity as well."

The Tao marks of the Immortal Lord disappeared, and another great struggle began. Finally, the Kunlun Immortal Clan had another enlightened person, who ruled the universe and the stars. Counting the four self-proclaimed supreme beings, the Kunlun Immortal Clan's background was unimaginable.

However, it is normal to think about it. There are a total of thirteen tribes in the Kunlun Immortal Clan, all of which have the blood of true immortals flowing in their bodies. In addition, they occupy the Kunlun Immortal Veins and have endless luck. It is understandable that there are so many supreme beings.

The supreme being in this life is known as the Zhulong Tianzun. It wanted to imitate the Tribulation God, Yuanshi Tianzun and Changsheng Tianzun and develop an ultimate Taoist secret technique. Unfortunately, it failed. This is also the regret of its life.

It knows that future generations will judge that the Heavenly Master who has developed an ultimate secret technique is destined to be stronger than others, and their brilliance will surely overshadow the Supreme Master of his generation.

When the second life of Zhulong Tianzun came to an end, it chose to call itself the Immortal Source as the foundation of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

Like the self-proclaimed Immortal Tomb of Immortality, they are very interested in the cracks between the immortal and human realms after endless years. Only by dormant and surviving the erosion of time can they have a chance to catch up.

In the hundreds of thousands of years that followed, there were supreme beings who achieved enlightenment one after another, but they failed to continue the myth of the three great gods and open up a realm of extremes.

However, various races in the universe have competed for the position of supremacy many times, and have evolved ancient roads in the starry sky that are unique to their respective tribes. Once the opportunity comes for enlightenment, the geniuses from various ancient star fields will set foot on the ancient roads, gather together, and fight. Compete to find the strongest one, and then enter a battlefield with the winners from other ethnic groups for the final fight.

In this life, the human race once again has the most powerful person, who is famous for his extreme speed. He fights out of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and attains the enlightenment of Heaven, known as Xiaoyao.

His heaven-defying escape technique reaches up to the sky and reaches down into the secluded world. He is omnipotent. The world is so vast that there is no magic circle that can stop him.

After attaining enlightenment, Xiaoyao Tianzun continued the myth of his predecessors and performed this escape method to the extreme, eventually evolving into the supreme secret technique "Xing".

Later, Xiaoyao Tianzun even relied on the secret word "Xing" to transcend time and space and became invincible in the world. Even the self-destruction supremes were afraid of him.

"I want to break time and achieve immortality."

Xiaoyao Tianzun stands in the Milky Way, talking to himself like this, he is proud, and he has the right to be proud.

In the following years, he worked hard for two lifetimes and pushed his "Xing" secret to another level, involving the law of time, and even saw the magnificent long river of time.

However, in the Age of Ending Dharma, the lifespan of human beings is limited, and the sun will eventually fade away.

The white-haired Xiaoyao Tianzun stepped on the Dao pattern and stared at the nine heavens and ten earth, his eyes filled with regret. After all, he failed to achieve immortality.

Between risking his life on the ascension platform and waiting for endless years on the road to becoming an immortal, he chose the latter. A generation of heavenly masters, whose writing skills were extremely fast and proud of the past and present. In the end, he had to put down his supreme pride and kill himself.

As for the method of transforming mortals into immortals recorded on the ancient stele on the Ascension Platform, he also tried to go through it, but it didn't work, and he couldn't practice it unless he succeeded.

During the years of his reign, Xiaoyao Tianzun also found the fairy cave hidden under the ruins, and saw the dense ancient characters inscribed outside the fairy cave. They were the names of those who broke into the fairy cave, and the divine light is still flowing to this day.

If you guessed it right, this cave also has the hope of going to the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, there are restrictions on the cultivation of those who enter the cave. Once you reach the top of the Ultimate Dao, that is, after you realize the Supreme Dao, you will not be able to enter the Immortal Cave. There is a Rules beyond Xiaoyao Tianzun's understanding pervaded the Immortal Cave.

This cave seems to be of the same nature as the Ascension Platform, except that one is prepared for the Supreme, and the other is prepared for the creatures below the Supreme. Of course, if you want to enter the Immortal Cave, you must at least have the cultivation of a great saint.

After learning the rules of the Immortal Cave, Xiaoyao Tianzun smiled bitterly and became the Supreme, but lost the qualification to enter the Immortal Cave.

When he deduced the Immortal Cave, he also discovered something strange. It turned out that there was a big problem with both the Immortal Cave and the Ascension Platform. Half of the Ascension Platform was shattered by a hand, and the Immortal Cave was cut off by an inexplicable force. He wanted to pass through Going to the Immortal Realm from the Immortal Cave is not much less difficult than the Ascension Platform.

In the end, Xiaoyao Tianzun allowed the fairy cave to see the light of day again, giving those great saints who were approaching their longevity a chance. Even if they died because of this, this life would not be in vain. It was better than dying in the world of mortals and turning into a handful of loess.

After cutting himself with a knife, Xiaoyao Tianzun also deduced the location and approximate time when the crack in the Immortal Road opened, so he lay dormant and waited for the opportunity.

In the hundreds of thousands of years that followed, enlighteners appeared one after another, all calling themselves Tianzun. However, compared with Tianzun and others who had cultivated a field to the extreme, they were still a little behind.

Among these creatures, some choose to kill themselves and turn them into forbidden areas, dormant for the future, while others choose to risk their lives and open the ascension platform.

Every Supreme who chooses to open the Ascension Platform will be talked about by others and remembered in ancient history, because doing so will stake this life and requires great courage.

Even among the famous Celestial Beings in history who pioneered the ultimate secret technique, only Yuanshi Celestial Being chose this path.

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