This is an extremely splendid mythical era, where supreme beings emerge in large numbers, one generation after another, ruling the world and the world, and are powerful in the nine heavens and ten earths.

Between the heaven and the earth, the sacred material spurts out, making the dry universe full of vitality. There are many sources of life, and countless races thrive in this environment.

Under the influence of the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth, all kinds of unheard-of physiques have appeared, extremely gorgeous. Every time the opportunity for enlightenment comes, there will be a showdown between physiques, just like a myth.

Having a special physique means that the starting point is much higher than others, and the chance of enlightenment is greater, but this is not absolute, because some people are amazing and talented, and their talents are arrogant forever, and they are destined to shine in the path of spiritual practice.

After the disappearance of Xiaoyao Tianzun, who opened up the secret of "Xing" involving the law of time, over hundreds of thousands of years, more than a dozen supreme beings were born in succession, from different races. Some stood on the ascension platform, some were dormant in the restricted area, and the same ones were born. Yes, they all left their families in this world to pass on their bloodlines.

There is a saying that this is an alternative path to immortality. The soul factors of ancestors flow in the blood of descendants. If the descendants do not die, the ancestors will not be completely dead. Of course, this statement has not been confirmed. Just stay in the research stage.

Once a creature possesses the supreme bloodline, it will be a strong competitor on the road to enlightenment. It is naturally powerful and has the secret skills and power given by its ancestors.

However, the strange thing is that although the Supreme Scion is strong, he never reaches the end. He is often the foil of others, the green leaves that set off the flowers.

Those who come to the end are all talented and powerful people. They each create their own supreme scriptures and sit in the universe and watch the ups and downs of time.

Except for the dormant Self-Destruction Supreme, no one in the world is his enemy. Even the Self-Destruction Supreme, in most cases, is not the opponent of the current Supreme Being, because they have fallen from the supreme position and want to compete with the current Supreme Being. In the first battle, one must sublimate to the utmost and return to the supreme fruition, but this will not last long, and after sublimation, the cracks in Sendai will be exacerbated, and eventually the body will die.

Among the supreme beings, they are not all the same. For example, the Dujie Tianzun who opened up the secret of "qian", the Yuanshi Tianzun who opened up the secret of "dou", the Changsheng Tianzun who opened up the secret of "zhe", opened up the secret of "行" The secretly named Xiaoyao Tianzun has a more prestigious reputation than other supreme beings.

The ultimate secret skills they left behind will have a profound impact on future generations, and their evaluation will naturally be higher than other supremes of the same era.

In this life, there finally appeared someone who could rival several great deities. A gray-haired young man attained enlightenment, and was known as "Nirvana". In the physical body, he had almost reached the pinnacle of cultivation in the same field.

He created the secret word "Lin", which means that the physical strength has reached a critical point.

In the years to come, there will be countless methods for the physical body, but they all have to bow before the secret word "Lin", otherwise, it will not be called the ultimate in a field.

Relying on the tyranny of his physical body, the Lord of Annihilation chose to open the ascension platform in his second life and disappeared in the rain of fairy light, which really shocked those hibernating Supreme Beings.

Because Tianzun was in his prime and had a long lifespan, at least thousands or even tens of thousands of years to live. As a result, Tianzun Tianzun directly gave up his rule over the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and resolutely stood on the ascension platform.

On the day of his ascension, many of the self-destruction supreme gods spread across the cosmic star field and spread to Feixianxing. They witnessed the activation of the ascension platform and watched the Nirvana Heavenly Lord disappear into the passage between the immortal world.

They felt the power of the vast rules of the fairyland, as well as the ecstatic aura of the fairy spirit. It was the breath of immortality. As long as there was enough, it could make people immortal.

However, the passage was also filled with the aura of destruction, and the thunder was rolling and overwhelming. Even the Supremes like them felt awe-inspiring, secretly deducing the possibility of successful ascension.

Did Nirvana succeed? The Self-Destruction Supremes don't know that when it comes to the Immortal Realm, everything is shrouded in fog and cannot be seen clearly.

However, they saw the scene where the Nirvana Heavenly Lord was bleeding under the billions of immortal thunders. Even if the Nirvana Heavenly Lord had the secret of Lin Zi and his body was extremely strong, he would still be unable to move in the face of the immortal thunder and would be injured.

A generation of Tianzun disappeared like this, just like the Yuanshi Tianzun who left his clothes and blood stains on the Taoist platform, his life and death were unpredictable.

The self-killing supreme beings lamented in their hearts. They were once proud of the world and the earth, and they once oppressed the universe. But in the end, in the face of time, the supreme beings of humanity also have to bow their heads.

Those who do not give in, are unwilling to kill themselves, hold their heads high, and choose to ascend are only a minority after all. More people are looking forward to the cracks between the two worlds in the deduction.

As the years go by, enlightened people appear frequently in the world, and there are more and more supreme masters dormant. The supreme forces they left behind dominate various ancient galaxies. The multi-polar pattern in the universe of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths has been formed, and it is no longer what it used to be. What it looked like when the land was opened up.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan is still the strongest, but they also feel that the situation is different. Behind many big forces or races, there are taboo figures, which cannot be destroyed by them. Compared with the initial stage of the Mythical Age, It can be said that the dominance of the Kunlun Immortal Clan is slipping step by step.

At this time, the top leaders of the thirteen Kunlun clans couldn't help but think of the prophecies left by their predecessors.

Endless years have passed, and the King of Emperors has never appeared, and the catastrophe has never come. However, the glory of the Kunlun Immortal Clan has also gone forever.

It is foreseeable that as time goes by, the power of the Kunlun Immortal Clan will only further weaken. Of course, among the ancient stars standing in the Kunlun Mountains, the Kunlun Immortal Clan has absolute majesty.

The Lord of Annihilation disappeared, and the world was silent for a while, and then the battle for enlightenment began again, just like reincarnation after reincarnation.

Ninety thousand years have passed, and two more supreme beings have left their own traces in ancient history. The latter was born in the human race. Unfortunately, he failed to develop the ultimate secret technique in a certain field. However, for the human race, He also had great achievements.

In his later years, the Taoist Master found a secret technique that could help the acquired Holy Spirit to achieve perfection. It was known as the "Sky-Mending Technique". He was held in the hands of a Holy Spirit who was only one step away from attaining Taoism. With Mending the Sky Technique, the Holy Spirit's heart swelled, provoking Tao Zun's majesty, and as a result, he was suppressed by Dao Zun.

For the sake of future generations, the Taoist Master of the human race did not kill this holy spirit, but divided it into seven parts. He selected seven places on the ancient road of the starry sky of the human race and suppressed them underground to brew the heaven-defying immortal liquid.

However, the Taoist Master of the human race left a warning before he passed away. The Holy Spirit in the well may be able to brew the Heaven-defying Immortal Liquid, or it may fail and become an unknown evil well. I hope that the world will take this as a warning.

After this human Taoist Lord was enthroned, another Human Race Heavenly Lord rose up, known as the "Spiritual Treasure", and sacrificed a divine map, sweeping across the nine heavens and ten earths, killing the sons of the Supreme of the same era one by one, including other competitors. The killing spirit shocked the past and present.

His achievements in the art of formation back then were unparalleled in ancient and modern times, surpassing the age of mythology, and even putting him to shame of those who killed themselves.

After the rise of Lingbao and the enlightenment against heaven, the formation diagram also became the weapon of Tianzun, named "Zhuxian Formation Diagram". Just its name is terrifying, and a murderous aura rushes towards the face.

During his reign, the world was not peaceful because he killed too many creatures before he attained enlightenment, which offended some taboo creatures. Therefore, when he attained enlightenment, someone interfered with it. Lingbao Tianzun blocked the killings from the restricted area. Only after a tribulation did he succeed in attaining enlightenment.

After attaining enlightenment, he developed a secret formula to rival the previous great deities, and spent unimaginable energy to forge a killing sword that matched the Zhuxian formation. Once accomplished, the success would be immeasurable.

In his second life, he finally forged four killing swords that shocked the world and weeping ghosts and gods, named "Slaying Immortals", "Jue Immortals", "Trapping Immortals" and "Zhu Immortals".

With the weapons completed, Lingbao Tianzun took charge of the killing sword and formation, entered the restricted area, found the taboo creature that plotted against him when he was enlightened, forced the opponent to reach the highest level, and fought with him to the death.

For the Self-Destruction Supreme, the ultimate sublimation means risking one's life. Once sublimated, he will die soon. Therefore, the Supreme after sublimation must attack with all his strength, and his power will be no less than in his heyday.

As for Lingbao Tianzun, he forced two self-destruction supreme masters to sublime at once, shocking the world.

Everyone thought that he would suffer a big loss. After all, the Supreme in his heyday was invincible in the world and invincible in nine heavens and ten places, not to mention the two sublimated Supremes who attacked together.

However, what is shocking is that Lingbao Tianzun trapped the two sublimated supreme beings with formation diagrams and killing swords. After a bloody battle, they strangled them one after another.

This time, the whole world was shocked. Even the self-destruction supremes in the restricted area were shocked. With one against two, they killed two ascended supremes. This kind of combat power was really too unbelievable. If they were at their peak, At that time, it was impossible to do it.

Of course, there are also those who respond calmly, such as Xiaoyao Tianzun, who believes that he can also kill the Supreme Being.

The formation diagram is unparalleled, the killing sword is stained with blood, the four killing swords, after being stained with the blood of the Supreme, become more and more terrifying. Just looking at it from a distance makes the Supreme Self-destruction palpitate.

Many people believe that this Immortal Sword can really kill immortals, but it cannot be proven because there are no immortals in the world.

The killing of two forbidden supreme beings shocked the world. When Lingbao was alive, all self-killing supreme beings were silent. During his reign, all the races in the universe were trembling with fear, just because of his terrifying and unparalleled achievements.

In the later years of his second life, Lingbao Tianzun did not hesitate to choose to open the ascension platform. The reason was that he was confident that he could enter the immortal realm. When he forged the four killing swords, Lingbao Tianzun believed that once they were cast, they would You can use this to enter the fairyland.

Each of these four breathtaking swords that drink up all the blood can collide with the Supreme Soldier alone, without falling behind. If the four mouths are combined into one, and with the Zhuxian Formation, even a true immortal, even Lingbao Tianzun dares to kill him. .

On the ascension stage, Lingbao Tianzun looked down at the world. After leaving a legacy in the world, he held the Zhuxian Formation and four killing swords and entered the ascension passage.

Compared with the previous Nirvana Heavenly Lord who broke through the ascension passage, he was indeed much stronger, and he was able to handle the terrifying immortal thunder with ease. At least before the ascension passage was closed, the self-destruction supremes did not see the spirit treasure stained with blood.

"Did he succeed?"

In the restricted area, there was a whisper from the Supreme Being of Self-Destruction, and he was shocked and confused, because judging from the scene just now, Lingbao Tianzun had a high chance of success.

"Not necessarily, that's just the first half of the ascension passage. The later part will be so terrifying that it makes people despair. If the ascension platform is not damaged, why should we wait for the crack between the two worlds?"

Xiaoyao Tianzun in the Immortal Source is staring at the ascension platform. He is thinking, can he pass through the ascension passage with his speed that is unparalleled in ancient and modern times? If I had not killed myself at that time, but opened the ascension platform, would I have entered the fairyland I dreamed of now, or would I have turned into ashes in the passage?

After a long time, he sighed softly. Since he had chosen to hibernate, what was there to regret?

"Lingbao Tianzun is finally gone. No matter whether he is alive or dead, he can no longer threaten our Kunlun Immortal Clan."

The Kunlun Immortal Clan in the Immortal Pond breathed a sigh of relief when they beheaded themselves. If any of the previous supremes put the greatest pressure on them, it was definitely Lingbao Tianzun. He killed two sublimated supremes with his own hands, and his combat power was simply earth-shattering.

When that battle ended, the five supreme beings of the Kunlun Immortal Clan were all on guard against Lingbao, fearing that one day he would suddenly become the emperor. In this way, the prophecy had been fulfilled.

They were about to face off against the Immortal Killing Formation and the Four Killing Swords. Even if it was five against one, a few of them had no idea. They really couldn't see through the Lingbao.

Chi Cang, who was in the center of the Supreme Immortal Pond, also learned from the Kunlun Immortal Clan that a terrifying enlightened person appeared in the world who killed the Supreme Immortal, and it was one against two.

It is a pity that this person has never been to Kunlun Fairy Mountain, and Chi Cang cannot see this amazing and beautiful human monk with his own eyes.

You must know that those who have attained the Dao are all equivalent to the Supreme Dao like Wang Changsheng. Each of them can be respected in the field of humanity. Their Dao is superior to all Dao. Who is worse than the other?

Being able to fight one against two and kill the opponent without harming himself, this person definitely has the hope to follow the path of immortality in the world of mortals. Even if he cannot do so, he is still the top ultimate supreme being.

After the traces of Lingbao disappeared, four more supreme beings emerged in the world. They did not belong to the human race. However, those who could become supremes had great courage. When they ruled the universe, they would not let go of their bodies to commit annihilation. Unless this clan Self-inflicted evil.

The four supreme beings all chose to kill themselves. Some people stood on the ascension platform and wanted to activate it and ascend in the daytime. However, the terrifying immortal thunder kept them away.

After the Four Supreme Beings, the human race rises again. A Taoist priest, relying on the method of controlling weapons and everything is a weapon, defeated many competitors and successfully proved the Tao, known as "Infinite".

He developed the "Bing" secret, which allowed him to control the enemy's weapons during battle, and in turn kill the opponent. Not only that, the "Bing" secret was all-encompassing, including raising troops, refining weapons, etc. In terms of weapons, he was worthy of being a master. Called the ultimate.

Although he was on par with all the great Heavenly Lords, Immeasurable Heavenly Lord finally chose to kill himself and sealed himself in the source of immortality, waiting for the rift between the two worlds to appear.

After he committed suicide, another creature named himself Tianzun achieved enlightenment. Unfortunately, he did not develop a secret technique that symbolized the ultimate in a field.

In this life, there is a physique that is extremely defiant and only exists in deductions. Legend has it that those with this physique can evolve everything and obliterate all things. It is one of the strongest physiques and is known as "Chaos".

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