The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 469 Kunlun is finally destroyed

In addition, the Hades Emperor did not intend to go to the Immortal Realm. Although he also wanted to become an immortal, he had a clear understanding that his way was in this world, not in the Immortal Realm.

Therefore, Emperor Zun's plan to raise his disciples to ascension has little to do with the Hades Emperor.

But Emperor Zun is still his disciple no matter what, and it is related to the immortality of the emperors in heaven. If he does not agree, it is inevitable that these supreme emperors will have resentment against him.

Although the Pluto Emperor has no fear, he still has to reincarnate in this world. If he offends too many Supreme Beings, he may cause big trouble. He is not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

"Master, are you in any trouble?" The emperor on the throne asked.

Hearing this, Hades Emperor smiled and shook his head.

He always felt that his disciple was slightly different from the Ninth Heavenly Lord back then, especially his attitude towards all spirits. The former Ninth Heavenly Lord protected the world and protected all spirits, but now the Emperor has a touch of coldness invisibly. For Pluto Emperor who is familiar with the Ninth Heavenly Lord, he can clearly feel it.

However, it seems reasonable that one's temperament would change after reincarnation.

The Hades Emperor didn’t think much about it.

He sighed and said: "There are naturally ways to repair the immortal veins, but it will deplete hundreds of life sources. It is best to properly arrange the living races in those life sources."

"It turns out that Master is worried about this matter. There is no need to worry about this. I, the emperors of Heaven, have the power to reach the heavens." The Emperor replied calmly.

The Supremes on both sides below were a little excited when they heard that great things could be expected. They embarked on the road of self-destruction and fell down from the Supreme Attainment. Wasn't it just to wait for the rift between the two worlds to appear and rush into the fairyland? Now that Emperor Zun is presiding over it, the possibility of success is greatly improved. Arranging all spirits is just a trivial matter for them.

"That's very good." Underworld Emperor nodded without doubting that he was there, already thinking about how to repair the fairyland.

"If you want to know the situation of Immortal Vein at this moment, it is best to attack Kunlun immediately. I want to raise my troops to attack Kunlun. Fellow Taoists, please come with me." The emperor waved his hand and was about to attack the ancient star. .

"It's about the great cause of becoming an immortal, so naturally we will spare no effort." Changsheng Tianzun responded.

Daode Tianzun, Infinite Tianzun and others also responded. Since they want to teach people to ascend, they, the supreme ones, must gain some strength in the process.

Emperor Zun personally gave orders, and the whole heaven became noisy. Countless heavenly soldiers and generals gathered, preparing to set off. One after another, huge warships crossed the sky. Each one was worth a vast star. It was originally Refined with star wreckage as the main material, only Heaven has the strength to build so many star wreckage warships.

In addition to the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heaven, there are also various races in the universe that have surrendered to the heaven. When they heard the trumpet sound of the war in the heaven, they immediately opened the star gate and rushed towards the star field where the ancient star was located.

For a time, the entire universe was shaken and turbulent.

The six self-destruction supremes of the Kunlun Immortal Clan had an ominous premonition almost at the same time. This is the unique spiritual sense of the supreme level creatures.

"Heavenly Emperor, is he finally coming?" The Three-Eyed Supreme's heart sank slightly.

Even with the fairy bell in his hand, he still couldn't calm down, because the two words "Emperor" were too heavy, as if they could crush eternity.

The other five Supremes also felt this way.

"We have to face a behemoth like Heavenly Court. If we are not careful, our clan will be wiped out. Therefore, before they come over, we, the Kunlun Immortal Clan, must retain the fire. Even if we lose this battle, we will still have a chance to make a comeback in the future." Snake Supreme spoke up.

"Indeed, we must prepare for the worst."

Later, the thirteen tribesmen of Kunlun gathered together and selected young tribesmen with strong bloodline power as the back-up to continue the race.

However, when they wanted to send the fire to a place no one knew about, they found that the star field where the ancient star was located was already surrounded by water and could not be sent out at all.

Even if the Self-Destruction Supreme takes action, he can't do it, because the peak supremes of Heavenly Court are guarding in all directions. You must know that they are the perfect supremes at this moment. If they want to fight against these creatures, the Kunlun Immortal Clan's Self-Destruction Supreme must sublimate their abilities to the utmost. OK.

"It's a pity that in order to sacrifice the Immortal Bell, it requires the efforts of the entire clan, so there is no way to leave a backup plan in advance." The supreme leader of the Kunlun Immortal Clan sighed lightly.

"It doesn't matter. With the Immortal Bell here, I don't believe that the Heavenly Court can attack. As long as the Emperor is killed, the Heavenly Court will surely fall apart." A Supreme said confidently.

"I'm afraid that the Immortal Bell cannot crush the Emperor, and the emperors of heaven are coming. If we want to fight against them, we have to sublime and return to the supreme fruition."

"At this point, the only option is to fight to the death."

The six self-destruction supremes are ready to ascend to the highest level and fight to the death with the heavenly army.

As for surrender, they have never considered it, not only because of the prophecy, but also because there is a great cause and effect between Emperor Zun and the Kunlun Immortal Clan. They were once almost enslaved by the Kunlun Clan, and Emperor Zun was decisive in killing and would not show mercy. Therefore, there is only one battle and no other possibility.

The six people went to the place where the Immortal Bell was enshrined and informed the Immortal Bell about killing the Heavenly Supreme.

"Although I am an immortal, I am not a real immortal after all, and I am not omnipotent. The emperor you are talking about is very strong. I can try to suppress it, but you have to resist the other supremes." The Immortal Bell informed that it had rejected the six supreme beings' request that it kill all the supreme beings in heaven.

The six self-destruction supremes were not disappointed when they heard this. This statement was just a test of the fairy bell's bottom line, and the result was within their expectations.

"Then Emperor Zun will be suppressed by Senior Xianzhong." The Three-Eyed Supreme nodded.

The fairy bell chimed softly, washing out circles of time ripples, and the bell spirit inside spoke again: "Okay, the first shot, the goal is to suppress the Emperor. If I go all out, I can't help the Emperor, and it will be regarded as a waste. One chance to strike.”

It's a wake-up call.

"It's natural."

The two sides reached an agreement in this way.

Outside the star field, one after another huge warships made from star skeletons sailed slowly in the dark deep space of the universe, approaching the star field where the ancient stars were located.

Soon, the warship broke through the defense array arranged by the Kunlun Immortal Clan in the universe.

Under the pressure of the army, many defensive ancient stars set up by the Kunlun Immortal Clan were breached, and the Kunlun Immortal Clan members above were either killed or captured.

The blood of immortals flows in their bodies, which is extremely valuable, and Heaven will naturally not waste it.

In just one day, the iron-barrel-like star field defense that the Kunlun Immortal Clan had worked so hard to build was broken by Heavenly Court. There was no way around it, this was an absolute crushing of strength.

Many of the Kunlun Immortal Clan's faces showed worry, feeling that the Near Immortal Clan would perish in this battle and withdraw from the stage of history.

Some people also think that the trump card of the Kunlun Immortal Clan has not yet appeared, and it is too early to draw a conclusion now.

Moreover, it is never the low-level monks who decide victory or defeat, but the supreme ones who are above.

The Ancient Star of Prehistoric Times is a water-blue planet, vast and boundless. It is vaster than the famous ancient stars of life such as the Beidou Ancient Star, Feixian Star, and Ziwei Emperor Star. There are countless human beings living on it. The ancient races, but all races surrendered to the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

On the ancient planet, the Kunlun Immortal Clan is the highest, the sky.

At this moment, the sky will fall.

Although it is still daytime, as long as the creatures on the ancient star raise their heads, they can see the huge black thing. It is the battleship of the heaven, coming across the boundless star field.

If it weren't for the many supreme-level formations blessed by the Kunlun Immortal Clan's previous supremes on the ancient star, these battleships would have already entered.

In the towering Kunlun, the six major self-slayers are waiting in the Dignity Formation. They know in their hearts that this battle is likely to be the day when they die, but they have no choice but to fight. Only in this way can the ethnic group continue to survive.

They are different from many enlightened people. They have taken it as their responsibility to protect the inheritance of the Kunlun Immortal Clan from the time they first emerged. The reason why they went dormant is to turn into the foundation of the Kunlun Immortal Clan. Now, at the moment of life and death of the clan, these foundations of theirs should stand. Out.

"Emperor, you have indeed attacked. You will never die in destroying our Kunlun Immortal Clan." The Three-Eyed Supreme stared into the deep space. In the distant vacuum beyond the ancient stars, there was a majestic and tall figure with a terrifying aura. To the extreme, even supreme-level creatures would feel terrified when facing him.

The emperor stared at the aqua-blue ancient stars and said indifferently: "Under the heaven, there is no royal land. If you want to survive, surrender to the heaven and save you from waiting to die."

"Heavenly Court? Haha, is what you established the orthodox Heavenly Court? The ancestors of my Kunlun Immortal Clan are real immortals, and they also come from the "Heavenly Court" and are located in the vast fairyland. If we calculate carefully, I Only then will it be considered the orthodoxy of the Heavenly Court." The Snake Supreme shouted, questioning the legitimacy of the Heavenly Court established by the Emperor.

In fact, in the classics left by the true immortal ancestors of the thirteen Kunlun tribes, there is indeed a mention of a heavenly court. Their ancestors seem to have people from the heavenly court. This is not a fabrication made by the snake, but it is indeed true.

The ancestors of the thirteen tribes are naturally at least thirteen true immortals. They all come from the immortal realm, because the nine heavens and ten places before the immortal war were in the end of the Dharma, and there could be no immortal creatures, unless they were mortal immortals.

And among at least thirteen true immortals, some are members of the Immortal Domain force known as Ancient Heaven.

However, even if the ancestors of the Kunlun Immortal Clan are really the creatures of the ancient heaven, Emperor Zun and others will not care. In this world, success and failure, no matter how glorious the ancestors are, are a thing of the past.

Emperor Zun said nothing more and directly gave the order to attack the ancient star.

The peak supreme beings such as the Immortal Heavenly Lord, the Moral Heavenly Lord, and the Infinite Heavenly Lord took action respectively, causing the magic circle on the surface of the entire ancient star to make a creaking sound.

Hangu Pass, this must-pass route was first broken, the magic circle no longer existed, and the huge city wall was exposed, standing under the starry sky.

Amidst the majestic horns of Heaven, countless creatures are heading towards Hangu Pass. They are a powerful race deep in the universe. They surrender to Heaven and are willing to sacrifice their lives for Heaven.

And the heavenly soldiers and generals of the heaven itself are also killing the azure ancient star. Among them, the most heroic person is named Chuanying. Although he has not yet become a Taoist, he can kill himself in battle. Because of his bravery, he was named by the emperor. The first divine general in heaven.

The army is coming, and the moment that determines the life and death of the Kunlun Immortal Clan has arrived. The strong men of the thirteen tribes have come out to fight to the death with the Heavenly Court.

"Didn't you prepare an immortal weapon for me? There's no need to hide." The Emperor stood majestic in the starry sky, his eyes full of vicissitudes, overlooking the eternal years.

"Since you already know and still dare to come, today is your death day." The Three-Eyed Supreme snorted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a "dang" bell sounded from the Kunlun Fairy Mountain. In just a moment, time ripples washed away. Under these time ripples, the attack of heaven was suspended.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals only feel as if they have aged countless years. In an instant, their youth has passed away and they have become very old.


Seeing this, Emperor Zun no longer hesitated and took action, using world-shattering secret techniques to fight against this time ripple.

Then, a crystal blood-stained fairy bell appeared and flew towards Emperor Zun to suppress it.

A peerless war broke out. The Immortal Bell was a real immortal weapon, and it was easy to suppress the ordinary Supreme Being. At this moment, he launched an attack on the Emperor, and the power was simply earth-shattering.

Changsheng Tianzun and others were shocked. There was really an ancient bell of immortality that was taking action for the Kunlun Immortal Clan, releasing the terrifying law of time.

Later, Emperor Zun issued an order to kill the six self-destruction supremes of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

The emperors in heaven were favored by him so that they could continue their peak imperial destiny. In addition, the attack on Kunlun was for the purpose of becoming an immortal. Therefore, these supreme beings were completely unambiguous when they took action.

The self-destruction supreme among the Kunlun Immortal Clan knew that he was no match for him, so he sighed and chose to ascend to the extreme.

On this day, the two-digit peak supremes fought against each other, the galaxy was destroyed, and the universe was in turmoil, which was felt throughout the nine heavens and ten earths.

They were all enlightened ones in the past. When the Supreme Avenue came out, the heaven and the earth surrendered, and all the worlds screamed. But at this moment, they were violently colliding, fighting to the death, and the figures were flickering. They were all dominant, and their weapons were also conquering each other, as if they were going to kill each other. Divide into high and low.

The other supreme beings dormant in the restricted area were all awakened by this terrifying fluctuation, and they all cast their gazes here.

The Kunlun Immortal Clan, a near-immortal clan that has witnessed the ups and downs of the entire mythological era, will now be destroyed at the hands of heaven. This is undoubtedly a major event after the end of the mythical era.


In the battlefield where Emperor Zun was, the Immortal Bell showed great power and even evolved into a torrential river of time, which made even the Supreme Emperor change his color.

Facing the full attack of a complete immortal weapon, it was naturally difficult for the Supreme Humanity to resist. However, the Emperor blocked it. He knew that he could not break the immortal bell, so he just tried his best to defend.

And the Immortal Bell became more and more dazzling, further activating the Immortal Power. Even the Emperor felt the tremendous pressure and couldn't help but change his expression.

Seeing this, the supreme master of the Kunlun Immortal Clan in the distance showed hope. As long as the Immortal Bell suppresses Emperor Zun, the Lord of Heaven, Heaven will surely fall apart.

However, the next moment, a scene that made them despair happened. Emperor Zun's master Ming Zun suddenly appeared, side by side with Emperor Zun, and jointly resisted the Immortal Bell's offensive. Emperor Zun, who was on the verge of collapse, immediately stabilized the situation.

"My clan is gone."

Seeing this situation, the Supreme Beings such as Three Eyes, Transformed Snake, and Candle Dragon couldn't help but lament in their hearts. After all, the Immortal Bell is not a real immortal creature, it is just a weapon. Compared with a true immortal, there is still a gap.

Sure enough, the next second, the voice of the Immortal Bell Zhongling rang in their ears, telling the six people that with Mingzun and Emperor Zun joining forces, it could not do anything to Emperor Zun, so it was best to make other plans as soon as possible.

"Senior Immortal Bell, please escort the fire of our clan to a place where the Emperor cannot explore and thrive." The Three-Eyed Supreme and others knew that the situation was over, so they made such a request.

"Yes, but this must be considered a shot." Xian Zhong responded.

The six supreme beings nodded, they had no choice. The supreme Taoist fruit had been fully sublimated, and after the brilliance, it would finally come to an end.

PS: The covering part of this book only writes about the age of myths and the emperor's heaven. The other sentences have been mentioned. Don't talk about whether there will be emperors and emperors one by one, and write about Ye Fan's era.

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