The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 470 Meeting the Emperor


The bell rang, and ripples spread out. Indistinctly, it seemed as if there was a vast river of time flowing through the void. The endless power of time and space was like a vast ocean or a tide.

Emperor Zun and Hades Emperor, two of the most powerful men in the world, joined forces and were also shaken away, unable to get close for a while.

Moreover, time and years seem to have been pressed by the fairy clock, and everything has stopped at this moment.

This feeling is very strange. The mind has not paused and is still running, but the body cannot move.

The sublimated Kunlun Immortal Clan Supreme and the Heavenly Supreme at the peak of their imperial destiny, including the unfathomable Hades Emperor and the extremely noble Emperor, were also deeply affected and slowed down.

The Heavenly Soldiers, Heavenly Generals and the creatures of the Kunlun Immortal Clan were unable to move at all and could only stare helplessly ahead.

Under the gaze of all the supreme beings and heavenly soldiers and generals, the Immortal Bell turned around and turned into a stream of light. It followed the route it took when it rushed out and descended into the Kunlun Immortal Mountain. Then, it took the Kunlun Immortal Clan and prepared it. The good "fire" broke through the void, rushed into the layers of time and space cracks, and disappeared.

The moment the Fairy Bell disappeared, the pause button was cancelled, the flow of time returned to normal, and the entire battlefield became noisy again.

"What just happened?"

Chuanying, the top divine general in heaven, held a stone stick and blasted away a peak quasi-emperor of the Kunlun Immortal Clan. He looked at the direction where the immortal bell left with a solemn expression.

Not just him, but also the peak supreme beings in heaven.

The Immortal Celestial Being, the Moral Celestial Being, etc. were all silent. The Immortal Bell was the ultimate human weapon. The weapon that entered the realm of Immortal Realm was really terrifying. Even a fragment of the Immortal Bell would probably be worth what they had refined. The supreme weapon made.

Later, they thought of Emperor Zun's plan to repair the Kunlun Immortal Vein, and then breed the Source Cauldron of All Things, which is the Immortal Cauldron, in order to open up the path to immortality and complete the plan of cultivating the ascension.

Looking at it now, if the Chengxian Cauldron is successfully conceived, then the plan to ascend the teachings has a slight chance of success.

Emperor Zun and Hades Emperor stood under the starry sky, looking at the direction where the fairy bell disappeared, and remained silent for a long time.

After a long time, Emperor Zun shook his head slightly: "It's a pity that this weapon cannot be used by me."

"The immortal weapon has spirit. After all, it was restored by the Kunlun Immortal Clan. It has a great cause and effect with this clan, so naturally it cannot be returned to heaven." The Underworld Emperor sighed.

"It doesn't matter, as long as Master can repair the Kunlun Immortal Vein, I can also have an Immortal Artifact in Heaven." Emperor Zun said with a smile.

"I already have some ideas about the method of repairing the immortal veins. If I want to interweave the original image of the source of thousands of veins, I can only unite the ninety-nine dragon veins and restore them to their roots.

The major veins in the world all originate from the Kunlun Immortal Mountain. Now, if you control the dragon veins and return to the source, arrange them around the Kunlun Immortal Veins, and then attach ten thousand dragon peaks, swallowing the immortal qing, and gathering together into one pool, you will definitely be able to give birth to someone who will become an immortal. land. "The Underworld Emperor spoke eloquently and told the method of repairing the Immortal Land.

In this life, he walked underground and developed unparalleled source techniques. He could be called an emperor just by using source techniques. Only a source emperor like him could conceive of such a terrifying terrain layout.

Emperor Zun's eyes lit up when he heard this method. He was also proficient in Origin Technique and learned from Emperor Ming.

Take ninety-nine main dragon veins from the life stars in other star fields, rush to the ancient star, and then make a layout with Kunlun Fairy Mountain as the center, seize the creation of heaven and earth, reverse the yin and yang of the universe, and finally, use the ten thousand dragon peaks to spit out The fairy tales come to an end, interweaving to give birth to the hope of becoming an immortal. This concept is simply a miraculous workmanship.

"As expected of Master, but first we have to solve the trouble at hand." Emperor said coldly, staring at the six ascended supreme masters of the Kunlun Immortal Clan who were going crazy.

They knew that they would not survive and that they would come to an end after their greatest glory. Therefore, they were extremely crazy and wanted to drag the emperors of heaven with them on the road.

The desperate Supreme Being is undoubtedly terrifying, like the Immortal Supreme, who was injured by the Three-Eyed Supreme's crazy fighting style and was covered in Emperor's blood. Of course, the Three-Eyed Supreme was not having a hard time either, as all the Supreme Instruments were shattered.

"I am the Immortal Master, do you think you can take me away?" The Immortal Master waved the Eternal Life Sword, and bright red chains appeared on his body from time to time. This is the secret of the ultimate realm, and he is constantly repairing the injuries on his body. Secret, Emperor Zun and Hades Emperor are not as good as Changsheng Tianzun.

The Three-Eyed Supreme does not have such a terrifying recovery ability. His aura has begun to decline, and he is no longer at his peak, showing his decline.

After all, he only reached the highest level of sublimation and returned to the supreme status in a short period of time, unable to fight for a long time.

The other five people were the same and couldn't last long.

Seeing this, Emperor Zun naturally did not want to waste time and directly took action to speed up the process.

Not long after, the six supreme beings of the Kunlun Immortal Clan were suppressed one after another.

With Emperor Zun taking action, they would not be able to defeat them even in their heyday, let alone now?

The Supreme Being fell, and the Kunlun immortals who were still fighting to the death immediately lost their will to resist. The heavenly soldiers and generals swarmed up and took control of the entire ancient star in an instant.

At this point, the Kunlun Immortal Clan, which dominated the entire mythological era, has come to an end. Even if there is still "fire" left, it is not known how long it will take to restore the splendor of its peak period, and maybe it will never go back.

Of course, this is not certain. After all, the Immortal Bell escaped with the "fire" of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, and there is an immortal weapon sitting in charge. The foundation of the Kunlun Immortal Clan is still strong.

"From now on, there is no Kunlun Immortal Clan in the world. Those ants that escaped are at most the remnants of the Kunlun Clan." Gu Tianzun said to himself, announcing the destruction of the Kunlun Immortal Clan.

After occupying the prehistoric ancient star, the emperors thought that the emperor would go to his hometown to take a look as soon as possible.

Time flies like an arrow, years fly by, leaving home at a young age, conquering the ancient road, proving the Tao against heaven, and finally relying on oneself to live out the second life with utmost respect. After being separated for such a long time, I must miss my hometown.

However, Emperor Zun did not mention this matter, but said something about the arrangement of the ancient star.

The Heavenly Court is going to lay out its layout here, restore the Immortal Land, and nurture the Source Cauldron of All Things. Naturally, it must be well defended. Emperor Zun is afraid that the fleeing Kunlun survivors will act like monsters and activate the Immortal Bell to come back and destroy his plan.

Therefore, he decided to use the "Group" secret created by Lingbao Tianzun to rearrange the defenses on the ancient star. Once someone comes with the idea of ​​destroying the ancient star, they will not be able to arrive smoothly and will be attacked by the magic circle halfway.

Then, he informed the emperors of Heaven about the Hades Emperor's ideas and ideas about restoring the Immortal Land.

When all the supreme beings heard about this plan, their faces showed shock. They activated the ninety-nine main dragon veins and descended on the ancient star. This was an unimaginably huge project, and there were ten thousand dragon peaks, etc., all of which were laborious and laborious. Things.

However, it is naturally not that easy to give birth to an immortal cauldron.

"Let's go to the Kunlun Mountains first to see the so-called first immortal vein in ancient and modern times.

Throughout the age of mythology, no one had seen the appearance of the Immortal Vein except for a few supreme beings of the Kunlun Immortal Clan. Now, its mysterious veil is finally about to be unveiled. "Pluto Emperor suggested.

The emperors naturally had no objections. Some of them had visited the Kunlun Immortal Clan when they ruled the world and were very interested in these immortal veins. Unfortunately, at that time, due to the strong strength of the Kunlun Immortal Clan, they did not dare to use force. It's different now, they directly conquered the entire Kunlun Immortal Vein.

Along the ancient road filled with energy like clouds, the emperors walked towards the center of Kunlun Fairy Mountain. Along the way, they passed by great medicines of astonishing vintage. The Kunlun Fairy Clan walked in a hurry and did not take away many good things. These The great medicine left behind naturally benefited Heavenly Court.

However, compared to the Kunlun Fairy Mountain in its heyday, these great medicines have been affected to varying degrees. Many ancient medicines are languishing, looking like their vitality is severely damaged.

For the emperors of heaven, these ancient medicines are completely useless to them, even the elixir of death has no effect, so they all regard them as trivial.

When Emperor Zun and Hades brought the emperors of Heaven to the dry fairy pond at the center of the Kunlun Immortal Vein, they all looked at the center of the fairy pond in surprise.

There, there is a strange fairy flower rooted in the void, which cannot be sensed by the soul. It seems that it does not exist in the world, but it is clearly there.

There was a Supreme who used a secret method to find out. However, a sudden feeling of horror came over, making the soul of the Supreme who took action tremble and tremble.

When they looked at the fairy flower again, the eyes of the Supremes were full of solemnity and fear. A fairy flower made them feel the threat of death, as if if they continued to delve deeper, they would incur the most terrible punishment.

Emperor Zun and Hades also discovered the extraordinary nature of Xianpa, and held their breaths involuntarily. This was by no means an elixir, but something more terrifying than the origin of the elixir.

"The Kunlun Immortal Clan has occupied this place for endless years, but they have never touched this fairy flower?" the Immortal Lord said doubtfully.

Needless to say, things that can make the Emperor, the Underworld Emperor, and all the peak supreme beings look frightened and frightened must involve immortals.

In a sense, this fairy flower is more dangerous than the fairy bell.

"Is it the flower of immortality? If that's the case, the six supreme beings of the Kunlun Immortal Clan really can't touch this flower." The Emperor whispered, staring at the immortal flower with solemnity and uncertainty.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt like a pair of eyes were watching him.

Of course, this was what Chi Cang in the Flower of the Avenue deliberately made him aware of. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a human being to discover the clues of a supreme Immortal King.

"Flower of Immortality? If you swallow this flower, can you become an immortal immediately?" A Supreme Being said this whether intentionally or unintentionally.

The Supreme Beings present looked at each other. There are three kinds of strange flowers in the world, the Hedao flower, the god flower, and the demon god flower.

The first one can directly make people join the Tao. In the magnificent mythological era, there was a supreme being who was lucky enough to receive this flower. He immediately realized the Tao and became the supreme one, who could conquer all the ways.

The second type is the most gorgeous divine flower in the world, and only the Supreme One is qualified to view it.

The third type of flower, if obtained by a young demon clan, can build the foundation of the demon emperor, which is extremely unparalleled.

Now, in the Kunlun Fairy Mountain, there is a kind of fairy flower growing. Although it is dangerous, it can't help but make people think about it.

There is no supreme being who does not desire to enter the path of immortality. If one can eat this flower and break away from the shackles to become an immortal, it will be a great opportunity.

However, the temptation just now made the Supremes quite wary of the fairy flower. They had a premonition that if they touched this flower rashly, there would be a disaster.

"Look, this Immortal Flower is surrounded by the fog of time and cause and effect. Could it be related to the birth of the Immortal Bell?" the Immortal Lord said.

"In short, the origin of this flower is amazing, and it may have a heaven-defying effect. Since we have conquered the Kunlun Mountains, this flower will belong to my heaven." A supreme leader spoke up, with an inexplicable meaning in his words.

Chi Cang, who was among the flowers of the avenue, was a little helpless when he heard this. Before he said anything, he was already regarded as his own by these creatures?

However, he can also understand their desire for immortality. They are supreme beings who are invincible in heaven and earth. In order to survive, they can only kill themselves and hibernate in the immortal source.

Long years have passed, and their temperaments have long been different from before. They have changed from the guardian gods who maintained the peace of the nine heavens and ten earths, to cold creatures who are dedicated to the Tao and can ignore anything. Time has changed too many people. , this is inevitable.

Emperor Zun's heart tightened when he heard this. He might cause big trouble with such unbridled words. There might be a living being living in the fairy flower, watching him.

"This flower is of great importance, so don't talk nonsense." He scolded sternly.

Although the Supreme Being who spoke was unhappy, he didn't say much.

"Are you the Emperor?"

Chi Cang's words rang in Emperor Zun's ears, like thunder exploding, making this supreme man who respected both humans, gods, demons and demons look shocked.

Is there really a living being living among the flowers of immortality?


He said silently.

Although Emperor Zun is very strong, far surpassing the peak Supreme Being, his little trick of transmitting sound cannot be hidden from the Supreme Beings.

The Supremes, including the Hades Emperor, looked at the Emperor in surprise. They were very surprised. The Emperor could actually communicate with this extremely dangerous flower of immortality?

Noticing the uncertain looks in the eyes of the Heavenly Supremes, Chi Cang immediately knew that the Heaven in front of him seemed to be harmonious, but in fact it was not as united as imagined. Maybe if there was a slight gap, it would collapse.

He thought for a while and no longer transmitted messages only to Emperor Zun.

"The end of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths is indeed terrible. The Ascension Platform was built back then to give enlightened people a chance to enter the Immortal Realm. Unfortunately, the war in later generations left this platform half destroyed. It is for this reason that you are left waiting. Jiutian, but if you want to enter the Immortal Realm, there are still many opportunities."

When the Supreme Being of Heaven heard the voice coming from the Immortal Flower, he was all shocked beyond measure.

The fairy flower in front of me is one of the pioneers of the Ascension Platform? Opening up an ascension passage connecting the Immortal Realm and the Nine Heavens is something only a true immortal can do at least, maybe even higher.

If these words are true, then the beings in the Immortal Flower are undoubtedly extremely ancient creatures, coming from before the Hades era.

When the Supreme Beings of Heaven were in power, they had investigated the ancient history of faults in both heaven and earth. In some ancient ruins buried underground, there were records about the mysterious era before the underworld. However, there were only two heavy mountains in the whole article. Ancient characters - Luan Gu, even if there are only two characters, people can't help but feel suffocated. Luan Gu, how chaotic is it? Why the chaos?

"Senior, could it be that he was born in troubled times?"

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