The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 472 The Immortal Cauldron is completed and the curtain opens

A heaven where all emperors coexist is naturally extremely powerful, but if people's hearts are not aligned, it will begin to fall apart.

At this moment, the seeds of division were undoubtedly planted in Heaven.

All the pinnacle supreme beings are thinking, what key information did the Emperor get from that ultimate ancient creature?

Could it be another path to immortality? Or something else?

Seeing that Emperor Zun looked like he didn't want to talk about it, the emperors had no choice but to give up. They were not fools, and naturally knew clearly that Emperor Zun was stronger than them together, and could even withstand terrifying immortal weapons, even if they were together If you attack him, most of the time you won't be able to do anything about him.

Doing so would be equivalent to breaking one's skin in advance, and Emperor Zun's plan to ascend to the throne would definitely fall apart.

No matter how true this plan is, the emperors are willing to believe it temporarily and work hard for this plan.

"Fellow Taoist Emperor, will that senior stay here? We have many questions to ask him." A Supreme asked.

Emperor Zun glanced at him and said calmly: "The senior has left, and what needs to be said has been said. If you want to become an immortal, there are only three ways. You Taoists have chosen the Crack of Two Worlds. Lu, do you regret it?"

The supreme beings changed their colors. An existence older than the ancient era was gone? This is a living history book, with endless secrets hidden in my mind. It is heartbreaking to leave like this.

"Haha, fellow Taoist Emperor is joking. We are all supreme beings. How can we go back on our word?

As long as my plan of building the cauldron of the source of all things in Heaven is successful, when the cracks in the Immortal Realm appear, I will definitely be able to lead the tribe of Heaven to break into the Immortal Realm. "The Immortal Lord said with a smile.

Although his expression also changed somewhat, at this moment, Changsheng Tianzun did not want to create a gap between him and Emperor Zun.

"Do other fellow Taoists also mean this, or do they have other plans? I, the Heavenly Court, will never force you, even if I am kind to you. If you want to quit midway, I will not stop you in the slightest, let alone take action against them." Emperor Zun was indifferent. said.

When he said this, the emperors immediately fell silent. The senior also said that some of the cracks between the two realms are connected, while others are not completely connected and need to be forced in. If there is no Immortal Cauldron and Emperor Zun to open the way, Can they really get in on their own? No one knows.

In this case, the emperors of heaven naturally did not want to leave the heaven rashly.

Seeing that the emperors were silent, the emperor snorted coldly: "No fellow Taoist said anything, which means that you all have decided to stay. In this case, I hope that your thoughts will be on the plan of ascension and not have random thoughts."

"This is natural. We should prioritize ascension." The Supremes nodded in response.

Subsequently, the recovery plan of Kunlun Immortal Veins was launched in a grand manner.

The pinnacles of heaven, according to the method taught by the Pluto Emperor, dig out the dragon veins, control the dragon veins, chase the stars and the moon from the vast universe and the endless ancient stars of life, from one ancient star to another. Coming towards the ancient star.

At the request of the Pluto Emperor, after these peak supreme beings remove the dragon veins, if the ancient land of life can still maintain living conditions, there is no need to move living beings. If the ancient star of life dries up directly, then the supreme ones will take action to remove all the people in the ancient star. Creatures removed.

In fact, to these supreme beings, lives like ants are simply insignificant existences. They have been dormant for endless years, watching the vicissitudes of the world, the changes of the world, the ups and downs, and they have already seen through everything.

For their long lives, the lifespan of all spirits is extremely short. Just like summer cicadas, morning bacteria don't know the dawn of dawn, and worms don't know spring and autumn. Even if they kill all the spirits on a planet, it's just like harvesting autumn. The weeds will grow and flourish again next spring.

However, they belong to Heaven, and it is best to comply with the requirements of the Underworld Emperor as much as possible. You must know that the Underworld Emperor is second only to the Emperor.

Under the fate of the emperors, one after another the thriving ancient stars of life dried up and turned into death stars, and one after another dragon veins descended on the ancient stars.

The creatures living on this ancient star were surprised to find that the essence that had become thin was slowly recovering, and the environment of the world was gradually getting warmer.

However, what they don't know is that this is just a flash in the pan, just to create an immortal weapon.

All the dragon veins that were controlled were in the hands of the Hades Emperor, who personally arranged the terrain of Ninety-nine Dragon Mountain.

With the Kunlun Immortal Vein as the center, ninety-nine main dragon veins are planted around it, and the ninety-nine dragons guard the Immortal Land.

You need to know that one of these main dragon veins can support the entire vein of an ancient star of life and nourish the creatures in a source of life. Now, as many as ninety-nine main dragon veins are gathered together, like stars holding the moon. It sets off the Kunlun Immortal Veins like this, which is simply unbelievable to the extreme.

In addition to laying out the top terrain of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in ancient and modern times, the Hades Emperor also worked with some Supremes to refine the Ten Thousand Heads Dragon Peak, which is used to connect the Immortal Pond and the Ninety-Nine Dragon Veins. When the time comes, the Ten Thousand Heads Dragon Peak will be used to absorb the immortal Qing, gives birth to the hope of becoming an immortal.

As the Lord of Heaven, Emperor Zun was not idle. He began to use the huge power of Heaven to set foot in every corner of the universe and collect various bloodlines, covering various races such as humans, flowers, birds, insects, fish, etc.

Many divine realms sealed by Heaven are also actively completing this matter.

Not only the blood of various creatures, but also heaven-defying fairy materials, etc., were gathered from all over the universe for the use of heaven.

Repairing the Immortal Veins is a project that takes too much effort. Without the help of these peak supreme beings, it would have taken who knows how many years to complete.

Even so, it took Heavenly Court hundreds of years to complete all the preparations.

At this moment, all the emperors in heaven are here to witness this sacred and exciting moment. Ninety-nine dragon mountains guard the immortal land, and ten thousand dragon peaks swallow up the immortal flowers and gather into a pool.

When the Pluto Emperor returned the last Dragon Head Peak to its place, the heaven and earth were in turmoil. The fortunes of the universe that had dispersed due to the repair of the Immortal Bell once again gathered towards this place. The dried Immortal Pond condensed the Immortal Flowers. , becoming full again.

Kunlun Fairy Mountain, supported by the terrifying terrain, is recovering towards its peak state at an immeasurable speed.


The fairy liquid in the fairy pool gurgled, flowing with the sacred fairy flowers. The Kunlun fairy vein, once the number one fairy vein in the world, was revived.

"The idea of ​​the Underworld Emperor is really miraculous. This kind of terrain has only been seen since ancient times." Gu Tianzun said with a sigh.

Emperor Zun immediately started the gestation of the source cauldron of all things, making the endless immortal materials into the shape of the cauldron, and then filled it with the blood of all spirits and put it into the immortal pond. Under the blessing of the magic circle, a green cauldron shimmered. .

In addition, the members of the Heavenly Court and all the people under the rule of the Heavenly Court are all offering sacrifices and worshiping the Cauldron of the Source of All Things. The power of infinite faith pours in from all directions and merges into the rough embryo of the Cauldron of the Source of All Things.

Using one religion and one world to build the Immortal Cauldron is a feat that is difficult to repeat.

Looking from a distance, Kunlun Fairy Mountain is shrouded in clouds and mist, with hazy fairy energy. The Ten Thousand Dragon Peaks look like thousands of dragons soaring into the sky. Thousands of dragons hold their heads high and neigh, all transformed by dragon energy.

In the central fairy valley, the auspicious air is gushing out, and there are hundreds of millions of brilliant rays of light. The splendid fairy lights come one after another, sacred and majestic.

All the extraordinary things are gathered in a fairy pool that is about a foot in size. There, the essence is so dense that it cannot be dissolved, and directly turns into fairy liquid, shooting out billions of rays of fairy clouds.

In the center of the Immortal Pond, stands a green round tripod with three legs and two ears. It is wrapped in endless fairy light and liquid, surrounded by luck, and its faith is fire, which is constantly being refined.

In the mouth of the cauldron, countless creatures emerged, roaring and roaring. It was the blood of infinite creatures, which was activated at this moment. In the end, they returned to calm and integrated into the cauldron, becoming the patterns on the surface of the cauldron. .

The source cauldron of all things naturally contains not only flesh-and-blood creatures, but also the sun, moon, stars, laws of the universe, etc., all integrated into one cauldron.

Soon, the green tripod was formed, and its surface became increasingly clear. There were patterns of birds, animals, insects, fish, rivers, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars engraved on the surface.

Next, just give it time.

Emperor Zun sensed the changes in the source cauldron of all things and nodded with satisfaction.

The emperors also showed joy. They would witness the birth of an immortal weapon with their own eyes, which was of great significance. However, the emperors were also worried because this immortal weapon must be controlled by the emperor.

The final beneficiary of the power of teaching was Emperor Zun, which made the people who gave Dali some displeasure, but due to Emperor Zun's power, no one raised any objections.

Time passed, and after hundreds of years of gestation, the source cauldron of all things that rose and fell in the Kunlun Immortal Vein was finally completed.

On a stormy night, thunder from the sky, fire from the earth, wind and water, and four calamities came together, lingering on the Kunlun Fairy Mountain for a long time.

Emperor Zun, standing tall in the endless catastrophe of immortal weapons, with a majestic figure, in charge of the completed source cauldron of all things, resisting the catastrophe of immortal weapons.

This tripod is really extraordinary. It seems to be made of some kind of green old copper. It is simple and natural. It is engraved with patterns of birds, animals, insects, fish, sun, moon and stars, intertwined with incomparable Tao principles.

A tripod, two ears, and three feet are engraved with all things, which is in line with the principle that Tao generates one, one generates two, two generates three, and three generates all things.

The emperor holds the cauldron and is extremely majestic. He stands on the first fairy mountain in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, overlooking all living things, as if he wants to accept the kowtow of all spirits and the worship of all emperors.

The Hades Emperor sighed, this disciple was in too strong a state at the moment. In this state, it was really possible to realize the plan to penetrate the Immortal Road.

However, he couldn't see through Emperor Zun, and always felt that this Emperor was a little different from the original Ninth Heavenly Lord. Over the past hundreds of years, Heavenly Supreme Lord came to visit from time to time, and the topics they talked about were all related to Emperor Zun. The Hades Emperor had a kind of I have a premonition that there may be some problems with the plan to promote the education. People in heaven are divided and there is mutual suspicion.

At that time, if the emperors rebel, there will be a great chaos.

However, these have nothing to do with the Hades Emperor. It is not that easy for the emperors to rebel against the Heavenly Court and kill the Emperor.

After completing the layout of Ninety-Nine Dragon Mountain and the topography of Ten Thousand Dragon Peaks, the life of the Underworld Emperor was almost coming to an end.

His ambition is not in the Immortal Realm, but now, he has retired after his achievements. As a key figure in the success of the Immortal Cauldron, thinking about it, even if there is a problem with the plan of cultivating and ascending, the emperors and emperors cannot blame him. .

The emperors next to the Hades looked at the majestic Emperor holding the immortal cauldron with expressionless faces, wondering what they were thinking in their hearts.

As the once invincible supreme beings in heaven and earth, they have never had the experience of making wedding clothes for others, and this is the first time.

"The Immortal Cauldron is complete. As soon as the Immortal Gate is opened, I will be able to teach you and ascend to heaven." A heavenly general said excitedly, thinking that becoming an immortal is in sight.

However, the Supreme Beings remained silent, each thinking their own thoughts.

After being cast into the Immortal Cauldron, it was regarded as the most revered instrument in heaven, accepting the kowtow and worship of countless creatures and containing the endless power of faith.

In the following years, Emperor Zun divided the divine realms and established a large and complicated system of heavenly gods, such as mountain gods, the four gods of wind, rain, thunder and lightning, and various gods.

The entire universe is developing in the direction of prosperity, and Emperor Zun's power has also increased in this process. He is truly the most noble person in all time.

On this day, the Emperor of the Underworld was enthroned, shaking the nine heavens and ten earth. He left behind the Tongtian Underworld Treasure, the inheritance of Origin Technique, and some strange substances related to reincarnation. There was no trace of other things, such as the body, etc. Even with the supreme deduction, nothing was found.

As for the underworld of Nuoda, it is in the hands of Changsheng Tianzun.

The growth of power and power has caused the ambition of the Immortal Lord to expand. In addition, the emperors have long criticized the Emperor for occupying the Immortal Cauldron alone. An unimaginable change is taking place subtly.

For nine days and ten places, there was a dry star field that no one cared about. In the dead dark vacuum, a big crack suddenly appeared. Immortal light was surging, and fairy spiritual energy was overflowing. It seemed that a vast world of immortality had been opened, which could only be found in countless immortal realms. The true spirit is flying in the cracks.

The astonishing aura and changes quickly attracted the attention of the creatures living in this star field.

When they arrived at the scene, the rare crack had disappeared, and there was only a young five-colored divine phoenix covered in blood. It was so special, and it still had an immortal aura that did not belong to this world. .

"Five-color divine phoenix? This is a fairy spirit that only exists in the fairyland. With the aura on it, could it be..." A strong man from the three-eyed clan said to himself in shock.

He was one of the "fire seeds" of the Kunlun Immortal Clan who was taken away by the Immortal Bell. The Immortal Bell took them through the turbulence of time and space and came to this lonely land bordering chaos. Even Emperor Zun was hard to find. Come here.

"It is an immortal phoenix that fell from the Immortal Realm. We just missed the crack in the Immortal Realm that is rare in all eternity. This opportunity is fleeting." The strong man of the Zhulong Clan felt regretful and already figured out what happened.

"Even if we catch up, we probably won't be able to get in. Without the Supreme to clear the way, we will most likely be lost in the cracks." Another strong man from the Kunlun clan sighed.

"Take this immortal phoenix back. The creatures that fell from the immortal realm to the mortal world must have something extraordinary. We can use it to understand the situation in the immortal realm, and maybe we can find a way to get there." The people discussed and took away the young Immortal Phoenix who was covered in blood and left here.

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