The young Immortal Phoenix that fell from the Immortal Realm was brought back to the place where the Kunlun survivors lived. Under the careful care of the Kunlun survivors, the Immortal Phoenix recovered very quickly.

Moreover, it quickly became accustomed to the environment of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and the universe also bestowed various blessings on this fairy bloodline.

As long as this young immortal phoenix practices, there will be countless sacred visions, just like an immortal coming to the world.

The remaining creatures of Kunlun were surprised to find that its qualifications were higher than those of them who had the blood of immortals.

Of course, this is because the fairy blood in their bodies has been passed down from generation to generation, and is no longer as powerful as the first generation descendants, only occasionally returning to their ancestors.

For this young phoenix, the Kunlun bereaved clan gave it the best cultivation environment and resources, and trained it as a member of the Kunlun bereaved clan.

At the same time, inquire about the situation in the Immortal Realm from the mouth of the young Immortal Phoenix.

Although the Immortal Phoenix is ​​young, it is also smart and knows that its destiny is in the hands of these people. Therefore, it cooperates very well and informs the Kunlun survivors of the current situation in the Immortal Domain.

After listening to the young Immortal Phoenix's narration, the Kunlun survivors were greatly surprised because there were no masters at the level of true immortals in the Immortal Realm. This was indeed different from the Immortal Realm they imagined.

However, the Immortal Realm is the Immortal Realm. It has immeasurable immortality substances. It is really easy to live forever. If you pull out a monk at random, his lifespan can exceed that of the Supreme Being and the Emperor of Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

As long as they reach the fairyland, they can realize their wish of immortality.

Thinking of this, the Kunlun survivors were very excited, and they all longed to go to the fairyland where immortality is everywhere.

However, the young Immortal Phoenix has no way of returning to the Immortal Realm. Although it is a local fairy in the Immortal Realm, it cannot sense where the Immortal Realm is.

From the moment it fell into the mortal world, it was no different from the creatures in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

Although the Kunlun survivors were disappointed, they were not discouraged. A group of leaders in the quasi-supreme realm came to the ancient Immortal Bell, hoping that the Immortal Bell would take action and take them to the Immortal Realm with the last condition.

"If you want to bring a large ethnic group into the Immortal Realm, you can only do it when there is a rift between the two realms. Unfortunately, Heavenly Court is destined to enter the Immortal Realm first. They have already intertwined a line of immortals in the Kunlun Immortal Veins. Ding, if nothing unexpected happens, it is really possible to achieve the promotion of teaching." Xian Zhong spoke, explaining the current situation.

At this moment, Tianting has an immortal weapon, and with the powerful Emperor, it is a sure thing to enter the immortal realm. With Tianting taking the lead in entering the immortal realm, where can there be a place for the Kunlun survivors?

After learning all this, the creatures of the Kunlun clan were a little desperate. The Emperor was too powerful, and all six of their Kunlun clan's supreme beings were killed by him. It was too difficult to bring him down, and there was no hope at all.

"Don't we have an immortal spirit that fell from the Immortal Realm? Can we train it and let it join the Heavenly Court? When the Heavenly Court ascends the teachings, we can conduct a sneak attack so that the Emperor will die and disappear?" You Quasi-Supreme asked. Got this suggestion.

"There are not many years left before the rift between the two worlds deduced by our ancestors. Even if it is a fairy, how far can it go in such a short period of time?" Some people shook their heads, not optimistic about this plan.

"No matter how powerful the fairy spirit is, it can't kill the Emperor, but what if it holds a blood-stained fairy bell?" The quasi-supremacist of the Three-Eyed Clan said coldly, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"This... we only have the last chance to ask the Immortal Bell to take action." Someone showed a tangled look.

"Hmph, if you don't destroy the plan of Heavenly Court and kill the Emperor, the entire Immortal Domain will be ruled by Heavenly Court. Anyway, there will be no place for my Kunlun Immortal Clan to survive. It would be better to burn them all, and it would be considered as a sacrifice for the six ancestors Supreme and many others. The tribe has avenged a great hatred." The Three-Eyed Tribe's Supreme said very radically.

However, the quasi-supremes of more than a dozen tribes present surprisingly did not refute, because they believed that the Three-Eyed Supreme was telling the truth, and if they ignored Heavenly Court's plan to raise the teachings and ascend, the Immortal Realm would become Heavenly Court's bag. Since In this case, it is better to have a jade and stone burn together, and no one goes to the fairyland.

They hate Emperor Zun to the extreme, how can they watch him successfully lead the Heavenly Tribe into the Immortal Realm?

"But doesn't the Emperor also have an immortal cauldron?"

"Using the power of one religion to build the Immortal Cauldron, it was the Emperor who achieved it. It is nominally the weapon of suppressing the religion in Heaven, but in fact it is the possession of the Emperor. Which of those supreme beings is not the most noble person of an era? How can we be willing to make wedding clothes for others? We can look for opportunities to split heaven." Someone suggested.

"The Supreme Being cannot be deceived, but you can give it a try. First, train the Immortal Phoenix, and then release it into the heaven to wait for the opportunity."

After this day, the Kunlun bereaved clan intensified their efforts in cultivating the young Immortal Phoenix. Coupled with the Immortal Phoenix's original heaven-defying qualifications, it almost made rapid progress.

Not only that, the Kunlun survivors also prepared various immortal materials for Immortal Phoenix to create the Jidao Emperor embryo.

For such a great favor, Xianhuang was naturally extremely grateful to the Kunlun survivors.

It didn't take long for the Kunlun survivors to send the somewhat accomplished Immortal Phoenix away. At this moment, the Immortal Phoenix had already transformed into a human body. He looked like a man in his twenties and was very powerful.

Before leaving, they gave some instructions to the Immortal Phoenix about sneaking into the Heavenly Court, waiting for an opportunity to split, etc. Finally, they told him that before the Heavenly Court carried out the plan to educate people and ascend, they came back here and had important matters to explain.

Because the young man transformed by Xianhuang had inherited the kindness of Kunlun's bereaved family, he couldn't refuse, so he naturally agreed.

Afterwards, he swore an oath not to expose the place where the Kunlun survivors lived in seclusion, and left the place without looking back.

As time goes by, a young man who is an Immortal Phoenix in the Immortal Realm emerges in the outside world. He has unparalleled magical power and is respected by his peers. He holds a five-color heavenly sword and pushes enemies in all directions, earning a great reputation.

At the same time, he had many followers behind him, all of whom were extremely talented and were impressed by the Immortal Phoenix.

Such an astonishing rise naturally attracted the attention of Heavenly Court. Immortal Phoenix, a fairy spirit that is only found in the Immortal Realm in legend, conforms to the definition of Heavenly Court. After recruiting, Immortal Phoenix naturally joined Heavenly Court and became a member of Heavenly Court. important figures in.

Later, the young man transformed by the Immortal Phoenix was even received by the Emperor.

The Emperor sits high on the Supreme Throne, majestic and powerful. He stares at the young man below. Even the Emperor can't help but nod slightly. He is indeed the purest fairy spirit with no impurities in his blood. The Emperor even feels that this creature It comes from the real fairyland.

"What's your name?" Emperor Zun's words were loud and loud in Xianhuang's ears, which shocked her deeply.

"This junior's reputation will never die."

"Immortal? Not a bad name." Emperor Zun nodded, looked at Immortal Phoenix a few more times, and didn't think much about it.

After all, creatures like the Immortal Phoenix have always been said to be reborn from the ashes, so it makes sense for famous works to be immortal.

"Thank you, Lord Emperor, for your compliment." The young man saluted respectfully.

"You are very good. You will be one of the pillars of my heaven in the future..."

Hundreds of years have passed, and the so-called "immortal" Immortal Phoenix has grown rapidly and reached the pinnacle of quasi-supreme status. It is only one step away from attaining enlightenment.

The Immortal Heavenly Sword in his hand is only a hair away from turning into a supreme weapon.

At this moment, Immortal has already held a high position in the heaven. Although he has not yet attained enlightenment, he already has the power to fight against the Self-destruction Supreme. Enlightenment in the future is almost inevitable.

He has not forgotten the instructions given by the Kunlun survivors back then, and has been secretly contacting those supreme beings, such as the Immortal Heavenly Lord, the Infinite Heavenly Lord, etc., to test their attitude towards the Emperor.

Over the years, Wu Sheng has figured out the secret cracks within the Heavenly Court, and formed an alliance with Changsheng Tianzun and the others, agreeing to take action together when the Emperor wields the Immortal Cauldron to bombard the cracks between the two realms, and send the Emperor back to the west.

The Changsheng Tianzun who is in charge of the underworld and other Tianzun believe that the Emperor never thought about completing any religious ascension from the beginning to the end. He just wanted to achieve himself. In the end, everyone in the heaven will be sacrificed by the Emperor.

As the closest person to Emperor Zun after the death of Hades, the feeling in the heart of the Lord of the Underworld, Immortal Lord, is particularly strong, because Emperor Zun is not willing to share too many secrets with him at all. Looking back on Emperor Zun's journey all the way Changsheng Tianzun was troubled by various means. Because of this, he secretly united with the emperors and prepared to strike first and give the emperor a fatal blow at the critical moment.

Before that, Changsheng Tianzun disturbed Emperor Zun's heart with a similar flower based on the fact that Emperor Zun did not believe in reincarnation and only believed in this life.

He really succeeded. In his past and present lives, he had a special attraction for creatures of Emperor Zun's level. Emperor Zun focused entirely on that similar flower. These things were seen by the Heavenly Court members. Of course, they thought everything was fine.

Later, Changsheng Tianzun also secretly visited some restricted areas of life in the world, contacted the Self-destruction Supreme among them, and agreed to attack Emperor Zun together.

An unimaginable change is about to happen. Is Emperor really unaware of all this?

No, he is an emperor. After living the second life, he will be honored as an emperor. How could he not know those little moves of the emperor?

Originally, he planned to turn the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths into the World Cauldron, but later, the appearance of Chi Cang made him rein in the danger and gave up this dangerous idea.

Now that he is talking about the plan to raise the teachings and ascend, he sincerely wants to help these supreme beings go to the immortal realm. It is a pity that no matter what the emperor says, these supreme beings will not believe it.

Emperor Zun was not afraid of a group of supreme beings joining forces. The reason why he allowed them to do this was because he wanted to see who would betray Heavenly Court in the end, and wanted to have a reckoning.

Both parties have their own thoughts and are waiting for the moment when the answer is finally revealed. Heaven, this deformed behemoth, is also secretly falling apart in this weird atmosphere.

Soon, the rift between the two realms in the deduction was about to appear, and Heaven began to make intensive preparations for the ascension of the teachings.

At this time, Wu Sheng abided by the agreement he made back then, and after hundreds of years, he once again came to the border area where the Kunlun survivors lived in seclusion.

Although they have not seen each other for hundreds of years, there is no separation between the Kunlun survivors and Immortal. Over the years, the Kunlun survivors have been understanding what is happening in the outside world and are not really isolated from the world.

"Immortal, when you fell from the Immortal Realm to our clan, it was destiny. You must know that the ancestors of my Kunlun Immortal Clan came out of the Immortal Realm. If we look at our origins, you and our clan are both creatures of the Immortal Realm.

Now, Emperor Zun will ascend to the Immortal Realm. With his power, no one can stop the Immortal Realm today, and all the natives of the Immortal Realm will be enslaved by him.

Now, only you can stop this. "With that said, the Quasi-Supreme of the Three-Eyed Clan handed the blood-stained fairy bell to Immortal.

The young Immortal Phoenix took the fairy bell and felt that the thing in his hand was heavy.

"You should know the origin of this fairy bell. Back then, it made an agreement with our clan to attack three times. It has been used twice in fierce battles with the Emperor of Heaven. This time will be the last time. You must seize the opportunity." The quasi-sovereigns of the Kunlun bereaved family ordered.

Immortal nodded solemnly.

He knew how powerful Emperor Zun was, and all the emperors were afraid of him. It was precisely because Emperor Zun was so powerful that the emperors were worried that Emperor Zun had impure intentions and would cross the river and destroy the bridge.

"If you don't die, you will definitely fulfill your mission."

"After this battle, no matter whether it is successful or not, the karma between you and our clan will be completely eliminated." said the Quasi-Supreme of the Three-Eyed Clan.

This means that Immortal no longer owes the Kunlun survivors anything.

Immortal Phoenix Immortal nodded. It would be good to be able to repay this cause and effect. Of course, when he came into contact with Changsheng Tianzun and others, he was also influenced by them and thought that Emperor Zun was plotting against everyone.

There is no way, this is the way Emperor Zun works on his way to enlightenment.

Emperor Zun himself knew this, but it was impossible for him to tell them the conversation between himself and Chi Cang in order to make the emperors believe that he was sincere.

After getting the Immortal Bell, Immortal left here and returned to heaven.

He participated in a secret meeting organized by the Immortal Emperor. Among the emperors in Heaven, only a few people did not participate. They discussed various details of the sneak attack on the Emperor and each swore an oath of cause and effect.

In addition to the supreme beings from the Heavenly Court headquarters, there are also some self-destructing supreme beings who are also planning to take action. While planning for the Immortal Cauldron, they are also planning to enter the Immortal Realm and become immortals.

Time passed very quickly, and finally the moment came when the crack between the two worlds appeared.

Above the Ancient Star of the Big Dipper, the Heavenly Tribes were already surrounded. All kinds of huge warships were flying across the sky. They were densely packed with Heavenly Soldiers and Generals. Each one of them looked happy. They were about to enter the Immortal Realm and enjoy immortality. Who is unhappy?

Only Emperor Zun and all the Supremes had expressionless faces, and no one knew what they were thinking at this moment.

Suddenly, Beidou, the North Pole, an unparalleled immortal power appeared, quickly spreading into the universe, and many stars exploded and turned into powder.

A huge crack began to expand from a pole, and the unparalleled immortal power came from there.

The entire Beidou was shaking. If it weren't for the protection of the magic circle set up by the Forbidden City Supreme, this star would probably explode on the spot.

When a rare crack appears between the two worlds, vast power will naturally burst out.

Under the gaze of everyone in the heaven and a group of self-destruction supremes, countless splendid arctic fairy lights flew out of the crack, and a refreshing fairy spirit spurted out, making people have to believe that it It's from the fairyland.


Amidst the terrifying sounds, some huge black shadows loomed, standing immortal in the chaos of the cracks. They seemed to be buildings in the fairyland, which could be vaguely seen through the world barrier.

Everyone watched this scene with excitement, including the immortal who fell from the immortal realm. The rift between the two worlds was about to appear, and the immortal gate that had been waiting for eternity was about to open.

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