The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 474 The emperor is dead and heaven collapses


A huge roaring sound came from the crack, and some black dots flew out, carrying immortal energy and filled with immortal energy.

The heavenly soldiers and generals opened their eyes wide and looked at this scene. They were actually pieces of rubble, which seemed to have fallen from the buildings in the fairyland.

Immediately afterwards, the real dragon roared and the immortal phoenix roared. These immortal spirits that only existed in the immortal realm now appeared in the cracks, and their figures could be vaguely seen.

"Is it really the fairyland?"

Someone said obsessively, almost talking in sleep.

Who in the world does not long for immortality? Who doesn’t want to shine with the sun and the moon?

In these Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, in the Age of Ending Dharma, even the Supreme Humanity can only live for tens of thousands of years. How cruel is it? Now, having the honor to see the cracks in the Immortal Realm appear, and having the opportunity to fly to the Immortal Realm in the daytime, no one can remain calm.

The Supreme Being in Heaven and the Supreme Being in the Forbidden Zone are all eagerly looking at the cracks in the fairy road in the North Pole. The long wait throughout the mythical era will finally have a result today.

If they can't break through the ascension platform and become mortal immortals, the rift between the two realms is their only chance. If the rift between the two realms fails, then they can only stay in the immortal source all day long, in the dark.

In the entire heaven, only the Emperor looked at the cracks in the Immortal Road indifferently. He had no intention of going to the Immortal Realm. If he went to the Immortal Realm, he would lose the environment of heaven and earth like the Age of Dharma End, and he would not be able to become a mortal immortal.

With the Emperor's pride, he would naturally not allow himself to lag behind others. If he did not become a mortal immortal, he would never be able to catch up with the four creatures engraved on the stone tablet in front of the ascension platform.

Of course, he will fulfill his promise and help these supreme beings to open the rift between the two worlds. At that time, if these supreme beings know something good, then they can go to the fairyland and enjoy immortality.

If they don't know good from evil and engage in betrayal, Emperor Zun will not let them succeed, and all the cause and effect will be settled.

"The road to immortality has opened. This life is the chance to become an immortal." In the restricted area, there was a self-destruction supreme roaring, and a bloody light pillar rose above his head. That was his lifelong path fruit. Even if he decapitated himself with one knife, it was enough. Disdainful of heaven and earth.

Throughout the life restricted area of ​​the Big Dipper, there are pillars of light rising, and at the same time, there are also self-destruction supremes who choose to wait and see.

They believe that the heaven will be in chaos, and big problems may arise if they catch up with this birth, so it is better to continue to lie dormant and wait for the next opportunity.


On the Beidou Ancient Star, the five continents are like a five-color altar. Under the urging of the Self-destruction Supremes, they release a mighty chaotic fairy light. This is caused by the Supremes using the bodies of the chaotic bodies to impact the path to immortality.

The chaotic body is close to the immortal and possesses incredible power. It is perfect for bombarding the rift between the two worlds.

I saw five continents shining together, converging into a bright fairy light, rushing into the crack, with a "click", the crack between the two worlds expanded, and a corner was torn apart. The fairyland buildings inside were visible to the naked eye, and there was also a rich fairy light. The spiritual energy rushes to the face, making the pores dilate and the whole body feels comfortable, as if it is about to emerge and ascend.

"Has the crack in the Immortal Realm opened?"

The Supreme Being in Heaven was shocked and opened his eyes to stare.

"No, it is just a projection of the fairyland building, it is illusory. The real fairyland is still deeper in the crack. How can the crack between the two worlds be broken so easily?" Emperor Zun said lightly, telling everyone The Supreme poured a ladle of cold water.

Hearing this, all the Supremes were silent. With the Emperor's power, there was no need to deceive them on this matter.

"Fellow Emperor Emperor, when will our heavenly court take action?" asked the Immortal Lord.

The emperor stands at the forefront of everyone in the heaven, with a majestic figure, swallowing up all the wastes, as if he is an insurmountable mountain, standing there, and all living beings worship him.

With him around, the Forbidden Zone Supreme would not dare to act rashly.

After hearing the words of Changsheng Tianzun, Emperor Zun glanced at the restricted area behind him.

"Is there any fellow Taoist who wants to try to enter the Immortal Realm?" Unexpectedly, Emperor Zun wanted to give the supreme beings in the restricted area a chance.

"If you don't join, you will have no chance. Heavenly Court's promotion of education only includes members of Heavenly Court. Others have not made contributions and will not be able to enjoy it. I promise that Heavenly Court will not interfere with you."

As soon as these words came out, those Supremes who planned to fish in the troubled waters behind the Heavenly Court immediately became unable to sit still. They knew the Emperor's character well, and since they said this, they would definitely not make wedding clothes for them.

As a result, the Supreme Being of Self-Destruction was born immediately, and without hesitation, he reached the ultimate level of sublimation.

"I just hope that fellow Taoist Emperor Zun will keep his promise."

After saying that, this supremely sublimated Supreme rushed into the Arctic fissure without looking back.

After a while, terrifying sounds of fighting and roaring came from the cracks. The supremely sublimated Supreme was fighting against those fairy projections, and at the same time, he was doing his best to bombard the cracks in the two realms.

This is not the kind that has been penetrated, but is in a state of being unreached and needs to be forced in.

It's a pity that this supreme being is not at the peak after all. Even if he reaches the highest level, he can only maintain his peak for a short time. Not long after, he fell down weakly, covered in blood, like the sunset about to fall.

"Ahem! It's a pity that I'm no longer in my prime." He shook his head, and then fell down on the immortal road.

Immediately afterwards, several more self-destruction supremes chose to sublimate to the extreme and fought towards the depths of the Immortal Road. After a fierce battle, they finally fell in front of the crack in the boundary wall. Some laughed sadly, some were despairing, and some were despairing. Unwilling to give in, they fought their way out of the Arctic cracks.

This supreme being has disheveled hair and is in tatters. His returned supreme status has receded. The immortal platform that should have been crystal clear is filled with dense cracks and is about to collapse.

He was unwilling to give up and had waited for eternity. How could he fall here?

In order to prevent the cracks in Sendai, this Supreme One rushed into the universe like a madman, heading towards the source of life. Now, only the lives of all spirits can heal his injuries.

Due to the Emperor and the powerful Heavenly Court, this Supreme chose an extremely remote place to kill, which was not within the jurisdiction of Heavenly Court.

Only a few of the supreme beings in the heaven frowned. They knew that once this supreme being made a start, the supreme beings who hit the immortal road in the future would follow suit and treat all spirits as human medicine to heal the cracks in the immortal platform.

But if they tried to stop him at this moment, they might miss the promotion of the teaching. After hesitating for a moment, they gave up their plan to take action after realizing that the crazy Supreme had gone to an extremely remote remote area of ​​the universe.

Emperor Zun had no expression on his face, and naturally he would not care about this kind of thing. After waiting for a long time and confirming that Zhizhan Supreme had not gone out to try to attack the immortal road, he took out the source cauldron of all things and prepared for the grand plan of cultivating the cultivator and ascension.

The supreme beings behind him had different expressions, and all of them had ulterior motives.

Emperor Zun sneered, holding the Cauldron of the Origin of All Things, he went straight towards the rift between the two realms.

As soon as he took action, all eyes were focused on him.

Along the immortal road flowing with the blood of the Supreme, Emperor Zun was unstoppable, killing the immortal projections blocking the road, and reached the immortal gate.

"Come, fight, fight, all, count, group, advance, move." He chanted the ancient characters and performed the supreme secret technique of the nine secrets of unity, and a bright fairy light burst out from his body.


A terrifying "clicking" sound came from the crack between the two worlds.

Emperor Zun took action, but it was different. He was already stronger than Jidao Supreme, and he was in his golden years, and his combat power was so powerful that it was immeasurable.

Seeing this scene, the emperors in heaven couldn't help but feel nervous. The person they were about to plot was the emperor who was known as the most noble person in all time. Even if they had the peak emperor's life, they still had no idea.

Under Emperor Zun's action, the rift between the two realms continued to expand. Gradually, the immortal realm could be vaguely seen. He used his trump card to activate the immortal artifact, the Source Cauldron of All Things.

At this moment, a vast vision came. A green ancient tripod that encompassed all things and seemed to be the origin of endless living beings stood high in the nine heavens, accepting the worship and sacrifices of all living beings.

Emperor Zun held the Cauldron of Origin of All Things and blasted towards the rift between the two realms.


A sharp tearing sound was heard, and more intense fairy spirit energy spurted out. In a daze, everyone seemed to see a vast fairyland world.

There, fairies are flying and immortal matter is everywhere. The monks can have endless longevity and no longer suffer from the pain of time.

The eyes of the emperors in the heaven showed excitement. The emperor was really amazing. He really opened the rift between the two realms and opened the door to the fairyland.

Next, they only need to kill Emperor Zun and clear this biggest obstacle, and they can ascend to the Immortal Realm.

In the restricted area, the self-destruction supremes who had already made an appointment with the Changsheng Tianzun to take action were also ready to attack. As long as they waited for the Changsheng Tianzun and other heavenly emperors to take action, they would appear and hunt the Emperor together.

In the rift between the two realms, Emperor Zun successfully opened the rift leading to the Immortal Realm. Then, he turned around and told everyone in Heaven to come to the Cauldron of the Source of All Things. He would take everyone to become immortals. There was no other way. , the crack in the Immortal Realm cannot support everyone passing through one by one. If at most two or three people pass by, the crack will close.

In other words, two or three people will become immortals in one life.

But if the heavenly tribes are put into the cauldron and pass through it together, then the plan of raising the disciples to ascension can be realized.

It is a pity that the emperors in heaven are suspicious of the emperor and are afraid that after entering the cauldron, he will become the emperor's pocket and be sacrificed alive. Even the few emperors who did not participate in the plan of the immortal emperor also have this worry.

However, on the surface, the emperors were very cooperative and walked towards the immortal road, as if they wanted to obey the emperor's words and enter the cauldron of the source of all things.

Immortal Heavenly Lord, Infinite Heavenly Lord and others were walking at the front, and were about to enter the Source Cauldron of All Things. At this time, a sudden change occurred.

The two Heavenly Lords, together with many Supreme Lords, took action together to kill the Emperor, intending to kill him.

"Emperor, go to hell. Don't think that we don't know what your plan is. You want to sacrifice everyone alive to make you alone." The Immortal Lord roared, swung the Eternal Life Sword, and slashed at the Emperor's neck.

"Emperor, rest in peace. After we go to the Immortal Realm, we will set up an immortal tablet for you." Immeasurable Heavenly Lord sneered and used the terrible secret weapon. For a moment, the green cauldron in Emperor Zun's hand was shaking. If he hadn't tightened his grip, Hold on tightly, or it will fly out immediately.

The other supreme beings swarmed forward and swung their imperial weapons to kill the emperor.

Only a few people such as Daode Tianzun did not take action, and their faces turned slightly. They were all confused, including those heavenly soldiers and generals. No one expected that at the critical moment when they were about to become immortals, the emperors rebelled and wanted to kill the emperor. respect.

In the eyes of the heavenly soldiers and generals who regard Emperor Zun as their lifelong belief, this is simply treason.

"Changsheng, do you know what you are doing?" Chuanying, the first god general in heaven, shouted and wanted to help Emperor Zun.

As a result, eight or nine stalwart figures walked out of the extremely silent restricted areas. As they took steps, waves of terrifying aura swept across the universe.

The former supreme being has been completely sublimated and returned to its peak, and its momentum has naturally reached the extreme.

"The time for the Emperor's death has come. Please retreat quickly or else I will be killed." The supreme beings who had reached their highest level said coldly.

They embarked on the immortal path and joined the ranks that besieged Emperor Zun.

"Haha, it's just you?"

Emperor Zun sneered. Even if one person faced so many Supreme Beings, he did not have any panic or timidity. His invincible courage made the Supreme Beings who were enemies of him have to sigh that this is an extremely powerful creature. .


The supreme chaos is about to break out.

The emperor glanced at the emperors in front of him and said coldly: "I gave you the peak emperor life. Is this how you repay me?"

"No need to say anything more. When we enter the Immortal Realm in the future, we will definitely be grateful for your kindness. Now, you just need to die." Changsheng Tianzun responded expressionlessly.

"I did have thoughts of plotting against you, but later, I changed my mind and really wanted to help you. Unexpectedly, you took the initiative to besiege me."

"Emperor, stop being so hypocritical. I have made up my mind and will kill you today."

"Hahahaha, you will never understand." Emperor Zun laughed and shook his head, saying something that made people confused.

"Stop talking nonsense to him. Cut off his head first. This most noble man in all eternity has been weighing down on us. He has wanted to do this for a long time." An ancient supreme roared.

When all the Supremes heard this, they no longer hesitated and attacked the Emperor together.


The Source Cauldron of All Things exploded with supreme power. A powerful immortal weapon, in the hands of the Emperor, was undoubtedly terrifying. Even with the interference of the Infinite Heavenly Lord, it still could not be completely restrained.

A chaotic war broke out among the emperors, and there were more than twenty supreme beings who participated in the siege of the Emperor. Each one of them was standing at the peak of his power. If they acted together, even someone as powerful as the Emperor would suffer hatred.

However, Emperor Zun was in charge of the immortal weapon, and with the power of the source cauldron of all things, he could barely fight against the emperors.

At this time, Emperor Zun looked at the few people who had not taken action.

"I'll stop them, and you can become an immortal later."

The three people including Daode Tianzun looked at each other with some hesitation. As a result, Emperor Zun showed his power and held back all the Supremes, creating an opportunity for the three of them.

They were all Supremes of the generation, and they had no shortage of courage. Seeing that Emperor Zun was really helpful, the three of them no longer hesitated and rushed toward the crack.

"Bold, Moral Heavenly Lord, are you tired of living? Why don't you come and surround the Emperor quickly?" Immortal Heavenly Lord glared angrily and threatened the three of them.

Unexpectedly, the three of them ignored it and rushed straight towards the crack in the fairyland.


A Supreme One plunged into the crack first, and then his whole person underwent a shocking change. He disintegrated inch by inch in the fairy light, and then recovered. It seemed that he was undergoing some kind of baptism, and everything about him was transforming into a creature in the fairyland.

"What, are you really becoming an immortal?"

The Supreme Being who was fighting with Emperor Zun was immediately shocked when they saw this situation. They all tried their best to suppress Emperor Zun. However, the power of the immortal weapon was not just talk. They tried their best to maintain a stalemate.

"No, you three are looking for death."

The emperors were so anxious that they wished they could rush over immediately and take their own lives.

At this time, the immortal phoenix in the distance couldn't bear to watch anymore. If the three supreme beings really became immortals, maybe the rift in the immortal realm would be closed, and he would lose the chance to go home.

Therefore, Immortal secretly contacted the Immortal Bell and asked it to launch a fatal blow.

At the critical moment of the battle between Emperor Zun and the emperors, the blood-stained fairy bell arrived, like a flying fairy from the sky, freezing time and years, and gave Emperor Zun a fatal blow.


Emperor Zun was shaking violently, coughing up blood, and was blown away by the attacks of the emperors. He could no longer hold the Immortal Cauldron.

The Immortal Bell's attack was so cunning and deadly that Emperor Zun never expected that an Immortal Phoenix who had not yet attained enlightenment would actually possess the Immortal Bell and launch a sneak attack at the most critical moment.


The emperor roared, shattering the endless sun, moon and stars.

"Haha, good job on immortality."

The emperors were so excited that they did not continue to besiege the Emperor. Instead, they rushed towards the crack in the Immortal Realm. There, the three Supremes were almost ready to complete the baptism of the Immortal Realm. If they delayed for a while, they would really enter the Immortal Realm.


An old man was knocked out by the attacks of the emperors. He was originally transformed into a fairy spirit body, but in the end, he was knocked back to the nine heavens.

"Morality, I really regret not getting rid of you and others in advance." Immortal Lord roared.

Because, among the three, only the Moral Heavenly Lord was knocked down. Although the other two had most of their bodies destroyed by the attacks of the emperors, their heads successfully entered the Immortal Realm and disappeared.

After this turmoil, the cracks in the Immortal Realm became unstable and showed signs of closing.


The emperors roared in anger.

What made them even more angry and desperate was that the seriously injured Emperor struck a unique blow and covered the crack. The next moment, the crack between the two worlds, which had never been seen before, closed and disappeared.

"Haha, it's true that two or three people became immortals in one lifetime, and you personally destroyed your hope of going to the immortal realm." Emperor Zun sneered.

The emperors were frightened and tried to open the crack again, but unfortunately, they all ended in failure.

Knowing that this life was destined to fail, the emperors vented all their anger on Emperor Zun.

From the cracks in the North Pole, terrifying fluctuations were heard. It was the life-and-death battle between the emperors, and the mighty sound of a fairy bell.

The Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals witnessed the whole process of Heavenly Court falling apart, and they were all in despair. They had promised to be promoted to higher education, but in the end, this was what happened?

Not long after, a blood-stained crystal bell flew out of the crack and landed in front of Immortal Phoenix.

"According to the agreement, I have already given Emperor Zun a fatal blow. He is gone. From then on, the cause and effect are completely eliminated and have nothing to do with each other." After saying that, the fairy bell hit the void and disappeared into the overlapping turbulence of time and space.

Immortal Phoenix stretched out his hand, but before he could say a few words to save him, this was an immortal weapon, one that seriously injured the emperor, and it flew away like this.

A few days later, the cracks in the Arctic Fairy Road finally calmed down and fell into deathly silence.

I don't know who got the news and yelled on the Big Dipper.

"The emperor is dead and heaven collapses!"

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