The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 477 Transformed into a Quasi-Immortal Emperor

"At that time, the order of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will be re-established." Chi Cang sighed.

Falling for nine days from the Hades era, witnessing the rise of the Kunlun Immortal Clan and the brilliance and splendor of the mythical era, and then rising to heaven and the decline of the Kunlun Immortal Clan... from ancient times to ancient times.

In order to become an immortal, there are more and more tragedies in this world.

Without dark matter, without the dominance of dark creatures, there would still be dark turmoil in the world.

All living beings are bleeding and all souls are wailing.

The darkness of later generations is no longer the dark quasi-immortal emperor on the other side of the world sea, nor is it the ancient artifact of origin, but desire and human heart. In comparison, there is no difference in essence.

Sadly, there was an ascension platform to the Immortal Realm, but they didn't dare to take the chance.

Back then, Chi Cang had hinted that those supreme beings who could not follow the immortal path of mortal world should take the ascension stage, but unfortunately, no one listened.

"Life is often conceived in death."

This sentence is already very obvious, but the self-destruction supremes at that time lost the courage they used to have, and they only wanted to create a rift between the two worlds.

In the end, it didn't work. The unlucky one was Wan Ling, who was harvested as a blood medicine.

The secret in the ascension platform is related to Chi Cang's own great cause and effect. He is at a critical moment in cultivating his future body. He cannot touch taboos at will and cause disaster and punishment. It is enough to be reminded to that extent.

Now, he is about to be born, ready to settle his merits and sins. No one who has committed crimes can escape. The path he has chosen cannot be blamed on others. It can only be said that time is destiny.

When Emperor Qing heard the news, he was shocked in his heart. The ancient existence entrenched in the forbidden areas of life has been looking down on the world. Will it be uprooted now?

Immortal is born, who can defeat him?

He knew that things were going to change, and the eternal pattern would be changed by the seniors sitting cross-legged in the Flower of the Avenue, which would leave a mark in history.

"Senior, is he one of the four mortal immortals recorded on the ancient stele?" Qingdi asked tentatively.

After the mysterious Ancient Era, a great fault occurred in history, and everything was buried in the long river of time. The only ones known in the world who have truly reached the mortal realm are the four creatures inscribed on the ancient stele in front of the ascension platform. Unexpectedly, the supreme being in front of him was one of them.

"You are quite smart." Chi Cang smiled.

It really is!

Chi Cang's words verified Qingdi's guess.

"My name is Thunder Emperor."

The four words revealed Chi Cang's identity, and Qingdi felt his breath stagnate, as if a thick ancient history book that had been sealed in the years had arrived. With his meager moral skills, he could not even turn a corner of the page.

Only then did the Qing Emperor understand how small and insignificant the pinnacle of humanity was, and he could only be respected in the broken Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

"Wan Qing wants to become a Red Dust Immortal, but my qualifications are ignorant. Please teach me, Senior Thunder Emperor." After Qing Emperor learned that the person in front of him was Lei Emperor, he immediately made a master-disciple ceremony and wanted to ask Lei Emperor how to become a Red Dust Immortal.

However, Chi Cang shook his head and refused.

"The trajectory of every mortal immortal cannot be copied. This is the special feature of this realm. I can at most point out some shortcomings in your cultivation. For the rest, you can only rely on yourself.

However, to become a mortal immortal, everyone must have their own system.

Today's sentient beings in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths practice the improved secret realm method. In order not to affect the lives of future generations, the ancestors of this Tao deliberately reserved it when passing on the method. Later generations only need to follow this road to the end and open up. Just go your own way.

If you want to cultivate this path, there is no other shortcut. You can only live life after life. One day, even if you are established in the human realm, you will not be able to pass the time. In this way, you will become a worldly immortal. " Chi Cang informed.

He did not mention the glory of himself and Liu Shen. They became immortals in the Dharma-ending world in one lifetime. Without a heaven-defying background, it was impossible to achieve it. They paid an extremely terrible price back then. Of course, the harvest was also remarkable. They caught up with The border battle prevented tragedy.

When the Qing Emperor heard this, he realized something.

Afterwards, Chi Cang gave some advice on Qingdi's practice. With the vision of a supreme immortal king, it was more than enough to guide a human being who had just broken through to the top of the extreme realm.

Many times, Chi Cang's words can make Qing Di suddenly enlightened and discover his own shortcomings.

"Thank you, Senior Lei Emperor, Wanqing has benefited a lot."

Before leaving, he bowed to the flower of the avenue sitting cross-legged in the sky. It was still the gift of master and disciple. Thunder Emperor, what kind of existence is this? Naturally, he deserves such a great gift.

"Go ahead. Maybe the next time we meet will be outside the Immortal Transformation Pond." Chi Cang whispered.

Qing Emperor nodded and was about to retreat. Suddenly, he seemed to have thought of something, and was about to speak to the flower of the avenue. As a result, Chi Cang, as if he had no idea, spoke in advance: "Do you want to take away this green copper?"

"Senior Thunder Emperor has a clear warning." Qing Emperor was in awe.

"This green copper is really a time-honored ancient artifact. It started from the end of the mythical age and has been throughout the ancient times and ancient times...

You can do whatever you want with it, the Immortal Cauldron is of no use to me. Chi Cang said this.

Qingdi quickly thanked him.

Then, he took away the piece where he had taken root. When he transformed, he had absorbed the essence of green bronze, which could be regarded as a cause and effect.

As for the other piece, Qing Emperor thought for a moment and looked towards the eternal dragon lair behind with his deep eyes. With one glance, the emperor could see through the eternity.

"This dragon's cave is extraordinary. It contains a holy spirit with nine orifices that can communicate with the spirit. It took millions of years to gradually take shape.

The Holy Spirit is uniquely endowed, and can be invincible in the world as soon as he is born. If there is chaos, and there is no great emperor to suppress it, the entire Nine Heavens and Ten Earths will inevitably be bloody. I will leave a murderous thought here. If that creature is good, then the murderous intent will be hidden. If that creature If you want to do evil, the thought of killing will come out and you will be killed here. "Qingdi said to himself, but also said it for Chi Cang to listen.

After all, this place is the place where Thunder Emperor practices, and leaving a backup here requires his consent.

The Thunder Emperor was silent, but he nodded secretly. Judging from the current situation of the stone man in the Eternal Dragon Cave, it will take many years to be born. By then, if the Qing Emperor had not followed the path of immortality in the world of mortals, he would have already sat down. change.

Leaving behind means to prevent the stone man from being born and causing harm to the world is indeed a commendable move.

Seeing that Lei Emperor didn't speak, Qing Emperor knew in his heart that Lei Emperor acquiesced to his approach, so Qing Emperor no longer hesitated, light flashed in his hand, a cyan seed slipped from his hand, and the moment it touched the green copper block, it Disappear.

This is not the real chaotic green lotus seed, but the seed that the Qing Emperor transformed from his own murderous thoughts.

Soon, at the bottom of the shallow water area of ​​the Huaxian Pond, a small green lotus plant, more than a foot long, grew on an ancient piece of green copper. Its tough and crystal-clear roots wrapped around the green copper piece, seeming to grow together, following the waves of the water. Flow, it sways gently.

After doing all this, Qingdi said goodbye and left Zhongzhou Ancestor Lineage.

Before Chi Cang succeeds, he will not come again, because Chi Cang said that the next meeting should be in the outside world, which means that Chi Cang's next practice is particularly important and cannot be disturbed. Qing Emperor still has this understanding.

After walking out of the Dragon Veins, Qingdi stood on the land of Zhongzhou, overlooking the Eastern Wasteland where there were many restricted areas of life.

Originally, the existence of these forbidden areas of life would make Qing Emperor a little wary. After all, there is the death of the void in front of him. As long as it is not a hatred of life and death, such a situation should not happen again.

But now, after learning that Chi Cang will be born in the future, he will clean up this world shrouded in darkness. When he looks at the restricted area of ​​life, there is only pity in his eyes.

The so-called wrong step, wrong step, taking the wrong path will lead to disaster. Although all spirits are weak, they all have cause and effect. One day, karma will come.

Shaking his head, Qing Emperor returned to his imperial palace and began to retreat. He wanted to digest what Chi Cang had taught him. This was very important to him. It was related to whether he could embark on the strongest path and whether he could try to become a human being. .

Time has passed. Ever since the Qing Emperor defied heaven and became the only great emperor in the ancient era, he has rarely appeared in front of the world for thousands of years and has been in seclusion. There are many rumors in the world. Some people say that the Qing Emperor died because of his enlightenment. Dao was injured before he retreated to practice. Some people said that Qingdi was practicing some kind of method to use when he entered the ascension platform in the future...

There are different opinions.

However, with the name of the Supreme Demon Emperor suppressing it, no one dared to cause chaos in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. All spirits recuperated, all races prospered, and the universe entered a period of peace.

However, because the Demon Emperor's way suppresses all the ways, countless monks have difficulty in rising up. This is already a cruel post-desolate ancient era. Now, because of the existence of the Demon Emperor, the environment is even worse.

On this day, Qing Emperor was in retreat in the imperial palace. Suddenly, he had a sudden impulse and sensed something. He opened his eyes and began to deduce. After a moment, Qing Emperor was shocked and he suddenly understood what his sense was.

Exactly ten thousand years had passed since he met Chi Cang. As expected, Chi Cang's future body was about to be born.

Realizing this, Qingdi immediately set off, with dao marks filling his feet, and came to the outside of Zhongzhou's ancestral veins, where he stood and waited silently.

Over the past ten thousand years, based on Chi Cang's guidance and his own understanding, he has rebuilt the secret realm method and changed many flaws. At this moment, Qing Emperor is becoming more and more unfathomable.

He always kept in mind what Chi Cang said, that other people's advice belongs to others after all, and you must have something of your own, even if you are not so mature at the beginning.

With this attitude, Qing Emperor's strength increased by leaps and bounds. Even in his first life, he was still extremely powerful.

Zhongzhou Ancestral Vein, Huaxian Pond.

In the flower of the avenue, the fairy mist fills the air, the power of time spreads all over, and the backlash of cause and effect lingers. Various avenues of thunder appear out of thin air and attack the existence in the fairy mist. The long rivers formed by the order of time turn into chains. Trap the Man in the Mist.

All this is because he will break out of the shackles of the long river of time and the order of cause and effect, and truly descend into the future.

At this moment, Chi Cang is no longer like he was in the ancient times, with no body and no soul.

Practicing ancient, modern and future sutras has allowed him to accumulate enough strength to interweave his physical body and soul. Now, it is time to step out of this flower of the avenue.


Billions of thunders erupted from Blazing Cang's body, which was the embodiment of his Thunder Dao Fruit, and all of a sudden wiped out the thunder of order born in nothingness.

The long river of order that turned into chains trembled for a few times before being broken with a "bang".

The sound of mysterious scriptures sounded, as if they came from eons ago. At this moment, all three bodies in the past, present and future opened their eyes wide, and the electric light shot out crossed the historical sky of each era.


The past body, the present body, and the secret power transferred towards the future body have brought the momentum of the future body to an extremely terrifying level, perhaps surpassing the concept of the ultimate immortal king.


Chi Cang had no expression on his face and scolded lightly at the mist of causal order that wrapped around him.

The next moment, the words were spoken, the cause and effect came back, the fog dissipated, and it seemed that there was nothing that could be done to Chi Cang, and the thunder punishment and chains no longer appeared.

Then, the blazing future body stepped out of the Flower of the Avenue, step by step. As he came into the world, the whole world shook and trembled.

The golden lotuses of the avenue are everywhere, sweet springs are gushing from the ground into the sea, there are billions of fairy lights, and thousands of auspicious colors. The scene is too sacred, as if the entire nine heavens and ten lands are welcoming the arrival of this powerful man.

In response, Chi Cang just waved his hand gently, and all the visions disappeared. He stood quietly on the Immortal Transformation Pond, thinking about his experiences over the years, he felt infinite emotions in his heart.

Finally succeeded.


The flower of the avenue that represents the future has not been abandoned, falling into the future body of Chi Cang and integrating with it.

At this moment, Chi Cang's future body was completely complete. The three bodies stood in their respective eras, overlooking the long river of time, and the entire ancient history was under his sight.

The sound of the ancient scriptures resounds throughout the upper, middle and lower reaches of the long river of time, which is in line with the supreme meaning of the scriptures.

The three bodies are chanting sutras together, but they are echoing each other even though they are far apart in time and space.

Chi Cang fiercely realized that his Taoist practice, which had been immobile for a long time, began to grow by leaps and bounds, and he broke through the terrible shackles in one fell swoop and broke into a brand new field.

The physical body, soul, and Tao fruit have all undergone incredible evolution, and a supreme power is powerful, permeating, and flowing out of his body.

At this moment, he could truly regard the Immortal King as nothing more than a piece of grass. Even he who once stood in the realm of the top Immortal King was so insignificant.

Chi Cang finally understood why those quasi-immortal emperors paid no attention to, or even despised, the creatures below the Immortal King, because there was an insurmountable gap between the two.

No matter how heroic you are and how talented you are throughout the ages, you still can't compete with creatures of this level before you become a quasi-immortal emperor. This is a crushing of life levels and there is no solution.

"I have become a quasi-immortal emperor." Chi Cang murmured to himself.

Along the way, he always reminded himself how difficult this road was. Since ancient times, there have been few quasi-immortal emperors. Whether he will succeed in the future is still unknown...

Not only to himself, to Liu Shen, to Shi Hao, to Meng Tianzheng, he was also the same. The three words "quasi-immortal emperor" have been pressing in Chi Cang's heart, heavy, because if he does not become a creature of this level, He is not qualified to quell the dark turmoil on the other side of the boundary sea.

For this reason, he came to the future alone, and practiced alone for several eras against the endless backlash of cause and effect. For endless years, he could only sit cross-legged in the flower of the avenue. It is difficult for ordinary people to imagine that this is a kind of What loneliness.

Now, he succeeded, and the day finally arrived, Chi Cang couldn't help but feel that all the hard work was rewarded, and all the efforts were worth it.

But then, he thought of Liu Shen, who was also in seclusion.

"Where's Liu Shen? Did she succeed?"

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