The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 478 The Great Hate in Life

Looking at the long river of time in the distance, he looked at the retreat place of Liu Shen in the chaotic ancient era. There, there was also a fog of cause and effect, so thick that even his sight was difficult to enter.

Chi Cang did not try to forcefully break it. He sensed an unusual energy, accompanied by time and cause and effect, which seemed to be gestating something.

It can be seen that Liu Shen is still on the way, but he already has the appearance of a quasi-immortal emperor, and he is probably not far away from success. Naturally, it is not appropriate to disturb him at such a critical moment.

Chi Cang withdrew his gaze and searched for the Willow God in the long river of time. He was surprised to find that some historical nodes related to the Willow God were spreading a vague mist, trying to cover up the history. This attracted Chi Cang's attention, and he looked towards Looking at those nodes, I saw scenes of strange scenes.

In the age of mythology, in front of the magnificent ancient temple, a majestic country was enshrining a giant willow tree. All souls worshiped it, and endless sacrificial sounds echoed endlessly.

In the ancient times, on a deserted star of life, a willow tree stood tall and its branches fluttered, silently guarding a village from being trampled by ancient beasts.

In the ancient times, a young man from the human race was lucky enough to receive the sap dripping from a willow tree to cleanse and cut the marrow. He made rapid progress and embarked on the magnificent road of becoming an emperor.

There are too many, all related to Liu Shen, not only in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, but also in the middle reaches of the Luangu Era, and even further back in the days before Emperor Luo and Emperor Luo. They are everywhere and distributed in various time nodes. However, The willow god in each node is a glimpse, experiencing from prosperity to withering and death.

Chi Cang was surprised, is this the way of God Liu? She has traveled all over ancient history, and her figure exists throughout the entire ancient history, and the sound of her sacrifices has echoed throughout the ages.

If Liu Shen succeeds in breaking through to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, then everything about her will be obscured by the mist of heaven, and many things involving the Quasi-Immortal Emperor will be unclear.

Now, these fogs have only just begun to rise, indicating that Liu Shen has already begun his final breakthrough.

As for Chi Cang himself, from the moment he established himself as the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he has been covered by heaven. His rise trajectory and life nodes are untouchable by other Quasi-Immortal Emperors.

Chi Cang moved his eyes away and looked down at the upper, middle and lower reaches of the long river of time. Many places were blurred. They were all important historical nodes, including the period after he returned to the chaotic ancient times and came out of seclusion. The heavenly secrets were completely chaotic and vast. one slice.

"As expected of the ancient era."

He sighed softly.

Even if you become a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, you cannot clearly see those major events of the era. However, if you think about it, you know that it must involve a battle of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor series.

The ancestor of Jiuyou Zhan, known as the God of Creation and the Destroyer of Worlds, when he broke through, the sky was filled with feathers as a quasi-immortal emperor...

They have all disappeared in the long river of history. If nothing else, they are all on the other side of the boundary sea.

Shaking his head, Chi Cang withdrew his gaze. Even if those creatures had become quasi-immortal emperors earlier, he was not afraid. At this level, it would be extremely difficult to go further. As long as they were not true emperors among immortals, He can fight them all.

Moreover, the situation today is different from that of the Lord of Heaven. Chi Cang is not alone. Before him, there was already someone who sold counterfeit medicines and stood in this field. In the chaotic ancient era, Chi Cang couldn't do anything but retreat. One hundred thousand years have passed, and the counterfeit medicine seller has still not come out, and is still in seclusion in the thunder pond.

Although his injuries are serious, as long as his realm remains unchanged, he will one day be able to return to his peak. Now that Chi Cang has become a quasi-immortal emperor, he can definitely help him and speed up the recovery process after his return.

Not only are they selling fake medicines, but also Liu Shen, who is about to break through, and rising stars Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng.

In this life, there is no longer a need to travel alone and carry the heavens alone.

Before returning, Chi Cang still has some things to do.

Taking one step forward, he came to Qingdi.

The Qing Emperor's green robes were spread out, his majestic appearance was majestic, and the emperor's aura overwhelmed the heavens and the earth. However, he was so insignificant in front of the Thunder Emperor Chi Cang.

Moreover, he had no idea when Chi Cang appeared.

Feeling the unfathomable depth and vastness of the abyss, the Qing Emperor felt sincerely in awe.

"Junior Wan Qing, I would like to welcome Senior Thunder Emperor to this world."

Chi Cang glanced at him, his eyes were deep and vicissitudes of life, and one turn could span dozens or hundreds of epochs.

"Yes, children can be taught."

He saw Qingdi's progress and praised him.

When the Qing Emperor heard this, he felt happy. How many people in the past and present could be praised by the Thunder Emperor?

"Senior Thunder Emperor is ridiculous." Qing Emperor responded quickly.

Then he asked again: "Senior, are you going to clean up the restricted area of ​​life?"

Chi Cang nodded.

"This world is also my mother world, how can I allow darkness and chaos to cause harm to the world?

Although the dark turmoil here is like a drop in the ocean compared to the darkness of the ancient era, it still causes a lot of disasters. Moreover, among the Supremes who launched the dark turmoil, I have warned some people who do not want to make progress and act against the will of heaven. , there should be such a killing. "

With that said, he walked towards Donghuang with his hands behind his back. Qingdi followed and stood behind him respectfully.

There is absolutely no suspense about a quasi-immortal emperor who shocked the past and the present. He is going to question the Supreme Humanity who committed suicide. This is a trial that has ended before it has even begun.

Emperor Qing knew this very well, and he could be regarded as a witness to this event that shocked the post-ancient era.

At this moment, the self-destruction supremes are still sleeping in the fairy source, not knowing that they are about to be in disaster.

The seven restricted areas of life are towering and majestic, standing on the vast Eastern Wasteland, and some are also floating in the air.

Since ancient times, these forbidden areas of life have been known for their danger and terror. When people talk about them, they always become apathetic and dare not touch the taboos.

Now, with the blazing sky descending and overlooking the vast Eastern Wasteland, everything is so small and weak in his eyes. Even a group of Immortal Kings standing in front of him can be destroyed with a snap of a finger.

This is the quasi-immortal emperor. It is difficult to find a rival in the past and present. Every living being standing in this realm is lonely. It is much more real than the so-called emperor who does not see the emperor during this period of time.

Qing Emperor stood behind Chi Cang, feeling the momentum from the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Unlike the Great Emperor who suppressed the universe, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's momentum spread throughout the ages and oppressed the past, present and future.

At this moment, Chi Cang is browsing this future ancient history, starting from the Kunlun Immortal Clan's discovery of the Kunlun Immortal Vein, including the Age of Mythology, Heaven, the Ancient Era, the Ancient Era, the Post-Desolate Ancient Era, until he comes to the world.

During this period of time, one by one, the Supreme Humanity has risen, some have stood on the platform, some have killed themselves and gone into hiding, or some have fallen into loess...

It's like ancient history books that can be read by Chi Cang.

He saw gong, saw fault, saw blood and fire, and every time the road to becoming an immortal was accompanied by tragedy and sin, the Emperor used the power of heaven to refine the immortal cauldron throughout ancient history, triggering divine wars... ...The Emperor was surrounded and killed, and he retreated with serious injuries. He entered another world, and the Immortal Emperor demonstrated his enlightenment, which shocked the ancient times. In order to become a mortal immortal, he bathed in the Emperor's blood and caused a tragedy. He beheaded himself and failed in his attempt to become an immortal. With Ten Thousand Souls The Ming Yuan repaired the cracks in the Immortal Platform, the Human Sacred Body, the Human Emperor, worked hard for several lifetimes to suppress the dark turmoil, and protect the peace of the world. The nine holy bodies, Hengyu, Void... there are too many, and it is worth singing and crying.

He understood all the merits and sins.

"Although all spirits are weak, there is cause and effect. Someone will eventually stand up and settle the matter. In this life, I will wield the butcher knife and judge the darkness. I hope that future generations will learn from it."

he said to himself.

Subsequently, the heaven and earth changed, and the universe lost its color. The Self-destruction Supreme, who lived in a huge fairy source, was pulled out by an unstoppable force, and the chains of order were attached to him, just like a sinner.

The scary thing is that those Immortal Source Blocks have no damage at all, not even cracks.

In the forbidden area of ​​​​life, the Supreme, who had never launched a dark turmoil, woke up and looked at the empty fairy source blocks in shock, not understanding what was happening.

"How is it possible? The Supreme and the Emperor disappeared suddenly. There is no cause and effect, and there is no way to deduce the direction." A Supreme who committed suicide was shocked. He couldn't believe what he saw in front of him. At the same time, a chill arose in his heart.

In the sky above the Eastern Wasteland, the self-destruction supremes who had launched the dark turmoil were lined up, kneeling in the void. Everyone was still confused. What was going on? One second he was still sleeping, and the next second he was here, kneeling in a row.

They are emperors, supreme beings, emperors, how can they kneel down?

The next moment, all the Supremes raised their heads and saw the initiator. This was a tall, majestic creature, as if standing on the long river of time, supreme and inviolable. Those eyes, flowing with a surging river of time, were deep and deep. , mysterious, vast.

And the current emperor, Qingdi, was standing respectfully behind this man.

All the supreme beings who were photographed were horrified that the great emperor of the world could be like this. Could this person be the legendary immortal?

"My name is Thunder Emperor, the judge of darkness."

The Thunder Emperor spoke with such great majesty that many supreme beings who wanted to speak found it difficult to utter a single word, because the Thunder Emperor's words were unquestionable.

The Supreme Being was frightened and panicked, and couldn't help but recall what he had done to this universe, devouring all souls and causing countless lives to be destroyed. Is he really here to retaliate?

"Thunder Emperor? One of the four mortal immortals, the top-ranked Thunder Emperor?"

The Supremes were shocked. The Red Dust Immortal did not die in the Immortal War, but was still alive.

Not only did the Supreme One hear the Thunder Emperor's words, but all the spirits in the entire nine heavens heard them.

"Thunder Emperor, the legendary Red Dust Immortal..."

The world was amazed that it turned out that there really were living immortals in the world.

"Senior, have mercy on me, I know I was wrong."

The Supremes no longer took any chances and admitted their mistakes one after another.

Chi Cang turned a deaf ear. Only the Supreme Blood Splatter can have a deterrent effect, otherwise this kind of thing will happen again in the future.

"Speaking of which, many of you have had a relationship with me. When I asked you to wait for the Ascension Platform to go to the Immortal Realm, no one listened."

His words brought back the memories of the Supremes who had joined the Heavenly Court. Back then, they followed the Emperor into Kunlun. In the deepest part of the Kunlun Immortal Veins, they encountered an Immortal Flower, on which lived an unfathomable person. He did say something about the unpredictable creatures.

"Life is often contained in death."

This was a hint, but at the time, no one realized it.

The Immortal Lord was kneeling on the ground, his expression dull.

"It turns out that those words contain deep meaning... When the senior talked to Emperor Zun alone, did he also hint at something to him?" His face was extremely ugly, even a little pale.

This is true not only for him, but also for the Supremes who once joined Heavenly Court.

"Although the Emperor has been eroded by darkness, he still has the appearance of a human being. He originally wanted to be sacrificed to this world, but after I warned him, he gave up this plan."

As soon as Chi Cang's words came out, the Immortal Heavenly Lord and the former Supreme Being of Heaven all turned pale and regretful.

It wasn't until this moment that they understood what Emperor Zun meant by "you will never understand."

At that time, Emperor Zun really wanted to help them enter the immortal realm, but they turned away the opportunity to become immortals and besieged Emperor Zun to death...

At this moment, everyone deeply tasted the meaning of "bitterness". This cup of tea about immortality and immortality was so bitter that it made people laugh.

"It turns out that becoming an immortal was once so close to me, and I ruined this opportunity with my own hands." The Immortal Lord said with disheveled hair and a sad tone.

"It's destiny." The Supreme next to him lamented.

Back then, they had seen the appearance of the Immortal Realm through the cracks, but in the end they failed to enter and watched the other two people become immortals. In the end, they themselves turned away this opportunity. How was this? A great tragedy in life?

Qingdi sighed, one step was wrong, every step was wrong.

"The Immortal Lord... launched a dark turmoil, causing countless sources of life to dry up..."

The blazing voice echoed across the nine heavens and ten earths, and all souls, no matter where they were or what they were doing, raised their heads and looked up at the stars at this moment.

There really is a God in the world, called the Thunder Emperor, who is judging those supreme beings who regard all spirits as grass and blood medicine.

The Ancient Forbidden Land, this is the only forbidden land that has not been affected. Under the abyss, the sound of chains rattled, and a huge figure opened his eyes, looked up at the sky, and murmured to himself.

"Immortal Lord, you who killed yourself and survived by stripping off the lives of hundreds of millions of people on a regular basis are still alive today. It is indeed the reincarnation of cause and effect, and retribution is not good. Those souls who were eaten by you can rest in peace after knowing all this."

Deeper, there is a figure in white clothes, standing there, looking up at the sky, a pair of eyes, flowing with inexplicable brilliance.

Changsheng Tianzun knelt on the ground and made no excuses, because what Chi Cang said was what he had done.

"I hope that in the next life, I won't be reborn in Mofa." He laughed sadly, and his body transformed into original particles, born in heaven and earth, and returned to heaven and earth.

"Stone Emperor..."

The blazing voice sounded again, like the voice of heaven, majestic and unquestionable.

Shihuang was speechless, feeling sad in his heart. He had been waiting for eternity and this was the result. Do you regret it? He has no regrets. He will do it again if he does it again, because he is the son of heaven and the emperor of stone.


The Stone Emperor shook his head, and disappeared into ashes under the gaze of the supreme beings, returning to the universe of heaven and earth.

In the dark and majestic Immortal Mountain, in front of several thatched houses, a stooped old man let out a long sigh.

"I have long advised you not to commit so many murders. There will be retribution, but you didn't listen. Now it has come true..."

The old man shook his head with helplessness and sigh.

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