In the thunder pool, the body of the old man who destroyed the world has been reorganized and is locked by a thunder chain. The marks of the five quasi-immortal emperors are engraved on it. The seven tails, head, and torso of Jiuyou Zhan were pierced respectively. Lightning transpired and immortal blood dripped.

At this moment, the five people worked together to suppress him. No matter how powerful the old man was, he was unable to save himself.

"This body is not complete. There are still two tails and part of the body missing. If it is not found, he may make a comeback." Outside the thunder pool, Shi Hao whispered.

Chi Cang and the other four nodded. They need to find another body in the future, otherwise, it will be a big disaster.

Then, Chi Cang looked at the turbulent Lei Pond and asked, "How many people are there in the Dark Land?"

The huge Jiuyou Zhan's body trembled slightly, enduring the pain of thunder purgatory all the time.

The chain of order engraved with the five quasi-immortal emperors is not only suppressing him, but also extracting the immortal source symbol from his body.

He has been able to reach this point, so he naturally has an extraordinary system. Chi Cang and the others want to take a look. After all, he is a creature who almost became an emperor, so the system he developed must be extraordinary.

Hearing Chi Cang's words, Old Man Mieshi raised his huge wolf head and said in a cold voice: "With the method you have cultivated, do you still need me to answer?"

He looked at Chi Cang, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

In this battle, Chi Cang went to ancient times and attacked him who had not yet grown up. This really shocked the old man of destruction, and he was deeply harmed. The foundation of his existence was shaken, and his combat power was greatly reduced. Even if there is a lot of talent, it will come to an end with regret.

Until now, Old Man Mieshi has not figured out how Chi Cang mastered this technique.

It should be noted that the quasi-immortal emperor himself is blinded by the secrets of heaven. Whether it is his past, present, or after his death, it is all covered with fog, making it difficult for people to see through.

After reaching this level, you can no longer explore it no matter what. It is too difficult to find the past, present and future of a quasi-immortal emperor in the long river of time. Even if you are lucky enough to find it, you cannot act rashly.

Those who tamper with time will suffer. Although the Quasi-Immortal Emperor can stand on the long river of time and overlook the past, present and future, he cannot interfere with some major events, otherwise he will suffer a catastrophe.

Old Man Mieshi is a creature who once almost became an Immortal Emperor. His realm is one level higher than that of Chi Cang. Logically speaking, it is impossible for Chi Cang to directly attack his past. Even if he attacks, he will perish first. There is a huge cause and effect. Eradicated by strength and time.

But in the end, Chi Cang succeeded and killed the Old Man of Destruction in dozens of time nodes, which directly affected the combat power of Old Man of Destruction in the present world. This influence was in all aspects, including Taoism, physical body, soul... Being affected, such a result makes people shudder.

With this heaven-defying method, if he becomes the emperor, wouldn't he be able to directly let others perish in the weak past?

Thinking of this, Old Man Mieshi felt a chill in his heart.

"There should be three people. You mentioned a creature before, named Yudi." Chi Cang said, he himself can deceive the secrets of heaven, so even if he calls his honorable name directly, the other party will not be able to sense it.

Old Man Mieshi was silent and sighed after a long time. If he had not been besieged and joined forces with Emperor Yu and others, he might still have a chance to fight these five people.

Now, there is no hope. The most powerful one has fallen, and the remaining three cannot escape the fate of being suppressed.

"Can you tell me how the five of you managed to break through the King Realm in one era?" Old Man Mieshi asked.

He was really unwilling. Such an outrageous thing had never happened since ancient times. He became five quasi-immortal emperors in one life, and suddenly came to the place where he slept, defeated and suppressed him.

This is too difficult to understand. If they knew that the heavens were so powerful and that five creatures of the same level could be born in one reincarnation, they would simply not let it go.

Chi Cang and others looked at each other, and then said: "Practice normally, and then everything will fall into place."

Hearing their answers, the founder of Jiuyou Zhan was speechless for a while. He wanted to say, do you think the quasi-immortal emperor is a cabbage?

When he broke through the King Realm, he narrowly escaped death, and his final success was considered a fluke. Every one of the quasi-immortal emperors in the dark land were like this. They glimpsed a glimmer of hope in the midst of hardship and despair. In their era, they died in There were so many creatures that attacked the Quasi-Immortal Emperor level, but they were the only ones who succeeded in the end.

Because of this, they were convinced that one reincarnation could only achieve a quasi-immortal emperor at most, so they slept peacefully.

However, this life was unexpected, and the number of quasi-immortal emperors born actually exceeded the total accumulation of the previous four reincarnations. Otherwise, the old man who destroyed the world would not have overturned when he woke up from a big dream.

"You should be the strongest among the four, but the dark matter does not come from you, but from another source. Tell us about it. We really want to know the truth." Liu Shen asked.

Old Man Mieshi was silent and did not answer.

"I think you don't want to suffer the torture of your soul." Chi Cang said calmly.

"I am the quasi-immortal emperor. Even if I die, I cannot be humiliated." Old Man Mieshi said coldly.

But in the end, he answered Liu Shen's question, because the situation was over and there was nothing to hide.

"That is the opportunity to become an emperor. In the deepest part of the Dark Land, at the end of the Ultimate Ancient Land, there is an opportunity to become an Immortal Emperor. You will know it when you go there. When you take a look at the secrets there, you will know why we want to launch the darkness. There was turmoil.

When the time comes, there’s no telling if we’ll find our way back. "Mieshi Old Man said to himself, full of hope, thinking that the greatest obsession of the quasi-immortal emperor is to become an emperor, and the five people in front of him are no exception.

"You're overthinking." Shi Hao responded coldly. They worked hard to break through the king realm, but they didn't come here just to become evil dragons.

"Haha, maybe!" Old Man Mieshi chuckled, as if he had thought of something.

Afterwards, the thunder pool fell silent and was put away by Chi Cang. In the following years, the chain of order condensed by the five people will continue to extract the original symbols of Old Man Destruction, and at the same time, it will continue to disintegrate the origin of Old Man Destruction.

Once or twice, a year or two, it is impossible to completely destroy the origin of a quasi-immortal emperor and let him die, because it is difficult to kill a quasi-immortal emperor, but it cannot withstand the long years.

Day after day, year after year of tempering and refining, the quasi-immortal emperor will also die, and the immortal soul will gradually disintegrate.

The five people completed the suppression of the peerless enemy Jiuyou Zhan's ancestor and walked out of Meng Tianzheng's Yunei Shenzang.

Chaos surged and was pushed away by the brilliant quasi-immortal emperor light surrounding the five people.

"Fellow Thunder Emperor, what you just said is that there are three quasi-immortal emperors in the Dark Land. Is it possible to confirm that?"

asked the counterfeit medicine seller.

Because the Quasi-Immortal Emperor himself has deceived the secrets of heaven, their past, present, and future are difficult to find. Therefore, if you go up the river of time, you cannot find any trace of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's existence.

Otherwise, the then Lord of Heaven would have known in advance how many powerful enemies there were on the other side of the boundary sea, and would not have gone alone.

"It should be right. Didn't your clone also go on the journey through the years?"

"Well, we have witnessed the glorious end of all the worlds, the birth of the sea of ​​​​worlds, and four different eras. The first three periods all have the birth of quasi-immortal emperors. Although we have not really seen their breakthrough, but those This kind of energy is powerful between heaven and earth.

In the last period of time, we returned without seeing the birth of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

Later, you said that after this, there was another ancient era that was covered by dust, strange and cruel, and the Bone God General was the creature of this era.

A total of five eras can be regarded as five reincarnations of the world. Logically speaking, there should be five quasi-immortal emperors. "The counterfeit medicine seller opened his mouth and expressed his doubts.

"Fellow Taoist, are you saying that there should be a fourth person? In fact, Liu Shen and I both believe that the creature who became the quasi-immortal emperor in the first period of time was Gu Yi.

Based on what we know about him, he should not have fallen into darkness. Otherwise, the three quasi-immortal emperors who spread dark matter before the birth of the Jiehai would not have died. "

Speaking of this, Chi Cang heard Shi Hao and took the Da Luo sword embryo in his hand.

"This weapon must have been made by the creature who quelled the turmoil and fought against the three quasi-immortal emperors. Their battle destroyed the abyss of the world and caused the sea of ​​​​the world to overflow across the sky.

If it is really Gu Yi, then he must have reached a higher level, maybe he has become an emperor. Chi Cang said slowly, talking about Da Luo Jian Fei with his fingers.

The simple and heavy sword body has not yet been sharpened, and its surface is carved with countless lines, as if there are creatures flying in the sky during the day.

When the others heard this, their expressions were heavy. This imperial sword, which has been passed down for countless epochs, has countless legends.

They had always thought it was a quasi-immortal emperor weapon, but when the five of them turned into quasi-immortal emperors themselves, they realized that the Great Luo sword fetus was probably a weapon refined by a higher-level creature.

There is a real emperor in this world.

The five people believed that facing the real emperor, even if they tried their best to besiege him, it would be useless. The Immortal Emperor was a creature of another level, and would far surpass the quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"Emperor, the opportunity to become emperor... Everything is at the end of the Boundary Sea, the ultimate place behind the Dark Land. We can find out if we go there and explore." Shi Hao sighed.

The five people returned to the Immortal Realm. They still did not announce the fact that there were five quasi-immortal emperors in the heavens, for fear of alerting the enemy.

If the guess is correct, the dark quasi-immortal emperors on the other side of the boundary sea are sleeping at the moment, thinking that there are only two emperors in the world, so they have a sure chance of victory.

However, if the affairs of Chi Cang and the five quasi-immortal emperors were exposed and the creatures in the dark land knew about it and fled without a fight, it would be a big trouble.

The Boundary Sea is vast, and even if the Quasi-Immortal Emperor wants to cross it by flying, it will take endless years. If the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor escapes into the Boundary Sea and cuts off the cause and effect and energy related to himself, it will be difficult to find him.

Therefore, in the Immortal Realm, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng have not come forward. To the outside world, they are still in retreat.

Only the appearance of Chi Cang and the seller of counterfeit medicine attracted the kings to come to see him.

All the old friends from those days are here, and all the kings in the fairyland are here, including the butcher, the chicken farmer at the burial ground, the Yigan Burial King, and some well-known strong men from other great realms in the world, such as those holding squares. The female fairy king of Tian Hua Ji and so on.

The two quasi-immortal emperors stood there, with their radiance lingering and the passage of time running through them. Their auras were so powerful that the immortal king could not see through them at all.

Chi Cang glanced at the Immortal Kings present and couldn't help but smile. He saw many familiar faces.

The years have passed and the world has changed. It is indeed a blessing to see so many old friends when we are at the peak of our career.

He patted the ten-time champion on the shoulder and was quite satisfied with the ten-time champion's achievements so far.

"Yes, we have opened up a new system with extraordinary potential, and there is hope of breaking through to the king's realm."

When the Ten-Crown King heard this, his face flushed, as calm as he was. When he heard the Thunder Emperor's praise, he couldn't help but feel excited. The praise of a quasi-immortal emperor was definitely the greatest honor for the Immortal King. Besides, the Thunder Emperor has always been in his heart. It's the master. The master praises him, which shows that he is quite satisfied with his disciple.

Chi Cang nodded again to the ethereal banished immortal. He also became a king, and he was a very powerful immortal king. He became the Taoist with his music, and he could destroy all enemies with just one flute sound. It was amazing.

"Currently, Yin Zhidao has always been a vacancy. There is no living being who has reached the peak. You are expected to make history." He affirmed the banishment of immortals.

The banished immortal couldn't calm down either, and he quickly offered the gift of disciple to Chi Cang.

Chi Cang looked at Shi Yi, the one with double pupil, and now Shi Yi has become a king. He is extremely powerful, broadening the road of being a person with double pupil, and is reaching the peak step by step.

There is no need to say more about his talent. Once the double pupils appear, everything in the world will be analyzed by these eyes, and only the quasi-immortal emperor is a mystery.

"How is Shu Yao? Speaking of which, I haven't seen her for a long time." Chi Cang asked about the Pearl of the Tianfeng Clan who had become acquainted with Shi Yi back then.

When Shi Yi heard this, his resolute face turned slightly red. It was really rare for him to have such an expression. If the outside world knew about it, it would be unbelievable, because Shi Yi is known for his coldness, and he often... The earth shattered and blood splattered everywhere.

" raising a baby."

After finishing speaking, Shi Yi's face showed a little joy, which was completely inconsistent with the coldness rumored by the outside world.

"Are you going to be a father? Congratulations!" Chi Cang was surprised. It is very difficult for immortal king-level creatures to give birth to children. This has been the case since ancient times. Unexpectedly, Shi Yi was about to have a child when he was an immortal king.

In this way, he and Shu Yao's powerful bloodline can be inherited, and it will be difficult for the heirs of the Immortal Prince to be strong or not.

"Xiao Jin, that's right. You have become the Immortal King with all your strength, surpassing your father." Chi Cang said to a young man with golden hair, who was the grown-up little Alicorn Ant.

Afterwards, Chi Cang talked to Chi Long, Qilin and other juniors. When he looked at Jiuyou Zhanyu Wudi, Chi Cang couldn't help but think of the old man who had just been suppressed by them.

His descendants stand on the side of the Immortal Realm of the Heavens, but he himself is the dark giant on the other side of the boundary sea, which makes people sigh.

Immediately afterwards, Chi Cang and his comrades from the Immortal Era reminisced about the past. In just a few hundred thousand years, the comrades who once fought side by side are no longer on the same level. However, Chi Cang is still the same as before, not because of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor. And become indifferent.

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