Many of these old friends were resurrected because of Chicang's summoning of souls. Their souls were deficient and were slightly weaker than at their peak, and they could not move forward for the rest of their lives.

However, for them, who were originally dead, it is the happiest thing to be resurrected and watch their descendants surpass their former selves little by little. It does not matter whether they can continue to move forward.

After Chi Cang became the quasi-immortal emperor, he originally wanted to recruit souls for them again. However, he found that although he was just a giant of Wushang back then, he had already recruited souls very thoroughly. Ancient history books could be reproduced one after another. The basics have emerged.

Even if the souls are summoned again, it is impossible to solve the problem of incomplete life marks. Perhaps, after becoming a true emperor, there will be a solution.

With the power of the Immortal Emperor and the heaven-defying and mysterious power of ancient and modern scriptures, it should be enough to completely resurrect the dead creatures.

Not only the Immortal Kings of Jiutian, but also the Immortal Kings of the Immortal Realm. During the years of Chi Cang's retreat, the Immortal Realm of the Middle Ages experienced the impact of the great liquidation, and many Immortal Kings died. Fortunately, they stayed here in Chi Cang in advance. "Coordinates" for future soul-calling purposes.

Now, Chi Cang is about to go on the road with Liu Shen and others to the end of the boundary sea to suppress the other dark quasi-immortal emperors. It is not appropriate to summon the souls immediately. He plans to wait until the dark turmoil is resolved before resurrecting those immortal kings who died to protect the immortal realm. .

"Emperor of Heaven!"

This is the name given to Chicang by kings from other ancient realms in the heavens. They believe that Chicang suppressed the Great Reckoning and dispersed the dark forces of the heavens, creating the prosperous heavens and realms today and saving countless ancient realms on the verge of collapse. , and all living beings, should be called the "Emperor of Heaven".

In response, Chi Cang just smiled and asked them to still call him Thunder Emperor. No matter what happens in the future and what achievements he has made, he will only be Thunder Emperor.

As for another quasi-immortal emperor who sold counterfeit medicine, the kings also called him the Emperor of Heaven, but added his surname - Han.

The counterfeit medicine seller originally wanted to refuse, but after being dissuaded by his friends the butcher and the chicken farmer, he finally accepted the title of "Hantian Emperor".

You know, including the ancestors of the butcher, those creatures who joined forces to create the immortal system, they have not broken through the king realm, they all call themselves the emperor of heaven, and those who sell counterfeit medicine have become quasi-immortal emperors, so they can naturally be called "emperors of heaven" .

The two quasi-immortal emperors accepted the kings' audience and did not let them come in vain. They each pointed out the kings present.

Their cultivation, in the eyes of the quasi-immortal emperors, must be flawed. Some immortal kings are not aware of it and are already unable to move forward without reaching the realm they should have reached.

Now, with the guidance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Kings have gained a lot, and they all respectfully bowed and thanked them.

Later, Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller informed everyone that they were going to go on the road, cross the boundary sea, and completely solve the source of the dark chaos. This time, they summoned the powerful kings of the heavens to come over to give them some instructions.

After they leave, the King of Darkness may come to kill him. When the time comes, the Immortal Kings of all realms will need to work together to resist.

"Since the fall of the Emperor, is there any hope of finally solving the dark disaster that has lasted for countless epochs?" Some old immortal kings who were determined to put down the black disaster said with emotion, and their respect for the two quasi-immortal emperors grew in their hearts. and awe.

"The two quasi-immortal emperors are walking together and watching each other. It will be okay." The king of the immortal realm whispered, having absolute confidence in Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller.

After all, the Quasi-Immortal Emperor was so invincible that even the Great Liquidation was suppressed, and no one dared to cause trouble.

After getting promises from other big world giants outside the fairyland, Chi Cang and his purpose of selling counterfeit medicines was achieved.

As long as the heavens work together to resist the Dark King, they won't cause so many tragic disasters.

In later generations, the Immortal Realm was broken into so many pieces, and some kind of sudden change must have occurred. The cause and effect here was too deep, and Chi Cang could not predict when the sudden change would come, so he could only prepare for a rainy day.

As for their five quasi-immortal emperors, they must go on the road together, because the situation in the ultimate land is unknown and involves the "immortal emperor", so they cannot leave anyone behind on the side of the heavens.

Later, Chi Cang handed over some Immortal King weapons to Qi Yu alone, including the Five-animal Fan, the Hunyuan Gourd, the Five Elements Flag, the Seven-Way Sword and so on.

They are all very powerful weapons that can exert the power of the Immortal King without the Immortal King's activation. Chi Cang, Liu Shen, Shi Hao and others used the fairy materials or Immortal King weapons obtained by killing various kings to resmelt them. , the refined Immortal King weapon is left to the Immortal Realm, which can enhance the self-protection ability of the Immortal Realm.

Qi Yu solemnly took over these powerful Immortal King soldiers, and even he was shocked, because normally, there are not many Immortal King soldiers who can have weapons suitable for them, but Chi Cang gave him eight Immortal King soldiers. There are so many pieces, and the power of these weapons is equivalent to making eight more kings appear in the Immortal Realm out of thin air.

"Guard the Immortal Realm well, and there are still nine heavens and ten lands." Chi Cang said.

Hearing this, Qi Yu quickly replied: "Don't worry, Lei Emperor, even if Qi Yu fights for his life, he will not let the Immortal Realm and Nine Heavens and Ten Earths be damaged."

He knew that the Nine Heavens and Ten Lands were Chi Cang's hometown and mother realm, and were very important to him.

After settling the matter on Zhutian's side, Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller were ready to hit the road. With everything arranged, they had nothing to worry about.

The two set off for the dike world.

The kings of all heavens and realms all came to see him off.

Two quasi-immortal emperors who have broken history are going to travel together to the other side of the boundary sea to quell the black disaster. This is undoubtedly a major event in this era, and they certainly don't want to miss it.

After the Thunder Abyss, the kings stood and watched the man selling counterfeit medicine towards the boundary sea.

On the sand, a faint mist lingered, which was very dangerous for the creatures below the true immortals. But now, as the two quasi-immortal emperors came, all the fog disappeared and was dispelled by the radiance of the quasi-immortal emperors.

The two walked side by side, without sequence, across the sand, across the embankment, and disappeared into the vast sea mist.

Wherever they walked, they left two lines of faint footprints.

When the kings in the rear saw this, they were all shocked.

In their eyes, these two lines of footprints are so clear and dazzling. Throughout the ages, countless people have walked through the sand and stepped over the dam without leaving any traces. Even the extremely powerful giants cannot do it.

Now, the two quasi-immortal emperors have done it, leaving their own footprints respectively. Although the footprints are very light, they are really imprinted on it.

Everyone was in a daze, suddenly enlightened.

"It turns out to be the Quasi-Immortal Emperor."

They looked at another section of the embankment not far away. There was also a line of faint footprints there. They didn't know what era they were from or what creature left them.

It has become the focus of discussion among all the powerful people in the world, and it is also the driving force and road sign for generations of immortal kings to move forward.

Follow the footprints, trace the footprints, go to the boundary sea, cross towards the end, and go to the other end of the boundary sea.

Immortal kings of all ages have made guesses about the monk who left the footprints, thinking that he might be an emperor, but there is not much evidence, so they can only guess based on thin air.

Now, it has been truly confirmed that the owner of the footprints is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Only creatures that surpass the Immortal King and reach the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor can leave footprints here forever.

Everyone's expressions were solemn, and they thought a lot at the same time. This forerunner was so powerful and established himself in the realm of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. He went to the Boundary Sea to quell the black disaster.

But why haven't I heard of this creature's name? Moreover, for endless years, dark turmoil has always existed, and a dark storm has even blown over the boundary sea, which has never stopped.

Does this mean that the quasi-immortal emperor who went first failed.

"Did the majestic creatures who left their footprints die in the dark place?" Some people couldn't help but speculate.

The kings were silent, knowing that this was most likely the case. If that creature had succeeded, the darkness would have been cleared away long ago.

"I know, Diluo, Diluo, a quasi-immortal emperor died in battle and ended. This is the true meaning of Diluo." Someone told the truth.

Everyone couldn't help but worry. The powerful men at the quasi-immortal emperor level went to quell the black disaster but failed. Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller went on the road together. What will happen in the end? Should we repeat the mistakes of the past, or should we solve the root causes of the trouble once and for all?

"This life is different. Senior Thunder Emperor and Emperor Han Tian are on the road together, and we are no longer as isolated and helpless as the previous pioneer.

The two seniors will definitely succeed. "An old immortal king spoke, looking towards the hazy sea of ​​​​water.

There, Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine sellers were no longer there.

The kings sighed. They could not provide any support to the two quasi-immortal emperors. They were too weak and could only wait here silently for the results.

"What we can do is protect this side and not cause trouble to the two seniors." said a powerful Jiehai giant.

In the boundary sea, Liu Shen, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng have been waiting for a long time.

The five people reunited on a small island and officially set off to the end of the boundary sea.

"Thinking about it, the Dark Kings should be able to know all this and pass the news that my fellow Taoist Thunder Emperor and I set off to the end of the Boundary Sea to the Dark Land. Even if the quasi-immortal emperor there has something important to do, he will put it aside temporarily. Get together and wait for us to pass." said the counterfeit medicine seller.

They did not set off quietly. First, they really wanted to promote the alliance of the heavens and defend against the arrival of the ancient palace. Second, they told the dark quasi-immortal emperor on the opposite side that they were coming. Don't run around and wait there. .

Even if you go on the road quietly, you can't hide it from the other party. It's impossible to sneak attack the old man who destroyed the world, so it's better to be open and aboveboard.

Anyway, there are five people on their side, and the general trend is on this side, as long as the dark quasi-immortal emperor on the opposite side doesn't run away in advance.

"Everything in the end is at the end of this sea." Shi Hao stared at the vast and boundless ocean with bright eyes.

"Yes, it's time to end." Chi Cang sat cross-legged on the huge Taoist platform, looking at the huge waves in the distance, dazed.

He suddenly thought of the vision reflected by the Great Luo Sword Fetus when he wielded it to chop down the ancient artifact.

Under the setting sun, in the blood-colored river, large tombs stood one after another. Several creatures sat cross-legged on the copper coffins, drifting toward unknown depths.

When Chi Cang saw this scene, he felt that those creatures were very familiar. After thinking about it carefully, he believed that this scene was an omen and a preview of the future.

It's a bit like the five people riding on the Immortal Immortal Platform together today to go to the end of the boundary sea.

"If it were us, where would that bloody ancient land, bloody ocean, and tall tombs be?" Chi Cang thought to himself, feeling that the future was unpredictable.

Although he has cultivated his future body, he cannot fully know the future, unlike his past body, which was wandering in ancient times.

Moreover, Chi Cang has only developed the ultimate method of past life, which is to directly kill people in the past and shake the enemy's foundation of existence. As long as the number of kills is enough and the time is connected, it is really possible to defeat the enemy. It turns into nothingness and does not exist in the world.

However, it is difficult to achieve this level when it comes to quasi-immortal emperors, because every time an enemy is killed at a time node, a massive amount of power of time and power of cause and effect will flood over, which can only shake the enemy's current state. A certain influence, and the energy and spirit are no longer at their peak.

This is very scary in the battle between quasi-immortal emperors, after all, a small gap may be magnified.

As for the mysterious future body, Chi Cang has not yet developed the corresponding ultimate method, but he has a hunch that the future body's ability should be stronger and more effective.

Now, it will take a long time to go to the boundary sea, which is enough for Chi Cang to study the means of the future body. It just so happens that this trip involves the real emperor. The more forbidden methods, the better the chance of winning.

The same is true for Liu Shen, the counterfeit medicine seller, Shi Hao, and Meng Tianzheng. They have only been quasi-immortal emperors for a short time and have not deeply cultivated this field. There are still many places that can be explored.

For example, Shi Hao mastered the art of transforming himself freely, but he did not show it in the battle with the old man who destroyed the world.

Next, he only needs to consolidate his realm and study the use of this method in the field of quasi-immortal emperor before he can use it against the enemy.

As for his goal of transforming into freedom, they are all on the Immortal Slaying Platform. Shi Hao can definitely transform him into Liu Shen, him into Thunder Emperor, him into Meng Tianzheng...

In this way, the five people practiced independently and continued to expand their path to the quasi-immortal emperor.

Time is long, the years are ruthless, and it is two hundred thousand years in the blink of an eye.

The five people have traveled through the vast sea of ​​​​worlds for so long and still have not reached the end. It can be imagined how prosperous the world was in the past. Before it was destroyed, the birth of the quasi-immortal emperor should not be as difficult as it is now.

The abyss exploded, all heavens were destroyed, and the origin of this world was also damaged, making it no longer what it once was.

It is common for people to sell counterfeit medicines. When he was the Immortal King, he had crossed to the end of the Boundary Sea, so he naturally knew how vast this sea was.

This was the first time for Chi Cang, Liu Shen and the other four people to go so far.

Along the way, most of them sat cross-legged on the Immortal Killing Platform and walked through the waves. Occasionally they would come across an island with a teleportation array engraved on it. With this special teleportation array, they could save a lot of time and cross a large distance. .

Among them, Liu Shen, Shi Hao and Meng Tianzheng each concealed their energy and figures. From the outside, their existence could not be seen at all. Only a quasi-immortal emperor came in person to find out the clues.

This was naturally done to cover up the fact that they had five quasi-immortal emperors and prevent the other party from retreating.

The boundary sea is so big that if the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor plunges headlong into it, he won't be able to find it at all.

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