However, it is meaningless to talk about these things now.

"Fellow Taoists, Taoist Brother Lei Di and I will board the embankment and step into the dark place later. If nothing else happens, there will be a big battle. It is no longer safe here. It is best to leave immediately." The man who sells counterfeit medicine appears. The voice said, urging these kings to return.

Hearing that the two quasi-immortal emperors were going to kill the dark land, the ancient kings present were not surprised, because the counterfeit medicine sellers belonged to the group of people who were determined to put down the black disaster. This latecomer, the Thunder Emperor, was known by his title alone. You can guess that it must be incompatible with the darkness.

Some people clenched their fists and said excitedly: "I am willing to follow these two fellow Taoists and kill them."

There were also people with twinkling eyes, eager to follow the two of them and log onto the embankment. They believed that there was an opportunity to break into the King Realm, which was why they had stayed here.

"The land of darkness is extremely dangerous. Even we can't predict whether we will live or die. Go back and be useful. Today, the world is under attack by the King of Darkness. It is the time when reinforcements are needed." Cang said with a sigh.

He was telling the truth. Although there are five of them, their number may be higher than that of the Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor and they can defeat their opponents. However, the Ultimate Land involves the source of the black disaster. The real emperor, even the five Quasi-Immortal Emperors, cannot I dare say it can be solved.

These ancient kings are a rare and powerful fighting force below the quasi-immortal emperor. Returning to the heavens will definitely strengthen the defense of the heavens. Staying here will only be useless.

When the kings present heard the words, they hesitated to speak. They knew clearly that what the Thunder Emperor said was the truth. Facing the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the Immortal King was really too insignificant.

Of course, there are also beings who are deeply obsessed with becoming quasi-immortal emperors who do not intend to return. They have become possessed by the devil and believe that they will have a chance to break through the king's realm by landing on the other side.

Finally, Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller were on the road, and the two walked towards the embankment.

Immediately, a terrifying hurricane struck, roaring and covering the two of them. This was a storm composed of the runes of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. Chi Cang was convinced that the Immortal King would die if he encountered it.

"Previously, this storm had been blowing, making it impossible for the king sitting in the nearby sea to return, but now it has become quiet. I am afraid that it is making the final brewing. If I can't wait, when it is finished brewing, the ancient world left behind I'm afraid the king will turn into ashes." The counterfeit medicine seller said.

Chi Cang nodded.

They took action and cut through the dark hurricane, and the quasi-immortal emperor runes were just for their use, and naturally could not hurt them.

The two fought their way through the terrifying storm and successfully climbed onto the dark embankment.

The unwilling Wang followed him, but as soon as he stepped onto the embankment, he was affected by an inexplicable force and turned into powder.

And Chi Cang and the other two, surrounded by the radiance of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, crossed the embankment and headed towards the dark place.

Those who died in the rear were their own choices, no one else should be blamed.

Walking in the dark territory, the two of them deeply realized what darkness was. There was no sun here, the sky was dim, and the ground was as dark as ink, as if they were in hell.

The most important thing is that the laws of heaven and earth are completely different from those in the world. If the Immortal King comes ashore and is not killed, he will need to work hard to adapt to the laws here, and he will encounter big trouble.

However, for Chi Cang and those who sell counterfeit medicine, the environment of heaven and earth is no longer of that great significance.

As they moved forward, how fast was the Quasi-Immortal Emperor? With just one step, hundreds of millions of territories were left behind.

During this period, the two tried to look at the end of the darkness. As a result, a powerful force descended from the sky and turned into a black divine chain, trying to bind them.

Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine sellers naturally couldn't let him succeed, so they took action one after another, causing the chain to break inch by inch and shatter into dust.

"It seems that we have to go there on foot to find out." The counterfeit medicine seller sighed.

The dark ancient land is vast and boundless. On the road, there are dark mountains that tower into the sky. There are dark rivers that flow silently like ink. There are also pieces of bones of the Immortal King lying on the ground. It is unknown how many years they have been dead.

Several of them can be clearly distinguished. They are not the creatures of this world, but the immortal kings who came ashore. They are the most powerful group of creatures in billions of years. Unfortunately, in the end, they fell here after taking only a few steps. When the body dies, the Tao disappears.

The two of them were silent, never stopping, and walked towards the depths of darkness.

Ahead, a huge dark mountain blocked the way. It was too huge, with stars one after another rotating around the mountain.

Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller were in the quasi-immortal emperor realm. Naturally, they had nothing to fear and went straight over the mountain. They saw horrifying skeletons, all belonging to the Immortal King. They also saw the completely dark magical medicine, elixir.

An elixir of immortality should be flowing with immortal energy, fragrant, sacred and brilliant, but now, it is as dark as ink, exuding a strange aura, and is full of ominousness.

Even the fairy medicine is like this, and the creatures can be imagined.

The two of them walked through the mountains peacefully and nothing happened.

Soon, they encountered a sea of ​​bones. At first glance, they were all snow-white bones. Some had weathered and turned into fine white sand, while some were still intact and glowing, indicating that the owner of the bones was extremely extraordinary during his life.

Of course, there are bones of other colors, from a variety of ethnic groups.

Picking up a bone at random, you can see that the owner of the bone is very suitable for cultivating Taoism, but it turns out that it is lying here, and there is a rich dark power that cannot be dispelled in the bone.

Obviously, these are creatures eroded by darkness.

The two of them looked at each other and felt that they were getting close to the dark truth.

There are so many creatures, and they are definitely from more than one realm. They were brought here, sacrificed and died here, leaving only the bones piled together.

The heavens are medicine fields, and living beings are great medicines. However, they don't know what they are used for. After all, the life of the quasi-immortal emperor is endless, and it is impossible for him to need the life energy of living beings to repair the immortal platform like the supreme being in the end of the law.

Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller crossed the sea of ​​bones and traveled an infinite distance.

Finally, they arrived.

You can vaguely see the buildings in front of you. They are magnificent and majestic. Whenever a living being comes here, they will be shocked by this kind of energy and can't help but kneel down and kowtow there.

This is a panic-stricken trend that is shocking.

Even the Thunder Emperor and the counterfeit medicine sellers were affected, and there was a force that wanted to make them surrender.

However, this is impossible. The two people's eyes became cold. There is probably a powerful enemy waiting in the group of buildings. Otherwise, some palaces would not be able to bring them such majestic power. pressure.

As they got closer, the two came to a huge palace complex. Suddenly, they saw a huge monument with two large characters "Heavenly Court" written in black blood.

Including the endless palace, everything was lifeless, flowing with endless power of darkness.

"Falling into the dark heaven?"

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