The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 498 Three Emperors

At this moment, Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller thought a lot.

Once upon a time, the word "Heavenly Court" was regarded as taboo and unknown by all creatures in the world, because since ancient times, accidents have happened to the people who established the "Heavenly Court". For example, none of the people who created the Immortal Domain system died a good death.

This was true even for their tribesmen. The butcher and the blonde woman only escaped by luck.

Later, when Shi Hao established the Heavenly Palace, the kings of the Immortal Realm tried their best to dissuade him from being reckless, for fear of causing great disaster.

Logically speaking, heaven is a sacred symbol and cannot be linked to a curse. Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine sellers never understood this before. It was not until today that they saw the vast heaven falling into darkness that they understood its true meaning.

There is no room for two heavens in one life. The dark heaven here has been "orthodox" for a long time and is ruled by the dark quasi-immortal emperor. Naturally, the heaven established by others is not allowed to exist, even on the other side of the distant world sea.

Chi Cang couldn't help but think of the White Bone God General. He highly admired the heaven of his era, which was established by an "emperor". It was grand and majestic, commanded the heavens, and all spirits surrendered.

Later, the "Emperor" led the Heavenly Tribes into the Boundary Sea, crossed to the other side, and disappeared.

So, will the heaven mentioned by the Bone God General be the "dark heaven" in front of us?

Where is the Bone God General who abandoned his body, stepped into the dark place, and disappeared into the ocean of cages now?

He is just a creature of the Immortal King level. Even if he reaches the dark place, he will probably be a moth flying into the flame, and he may have been wiped out long ago.

Thinking of this, Chi Cang felt sad in his heart.

The creatures abandoned by the times are in a vast world, unable to see any familiar people or things. Even though they have tasted the splendor of the world, they are still looking around with a sword in a daze.

Chi Cang understood the choice of the Bone God General very well. The once glorious heaven had come to an end like that, and he naturally wanted to know the truth.

"Let's go, let's go meet the so-called Dark Quasi-Immortal Emperor." Chi Cang sighed. No matter what, the body of the Bone God General is in his hands. As long as the coordinates are there, there is still a chance of resurrection.

The counterfeit medicine seller nodded, and walked into the dark heaven surrounded by the light of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

When the two entered the dark heavenly palace, they felt not only the pressure of the quasi-immortal emperor level, but also a deathly silence, as if there was no one around. It was not like what heaven should be like, it was too empty.

It wasn't until they approached the central hall that there was any movement.

In the void, a voice suddenly came out. It was ancient, vicissitudes of life, indifferent, aloof, and very abrupt. There was no warning at all. It made Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller feel awe in their hearts. They knew that this was the voice of a creature of the same level. There was that kind of terrifying fluctuation sweeping across.

"Pilgrims come together from the other side of the sea just to see us. They should be sincere and pious, kowtowing every step of the way. Why do they come with murderous intentions?"

When Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller heard this, their expressions turned cold. They were both quasi-immortal emperors, but they actually said they were here for pilgrimage? Really arrogant.

"Pilgrim? You're overthinking it. We're here to kill you." Chi Cang responded.

The words fell, exploding like thunder, rumbling, cold and majestic, and the entire imperial palace shook and trembled.

Even though a quasi-immortal emperor-level magic circle was deployed here, it almost collapsed because of Chi Cang's words.


Deep in the imperial palace, three waves of immense and extreme pressure enveloped the sky and the earth. It was as if there were three unrivaled emperors standing there. Before they even showed their bodies, the sky and the earth were already shattering, revealing their eternal and invincible energy.

Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller felt the pressure. Sure enough, they were three quasi-immortal emperors, each of them powerful. When they were still sailing on the boundary sea, these three people knew of their arrival and took the initiative to sacrifice. Exiting the ancient palace allows them to reach the dark place faster.

The three fallen quasi-immortal emperors have been waiting in this imperial palace for a long time.

"You want to kill the emperor? You should be punished!" Another voice sounded, coming from the second fallen quasi-immortal emperor.

"If you don't worship the emperor when you meet him, your true destiny will be lost. Your name is on the reincarnation monument. Kowtow every step of the way. Your sins will be cut in half on the way to rebirth. I will protect your true name." The quasi-immortal emperor who was the first to speak said coldly, with a loud voice. , resonated with the heaven and earth, and the vast earth was trembling.

It seems like mantras and spells have touched the terrible laws, shaking the souls of Chi Cang and those who sell counterfeit medicine.

If the person standing here was an Immortal King, even if he cultivated the Emperor's Light, he would still suffer disaster.

This is the horror of the quasi-immortal emperor. Just by chanting the mantra, immortal king-level creatures can perish and be sent to reincarnation.

"Arrogant, even a quasi-immortal emperor, you dare to say such nonsense." The counterfeit medicine seller scolded.

Quasi-immortal emperor, who is worse than the other? This mantra-reciting creature was so arrogant that he treated them like immortal kings?

"It doesn't have to be like this. We are both Quasi-Immortal Emperors. Are you here for those ants, or are you going to join us to explore the path of the Immortal Emperor?" The third Quasi-Immortal Emperor spoke up, still looking so aloof. .

He was making the final confirmation to determine whether Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller were enemies or friends. After all, these were two quasi-immortal emperors, and in their view, they were the anomalies of this era.

Although they have the advantage in numbers and have the ability to suppress the opponent, a bloody battle is inevitable and a huge price will be paid. Therefore, turning enemies into friends is the best choice.

If the person who comes here in this life is still one person, the situation will be different. The three of them can attack each other unscrupulously and ravage each other like they killed that person.

"Let's explore the path of the Immortal Emperor together? I'm sorry, we have different paths and are not conspiring with each other. You have launched a dark turmoil that has troubled the heavens for a long time, causing the sea to dry up, the ancient world to become dust, and all living beings to bleed. There should be today's massacre. "Chi Cang refused without hesitation.

He walked with the counterfeit medicine seller, walking through the dusty palace, to see what the so-called fallen quasi-immortal emperor looked like.

The temple, which should have been golden and sacred, is now deeply eroded by darkness, showing a dark and extremely ominous appearance.

Moreover, the huge palace was empty and vicissitudes of life, without any shadow of heavenly soldiers and generals, and there was an inexplicable desolation.

Underground, there are some corpses that have been dead for who knows how many epochs. Even if they were immortal kings in life, they are just a pile of withered bones after death.

In addition, there were statues, statues, etc. that fell randomly on the ground, all covered with dust.

Everything indicates the glorious end, and the buildings are empty.

"Haha, it's another person who doesn't understand the secrets of heaven, just like the creature before." The man who recited the mantra said, with an extreme coldness, and his breath flowed as if he wanted to destroy all things.

"Yes, those who don't understand the secrets of heaven are dead without exception. Your so-called emperor's fall will happen again. It's sad and deplorable!" The second person uttered this sigh with an extremely cold murderous intention.


The blazing eyes turned, and he took action directly, huge and blazing thunderbolts bursting out from his body, with destructive power, destroying everything, including the Shen Gen darkness.

One after another, the huge thunder stars were rumbling around him, like stars holding the moon, as if a thunder emperor came to the world to promote the progress of the world.


The dark heaven was shattered by the shock, and the majestic heavenly palaces collapsed and turned into ashes in the lightning.

The Dark Heavenly Palace, which had not fallen for billions of years and was known as the eternal one, just collapsed like this. Even if the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's magic circle was deployed, how could it really be able to stop a powerful Quasi-Immortal Emperor?

Huge boulders flew across the sky, the sky pillars cracked, and rubble made of dark fairy gold scattered everywhere. The eternal dark heaven finally came to an end.

In the distance, Chi Cang saw the figures of heavenly soldiers and generals, a large, boundless area, all wearing neat armor and holding standard weapons, turning into clouds and smoke silently.

It's a pity that they worked hard and sacrificed everything for this heaven, but in the end they got this ending.

The Central Imperial Palace, where the fallen quasi-immortal emperor was located, was also affected. The huge and majestic palace was directly torn into pieces and destroyed by the blazing thunder blow.

However, the three quasi-immortal emperors inside were not affected. The periphery of the imperial palace collapsed, revealing their figures.

On the far left is a skinny creature, sitting on an imperial chair made of jade, looking down from high above.

As a quasi-immortal emperor, he is undoubtedly powerful and invincible, but a little skinny.

He was wearing imperial clothes, ancient and outdated, full of vicissitudes of time. When worn on his body, he looked very loose and fat. On top of his head, he wore a nine-color imperial crown, which was brilliant and shining on the world, mixed with a thick aura that could not be transformed. Open the power of darkness.

This reminded Chi Cang that the ancient artifact that created the Burial Warrior lineage was a nine-color imperial crown. Looking at it now, it was undoubtedly refined by the creature in front of him.

At this moment, the quasi-immortal emperor was looking coldly at Chi Cang and the counterfeit medicine seller. He had gray hair and even the whites of his eyes were gray. Only his pupils were golden. In the darkness, they looked like two bright golden lamps. , the eyes radiating from it are sharp and intimidating.

Seeing this person, Chi Cang felt something in his heart and knew the origin of the other person. He was the quasi-immortal emperor who was born in the lost years discovered in his past life. At the same time, he was also the pioneer of the heaven that the Bone God General longed for.

On the right, there is an emperor's chair also made of jade. Sitting on it is a terrifying quasi-immortal emperor. He wears a purple gold crown and has purple gold on his face. He is slender and tall. He is an extremely terrifying creature, exuding a strong feeling. The sense of oppression is simply suffocating.

Under his feet, the symbols of the avenue filled the air, and his whole body was wrapped in purple energy, surrounded by the marks of the heavens, as if he was the controller of the world.

When breathing, the breath flowing in the mouth and nose makes the stars and oceans dry up and destroy. As the eyes turn, the long river of time emerges, overlooking the eternal heavens.

This creature Chi Cang is a bit unfamiliar to the counterfeit medicine seller, but it can be guessed that he should be the quasi-immortal emperor born in the era when Chi Cang and others returned to the world.

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