The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 511 Forgotten by time and ancient history

Every drop of the endless rain of light was Shi Hao's blood. The moment before he was exploded, he stood in the realm of the Immortal Emperor and used the unparalleled imperial method of his transformation into freedom and his transformation into eternity.

This time, it is the blooming of the ultimate secret of this imperial law. It is a taboo-like realm that transcends the past and is completely different from the past.

Unfortunately, the time he stayed at the level of the Immortal Emperor was too short. After resisting the Immortal Emperor's blow from Dark Guyi, he was powerless.

There is no other way but to use the Immortal Emperor's murderous storm released by Da Luo's sword to disintegrate and rush towards the long river of time.

Billions of blood drops penetrated the heaven and earth, submerged into the long river of time, and were distributed in different time and space.

At this point, Shi Hao was lost and forgot who he was.

After all, he used power beyond his own limits and was blasted by Dark Guyi.

In the vast black fog, Gu Yi frowned and was still deducing Shi Hao's whereabouts. As an Immortal Emperor with a stable Taoist practice and complete Taoist fruits, his induction and spiritual sense were terrifying. He could predict and deduce many things in an instant. thing.

But now, he was blocked and could not deduce the whereabouts of Shi Hao's blood drops.

"How could this be? He completely disappeared, as if he did not belong to this ancient history.

Even if the blood turns into ashes, it should still be found. "He murmured to himself, with a look of violence in his eyes, and a murderous intent that would shock the ages.

In the long river of time, hundreds of millions of drops of Shi Hao's blood are scattered all over. Some are residual blood, some are essence blood, and some are extremely precious blood. They are manifested in different historical time and space. There are blood stains in the upstream, middle and downstream of the long river of time. emerge.

The most precious drop of blood essence came to the Emperor Luo era. He transformed into Shi Hao and had his own will. However, he was very confused and was incompatible with the Emperor Luo era. It seemed that he did not belong here and could not fit in.

Finally, he sat down cross-legged and practiced quietly, with some methods emerging in his mind.

This is true not only in Emperor Luo, but also in all eras. Shi Hao is everywhere. They have their own stories, experiences and excitement.

The same is true for the lower reaches of the long river that represents the future. However, Shi Hao's blood is restricted after it reaches a certain distance and cannot rush further downstream. There is a great power of cause and effect that blocks them.

In the deepest part of the Ultimate Ancient Land, black mist filled the air, surging and swirling around the dark Ancient Yi.

His eyes became more and more hollow. The power of the Immortal Emperor was mighty, but he still did not give up on Shi Hao's deduction.

After a long time, his huge imperial body shook violently, and he said: "Though the years have not changed history, it has touched the taboo. Perhaps, there are some causes and effects that I don't know about.

Could it be that he has created an unparalleled imperial method, established himself in the imperial realm, and is on the same level as me, deceiving the secrets of heaven and not being sensed?

Impossible. Who else can become an Immortal Emperor besides me? All will become empty. "

Over the years, Shi Hao was still in the lost stage and could not wake up.

Shi Hao, who was transformed into the most important drop of essence and blood, has been practicing and walking in the world since the ancient Emperor Luo era. However, he has always been confused and cannot remember his identity. He only knows that his true body has created a new world. The invincible Emperor Fa, now he is in the interpretation of the Fa.

Time passed by, and in the blink of an eye, he came to the present world and stood between rocks in a foreign land.

It is difficult for him to blend into the real world, so even if he stands there, others will ignore him.

At this time, two women came over, and their caves were located here.

"Desolate Heaven Emperor... has been gone for hundreds of thousands of years and has not returned yet. I don't know what happened to him."

"What's on the other side of the boundary sea?"

In the ultimate ancient land, outside the black mist, Liu Shen, the counterfeit medicine seller, and Meng Tianzheng all sensed the energy of the Immortal Emperor's war. They were so horrified that they felt powerless.

That was when the Unparalleled Immortal Emperor was fighting. There were only a few people in the vast world. The three of them could only watch and wait outside, praying that Chi Cang and Shi Hao could defeat the powerful enemy.

However, things often don't go as expected. Soon after, Liu Shen was the first to realize that she and Chi Cang had attacked the Red Dust Immortal together. At the most dangerous moment, the two souls blended together, and each had the mark of the other.

At this moment, she seemed to see big hands smashing the blazing figure into pieces and turning it into ashes.

Everything, everything about Chi Cang has been wiped out and no longer exists.

Liu Shen's eyes were blank, and his beautiful face was full of disbelief. That was Thunder Emperor Chi Cang, who had never failed or disappointed anyone. Now, facing the Immortal Emperor, was he still defeated?

A crystal teardrop fell from the corner of her eye. Liu Shen shed tears for the first time since she was born. Her mentality has always been aloof, outside of things, not in the world of mortals.

Even when the Ancient Immortal Era was overthrown and she fought resolutely to foreign lands, entering and exiting nine times, she never lived like this. But at this moment, when she learned that Chi Cang was annihilated by the Dark Immortal Emperor, she couldn't help but shed tears.

She couldn't help but think of what Chi Cang said back then.

"Liu Shen, do you think...will we die on the battlefield one day?"

"Even if that day does come, it will still be our destination."

"Yes, but it's a pity that our bloodline cannot be passed down. You are the ancestral sacrifice spirit, and I am the innate creature born in the thunder pond. If the bloodline between the two of us is born, it will be extremely unnatural."

At the beginning, she still had some hesitation and resistance in her heart. After all, in Liu Shen's heart, the avenue was the first priority. However, at this moment, she felt a trace of regret, and finally understood why Chi Cang was in Shicun. She often told Shi Hao that time flies by, time is gone, and the past cannot be returned. When he strides forward, he should not forget the people around him and the scenery around him.

At the moment of separation, Liu Shen realized that Chi Cang's figure had already unknowingly occupied the deepest place in her heart.

"The past cannot be returned to."

Liu Shen sighed softly, and tears fell down her cheeks, dissipating little by little in mid-air until they became invisible. Her body also became illusory and was about to cease to exist.

The counterfeit medicine seller and Meng Tianzheng nearby were all affected. Meng Tianzheng was fine, but he felt that the fairy fetus was illusory and blurred, and his Taoism sometimes weakened and sometimes recovered.

As for the counterfeit medicine seller, just like Liu Shen, his entire body was dissipating, as if it was about to turn into nothingness.

At this moment, their quasi-immortal emperor's behavior was useless and could not prevent this from happening.

The two of them could not reach today without Chi Cang. Now, Chi Cang has been destroyed in the past and present. The results that were caused by him in the past also suffered a chain reaction and collapsed.

"So that's it. Is this my original ending?" A flash of inspiration flashed in the mind of the counterfeit medicine seller, and he realized something.

All the heavens and worlds, the immortal realm, the true dragon, the unicorn, the old horned ant, the Kunpeng...the ten evil creatures that should have disappeared, but were resurrected by Blazing Cang's Soul Resurrection, all disappeared on the spot, their eyes In the light, there is surprise, confusion, relief and satisfaction. Today's descendants of the Ten Evils have grown up one by one, surpassing their parents. The great revenge of the foreign land has been avenged. What else do they have to regret? ?

The true phoenix among the ten evils, its bright feathers are degenerating and dissipating. The Taoist fruit of the supreme immortal king disintegrates in an instant and becomes a thing of the past. In the end, it becomes a five-color bird again, and its previous memories are also lost. ,Vague.

It flapped its wings and looked in the direction of the boundary sea, as if it understood something, and then let out a long sigh.

"The Ten Evils Reappear, It's a Dream."

Not only the ten evil spirits, but also everything causally related to Chi Cang were affected. This was a shocking change, covering all aspects. Even the peerless creatures such as raising chickens were robbed and perished under the watch of the burial master.

All the changes were under the gaze of Dark Guyi. He sneered: "This man is really a big change. His disappearance has changed even the ancient history. It seems that he has really fallen. There is no The future no longer exists.”

After saying that, he no longer paid attention, but tried his best to deduce Shi Hao's whereabouts.

In the years to come, on the long river of emptiness and silence, Chi Cang stands sluggishly. Although he has entered the cultivation realm of the Immortal Emperor for the first time, his figure is sometimes illusory and sometimes real.

Like Shi Hao, he was lost. The foundation of his existence, that is, the past and the present world, was completely wiped out by the Dark Ancient Yi, including the cause and effect involved.

If a living being has no past, no process and experience of rising, it is like a building without a foundation, becoming a rootless tree.

If it were an ordinary creature, it would have disappeared long ago and been erased by time.

Because, cause and effect, cause and effect, there is a cause before there is an effect, and there is a first and then a last. If the cause is gone, where will the effect come from?

However, Chi Cang did not disappear. His cause was wiped out by an immortal emperor, but the effect remained.

The moment before the past and present were wiped out, he displayed the supreme secret of the past, present and future, and it was everywhere.

The past and present are gone, but there is still a future.

However, the destruction of the foundation of existence still brought a devastating blow to Chi Cang. His future body and his fruit were in a state of being about to be disillusioned, but still surviving tenaciously.

All of this was brought about by the unparalleled imperial law. Otherwise, Chi Cang would not have survived.

However, Chi Cang can't do anything now, he can only maintain his own immortality, but it doesn't seem like a special state that really exists.

Time, history, past and present... everything has forgotten this creature, as if it had never existed. The only thing that remembers him may be the dark ancient Yi that killed him.

What would history be without him? The little boy who had his supreme bones dug out worshiped God Liu as his teacher and rose up in the wilderness to reach the upper world... God Liu and Xiaota stepped into the gate of primitiveness and recovered all the way until they gave up their bodies and stepped into the darkness... selling fake medicine. Those who raised chickens were all killed in the battle...

At the end, Shi Hao stood there alone, having lost countless things, feeling sad in his heart, but unable to cry. He could only shed tears while remembering the past in the long river of time, and sang for a long time while crying.

As for Willow God, only the charred tree stump is left, standing alone.

Scenes passed in front of Chi Cang's eyes, making his eyes tremble. He vaguely felt that this was the most important person to him. He didn't want her to die or turn into a piece of her. Blackened wood piles.

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