
Suddenly, a thunder sounded in Chi Cang's ears, making him slightly stunned.

It was a living creature in the coming years who was going through a tribulation. Thunder fell from the sky, splitting his skin and flesh to pieces. However, his eyes were firm and unyielding, and he resisted the thunder tribulation.


Another thunder sounded, attracting Chi Cang's eyes. It was also a living being undergoing a tribulation and receiving the baptism of heaven's punishment.

Not only these two people, in the long river of time, there is no time node where there has not been a catastrophe. Heaven's punishment, thunder, and the wrath of God have run through ancient history, spread all over the long river of history, and are deeply rooted in everyone. On the way to the rise of a strong man.

The lost Chi Cang only felt that these thunders were very friendly. Being close to them was like returning to the mother's body.

Being attracted, he no longer stood still on the long river of time, but wandered through every tribulation thunder.

He has seen the growth history of countless creatures, from weak to strong. He has seen people who have been knocked down time and time again and stood up again and again to rise to enlightenment, become great emperors, and stand at the pinnacle of humanity. He has also seen some people regard thunder as the great emperor. Tonic medicines were used as tools for body training and as means of attacking enemies. Countless creatures were destroyed by thunder, leaving only sighs...

Time has passed, endless years have passed, and Chi Cang, who is standing in the realm of the Immortal Emperor, has witnessed the rise of many characters, the rise and fall of many civilizations.

He truly became the God of Punishment, became the sky, and controlled the thunder and lightning of the universe. Any existence that transcends tribulations, the tribulations they overcome, and the thunder punishments they receive all originate from him.

Great Emperors, True Immortals, Immortal Kings, Quasi-Immortal Emperors, Immortal Emperors, even the karma and punishment caused by some Immortal Emperor-level beings touching taboos all originated from him.

His realm has also gone from entering the Immortal Emperor for the first time to reaching the end of the Immortal Emperor. He is supreme and unparalleled.

When the shackles at the end of the Immortal Emperor were touched, the supreme place where thunder punishment, time, cause and effect, and destiny converged. In the vast ocean, a thunder pool slowly floated up.

It is simple, vicissitudes of life, and has been baptized by the years. It seems to have escaped from all tangible and material things. It is high and incomparable. The aura that permeates it will scare and tremble even a creature like the Immortal Emperor who has reached the end of his journey. .


Blazing thunders circled around the thunder pool, accompanied by the roar of the sky and the wails of gods and demons. One after another, terrible eras began and ended in the blink of an eye. All the spirits of the world chanted in unison, calling for a majestic creature forgotten by history. This world.


In the thunder pool, thunder exploded, everything ceased to exist, chaos emerged and died, and the road ended and fell, all of which highlighted the power of a living being. He was the strongest and the highest standing on the top.

Surrounded by extremely terrifying visions, a figure wrapped in thunder and lightning, with both life and destruction sitting up from the thunder pool.

As the eyelids open and close, worlds are created and worlds are destroyed, the long rivers of time are shattered, and the vast ancient history books turn into dust.

His eyes were so overbearing and fierce that if a creature of the highest level were to confront him, his heart would tremble and he would feel fearful.

"I carry out the will of heaven, punish heaven on behalf of heaven, control the thunder of heaven and earth, and destroy all living beings. I am the Thunder Emperor, in charge of ups and downs."

He completely remembered that he was Chi Cang, the Thunder Emperor, a person who was killed by the Dark Ancient Yi, forgotten by ancient history and time, and had no past or present.

Now, his future body has reached the end of the Immortal Emperor and possesses unimaginable combat power. It is time to return to that era and bring back the lost people.

At this moment, Liu Shen's voice and smile appeared in Chi Cang's mind. This woman, who was considered the most important in his life, was annihilated because of his disappearance and became ashes.

On that day, the long river of history changed its course, and everything changed. Willow God became a charred wooden pile, standing alone, which was the pain in Chi Cang's heart.


Thunder surged, lightning trembled, and the monarch who greeted them woke up and returned. This tall and majestic figure stood there, it was the emperor, it was the king, it was eternity.

"Sister Mo Xian, tell me, Emperor Huangtian should be fine."

A woman said with reverence that every time Huang was mentioned, she called him the Emperor of Heaven.

"I think he should be able to return. Even if he goes alone, he can sweep all enemies." Mo Xian said.

On top of the mountain rocks, Shi Hao, who was transformed into the most precious blood essence, was stunned, and the words "Desolate Heaven Emperor" were all in his mind.

"Yes, I am Huang, I am Shi Hao, and I am Emperor Huang Tian."

Once I woke up and remembered everything, he transformed into freedom, he transformed into eternity. This method was performed to the extreme.

In the long river of time, drop after drop of blood emerged and gathered, and finally, with a "boom", all the heavens and realms, all time and space, were violently shaken, startling countless creatures. However, when they looked up, another Nothing at all.

Billions of blood, all returned and reunited, as if they had never left. Shi Hao reappeared, and a Qi belonging to the Immortal Emperor became as powerful as the ocean, becoming more and more powerful. This was something that had been tempered by countless time and space. The result is the fruit of Tao brought by the baptism of time.

He transformed into freedom, he transformed into eternity, and was performed to the extreme by Shi Hao, truly transforming into the unparalleled method of the Immortal Emperor.

"Sure enough, you are not dead, you are still alive, but so what? Facing me, you still have to die." Dark Guyi said coldly.

Shi Hao really stood there, flowing with unparalleled energy, his eyes were deep, and he responded coldly: "Who claims to be invincible, and who dares to say that he is invincible?"

This is an indescribable self-confidence that swallows up the whole world, looking down on the past, present and future, who can compete with it.

With the belief of invincibility in his body, Shi Hao also carried a kind of eternal vicissitudes. After years of baptism, he finally broke free and became a man of the world again.

"Now that I have returned to my peak, the world is vast and I am invincible, so why should I be afraid?" Dark Guyi responded.

Shi Hao's eyes flickered, looking at the end of the world and the long river of time, looking for the figure of his old friend, but in the end, the dead, the fallen, the sealed seals were all gone.

This was completely different from his vague impression.

"How could it be like this? I crossed the sea alone to solve the black trouble?" He was puzzled. There was an impression in his mind that he obviously had a companion.

"Haha, are you looking for that person? He is already dead. History has changed its course. Even you who advanced to the Immortal Emperor have forgotten it. This means that he cannot die anymore. This is the consequence of violating the emperor's will." Darkness Gu Yi never forgot Chi Cang from beginning to end. In this world, he was the only one who remembered that there was once a being named "Thunder Emperor" who almost broke through to the Immortal Emperor.

"that person……"

Shi Hao, who was already the Unparalleled Immortal Emperor, fell into deep thought after hearing this. Who is he? You must be very close to him, so subconsciously familiar, with respect and admiration.

Suddenly, a thunder and lightning flashed through Shi Hao's heart, dispersing the fog of cause and effect.

He remembered.

The past dynasties, scenes and scenes all flowed through Shi Hao's heart. A being who should have passed away in the ancient immortal era and was known as the most potential evil person came to Shicun to help him restore the Supreme Bone and teach him various cultivation methods. ...Return to the Imperial Pass, kill the immortal king of the foreign land, and save the building from collapse...

There are too many. Along the way, this creature has helped him block countless disasters, allowing those sad consequences to be changed. The people he cares about can live well, so that he does not have to walk alone all the way. He has someone to go with him. people.

"Uncle Chicang..."

Shi Hao's eyes were red and he whispered softly. At this moment, his heart was very sad. Even though he was already an Immortal Emperor, he couldn't help but moisten his eyes.

It was Chi Cang who created a perfect history and changed the bitterness and suffering.

But now, where is he?

The past and present have been wiped out, history and time have forgotten him, can he still survive?


Invisibly, there was an earth-shaking loud noise, and this piece of ancient history was actually becoming disillusioned and becoming blurred.

As the Immortal Emperor, Shi Hao and Dark Guyi both sensed it.

They saw that the disappeared creatures were returning one by one, the tragic endings were changing one by one, and everything that had passed away was coming back.

Shi Hao was pleasantly surprised. He knew what this meant, but Gui Guyi was shocked and speechless. Is there really such a person? Both the past and the present have been wiped out. Without the foundation and cornerstone of existence in the world, they can still survive and return against the will of heaven.

In the ultimate ancient land, outside the black mist, the figure of Liu Shen and the figure selling counterfeit medicine emerged little by little, from blur to clear. When Meng Tianzheng on the side saw this scene, his lost memories returned, and his eyes turned red.

A drop of unshed tears slowly appeared, but in the end, it did not fall on the ground, but fell on a palm.

When Liu Shen returned completely, a tall and majestic figure was already standing in front of him.

"Don't cry, I'm always here."

He came over, stretched out his hand, and gently wiped the tears on Liu Shen's face.

"Where have you been? I saw... you were destroyed by the hands of the Immortal Emperor..." Liu Shen couldn't bear it anymore and burst into tears.

"Yes, I was killed. Who can resist the Immortal Emperor's attack? Even the years have forgotten me, and I am lost in the future.

However, how can you sit back and watch ancient history change its course, leading you into darkness alone, with only charred wooden piles left in the end? How could he sit back and watch Shi Hao walk alone, with no one to help him, and all his family and friends perishing?

So, I'm back, fighting from the future to change everything! "

Chi Cang said softly, caressing Liu Shen's cheek and wiping away his tears. Then, he took Liu Shen's hand and turned to face the vast black mist.

At this moment, the sound of scriptures from ancient and modern times resounds throughout the past and present and future.

Those figures that were wiped out by Dark Guyi all reappeared, standing at each time node.

Then, under the call of the scriptures, they rushed towards the present world, including the phantoms in the years to come. The same is true.


Countless phantoms, the three bodies of the past, present and future, are completely integrated into one, becoming the only real body of Chi Cang, standing at the end of the Immortal Emperor, overlooking the end of the road.

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