"I've met a few fellow Taoists."

At this time, the four Lujin from God came and greeted Chi Cang and the others.

Three men and one woman, each of them is majestic and majestic, wrapped in the rich glory of the Immortal Emperor.

Two of them, the Immortal Emperor's light around them was slightly dim, and their expressions were not normal. It was obvious that they had been seriously injured in the battle just now.

After all, the four of them need to face five strange road ends, and among these five strange road ends, there is an existence of the ultimate road end.

"I wonder how you call these fellow Taoists?"

One of the male Immortal Emperors spoke. He was tall and strong, with a bright immortal glow flowing on his skin. It could be seen that he had achievements in the physical body that were difficult for others to match.

"My name is Chi Cang, others usually call me Thunder Emperor." Chi Cang nodded and then answered.

"My name is Shi Hao, you can call me Huang."

"My name is Gu Yi."

The three of them each said their names and titles, and then the four ultimate beings from God also announced their homes.

"I am Tongyou."



"I am Luo Tianxian."

Several people held hands in the air and said hello. Although it was the first time they met, because they had a common enemy, they naturally became creatures of the same camp, exuding goodwill to each other.

"We have also heard about the plot against fellow Taoist Gu Yi, and we wanted to help. However, the weird clan attacked the sky, and the army pressed down on the realm. Our world was retreating steadily. We were really unable to help, so we could only try to hold back the immortals on the weird side. God, let them be helpless.

I'm so sorry. "

The Immortal Emperor named Tongyou, who opened up his physical system and reached the end of the road, spoke with a sigh.

The Immortal Emperor Daoxuan next to him also echoed: "When the war started, there were not only the four of us Immortal Emperors in heaven, but also one person.

It's a pity that the Taoist friend was almost completely killed by the strange side of the road, leaving only a trace of his spirit wandering in the world. If he wants to survive, he needs to pay a huge price, but now, God is in danger, and it is impossible to waste his life force to do it. That fellow Taoist was resurrected.

Naturally, they cannot support the newly promoted Taoist friend Gu Yi.

Moreover, the coordinates of the portal leading to that world have been occupied and conquered by a strange party, and we are beyond our reach. "

When Gu Yi heard this, he did not blame or complain. There were indeed a lot of immortal emperors on the weird side. Five of them showed up in this battle, and there were still others who had not shown up. It would be great if God could keep him alive. Where are there any extra immortals? Emperor level power to help him?

"It's okay, everything has passed. Now, not only have I not fallen into the darkness, but I have become more powerful. This time, I came here to settle the cause and effect."

As he spoke, Gu Yi raised the Great Luo Emperor Sword and pointed at the black group at the end of the road, with overwhelming killing intent.

"It's interesting. Although the original material of our clan did not successfully attract you, it also delayed your time. You are now equivalent to just stepping into the Lu'an level. I want to see how strong you are and whether you are It's worthy of our plot back then." The black tribe spoke out, eager to fight Gu Yi.

The faces of others in Lujie were indifferent, and their eyes were extremely cold. Even with the support of Chi Cang and the other three, the number of Immortal Emperors on God's side reached seven, surpassing them, but they were still fearless and confident.

"Okay, come and give it a try." Gu Yi took a step forward and decided to take action.

"Oh, he is far inferior to that woman back then, or in other words, incomparable at all.

That woman, however, attracted several ancestors to take action before she could be completely solved. Many fellow Taoists from other major ethnic groups were killed by her poisonous hands and were wiped out in ashes. As a result, those ethnic groups have not recovered yet.

There is no way to make up for it again, but also because the time is too short and the strength is not enough. "White ethnic group Lu Jin sighed.

"That was a variable. It was really frightening at the time. Fortunately, it disappeared in the end, and together with that extraordinary system, it fell silent."

Mentioning "that woman", several strange things reminded me of a past event that I didn't want to recall.

There was once a splendid evolutionary path that started from all the worlds, swept across the sky, swept through Weird, and finally reached the plateau, where was the ancestral land of the Weird clan, where the most powerful ancestor-level existence of the Weird clan slept.

The leader of that splendid evolutionary path was indeed very strong, making everyone on the weird path fearful and horrified. He completely killed more than one weird immortal emperor. Unfortunately, in the end, he was defeated by the siege of the weird ancestor and died on the plateau.

It was precisely because of the rise of this woman from all over the world that the weird tribe noticed those remote and remote places that were easily overlooked. However, Gu Yi made rapid progress all the way, quelled the turmoil, opened up an extraordinary system, and established himself in the Immortal Emperor. The field and life trajectory are very similar to "that woman", which makes Lu Jin of the strange tribe feel fearful.

In this way, he will be plotted and corroded into the body by dark matter.

"That woman..."

Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. How powerful must a woman be who can make the Immortal Emperor of the strange tribe fear her?

The eyes of the four immortal emperors in the sky showed a gloomy look, especially the female immortal emperor named "Luo Tianxian", who had a deep sadness in her eyes.

"Can some fellow Taoists clear up our doubts?" Chi Cang asked, wanting to know more about "that woman".

"There is nothing to hide. The woman they are talking about is my sister, the pioneer of the Pollen Road. She was brilliant and surpassed the imperial realm." Luo Tianxian said.

"What? Beyond the imperial realm?" Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi took a breath of cold air.

This was the first time they had heard that there was an existence beyond the Immortal Emperor realm in the world, which was really shocking.

"That realm is the result of the journey to the end of the road and transcends the imperial realm. However, if it is listed separately, it is a realm of its own, and there are some shortcomings. My sister calls it the sacrificial way, sacrificing one's true way, and transcending above... "

"Sacrifice..." Chi Cang and the others knew what the so-called "beyond the imperial realm" was.

Later, Luo Tianxian told another piece of heart-wrenching information. The so-called ancestor of the strange tribe was a being who transcended the realm of the Immortal Emperor, that is, a sacrifice-level creature.

When Chi Cang and the other three heard this, their hearts sank slightly. No wonder the woman who stepped into the sacrificial path had her sword broken. The strange ancestors were both in the sacrificial path, and there were more than one of them. How could that woman fight against it?

At the same time, they considered the future. They were just at the end of the road. How could they compete with the so-called ancestors? If those ancestors came out now, they would not be able to deal with it at all.

"Don't worry, the strange ancestors will not be born easily. Unless you kill the mysterious plateau and alert them, otherwise, the world will have been destroyed long ago. It only takes one ancestor to be born to turn this place into ruins." Luo Tianxian said .

"Why is this? Is there any factor restricting them? Keeping them sleeping?" Chi Cang asked.

Luo Tianxian smiled bitterly and shook his head. She was very beautiful, elegant and refined, with unparalleled elegance. However, at this moment, there was all kinds of helplessness on her face.

"Maybe, who knows? Maybe I have lived too long and it is too boring. I like to watch ants rise and then kill them with my own hands." She couldn't figure it out, and she didn't know the reason.

"These things will be discussed in detail later. First, kill these weird roads." Chi Cang said coldly.

There were seven people on their side, and neither he nor Shi Hao were able to kill five people on the other side.

"It's useless. Even if you kill them, they can be resurrected and reappear in the world. Only my sister has completely killed the Weird Immortal Emperor and made him unable to resurrect." Luo Tianxian sighed.

"Is that so?" Chi Cang was a little surprised.

The Immortal Emperor, also known as the End of the Road, is an extremely powerful creature. Even if it is killed or wiped out, as long as there are still people in the world who remember it, they can come back again, unless they don't miss it.

This is the characteristic of the Immortal Emperor, which is difficult to eliminate.

However, this is not inevitable, and there are ways to deal with it. Just like the immortal emperor who died in the battle, he still has a spirit in the world, and is remembered by all living beings in the sky. He is remembered by the four immortal emperors, but he cannot return.

However, the Weird Immortal Emperor is different. There is an inexplicable power that supports their resurrection again and again. Throughout the ages, only a handful of extremely stunning and powerful people can completely eliminate them.

"I would like to give it a try." Chi Cang said with a smile.

He is the ultimate Immortal Emperor, and the next step is to become the so-called Sacrifice. Chi Cang believes that he can do what his predecessors have done.

Hearing this, the four immortal emperors looked at each other and did not speak immediately, because this creature known as the Thunder Emperor was really extremely powerful and frightening, including the creature named Huang, which also gave people an extremely dangerous feeling.

Being able to make the Immortal Emperor produce this kind of reaction is enough to prove their extraordinaryness.

"I'll go first. I will kill this dead black rat with the Emperor's Sword." Gu Yi said coldly, holding the Emperor's Sword in his hand, and killed the black group towards the end of the road.

"Well done."

The black group Lu Jin drank coldly, with black pus flowing all over his body. Lu Jin's level of power came out in a mighty manner, competing with Gu Yi.

The long river has become unstable over the years. It has been affected by the Immortal Emperor's war and has a tendency to cut off and change its course.

Although Gu Yi's Immortal Emperor Dao Fruit had just been completed and he had entered the Emperor Realm for the first time, his strength was not weak. Facing the end of the black race, he waved the Emperor Sword, opened and closed, and continuously used Immortal Emperor level forbidden secrets.

The brilliant light around him formed a sharp contrast with the black road end standing in the infinite dark material. The collision between the two was extremely fierce.


An arm of the black tribe was cut off at the end of the road, and black blood spurted out, polluting a large area of ​​the sky in an instant.

"It's nothing more than that. A rat in the dark is a rat after all. When I first set foot in the Imperial Realm, you and others didn't dare to fight me head-on. You only dared to plot against me. It's really a nest of snakes and rats, full of demons and monsters." Gu Yi ruthlessly mocked. .


The black people were at a disadvantage, and they were losing face.

In fact, it is considered a weak line among the weird road ends, because countless years ago, when the black festival began, the officiant died in the hands of the leader of the pollen road. It was only added later, and the accumulation was naturally insufficient.

"What are you doing? Look at the beating!"

Gu Yi did not give the opponent a chance to breathe, and attacked like a violent storm, overwhelming the black tribe and unable to lift their heads.

However, the battle between the two cannot be decided in a short time. After all, Gu Yi still lacks accumulation. In comparison, the black group has accumulated many years of experience.

It was not easy for Gu Yi to suppress the opponent, which proved that the path he opened was extraordinary.

"Let's take action. Even if we can't kill them, we still want to dampen the spirit of the weird tribe." Chi Cang said.

Shi Hao and the Four Immortal Emperors nodded.

No matter what, let’s win this battle first.

"You deal with those two people. Leave the two strongest ones to us." Chi Cang pointed at the road end of the white tribe and the road end of the red tribe, and said to the Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven.

Of these two groups, one is at the top of the road and the other is close to the top. They are the two strongest among the five weird roads.

He and Shi Hao each took one, and the remaining silver and gray roads were handed over to the four immortal emperors. Four against two, they would definitely be more than enough.


Immortal Emperor Tongyou nodded. When they were four against five, they struggled to support themselves. Now that they were four against two, they had to attack strongly.

This is also the time for the three Thunder Emperors to show the power of God. They are naturally serious and solemn.


The four great Immortal Emperors came out hand in hand, and their majestic power spread between the past, present and future, locking the gray and silver statues at the end of the strange road.

And Chi Cang, with twinkling, sharp and deep eyes, stared at the tall figure covered in long white hair in front of him. This was a creature of the Luju level of the strange white tribe, much like the white-haired Fei Zong.

It is very powerful. It has hosted many white sacrifices, sacrificed to inexplicable existences, and gained strength. Over time, it has gradually become the ultimate end.

Many times when the great sacrifice was hindered, it was the one who took action to obliterate the Immortal Emperor and overthrow all realms.

Therefore, it is very conceited. Even if it just besieged the Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven, it did not attack with all its strength. Otherwise, the Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven would probably suffer a catastrophe.

"You are very strong, much stronger than those trash from the sky. It may be possible to go further. If you join our clan, with your talent, the ancestor of our clan will definitely give you the strongest primitive material and evolve into a new ancestor.

So, do you want to think about it? " Bai Lujin spoke, admiring Chi Cang's talent and thinking that if he entered the plateau, he would be qualified to become an ancestor-level creature.

"You are thinking too much. My name is Thunder Emperor, and I am in charge of heavenly punishment. Any weirdness will be wiped out into dust under the thunder." Chi Cang responded coldly.

As he spoke, a simple Taoist platform appeared under his feet, with a sea of ​​blood surging and heads rolling in. However, they were all the heads of the Immortal King, which was inconsistent with the status of the Supreme Immortal Emperor.

"The sea of ​​blood behind me is missing an Immortal Emperor's head, so yours is very good."

Bai Lujin frowned slightly and felt a chill on his neck. He really felt like he was being beheaded. This showed that the Immortal Emperor's soldiers sacrificed by the other party were very dangerous and could pose a threat to it. However, with the power of the plateau, it could It's not too worrying to be resurrected. At worst, it will be resurrected once.


Thunder rolls from the sky, falling from the past, present, future and other time and space nodes, covering the entire life of Bai Lu.

"What? You want to erase everything about me?" Bai Lujin was shocked and responded quickly, with a massive amount of white substance exploding from his body.

It is worthy of being the ultimate end of the road. When it gets serious, the power it releases makes the four immortal emperors in the sky change their colors and feel unable to deal with it.

"It didn't go all out in the conquest just now. Otherwise, we would be in danger." Immortal Emperor Daoxuan sighed.

"The end of the road for the white race has never appeared before. If it had been born earlier, God might have died." Menghai also sighed, thankful that reinforcements had arrived.

However, a scene that shocked the Four Immortal Emperors happened. The arrogant and powerful Bai Lujie actually screamed and was almost killed by Chi Cang.

At this moment, the white road was completely charred, and the originally elegant white hair was charred and smoked by the thunder. White liquid dripped from the whole body. This was blood, but it was white.

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