The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 521: Destroy the power of the plateau and end the road to suppression


White matter surged into the sky, pouring out of this charred body, and the entire sky was dyed into daylight.

Compared with darkness, the white strange substance seems to be better in appearance, but the essence is the same. It will corrode the body and soul, and cause the monks to fall.

"How can it be?"

Bai Lujin's face was filled with disbelief, and his eyes looking at Chi Cang completely changed.

They originally thought that Chi Cang's rise to the top as soon as he entered the Emperor Realm was too heaven-defying. In addition, there was also the unfathomable Desolate Heaven Emperor Shi Hao. Even five people were not sure of killing him, so they attacked God. Led a few people over from Soul River.

Unexpectedly, I still underestimated Chi Cang's combat power. Even the most powerful one that has accumulated countless epochs is not Chi Cang's opponent. This is really shocking.

Bai Lujin was convinced that if he wanted to suppress Chi Cang, the ancestor of the Weird ethnic group sleeping on the plateau must personally take action. Otherwise, it would be impossible to suppress them at all, and even if Weird Lujin came out together, it would be in vain.


On the other side, Lu Jin, who was covered in long red hair, was fighting fiercely with Shi Hao. He was beaten back by the wild sword and was bleeding continuously. He was unable to resist at all.

"These two are so strong, they are the real variables."

Red Lu Jin roared, struggling to hold on in the light of Shi Hao's sword. Although he was not the ultimate Lu Jin, he was close to it. Who would have thought that he could not even defeat a creature that had just stepped into the Immortal Emperor.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Hao used his magic of transformation. This time, he transformed into four of himself, and the five Shi Hao struck out a sword together. The brilliant sword light covered the eternal blue sky, cutting off the long river of time. The red road exploded into pieces, unable to withstand it at all.

A thick red mist squirmed, condensing into a tall figure. This was the red group's reorganized body.

However, its condition was very bad, and half of its origin was destroyed by Shi Hao's sharp sword light.

On other battlefields, Gu Yi completely suppressed Black Lu Jin. He completely let go and wanted to kill the opponent at any cost.

Although the Immortal Emperor has the characteristic of immortality, if it explodes too much, it will become weaker and eventually be killed.

The black road exploded from time to time, and black blood spattered everywhere. It was only a matter of time before he was defeated and killed.

And the Four Immortal Emperors of Heaven, in a four-on-two situation, also completely suppressed the opponent, blasting the Silver Road and Gray Road from time to time.

However, they know that even if they kill the opponent here, it will be useless, because the weird side has the backing of the plateau and can be resurrected infinitely.

In the distance, on the battlefield of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor, the addition of Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng, the counterfeit medicine seller, and the Lord of Heaven boosted the morale of the Heavenly side and fully suppressed the Quasi-Immortal Emperor of the strange tribe.

Moreover, Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng were eyeing the two Supreme Beings from the Soul River, and they took action one after another to completely kill these two creatures.

Bazou Wushang and the other person are terrified because their opponent is a true Taoist who has opened up an extraordinary path and has the potential to become Lu Jin. His cultivation level is also extremely close to Lu Jin level.

As soon as they fought, they fell into a disadvantage. They were beaten so hard that their bodies were cracked and blood splattered. They were completely invincible.


Liu Shen opened the Dharma, condensed the immortal fetus, and showed the power of the peerless Taoist ancestor. The thunder willow nails shot out, nailing the eight supreme heads into the void, imprisoning the eight heads in his body. Law and power.

The eight supremes struggled fiercely, but they couldn't break free at all. This fairy nail made of wicker contained forbidden thunder, which not only nailed the physical body, but also targeted the soul.

"Ah! No! Master, the officiant."

Looking at the billions of chaotic willows rushing towards them in the void, Ba Shushang was unable to move, and could only watch helplessly, with horror in his heart, and shouted for help.

However, the person it calls the chief sacrificer cannot protect himself and has been beaten to death by Gu Yi many times. How can he have the time to take care of him?


The willow branches of chaos came like a downpour, piercing through the eight supreme bodies, and they were suddenly riddled with holes.

The situation of another creature who is also the Soul River Supreme is also not optimistic. Meng Tianzheng, who has temporarily condensed the immortal fetus, is in a strange realm that is extremely close to the Immortal Emperor. He is no longer comparable to the Quasi-Immortal Emperor. In addition, Meng Tianzheng's path, It was very heaven-defying, and it came from the same lineage as Shi Hao's path, both of which were based on body.

However, the subsequent evolutionary direction is different, and the potential is extremely huge. As the pioneer of this path, there is no doubt that Meng Tianzheng is powerful.

The Soul River Supreme was exploded as soon as he got in touch with Meng Tianzheng. He reorganized his body with a pale face and looked at Meng Tianzheng, who was both a god and a demon, in horror.

"Why are these people from the lower world so ferocious?" It really couldn't figure it out.

Wasn't that world community corrupted and polluted by the original dark matter thrown into it by the officiant? It should have been abolished, but now, several fierce men have emerged.


It was blown up again, and Meng Tianzheng, who had used God-Demon Killing, was really powerful and terrifying at a level below the Immortal Emperor.

In the end, the two Soul River Supremes were suppressed, and the surrounding Heavenly Dao Ancestors saw this situation, and their hearts palpitated.

They all looked at Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng with awe.

On the battlefield of the Immortal Emperor, Shi Hao killed the red road one after another. After his transformation was released, almost no Immortal Emperor could resist him in a duel, let alone the strange Immortal Emperor who gained strength by relying on the original matter and the Great Sacrifice. .

It won't take long before this red tribe member who is close to the end of the road will be killed by Shi Hao here.

On Chi Cang's side, the situation has been decided, and Bai Lujin is no match for him at all.

The thunder of the universe wipes out all living beings, from the past, the present world, and the future, all three time nodes, destroying the foundation of existence, the true body of the present world, and all kinds of future possibilities.

Three-pronged approach, who can handle it?


White Road End screamed again, its past was completely killed, and all the foundations of its existence were chopped into charred remains.

The opponent's thunder power was so terrifying that he ignored cause and effect and attacked directly when it was still weak in the past.

For example, in the True Immortal Realm, he needs to face the Immortal King Level Thunder, and in the Supreme Realm, he needs to face the most terrifying Immortal Thunder...

The power is not equal at all, how can we block it?

Therefore, its past has been destroyed, its entire ancient history has become illusory, its present body is looming, and it will soon cease to exist in the world.

"How could this happen? I understand. What you practice is the invincible method in ancient legends. The three flowers of the avenue cover the past, present and future!"

Bai Lujin roared, remembering the deduction made by the strange ancestor after he killed the woman. There are several paths in the world that can be called invincible. They only exist in deductions. Unexpectedly, there are really people Once you get through it, the ancient, present and future methods in front of you are one of them. You can ignore the power of cause and effect and directly attack the past and future.

Then, it panicked, because it felt that one ocean of time after another was washing over it, trying to submerge it with the terrifying power of time.

The past does not exist and will naturally be recycled by time.

However, Bai Lujin still did not die, and there was an inexplicable power that kept him alive.

Chi Cang's face showed a strange color. Is this the so-called power of the plateau? It can protect Weiwei Road from falling through all kinds of disasters. Even if he dies, he can still come back to life.

In fact, he sensed this inexplicable force from the time he attacked Bai Luji's future.

This invincible method of erasing all possibilities in the future, once successful, the creature will die suddenly, and the body and soul will disappear.

You must know that the reorganization of the Immortal Emperor's body after being exploded is one of the various possibilities in the future. If this possibility is eliminated, it is equivalent to extinguishing the possibility of the reorganization of Lu Jin level creatures.

Because of this, it is not difficult for Chi Cang, who has mastered the invincible method, to kill a Lu Jin. Now he is only one step away from the sacrifice. Among the Lu Jin level creatures, he is said to be the most powerful one. Strong.

However, while erasing all possibilities of the white road's future, it was blocked.

The possibility of reorganizing the body has indeed been eliminated by Chi Cang, which means that once the White Road ends and explodes, he will really die, and the Immortal Emperor's immortality will become invalid. The resurrection of thoughts and thoughts may also be erased by Chi Cang... However, Only the possibility of plateau resurrection has survived.

In other words, if the White Road is killed now, it will not be able to reorganize, nor can it be resurrected through the thoughts and thoughts of the white race creatures, but it can revive from the plateau and reappear in the world.

This was not the result Chi Cang wanted, so he did not immediately smash the white road.

Before the possibility of the plateau's resurrection is completely eliminated, crushing the white road is just to help it return to the plateau directly, which is like letting a tiger return to the mountain, which is meaningless.

What Chi Cang wants is to kill it completely, and not even Gaoyuan can revive it.

The stunning woman who had transcended the imperial realm and stood in the sacrificial path had done it more than once. In those ancient eras that have passed away, there were also stunning creatures who had done this. Chi Cang believed that she could do it too, no better than anyone else. Difference.

He stood on the shocking Immortal Killing Platform, staring coldly at the end of the white road.

Then, thunderous thunder surrounded the blazing sky, all kinds of lightning danced, filled with forbidden power. The order of the heavens was in the hands of blazing sky. He seemed to have transformed into the sky.

The terrifying and domineering thunder and lightning made all the creatures of the Weird clan show palpitations. Because thunder and Weirdness are naturally opposites, and are often Weird's nemesis, they are naturally afraid of them.

"You are very strong, ridiculously strong, and frightening. I am very lucky that I did not besiege you in the Soul River. Even if the five of us attack together, I am afraid we will not be your opponent. You remind me of that woman.

With such talent and such an invincible path, if you join the plateau, you must be the first ancestor, the first person in heaven and on earth. I hope you will think again and help these ants from God. In the end, you can only repeat the path of that woman. Bai Lujin said with a sigh.

At this moment, it is only shocked in its heart, because since the ancestor was born, killed the woman, and deduced several invincible paths, they began to use all resources to open up the invincible path deduced by the ancestor.

However, over the long years, countless screenings, countless efforts to improve, and countless blessings from heaven, none of them have been able to follow the legendary paths. Even later, they all agreed that what the ancestor said Several invincible paths can only exist in deductions and cannot become reality.

But now, it has witnessed a miracle with its own eyes. Someone has walked through and appeared in front of it alive.

Chi Cang remained indifferent. He was the Thunder Emperor. No matter in which era, he was synonymous with talent. Entering the plateau was indeed a shortcut to the realm of sacrifice, but he didn't bother with it at all. Chi Cang was confident and relied on himself. Can become a priest.

The power you have at your fingertips is completely different from what you strive for.

Just like the quasi-immortal emperors of the same realm, the quasi-immortal emperors of the weird clan are obviously weaker than the quasi-immortal emperors who have opened up the avenue.

The way of evolution of the weird clan has lost the true meaning of evolution and is not advisable.

"Stop talking nonsense, you are destined to die here today." Chi Cang shouted.

"You can't kill me. I have my ancestral land as my backing. Even if I die, I can still come back to life." Bai Lujin said.


Chi Cang disagreed, and with a thought, there was thunder and lightning above his head, the fog of history surged, and a simple thunder pool slowly emerged, like the ultimate source of all heavenly punishments.

"This is……"

The moment the thunder pool emerged, Bai Lujin suddenly had an ominous premonition, because the pool was too terrifying, and all the thunder in the world originated from there.

"You said I can't kill you, then I'll give it a try." Chi Cang said, and the thunder pool above his head disappeared, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

"not good!"

Bailu said secretly, and immediately activated the white substance on his body, wanting to self-destruct. As long as the self-destruction was successful, he would be able to revive on the plateau. If he was swallowed by the thunder pool, God knows what would happen.

The ordinary road ends, the white road ends, and there is no fear, and there is no fear, but for a terrifying creature like Chi Cang who has built the legendary road, nothing is guaranteed. Maybe there is a way to kill it completely.

Just when the white matter in Bai Luju's body was about to explode and self-destruct, a thunder pool descended, opening downward, covering Bai Luju and swallowing it in one gulp.

The next moment, Bai Lujie fell into the sea of ​​thunder and calamity. The lightning was endless. Each one contained the power of the ultimate Immortal Emperor level. It was domineering, destructive, and yet full of vitality.


Bai Lujin self-destructed, causing waves in the ocean of thunder and calamity.

But after just one breath, Bai Lujin's body reappeared in the ocean of thunder and calamity and was resurrected.

"How could this happen?" Bai Lu was horrified. Didn't he self-destruct? The only one left that may be killed by the opponent in the future is Plateau Resurrection. How can it happen again?

Later, it understood that it was Chi Cang who used Thunder Tribulation Liquid to resurrect it.

"This possibility is in my own hands, and naturally it is not within the scope of killing. If you want to commit suicide, you have to ask me if I agree." Chi Cang's cold voice came, resounding in the Leichi space.

Bai Lu was in a panic, feeling that something was wrong.

"Thunder, not only has life, but also destruction. I use the most original and ultimate thunder of destruction to destroy your body and destroy your method of resurrection on the plateau."

Chi Cang took action. This time, in order to defeat the inexplicable power of the plateau's resurrection once and for all, he even expended his own original power.


The heaviest and most terrifying thunderbolt in history struck down, and the entire sea of ​​lightning tribulation darkened, appearing bleak under the brilliance of this thunderbolt.

Bai Lujin was inexplicably frightened. He had a premonition that if he was hit by this thunder, he would really die.


It shouted unwillingly, "The ancestor has not come out. It is the strongest of the strange tribe. It stands at the top of the mountain and looks down on the heavens for eternity. How can it fall here?"

In its horrified eyes, the heavy thunder shattered the world, and the vast ocean of time was penetrated, sunk, and slowly fell, destroying everything.

In the dazzling light of thunder and lightning, every inch of the white road was wiped out, and all the unknown substances on his body were turned into ashes.


Bai Lu felt with all his heart that it was completely finished. The power from the plateau lingering in the deepest part of its soul was broken by the heaviest and most powerful thunder, and the hope of resurrection was shattered.

"Be silent forever!"

At the end of its life, it only heard three words from Chi Cang, which were extremely cold, like the coldest ecstasy.

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