The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 527: One Sword to End Eternity

"To conquer the plateau, you need the combined efforts of many priest-level creatures. However, for a long time, among all the worlds, only my sister has reached that realm.

Now, Fellow Daoist Lei Di has a chance, Fellow Daoist Huang also has a chance. I think Fellow Daoist Gu Yi, Fellow Daoist Liu Shen, and Fellow Daoist Meng Tianzheng have extraordinary systems, and they also have certain opportunities, but it will take an extremely long time.

I don’t know if the strange ancestor will give us this opportunity. " Luo Tianxian spoke out, feeling worried.

In her opinion, the Four Immortal Emperors have no chance. They have been in the realm of Immortal Emperors for endless years. They have self-awareness. Whether they can take a step further and achieve transcendence has long been determined.

As for what she said about Chi Cang's five people having a chance to become priest-level creatures, she was also optimistic about it.

How can it be so easy to achieve sacrifice?

If it were easy, there would not be only one pollen road leader over the years.

"The sky is brilliant, and there are many talented people in the future. There are also outstanding people in each realm of the heavens. In our realm alone, many amazing creatures will be born in the future. I vaguely saw a magnificent golden world. About to rise.

I believe that even if we fail to succeed, someone in the future will come forward. Chi Cang said.

He thought of the period when he was practicing for his future body. At that time, he witnessed many mortal immortals who had emerged from the Age of Ending Dharma. Although a few of them had not yet succeeded, their paths were clearly visible and they had become mortal immortals. It's almost a sure thing.

Emperor Zun, Wu Shi, the ruthless emperor...

Before returning to the human world, Chi Cang restored the Immortal Realm. The emergence of a vast and complete Immortal Realm will allow these mortal immortals to rise faster. One day, they will fight to the heavens to support this place.

Now, what they need most is time, a lot of time.

However, the initiative lies in the hands of the strange ancestors. Once these ghosts have been sleeping on the plateau for eternity, once they are born, the entire heaven and the realm of the heavens will be overturned.

When the time comes, all Chi Cang and Shi Hao can do is to resist with all their strength and keep the spark of fire.

Everyone discussed and confirmed God's future route, focusing on cultivating younger generations and accumulating strength.

At the same time, it connects all the realms of the heavens, selects amazing geniuses from these places, and absorbs them into the heavens.

The birth of every Dao Ancestor has countless geniuses as stepping stones. The same is true for the birth of every Luju level creature. Just like a pyramid, the same is true for worshiping the Dao.

If there are enough geniuses, it is possible to create the most powerful one.

If there are enough Lujin level creatures, they might be able to build a sacrificial path.

After all, with every additional Immortal Emperor, the possibility of becoming a priest-level creature becomes even greater. Although it is still pitifully low, the hope is still greater.

Of course, the process of a monk's growth cannot be interfered with manually. If there is any artificial intervention, the geniuses eventually cultivated will be unsatisfactory.

What Chi Cang and other path-breaking creatures can do is to strive for breakthroughs while shouldering the pressure, guarding a pure land, and creating conditions for the younger generation of monks to rise. The rest depends on the younger generation of monks themselves.

The battle with the strange ethnic group cannot stop because of the last victory. God also needs to train troops. A big war will be the best environment for the monks to rise quickly.

Everyone also talked about the possibility of opening up reincarnation, improving the order of the worlds, and giving some monks more possibilities and opportunities.

If you can open up reincarnation, reincarnate with a specific talisman, live a new life, and have a higher starting point, you may be able to go further.

At the same time, everyone also talked about purifying the realms of the heavens. In the past, the Immortal Emperor of Heaven was restrained and had no energy to deal with the sources of pollution. When there was no way, they dumped it into some realms of the heavens that were not taken seriously. As a result, the place fell into weirdness and all life was in ruins.

Now, a great victory has weakened the power of the strange ethnic group, and the immortal emperors in the sky have been able to withdraw and have the energy to solve these problems.

Finally, the party ended and everyone left with their own things to do.

Their hearts were heavy, and the word "ancestor" was like a big mountain weighing on their hearts.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao, who are most promising to achieve the Sacrifice Path, are eager to break through as soon as possible and transcend themselves, so that they can have the power to resist the ancestor of the Sacrifice Dao.

Gu Yi tried to take a step further in the realm of Immortal Emperor, following in the footsteps of his master and senior brother.

Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng will also begin to attack the Immortal Emperor realm.

The counterfeit medicine seller, the Lord of Heaven, has already begun his journey of seeking the Tao, traveling in the sky, witnessing the splendid paths of evolution one after another.

The kings brought up by Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi also settled down in the sky and couldn't wait to start practicing.

The complete world and the environment that are more suitable for cultivating Taoism are a rare opportunity for them and they cannot miss it.

The years are long, time flies like an arrow, time is a long river, there is no starting point, and no end is known. From ancient times to the present, it has always been running forward, never stopping for anyone.

Two hundred thousand years have passed since Chicang and the others settled in the sky. This period of time is not short.

There is still no sign of breakthrough in Chicang. There is an indescribable chasm between the Supreme Immortal Emperor and the Sacrificial Dao.

Shi Hao is getting closer to the ultimate Immortal Emperor. It is only a matter of time before he achieves this level.

Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng both made great breakthroughs. They each created the imperial method to support the immortal fetus. Since then, the immortal fetus has not fallen.

After arriving at this realm, it can be said that they are only a layer of window paper away from the realm of the Immortal Emperor. Moreover, like Chi Cang and Shi Hao, the two of them stepped into the realm of the Immortal Emperor many times, but finally felt something was wrong and retreated. Went back.

Next, you just need to slowly hone your skills. When the time comes, it will be a matter of course when you reach the end of the road.

Gu Yi has also made progress, but compared to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, it is somewhat insignificant. After all, two hundred thousand years is too short for an Immortal Emperor.

The kings from the homeland of Chi Cang and others. Quite a few people took a big step forward during this period.

For example, butchers, burial masters, chicken farmers, etc. can already see the quasi-immortal emperor realm. It is very close at hand. If you give them some time, they can achieve the Tao Ancestor realm.

Pioneers of the system, such as Fishing, also have hope for breakthroughs.

Ten Crown Kings, Shi Yi, Sky Horned Ant, Red Dragon, etc. have all entered the realm of giants. They remember Chi Cang's teachings back then and open up their own paths and systems, so that they can become the ancestors of that path in the future.

And God's genius has also ushered in a dazzling golden age.

Many amazing heroes emerged and became famous in the battle with the strange tribe.

The geniuses from various heavenly realms also shine with their own dazzling brilliance.

Compared with before the arrival of Chi Cang and the others, the changes in the sky have been earth-shaking. From the pessimism of the past to the current self-confidence, the respect of all spirits for Lei Emperor, Huangtian Emperor and others has become more and more profound, and their gods are everywhere. Temples and idols.

All the things that were discussed back then are being implemented one by one, such as purifying the polluted realm of the heavens, and beings at the end of the road have personally taken action to solve these problems.

The Four Immortal Emperors such as Tongyou, Daoxuan, Luo Tianxian, and Meng Hai had Chi Cang and Shi Hao sitting in the city, so they had no scruples and personally went to each polluted realm of the heavens to solve the darkness in all realms. The source of unrest.

The unknown substances and pollution sources dumped back then did indeed cause huge troubles in these realms of the heavens, and nourished many small sources of dark unrest.

However, there is also light in the darkness. Just like the realm of the heavens where Chi Cang and the others are located, there are many proud men born in response to the calamity, determined to solve the dark turmoil.

From this, countless epic and touching stories unfolded.

One after another, tragic songs have turned into an ancient history book full of blood and tears, which makes people moved.

The Four Immortal Emperors sighed, feeling guilty. Not only did they destroy the small source of darkness and purify the world, they also personally taught all spirits and cultivated those wizards who were born to resist the darkness.

Most of the time, the creatures that emerge from adversity are stronger and more defiant than the creatures that rise from good times.

In these polluted realms of the heavens, they discovered many beings with the qualifications of Tao Ancestors. If placed in the sky, they could be called Tao Sons.

At the same time, there are also some Taoist ancestors who have become enlightened. Under their invitation, they go to heaven and become a force that cannot be ignored.

As for the creation of reincarnation, it is also in progress, with Chi Cang and Shi Hao in charge. However, it is still in the experimental stage. This kind of thing is no joke. Once it is born and embedded between heaven and earth, it will become part of the order of heaven and earth.

On this day, Chi Cang, Shi Hao, and Gu Yi felt this and raised their heads to gaze in the direction of the boundless sea of ​​blood.

"The seal we left behind was touched by someone. It is a creature of a strange tribe. Although it was never opened in the end, it is worthy of people's vigilance." Chi Cang frowned and said to himself.

"Yes, that place is indeed very special. More than one powerful person has emerged, and he is too outstanding in all the realms of the heavens.

If you include Liu Shen and the great elder who are about to become emperors, there are a total of five Lujie-level creatures in that realm, which are almost the same as the vast heaven.

In this way, it would be normal for the weird tribe not to notice it. "Shi Hao responded with a sigh.

After the death of the leader of the Pollen Road, there were still five Immortal Emperors in Heaven. Later, one of them was besieged to death, and a small realm of heavens subordinate to God came out of the Five Immortal Emperors. It was really shocking.

Two hundred thousand years have passed, and the white Lujie and Red Lujie who died back then have new successors in their tribe. They began to study the birth and growth of Lei Di, Huang and others. Naturally, they focused on their mother. area.

"Master, didn't you say that some amazing creatures will be born in our motherland in the future? Now, the weird tribe is eyeing it. Should we leave behind the means to protect the motherland?" Gu Yi asked.

Hearing the words, Chi Cang shook his head slightly. He thought of what he saw when he cultivated his future body and came to the future. A sword abyss and a sea of ​​thunder separated the heavens and the sea of ​​​​thunder, completely isolating the heavens from the flames of war. Outside, a perfect world is formed.

This is very good, it can keep future generations away from the flames of war and strange erosion.

"Separate that world, cut off the Boundary Sea, create a perfect world, and leave a passage. From now on, if anyone who comes after is promoted to the realm of Tao Ancestor, they can walk out of that passage and step into the Boundary Sea. Climb to the sky." Chi Cang said.

"A perfect world... that's fine." Shi Hao and Gu Yi nodded, feeling that this was safer and could completely dispel the idea of ​​returning to the weird tribe to meddle in the realm of the heavens.

"In that case, let me cut off the boundary sea." Shi Hao said, and an imperial sword appeared in his hand, named Desolate Sword. As soon as it appeared, a frightening sword aura filled the air.

His long hair was disheveled, and even his thick black hair exuded a blazing brilliance, like it was made of gold. He held the wild sword in his hand and used the forbidden method. He slashed hard towards the motherland, and the sword energy was like a rainbow. Split the eternal sky.

Since then, the boundary sea has been cut off and disappeared. Chaos surged to replace it, and all the heavens were sealed like this.

One sword splits the eternity, disconnects the underworld, and separates the eternity of time.

In that sword energy, there is the power of time, space is changing, and time is changing. It spans eternity and is filled with supreme power.

Many people in the heavens saw Emperor Huang Tian and they all exclaimed.

At this time, Chi Cang also took action, with the thunder pool above his head, tall and majestic, standing in the thunder and lightning, like a supreme thunder emperor.

His eyes were sharp, and the thunder pool above his head shot out a bolt of lightning, which merged into the sword light struck by Shi Hao, and turned into a vast sea of ​​thunder, penetrating the boundary sea and the heavens.

In the future, if there is a Taoist ancestor over there, they can come to the Boundary Sea through the Thunder Sea Passage. And on the Boundary Sea side, if you want to go to the heavens, unless you are Chi Cang, Shi Hao and other people, otherwise, No one can walk past it.

The actions of the two Immortal Emperors created a perfect world, keeping the homeland away from war and tragedy.

Even if the weird tribes attack the boundary sea in the future, they will not be able to erode the realm of the heavens where the fairy realm is located.

"I hope you can rise quickly and keep up with us." Chi Cang stared at the separated homeland, his eyes were deep, as if he had seen through eternity.

"Back then, I was slashed by Dark Guyi with a sword. He transformed into freedom, he transformed into eternity, and when I threw myself into the river of time, some blood drops went downstream, but due to the obstruction of certain forces, they could not rush further. Think about it, in the future, there will be extraordinary creatures rising up." Shi Hao said.

Chi Cang nodded, no matter whether they were Emperor Zun, Wu Shi, or ruthless people, they could become mortal immortals in the cruel Mo Dharma, which meant that their future achievements would at least be Taoist ancestors.

In fact, during Shi Hao's growth, creatures from the future appeared, such as the ruthless empress, a blood-stained black and yellow mother Qi cauldron, etc. This cauldron gives people the feeling of being extremely powerful, and its owner is definitely not a weakling.

The three of them settled the matter in their hometown and shifted their focus to the matter of opening up reincarnation.

No one knows when the strange ancestor will be born. The top priority is to complete the order of heaven and earth as soon as possible and enhance the foundation.

Moreover, the immortal emperors also began to make preparations to retain the fire. Before the ancestors woke up, they built an extraterrestrial place in advance. When the time comes, they will turn from light to dark and empty the sky. This can greatly avoid the disaster. , all living beings in the world will die.

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