The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 528 The descendants of two immortal emperors

Time flies, and millions of years pass by in an instant.

To the creatures in the Age of Ending Dharma, a million years is considered an era, but to the Immortal King, Quasi-Immortal Emperor, and Immortal Emperor, a million years is just a blink of an eye.

It is equally insignificant to the vast and brilliant God.

In a million years, God has ushered in an extremely splendid golden age, with the emergence of geniuses and the emergence of Taoists frequently. One after another, the pride of heaven has the hope of becoming Taoist ancestors.

In the battle against the strange ethnic groups, these geniuses made great achievements and left their names in ancient history.

There are those native to God, and there are those from the realms of heavens subordinate to God.

Over the years, the Immortal Emperors of Heaven have purified all the polluted realms of the heavens, opened up the channels between the realms of the heavens and the heavens, recruited talents, and continuously brought fresh blood to the heavens.

At the same time, Chi Cang and Shi Hao worked together to create reincarnation, which was used in the heavens and the realms of the heavens.

The roads of reincarnation and the caves of reincarnation give this world the theory of reincarnation.

As long as you hold a specific talisman, you can be thrown into the reincarnation cave to be reincarnated and live another life.

Moreover, in the reincarnation passage of the Cave of Reincarnation, there are laws and various innate objects left by Chi Cang and Shi Hao. When reincarnated, the holder of the talisman can randomly obtain certain innate objects. Once reincarnated, he can possess higher starting point.

"After all, there is still something missing in this reincarnation." Chi Cang felt something in his heart and said this.

The vast path of reincarnation embedded in the sky relies on the power of the Immortal Emperor of him and Shi Hao. In Chi Cang's view, there should be something that can replace the power of the Immortal Emperor.

Shi Hao nodded.

"Well, there is a lack of reincarnation. Maybe the ancient underworld once had it, but it was moved by the weird tribe."

When they explored the ancient underworld, they discovered the most ancient reincarnation path, as well as the reincarnations built by the strange ethnic group for their own ethnic group. There were many destroyed and transferred things there. According to Chi Cang and Shi Hao's estimation, among the transferred things, there should be There is something that is the turning point of the cycle of reincarnation.

However, the thing was moved and cannot be found.

"We can't find it for now, so we can only continue to rely on us to push it." Chi Cang sighed.

At this moment, except for the mother realm that separates them, the other realms of the heavens that are connected to God have already undergone reincarnation.

They have made a lot of that kind of talisman, but if you want to get it, you need to pass the test set by the two immortal emperors, and there is a certain threshold.

After completing the great cause of artificial reincarnation, Chi Cang and Shi Hao focused entirely on building a place outside the world.

The two of them are currently in the realm of the ultimate Immortal Emperor. They have tried many times to attack the Sacrifice Path, but all failed. Sacrifice Dao is not that easy. They are astonishing as the two of them, and they have tasted the taste of failure one after another.

Therefore, they must complete secondary preparations as soon as possible.

Over the past million years, Chi Cang and Shi Hao's old friends have made great progress.

The most astonishing among them are Liu Shen and Meng Tianzheng. They truly became Immortal Emperors. As early as that year, the two of them had reached the point where they could not fall into the realm of Immortal Emperors. They entered the realm of Immortal Emperors many times. Their success was only a matter of time. Problem, everything falls into place.

In addition, there are butchers, burial masters, and chicken farmers who have successfully advanced to become Tao ancestors.

The strength of God has been greatly improved. Two more Lu Jin-level creatures have been added, and dozens of Dao Ancestor-level creatures have been added, including the butcher and others.

This makes the creatures in the world become more and more confident, thinking that they can compete with the weird tribe. Naturally, they don't know that the weird tribe also has the existence of ultimate creatures like the ancestors.

These secrets are currently only known to Lu Jin level creatures and some Taoist ancestors. This part of the Taoist ancestors, under the request of the Immortal Emperor, kept their mouths shut, not daring to say anything for fear of disturbing the morale of the army.

However, what should be faced will eventually be faced one day.

Therefore, Chicang and the others stepped up their efforts to build a place outside the world, and worked together to build a long river of cause and effect around that place to resist other people's deductions.

Although I don’t know if this can be hidden from the ancestors, but for now, this is the best way to preserve fire.

At night, a man and a woman stood side by side, standing on the towering fairy peak, looking up at the sky.

There, the stars are brilliant, forming rivers and seas, and the stars are embedded in the sky one after another, which is so beautiful.

Gazing at the beautiful scenery, the man and the woman were talking and laughing. One was majestic and heroic, the other was magnificent and beautiful. The two stood together like a couple of gods.

They are naturally Chi Cang and Liu Shen.

Since coming to heaven, they have not been alone like this for a long time. They are either in retreat, building reincarnation, opening up other places in the world, etc.

This kind of alone time is rare.

The moon in the sky is astonishingly big, with a moon disk hanging high in the sky, spreading brilliance like water.

Bathed in the bright moonlight, God Liu is dressed in a long dress, beautiful, holy and inviolable.

Her grace and grace are rare in the entire history of God, and I don’t know how many eras and reincarnations it would take for such a woman to appear.

Looking at his Taoist companion, the blazing eyes completely lost the tyranny of the Thunder Emperor, only gentleness and compassion.

"Liu Shen, if one day we defeat the weird and make the world peaceful and there will be no more chaos, where do you want to go and what kind of life do you want to live?" He suddenly asked.

Liu Shen's eyes moved slightly, looking at Chi Cang, and then he smiled with a hint of longing, as if he was really thinking about the future.

"At that time, I hope to spend the rest of my life with you in a peaceful, comfortable place without hustle and bustle."

Hearing this, Chi Cang felt warm in his heart.

"And you?"

"Me? I think so too."

He grabbed Liu Shen's white hand, looked at each other, and said a thousand words, but none of them were spoken.

"Liu Shen, there seems to be something missing in what you just said."

"Huh?" Liu Shen was puzzled.

"Not only do we want to stay together for the rest of our lives, but we also want to have many, many children and have fun together." Chi Cang said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Shen couldn't help but roll her eyes at him, showing a peerless aura. Chi Cang pulled her over and held her in his arms.

"What's wrong? You don't want to?"

"It's not that we don't want to, it's that we have worked hard for so long and we don't even have an heir." Liu Shen said angrily.

Then concern showed on her face.

"If the strange ancestor is born, we may really die in battle. I hope we can have an heir before that." She thought of the moment when she was wiped out by Dark Guyi. At that moment, she understood that the great road is not the only one. , there is something more important.

Chi Cang looked at the woman in his arms with determination in his eyes.

"Don't worry, we will definitely have children before the war comes. Well, let's start working hard now."

After saying that, he picked up Liu Shen and disappeared into the night.

Another million years have passed, and the years are like running water, drifting away unknowingly.

For millions of years, God has developed steadily, its strength has continued to grow, and it has gained the upper hand in the war with strange ethnic groups and recovered a lot of lost land.

The good news came back again and again, causing God and all the spirits in the heavens to raise their arms and shout, and their morale was high.

However, in the eyes of Lu Jin level creatures and some Taoist ancestors who knew the ancestors, the situation was not optimistic.

The more God suppresses the weird ethnic group, the greater the chance that the ancestor will be born.

Therefore, many times, they are very restrained and try to delay the pace of regaining their lost territory.

However, the crisis will eventually come. This is the consensus of all the creatures at the end of the road to heaven.

They have begun to transfer the geniuses. In more than two million years, Luju-level beings have built a place outside the world. There, all the power of cause and effect is isolated and prevented from being deduced by others. Even if Chi Cang and Shi Hao use their methods, The specific coordinates cannot be deduced.

Some people in the sky noticed that many amazing geniuses were like meteors passing by. After blooming with dazzling brilliance, they disappeared and disappeared, as if they had evaporated from the world.

Although they had doubts, they didn't know where these geniuses had gone.

On this day, Chi Cang, who was presiding over the transfer of Tianjiao, suddenly received a message and stood frozen on the spot.

Afterwards, he told Shi Hao that he had important matters to deal with and disappeared.

Chi Cang reincarnated one step at a time, constantly shuttled between the worlds, and soon returned to heaven.

The next moment, he appeared in front of Liu Shen.

Seeing Liu Shen stretching out her slender hand and touching her belly, with a motherly smile on her face, Chi Cang immediately knew that she had heard correctly.

"We have a child." Liu Shen said.

Chi Cang walked over quickly and put his hand on Liu Shen's belly.

Immediately there was a strong wave of life. Although he had just been born, the extraordinaryness of this child was already reflected.

Chi Cang himself was an innate creature, born in a thunder pond, while Liu Shen became a Taoist from a willow tree, and both became Lu-Jin-level creatures. The two of them were profound in Taoism, and there were few people in the world who could compare with them.

Moreover, the bloodline is domineering and has many extraordinary qualities. It is difficult to imagine how talented the children born from the union of the two will be.

Chi Cang could not hide the joy on his face as he sensed the life fluctuations of his offspring.

Is he going to be a father?

After living for so long and watching the ups and downs of the reincarnation era, I have long known the true meaning of life, which is reproduction.

It is not only the continuation of the bloodline, but also the crystallization of the relationship between husband and wife.

At this moment, there was another person in Chi Cang's life who could protect him with his life.

He stroked it gently, his eyes full of love.

"We have a child." He repeated this sentence, still seeming a little unbelievable.

The future of the children of two immortal emperors is unimaginable.

After that, God's Lu Jin and the Dao Ancestors all knew that Thunder Emperor and Liu Shen had a child. Everyone was shocked, because the heir of the Immortal Emperor was absolutely extraordinary, let alone the heir of the two great Immortal Emperors.

It must be the effect of one plus one greater than two. This unborn child is destined to have an extraordinary life.

Liu Shen, who was pregnant, caressed her belly all day long, thinking about the child in her belly.

Chi Cang came back more and more frequently, putting down what he was doing and staying with Liu Shen.

No one expected that this child would stay in Liu Shen's belly for thousands of years.

Generally speaking, the children of the Immortal Emperor are indeed unusual, and this has happened even after being born for hundreds of years.

However, it is really astonishing that it took ten thousand years to be born.

The moment this child was born, the whole heaven felt it, even those outside of heaven were affected.

Billions of thunders roared and roared in the sky, thunderstorms and lightning flashed, and the power of the sky descended on the world, shining brightly on the world, as if the end of the world was coming.

Everyone has changed their minds. The Thunder Emperor, known as the Heaven, is in charge of thunder and calamity in all the worlds. Is his child going to inherit his unparalleled talent?


The thunder was endless, destroying all living beings. At this moment, even Dao Ancestor's ears were buzzing from the roar of thunder.

The thunderous punishment that split the sky and covered the earth gradually subsided, and a streak of red cloud appeared on the horizon, as if a sun was about to rise.

Endless vitality came from all directions and gathered in the sky above the birthplace of this child.

After the ultimate destruction, there is vigorous vitality. People think of the mother of this child, who was enlightened by a willow tree and has strong vitality.

In fact, the Thunder Emperor's thunder has both vitality and destruction, and Liu Shen's way of withering and prosperity is the same, all of which are reflected in this child.

Chi Cang stands in the void, gazing at the vitality gathered from all over the sky. This is a blessing from heaven.

He thought for a while, then waved his hand to erase the blessing from heaven and earth, because he felt that God might not be able to keep it, and the blessing from heaven and earth was equivalent to a kind of binding, which was not good for the child.

"She can fight for God, but she cannot be bound to God." Chi Cang said to himself.

In fact, this child has a lot of vitality in himself, and without the blessing of heaven and earth, he would be very unnatural.

After shattering the blessings of heaven and earth, various visions were born, all of which were astonishing.

The descendants of two Immortal Emperors are indeed against the heavens. You must know that in history, many of the Immortal Emperor's children were actually born before they became Immortal Emperors. After truly becoming Immortal Emperors, it was very difficult to give birth to children.

Otherwise, the Immortal Emperor would like to have more heirs to pass on the power of his bloodline.

When all the visions disappeared, Liu Shenmian walked out holding a baby girl and came to Chi Cang.

Their child is a daughter.

"Thank you for your hard work." Chi Cang said to Liu Shen, and then looked at his infant daughter, filled with emotion, he became a father.

Liu Shen stared at the long-lasting red clouds on the horizon, thoughtfully in his eyes, and then said to Chi Cang.

"When she was born, the sky was filled with red clouds, which indicated that her future life would be as brilliant as red clouds. Therefore, I wanted to name her Chixia."

"Chixia...well, born in troubled times, she is destined to be unable to be peaceful. If she inherits your and my talents, her life is destined to be as blazing as the clouds." Chi Cang nodded.

The baby girl in his arms is really special. Her body is gleaming, flowing with rich life energy and death breath. Occasionally, an arc of electricity will pop out. Her cry is extremely loud, like a bell. There was a roar, and as she cried, lightning and thunder thundered in the sky, and all the vegetation and spiritual creatures moved on the earth.

All signs indicate that this baby girl is extraordinary. She is not only the darling of Thunder, but also loved by all plants and animals.

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