The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 538 Who is the big sacrifice for?

The seven ancestors disappeared and returned to the plateau. They could not deduce the positions of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, so they could only give up.

In this battle, the Weird Clan suffered heavy losses. Not only did they lose three of their ancestors, so that the number of ancestors was no longer the perfect "ten", but they also damaged the ten major roads.

As a result, it would take immeasurable time to replenish enough ancestors.

After all, the candidate for the ancestor must be at the top level.

As for the top ten who have fallen, there is no shortage of candidates. The Weird Clan has accumulated a lot of Dao Ancestors over the years. This time, they only brought some of them out in the battle with the gods. There are still many Dao Ancestors on the plateau.

After the ancestor left, the sky became silent again. There was no life here, and all living creatures died in the anger of the ancestor.

The once prosperous and prosperous world of heaven, where many evolutionary paths converged and created brilliant sparks, could be called a golden age. But now it is in deathly silence and blood is flowing freely.

Including many affected realms in the heavens, they also turned into hell on earth.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao naturally understood all this, and the two sighed. It was not that they did not stop it, but that both of them suffered heavy losses, and the origin of the sacrifice was damaged.

If they went out to fight the seven ancestors at that time, they would most likely die.

God was destroyed, but it can still be restored. If these two people die, the entire world will perish, and there will no longer be any hope of fighting against the strange.

Which one is lighter and which one is more important, the two can naturally distinguish clearly.

They found Luo Tianxian and others who had fled with the "seeds", and brought them back to the outside world.

This is the safest place in the entire world. There is a vast ocean of cause and effect cast by two powerful priests, separating the inside and outside.

Even if the seven ancestors peeked together, they could not understand the coordinates of the outside world.

Therefore, the place outside the world has become the base camp for fighting against the strange tribe.

After returning to the land outside the world, Luo Tianxian and other immortal emperors all lamented the power of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, who broke through in desperate situations, ascended to the sacrificial path, and killed the three ancestors, completing a great deed that even her sister had never accomplished. .

Back then, the leader of the Pollen Road led people to kill on the plateau. She was the only sacrifice-level creature, so she would naturally die there.

It's different now. Both Chi Cang and Shi Hao have become priests and can watch each other, no longer fighting alone.

Mentioning the leader of the Huafen Road, Chi Cang and Shi Hao were moved. At this moment, as long as they restored the origin of the sacrifice, they would have the power to fight against the seven ancestors. Can they reach the plateau and rescue the leader of the Huafen Road? ?

In this way, they will have three priest-level creatures, and the pressure will be greatly reduced when they compete with the strange tribe, and they will even have an advantage.

Thinking of this, the two asked Luo Tianxian carefully about the information about the leader of Huafen Road, including the whole process of the battle.

The matter was so important that Luo Tianxian naturally did not dare to neglect it and quickly told the truth everything he saw, heard and knew.

"If you want to attack the plateau, you must first cross the boundless Sea of ​​Sacrifice. It is an extremely dangerous place, and even road-level creatures will lose their way if they enter.

Its formation can be traced back to before the birth of the ancestors. The countless wreckage of worlds floating in it were once glorious and brilliant. Many ancient worlds were not weaker than God, but in the end, they were all destroyed in one day and were destroyed by strange ethnic groups.

In the end, countless great realms gathered together to form an extremely vast ocean. Luo Tianxian said.

Chi Cang and Shi Hao nodded.

At the level of the priest, it is difficult to hide the affairs of the heavens, the past, present and future from them. With a little deduction, you can understand everything.

They stared in the direction of the plateau, and a vast ocean appeared in their eyes.

"We will wait until our injuries recover." Chi Cang sighed.

"Well, the weird tribe suffered heavy losses in this battle. It's not that easy to recover. It just so happens that we hibernate, hide, and heal during this period of time." Shi Hao nodded.

When the immortal emperors heard this, they all nodded. Compared to before, they had a lot more hope in their hearts.

In the two leaders Chi Cang and Shi Hao, we saw a bright future.

Now, just wait.

The world did not remain peaceful for long, and the ancestor who returned to the plateau was born again.

This time, they did not come to sweep away the world, but to restore the past glory of the strange ethnic group.

In order to ensure safety, the seven ancestors came out together and stood in the endless bloody ocean.

Here, outside the sky, there are pieces of the broken world that are broken into pieces and piled together to form rough waves.

This is the terrifying Sacrificial Sea, known as the place where the Immortal Emperor sacrifices, with bloody waves surging into the sky.

It is extremely vast. If a creature at the end of the road does not have specific coordinates and strays into it, it is possible to get lost in the past, present and future.

Even the vast sky is like an isolated island in front of it.

The waves hit the sky, and countless time and space in ancient and modern times are stirring and disillusioned.

The endless sea water is steaming and gushing. This is the infinite universe that was destroyed in the past. Every wave was once dazzling, and it was the vibrant world of the past.

However, it was destroyed by the strange ethnic group and turned into the clouds of history. It was incomplete, broken, and lifeless. Finally, it was piled up to form a bloody sea of ​​sacrifice.

And in the depths of the bloody ocean, there is a magnificent and majestic altar. The place where it stands is silent. All the roars of the waves hitting the sky will become silent when approaching this altar.

Among the weird tribe, the seven ancestors, who are regarded as the supreme creatures, led ten weird and supreme Taoist ancestors to this altar.

Even though he is as noble as the ancestor, facing the altar deep in the sea, his face is solemn, with awe and yearning.

Those top Taoist ancestors kept praying. They knew that this altar was the key to their evolution into the weird road end.

They want to sacrifice to a certain majestic existence that has left traces in history in order to obtain supreme power.

This is the so-called great festival.

Life after life, endless eras, great sacrifices have taken place. Each great sacrifice is led by a different strange ethnic group, and the era in which it is located is also named after the ethnic group.

For example, this time the Black Era was supposed to be completed by the black ethnic group among the ten weird ethnic groups.

It's a pity that the leader of the Pollen Road appeared first, which not only ruined the development of the Black Festival, but also directly killed them on the plateau.

Later, the appearance of Chi Cang and Shi Hao once again caused the Black Festival to fail midway.

In the end, the seven great ancestors appeared in person, slaughtered the heavens and many realms of the heavens, and completed the sacrifices required for the great sacrifice.

Now, in order to restore the vitality of the weird tribe and regain the ten Lujin, they came to this cold and terrifying altar to complete the great sacrifice, make the weird tribe strong again, and restore the number of ancestors to the perfect number of "ten" as soon as possible.

Only in this way can they use the heaven-defying method of Ancestral Unity to gain supreme power close to transcending the sacrificial path, so as to defeat Chi Cang and Huang.

Thinking of that inexplicable creature that even the ancestors were in awe of, the ten weird Taoist ancestors couldn't help but feel horrified. They transcended the sacrificial Tao. What level of realm was that?

However, that creature seems to be gone, passed away, and vanished into ashes under the sky of history.

This gave them a lot of peace of mind. For so many epochs, no matter how many great sacrifices were performed, the creature was not resurrected.

Not even a wisp of thought appeared, but the effect of the great sacrifice was remarkable. Every great sacrifice allowed the ancestors to gain some strength and make some progress, and it also enhanced the conduct of the Weird Road Enders a lot.

But this time, the Seven Ancestors are here entirely to supplement Weird Road. They will focus on the three ethnic groups that have lost their ancestors, so that the Weird Dao Ancestors of these three groups can grow faster and be promoted to the top Dao Ancestors as soon as possible to make up for it. The ancestral quota is vacant.


The great sacrifice has begun. The area that was bloodbathed by the seven ancestors, the vast sea of ​​blood, mixed with endless souls of injustice, were all put on the altar, where they were burned blazingly to worship the great existence that had passed away.


Invisibly, the sacrifice received a response, and the ten strange Taoist ancestors who had merged with the original matter broke through the shackles in an instant and stepped into the realm of the end of the road.

Among them, the black ethnic group, the white ethnic group and the red ethnic group have received special care, and have gained immeasurable improvements in the light of the sacrifice.

The three of them not only advanced to the end of the road, but also went further and further in the realm of the end of the road, gradually approaching the end.

Finally, the big festival stopped.

The seven ancestors did not enjoy this great sacrifice at all. Almost all of them fulfilled the new promotion path of the three ethnic groups: black, red, and white.

However, in the end, they still couldn't achieve it overnight and let them reach the end of the road.

"It's a pity, there's still a little bit left, and the rest of the way requires you to spend a long time practicing before you can succeed.

When you are qualified to be promoted to the ancestors, we will hold another big sacrifice for you. "The seven ancestors sighed and said.

"Thank you, ancestors."

The newly promoted Lujin of the three major ethnic groups, white, black and red, were all extremely excited and thanked them repeatedly. Unexpectedly, after enduring endless years, they would one day become Lujin, and in the future, they might even become the ancestors.

"Of course, you must also be careful of Chi Cang and Huang. If they know that you can fill the vacancy of the ancestors, it is hard to imagine what will happen. They may kill you at all costs." An ancestor reminded said.

"We'll find out later."

When the three newly promoted Lu Jin heard this, their hearts trembled, and their high spirits suddenly dissipated a lot.

Now, the names of Thunder Emperor Chicang and Desolate Heaven Emperor Shi Hao are like two heavy mountains lying in front of the weird tribe. The pressure brought by their names is enough to suffocate people.

The fall of the three ancestors and the deaths of the ten great ancestors were all caused by these two people.

Of course, without them, the three of them would not have the chance to climb to where they are now.

Among the weird ethnic groups in the past, there are only ten branches that can end in ten. Even if a certain ethnic group has many top Taoist ancestors, it still cannot break the number of "ten".

When the world ends, they will always be substitutes.

Therefore, at the end of the journey, the three newcomers don't know whether they should be grateful to Chi Cang and Huang, or whether they should be disgusted.

Just as the seven ancestors and the ten newcomers were talking to each other, something unexpected happened to this eternal ancient altar.

In a trance, there seemed to be a creature sighing, which seemed real and illusory, confusing, as if there was an indescribable layer of fog covering it, making it difficult to hear clearly.

"This is……"

The seven ancestors were shocked. Such a shocking change had never happened in the previous great sacrifice.

Could it be that the great sacrifices again and again provide a beacon for the vanished creature to return again?

Thinking of this, Qiang Ru, the seven ancestors, also showed a shocked expression.

Then, they stared at the ancient altar, and their eyes suddenly became dull.

On top of the extremely ancient altar, there was a vague figure standing in the blur, looking at the past road in the distance, as if looking back, and also seeming to be reminiscing.

The seven ancestors suddenly felt numb. Are they really going to return against the odds?

A terrifying creature that has transcended the level of sacrifice, the source of power for their ancestors, is coming back?

The next moment, the vague figure instantly disintegrated, all traces disappeared, and it was destroyed from the world. It could no longer exist, and everything returned to nothingness.

"Did you see it?"

"I see it."

"I didn't expect that the great sacrifices again and again only allowed him to appear for a moment."

The seven ancestors stared seriously at the already deserted altar, recalling what they had seen and heard in the past years.

Their power comes from a terrifying existence, which was buried in the bronze coffin of three generations and sealed on the plateau.

One day, the plateau shook, and the copper coffin was shaken out. The ten ancestors drove the coffin to replace the copper coffin, and were buried in the deepest part of the earth. Only then did they create the invincible ancestor body.

And the ultimate primitive substance that they both fear and desire, that kind of ashes, is the ashes of that creature.

In this way, how could the ancestor not be afraid and reverent?

"You think, if we continue to offer sacrifices like this, will he be reborn and resurrected one day? Will he rule the world?

When the time comes, you will see us occupying his burial place, devouring and absorbing his ashes..." One of the ancestors said this, showing a worried expression.

"It's impossible. Even if it can really be resurrected, it will require countless sacrifices. At present, it is still early to resurrect him.

Or maybe it can't be resurrected at all. You and I are just priests. How can we rely on the great sacrifice to resurrect a priest? "The ancestor next to him immediately spoke up and denied this statement.

The seven ancestors stood in front of the cold and old altar, thinking about everything about this creature in their minds, and then sighed after a long time.

Even if the Great Sacrifice is dangerous and they are falling into the abyss, they cannot stop, because this way of gaining strength is much easier than the so-called penance.

Nowadays, they have long been unable to improve their Taoism through hard training. This is a side effect of being bound to strange substances.

Although they became the ancestors of the priestly level, it also completely shortened their evolutionary path. Unlike Chicang and Huang, they had a bright future.

After a long time, the altar calmed down, and a grand sacrifice came to an end.

The Sea of ​​Sacrifice is still turbulent, with bloody waves hitting the sky, but the altar in the depths of the Sea of ​​Sacrifice, the so-called place where the Immortal Emperor sacrifices, has become strange and gloomy again.

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