The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 539: Nine Dragons Pulls the Coffin and Sets Sail Again

In a place outside the world, Chi Cang and Shi Hao's eyes saw through the past, present and future, and they quickly understood that the strange tribe held a great sacrifice and re-created the ten strange roads.

These are all within their expectations.

Except for the three ethnic groups that lost their ancestors, the other seven ethnic groups were born in strange ways, all of which were similar to the end of the road for the first time.

If you want to be promoted to the top of the road, you will need countless epochs and countless great sacrifices.

In the years to come, with Chi Cang and Shi Hao cultivating themselves, it would be difficult for the ten newly promoted people to remain indifferent until the first ancestor came out.

There are seven Lujin-level creatures on this side of the heavens. Among them, Liu Shen, Meng Tianzheng, etc. are the best among Lujin, beings who can defeat many with one.

Therefore, in the future duel with the weird side and the Lujin level strong ones, Zhutian's side is not weak, but rather strong.

However, other levels of powerhouses are far inferior to the Weird Clan.

You must know that the strange ethnic group has existed for a long time and is immeasurable, and has long since developed to a terrifying scale.

It is as vast as the sky, but compared with the plateau, it is just a small place.

The ten major ethnic groups have their origins on the plateau and have their bases on the plateau. They are vaster than the sky. The number of ethnic groups is countless, not to mention endless, and they fall into a strange world.

In short, the weird ethnic group should not be underestimated. The dominance of the strongest does not mean that the strong of other levels are dominant.

They are just restricted by inexplicable rules. They can only be born in ten ways. Otherwise, with the terrifying base of the weird ethnic group, the heavens will definitely be crushed.

"God is destroyed, and we want to reflect it." Luo Tianxian and other immortal emperors said with dim eyes.

They witnessed a glorious and splendid heaven, and also saw it disappear into dust with their own eyes. They were reluctant to let go and wanted to regain its former glory.

"Don't be anxious yet. With your way of doing things, the price you need to pay to reflect the vast world like God is too high. Moreover, the weird tribe will not tolerate such a thing happening, and the ancestor will be born to interfere.

When Shi Hao and I recover from our injuries, the origin of the Sacrifice is fully charged, and God is resurrected, then the strange ancestor will no longer dare to act rashly. "Chi Cang understands their mood, but now is indeed not a good time to revive God.

Tongyou, Daoxuan and other Heavenly Immortal Emperors heard this and nodded in agreement.

They were just Luju level creatures. Without the support of Chi Cang and Shi Hao, the Weird Ancestor only needed to send out one of them to wipe them out.

Now, the two major sacrificial temples have suffered heavy losses, so it would be better to stay dormant in this otherworldly place, quietly waiting for the opportunity to counterattack.

At this point, all the power of God that has not been destroyed has been hidden in the outside world. To the strange tribe, this enemy seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

At the beginning, Weird Ancestor was afraid that Lu Jin, who had just been promoted, would be caught, killed and died by Chi Cang and the others, so he warned the newly promoted Weird Lu Jin to keep a low profile and not be too high-profile.

The Weird Lujin people were naturally extremely fearful, so they only sent Weird troops to attack some of the realms of the heavens to test the reactions of the heavens.

As a result, every time, an inexplicable strong person appeared to stop the strange army, and he was an extremely powerful Dao Ancestor-level creature.

After many encounters, Youweiyilu couldn't stand it any longer and took action against the powerful Dao Ancestor who blocked the footsteps of Weiyi's army.

However, the road to heaven has long been overlooked in darkness.

The two major road-level creatures fought fiercely, and the first road-level battle broke out in the world since the First World War.

In the end, Weird Lu Jin was directly defeated by Zhu Tian Fang Lu Ji because he was weak because he had just been promoted.

Although in the end, this weird road will be revived on the plateau, the spirit of the weird side has been frustrated.

On the plateau, the ancestors opened their eyes and gazed at the vast world. They naturally saw Zhu Tian Lu Jin and Dao Ancestor taking action, and wanted to use these creatures as a guide to find Chi Cang and Shi Hao's hiding place.

However, there was a priest-level power that obscured the cause and effect, and all seven ancestors failed.

Later, they refused to give up and ordered their subordinates to attack the realm of the heavens many times, attracting strong men from other places to take action.

Later, the ancestor took action personally to capture the person.

As a result, a thunderbolt composed of the power of the sacrifice fell from the sky, illuminating the past, present and future, forcing the First Ancestor to fight against it and lose its target.

After many attempts, the seven ancestors also understood that with Chi Cang and Shi Hao around, it was impossible for them to find the coordinates of the outside world.

As a result, the seven ancestors gave up their unrealistic ideas and never came out. They maintained a tacit agreement with Blazing Cang Shi Hao, that is, neither side of the sacrificial path took action, and allowed the creatures below the sacrificial path to conquer each other.

And they put all their energy into completing the work of the ten ancestors. The three groups without the ancestors have never left the plateau. They were allowed to enter the ancestral land as an exception and receive the original material. baptism.

The seven ancestors believed that as long as they gathered ten people, they could find the hiding place of Chi Cang and Shi Hao in one fell swoop, and then eradicate these two huge variables.

What Chi Cang and Shi Hao want to do is to repair the original injury of the sacrificial path, and then rescue the woman who was broken on the plateau. With the three major sacrificial paths together, with three people present, they should be much more confident in conquering the plateau.

In this way, the strange ethnic group and the heavens maintained a strange state, fighting each other, but the scale was controlled, and even the strong ones at the end of the road rarely fought to the death.

It is more of a war between the Tao Ancestor, the Immortal King, the True Immortal and other evolvers.

Both sides have the intention of training their troops, and the battlefield is sometimes in the realm of the heavens, and sometimes on the land of evil eroded by strange ethnic groups.

The era of the strongest men fighting for supremacy has passed, and the following years will be the golden age of the rise of geniuses.

Geniuses who are transferred to a foreign land have unimaginable talents. Such people are more likely to rise in troubled times.

The strange party also reoccupied the four major outposts that had been wiped out in the past, and began to erode the world.

More than a million years have passed by in a flash, and the heavenly side and the weird side have always been at war, with each other winning and losing. One strong man after another rises up in the troubled times, and his prestige shocks the heavens.

The waves washed away the sand, and countless souls fell and died in the battle.

Above the boundless sea of ​​blood, there is a special island that is shrouded by the Immortal Emperor's magic circle, hiding its coordinates.

There is a large hole on the island reef, leading to a remote realm of the heavens.

This realm of the heavens has been divided into two by a vast sword light. On one side is the vast sea of ​​​​boundaries, and on the other side is the world of the heavens composed of countless fragments.

At this moment, the world of heavens composed of fragments erupted into earth-shaking turmoil. The darkness of the past, which had evaded all induction and had been dormant for millions of years, swept out again at this moment.

Some of the Immortal Kings who stayed behind chose to surrender, while others chose to fight back. This war affected most of the fragmented worlds and destroyed many ancient lands. Immortal Kings and True Immortals fought in many fragmented worlds.

In the end, the ending was tragic. In some places, true immortals were never seen again.

The darkness that came back also suffered heavy losses and fell silent.

Including the two priests and the two Immortal Emperors who once walked out, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths were also affected, and all the creatures in the world were buried.

The entire world was dim and lifeless, the boundary walls were broken, the avenues disappeared, and it was impossible to practice Taoism. Only a few creatures and ethnic groups survived. They had extraordinary origins and had the blood of immortals flowing in their bodies, so they could survive the catastrophe.

“One world’s creatures die an untimely death and are buried for an entire era, just like the underworld.

If there is another glorious time in future generations, let’s call this era the Hades. "An old man who is a descendant of the Immortal Clan said with a sigh.

Years passed by, and the dead Minggu gradually ushered in a turning point. The boundary walls were restored bit by bit, and the rules of the great road appeared again between heaven and earth.

On this day, the long river of time trembled, violent fluctuations occurred, and a ray of light descended on Kunlun, the ancestor of all mountains.

Subsequently, a group of teams composed of multiple ethnic groups went through countless hardships and found the legendary Kunlun Fairy Mountain. A glorious era of the Kunlun Fairy Clan began...

Above the dike boundary, at the end of the Thunder Sea, the blazing future body stood. He heard a cold voice, which seemed to be transmitted from extremely distant ancient times, running through different historical skies.

"A new era has begun, and everything must end. This time it's the Black Festival."

After Chi Cang heard the words, he stood there, staring at the dark and ink-like chaotic mist in front of him, and remained silent for a long time.

Having just been promoted to Quasi-Immortal Emperor, he felt that the future was heavy, dark, and not that simple.

"Who is in charge of all this? Can't the quasi-immortal emperor, even the real emperor, stop him?" Chi Cang whispered.

After a long time, the worry in his eyes disappeared, leaving only perseverance and confidence.

"As the Thunder Emperor, I should destroy all darkness. So what if the black sacrifice is the best? I will break it with thunder."

He stopped worrying and strode back, going up the river of time and returning to the chaotic past.

After Chi Cang's future body left, the renovated Immortal Realm was prosperously managed by Emperor Zun and others who had become Red Dust Immortals. With such a complete world and all kinds of unimaginable immortal essences, it was difficult not to develop it.

Because of Chi Cang's instructions before leaving and the intimidation he himself brought, the quasi-immortal kings who emerged from the surviving fragments of the immortal realm did not dare to make mistakes, and got along well with Emperor Zun and others, and jointly created a prosperous world. Incomparable fairyland.

In the neighboring Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, the post-desolate era, which was already lacking in energy, became even more tragic because of the Qing Emperor's enlightenment.

The road is high and far away, the essence is thin, and some life stars are already at the end of the law, or even helpless.

Even the source of ancient life like Beidou has been affected. The saint cannot be seen, and it is very difficult to cut off the path.

And Kunlun, where Chi Cang once lived in the future, still retains a good world environment because of Kunlun, the ancestor of all veins.

It gave birth to a prosperous and prosperous age like hundreds of schools of thought.

On this day, a flash flood broke out on an ancient mountain. An old man with white hair and beard, gray hair and childish face rushed down with the flash flood, and was rescued by the villagers at the foot of the mountain...

Time flies by, and the years are fleeting. In this world, there is no eternal prosperity and brilliance, but only repeated reincarnations one after another.

Due to an accident, the earth was no longer suitable for cultivating Taoism. Many monks fled and headed towards the stars. Since then, the prosperous world has passed away.

Most of the monks left behind are low-level monks with low moral standards and short lifespans.

Coupled with the increasingly cruel environment of heaven and earth, the practice of qi refining gradually became lonely, so that later, the world did not know what qi refining and cultivation were.

By more than 1,900 AD, cultivating immortals was already a legend, and people all believed in science.

This year, a fat and white baby boy was born in an ordinary family, named Ye Fan.

He has been very strong since he was a child and has shown a strong physical fitness that is different from ordinary people. He has been a popular figure in the school throughout his school days.

Even if he enters the society, Ye Fan is still doing well. At least, he drives a Mercedes-Benz.

Three years after graduation, his college classmates organized a party, and Ye Fan drove his Mercedes to attend.

After a party, they postponed the party again to visit Mount Tai.

What everyone doesn't know is that at this moment, outside the earth, in the dark vacuum of the universe, a huge thing is slowly approaching. It is a giant thing in the starry sky, a shocking scene that can only appear in myths and stories.

Nine cold dragon corpses were lifelike, with thick chains tied to their bodies and connected to a huge ancient bronze coffin.

Satellites from various countries monitored this scene, and they were all shocked, because the current mainstream on the earth is atheism and belief in science. The Nine Dragons Pulling the Coffin in front of them is undoubtedly a terrible impact on the mainstream.

The Nine Dragons pulled the coffin and slowly approached. The surveillance personnel on the ground looked at this scene in shock, watching helplessly as it descended on Mount Tai in the Eastern Kingdom.

Then, the ancient bronze coffin issued a terrifying suction force, and Ye Fan and his classmates, who were the closest, were sucked into the bronze coffin.


The copper coffin is closed, a five-color altar shines, the nine dragons pull the coffin and set sail again.

No one on earth knows where it starts and where it ends. People only know that the Kowloon Coffin will continue to repeat its boring and boring journey into the starry sky.

Thousands of years later, a golden qi and blood rushed into the sky, lightning and thunder thundered, and a great calamity enveloped the universe. Ye Fan became enlightened, and in the body of the Great Holy Body, he defied heaven and attained enlightenment.

At this moment, he is standing at the highest peak in his life, and the world is so vast that it is difficult to resist him.

He came to the ancient ascension platform and stared at the stone tablet about the Red Dust Immortal erected by the Thunder Emperor of the Ancient Era.

These characters are very ancient and have long been out of touch with the modern ancient characters. However, the paths lead to the same destination. As long as you have enough cultivation, you can understand the meaning of the ancient characters on the stele.

"The world of mortals is an immortal, not an immortal in this mortal world. Naturally, I have to take the strongest path. In this era of law-ending, I will become an invincible mortal immortal in heaven and on earth." Ye Fan said to himself, his eyes full of determination.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, Ye Fan lived life after life, and finally reached the realm described in the stone tablet. Except for the catastrophe of becoming an immortal, he achieved everything else. The years did not add up, but his energy and blood were always at the peak.

Today, he is respected as Emperor Ye Tian.

"It's time to go to the Immortal Realm." Ye Fan murmured to himself, came to the Ancient Forbidden Land, the only forbidden land in Beidou, and invited the empress to go to the Immortal Realm together.

At the same time, the heaven he established was also brought with him by Ye Fan, and they stood on the ascension platform together.

It’s almost finished, and I’ve basically written everything I wanted to write.

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