The Return of the Perfect Ten Evils

Chapter 540 Prosperity and Crisis

Suddenly, vast fluctuations were heard in the distance, and a huge green lotus swayed upwards and bloomed in the sea of ​​stars.

"This is..." Ye Fan realized something.

The empress and Duan De, who had gathered nine reincarnation seals, were very surprised.

"Unexpectedly, this person is still alive. Legend has it that when the Thunder Emperor appeared in the world, the demon emperor who was the first to become emperor in the post-desolate ancient era served the Thunder Emperor.

Later, the imperial path collapsed, the Heavenly Heart Seal had no owner, and the aura of the great emperor's transformation spread throughout the universe. Everyone in the world said that he was dead, and they all regretted that he gave up the ascension to the immortal realm in order to follow the mortal path recorded on the stone tablet, and finally died an unexpected death.

Who would have thought that he was unknown and survived until now in the Dharma-ending world. From this point of view, this demon emperor should have become an immortal from the mortal world. Duan De said with a sigh.

Ye Fan stared at the azure light in the distance, where a figure in azure clothes came, with deep eyes, heroic appearance, and the demon emperor's style was still impressive.

"I have always felt that he is not dead, and his imperial soldiers once lived in my wheel sea." Ye Fan said.

"How many fellow Taoists are going to the Immortal Realm?" Qingdi asked.

"Exactly." Ye Fan nodded.

"I happen to have achieved great success, so let's go together." Qingdi smiled.

After spending hundreds of thousands of years and experiencing several lives and deaths, the Qing Emperor finally became an immortal and lived out his ninth life, living up to the words of the blazing Cang.

Now is the time to enter the Immortal Realm and take steps on the Immortal Path.

"We are lucky to be able to go with the Demon Emperor." Duan De handed over.

"Haha, Wanqing is the same."

Qing Emperor did not dare to underestimate this fat man in Taoist robes. He knew clearly that this man was the famous Tribulation-Transcending Heavenly Lord, who had also transformed into the Ming Lord and created the underworld.

As for the ruthless emperor, he did not dare to underestimate him. You must know that the Thunder Emperor had personally visited the ancient restricted area and met the empress, which was enough to explain something.

As for Ye Fan, he became the great emperor with the ancient holy body. He was immortal for nine generations and became a mortal immortal. His strength and potential were unimaginable.

Qingdi walked with a few people this time, also with the intention of making good friends with them.

Ye Fan, Duan De, the Empress and others also wanted to ask Qing Emperor about the Thunder Emperor. After all, the Qing Emperor once served under the Thunder Emperor.

Everyone was talking and laughing, and stood on the ascension platform together. Several Hongchen Immortals bowed to the stone tablet inscribed with the path of the Red Dust Immortal. This was a respectful bow to the sages who pointed the way.

Then, they each used their fingers as knives and left their names on the stone tablets engraved with their names.

From then on, the immortal stone tablets will pass down their names forever. Even if the sky withers and the earth rots, the sun and the moon decay, the names of immortals in the world of mortals will remain famous forever.


The ascension platform was activated, and the fairy thunder rolled, creating a crystal clear ascension passage. Indistinctly, a vast and magnificent fairyland emerged at the end of the passage.

"I'm going to become an immortal." The people in Heaven were delighted and shouted the name of Emperor Ye Tian.

The brilliant flying fairy light illuminated this area and lasted for a while before extinguishing.

The ascension platform once again returned to the silence of the past.

At this time, the Immortal Realm is filled with geniuses, talented people, and is extremely glorious. It is in an unprecedented golden age.

The Emperor Zun who has become the Red Dust Immortal, the Wushi Emperor, the Red Dust Immortal of the strange world, and the quasi-immortal kings from the fragments that survived the catastrophe, these people are the strongest people in the immortal realm.

Next are the major true immortals, the Great Emperor and other new powerful people, as well as the countless evolvers under the Great Emperor.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, Annihilation Tianzun... Demon Emperor, Divine Silkworm Ancient Emperor, Sun Ancient Emperor, Taiyin Ancient Emperor, Douzhan Saint Emperor, Luangu Emperor, Void Emperor, Hengyu Emperor, Western Emperor Mother, Tai Huang , Emperor Daoyan, the nine Great Saints, etc., created a world in the fairyland, and most of the creatures among them were promoted to true immortals and became giants in the fairyland.

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, the Thunder Emperor reunited the fragments, repaired the fairyland, and opened a big world again.

A big world was opened up, and the first batch of monks would naturally enjoy the benefits of the good fortune of the universe, and their progress was astonishing.

Take Emperor Zun, for example, who became a mortal immortal hundreds of thousands of years ago. Now, after hard training, he is only one step away from being promoted to an immortal king, and may break through at any time.

Emperor Wushi, who entered the Immortal Realm a few years later, cultivated very quickly, almost as fast as the Emperor, and was about to pass the Immortal King Tribulation.

As for the Hongchen Immortal in the strange world, there is a lot of difference due to road problems. However, after all, it is Hongchen who is an immortal. If he can live in the Dharma-ending world without adding time, he is naturally not a simple person. He will become a king in the future. It is almost a certainty. .

The other quasi-immortal kings are not far away from the immortal king. With the blessing of the immortal world's good fortune, they not only have the chance to become kings, but the time will be greatly shortened.

Of course, compared with the stunning creatures who walked the path of mortals, they were obviously far behind.

The prosperity of the Immortal Realm, in addition to these powerful men, is also reflected in the young monks. Since a big world has just been opened up, all kinds of opportunities, fairy fate, etc. have not been discovered and are lying quietly in the secret realm. In, under the soil.

Therefore, the Immortal Realm directly entered the era of pioneering. Countless monks rushed to all sides of the Immortal Realm to develop those treasures and received huge benefits.

Today, even after hundreds of thousands of years of development, the Immortal Realm still seems to have never been developed. After all, this world is too vast. Compared with the developed areas, the undeveloped areas are hundreds or even thousands larger. times.

These places still contain immeasurable amounts of fairy essences, fairy materials, great medicines, etc.

Once someone finds it, they will definitely gain a lot.

With the help of so many opportunities, the number of geniuses has grown like a blowout.

Perhaps, after a few epochs, the Immortal Realm can regain some of its former glory.

Ye Fan, Empress, Duan De, and Qingdi led the Heavenly Tribes to the Immortal Realm. They came at the right time to catch up with the era of the monks' booming development.

This is a general trend that will add fuel to the flames and bring the New Immortal Realm into the most glorious and brilliant era.

After the four people arrived in the Immortal Realm, they immediately triggered their own catastrophe of becoming immortals.

The terrifying thunder was released, and each one was an immortal thunder, as if the sky was roaring.

The four mortal immortals stood in the vast sea of ​​thunder, as solid as a rock, and their terrifying Tao Xing played a great role in blocking all the immortal thunder.

Soon, the four mortal immortals truly transformed into immortal bodies and stood in the immortal realm, overlooking the vast world.

The powerful people in the Immortal Territory immediately understood the arrival of the four people, and came to congratulate them one after another, and told them that the Immortal Territory is vast and rich in resources. Today, the Immortal Territory has developed less than a hundred lands, and other places are ownerless. Ye Fan is ruthless and they can Feel free to plan the mountain gate.

Finally, Emperor Zun, Wu Shi and others invited Ye Fan and others to warmly entertain them. They were both from Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so naturally they were closer to each other.

Among the people present, there were many mortal immortals, all of whom were outstanding on the road of evolution. They cherished each other and sat down to discuss the truth.

“Everyone, although the Immortal Realm is peaceful now, it does not mean that it will always be like this.

Darkness still exists, and its origin is beyond imagination.

I was once corroded by dark matter and almost lost myself. Thanks to the guidance of Mr. Thunder Emperor, I was able to turn the corner.

Before Lord Thunder Emperor left that year, he revealed the details of darkness. In a vaster world, darkness is an unimaginable behemoth, causing havoc in the world.

Lord Thunder Emperor said that one day, if we can become quasi-immortal emperors, we can leave here, enter a more vast world, and participate in great wars. However, this is a bit far off.

Just say that here, there is a lot of darkness remaining. "At this point, Emperor Zun paused.

Then he continued: "Everyone should know that countless years ago, there was an era called "Ming Gu". When mentioning this era, you have to mention a war that affected all heavens and all realms.

The darkness of the past remained dormant for a long time, and many fallen immortal kings appeared. Therefore, they came back to bring trouble to the world, and wanted to spread darkness to all fragmented worlds.

That battle was extremely fierce. Dozens of powerful immortals from the fragments of the Immortal Realm adjacent to the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths went out to fight, but no one returned, and they all died in the battle.

Many fragments of the Immortal Realm were burned to the ground, and all living beings died and were buried in the dust of history. Countless casualties occurred in nine days and ten places, and a whole world of living beings was buried, which is known as the underworld in history.

Darkness also suffered heavy losses and once again went dormant to recuperate.

Back then, Lord Thunder Emperor didn't mention these things. He probably wanted to stay and let us solve them ourselves in order to achieve the purpose of tempering.

Over the years, I have traveled around the worlds and discovered many traces of the reactivation of dark creatures. I expected that after so much cultivation, the power of darkness has also flourished. Perhaps the battle that caused the Hades Era will be over in the near future. Repeat. "

Emperor Zun spoke, mentioning a topic that made everyone present extremely solemn.

“I must remind everyone that with the current power of the Immortal Realm, it is impossible to fight against the darkness.

The reason why the Immortal Realm is safe and flourishing today is because the Thunder Emperor's remaining power is still there, and the dark side does not know the details and dare not act rashly.

If they wait to reveal the reality of the Immortal Realm, I'm afraid a war will break out. "

When everyone heard this, their expressions were extremely heavy.

"What Fellow Taoist Emperor means is that there are existences at the level of fallen immortal kings on the dark side, right?" Ye Fan asked aloud.

Emperor Zun nodded.

"There are currently no Immortal King-level masters in the Immortal Realm. For those quasi-immortal kings who have not yet followed the path of mortal immortals, even if they have the blessing of the Immortal Realm's good luck, it will take a long time before they have a chance to become Immortal Kings.

Moreover, after they became Immortal Kings, in a short period of time, their combat power was not considered strong among the Immortal Kings. This was different for the dark side. They probably had ancient kings who were still alive, who had been cultivating for many years, and gradually returned to their peak.

Therefore, the hope of the Immortal Realm falls on us mortal immortals. Changes are coming and we don’t have much time to survive slowly. Therefore, all fellow Taoists are asked to catch up as soon as possible.

Over the years, fellow Taoist Wushi and I have explored the vast Immortal Realm, gained a lot, and learned about many wonderful places, all of which are included in this jade tube. I give them to you now, hoping to be helpful to you.

Fellow Taoist Wushi and I will take the first step and wait for you in the realm of the Immortal King. "After Emperor Zun finished speaking, he threw multiple jade tubes one by one to the Red Dust Immortal and some True Immortals present. Everyone glanced at it and their hearts were shocked. Indeed, as Emperor Zun said, there are many places that are interested in Jingjin Immortal Dao. Very useful.

Ye Fan and the other four immediately thanked each other, while Emperor Zun and Wu Shi waved their hands.

"You and I are all from the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, and share the same mother realm, so we should support each other." Emperor Zun said.

Emperor Wu Shi also said the same thing.

Finally, everyone discussed the topic and the host and guest had a great time.

After this gathering, Ye Fan, Empress, Duan De, and Qingdi immediately went to the realm recorded in the jade tube to improve their Taoism.

Just as Emperor Zun said, changes are coming, and the darkness is watching with eager eyes. When these creatures know that the Thunder Emperor is not here, they will inevitably cause chaos in all the worlds, sweep through the fairyland, and turn this magnificent world into scorched earth, and the adjacent nine heavens and ten lands will not be affected. survived.

If you want to make a difference in the changing situation and protect important people and things, you must become a king and an ancestor.

Therefore, they must seize the time and not waste a single penny.

The same is true for the tribesmen in Heaven, who began to prepare for the future war.

As for Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun and others, they have known all this for a long time, and they are all working hard to practice, hoping to make breakthroughs before the war comes.

Above heaven, a place outside the world.

Chi Cang sat cross-legged in a world filled with birdsong and flowers, and slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes are so profound that he can see through the past, present and future, and he can understand the ultimate source of ancient history at a glance.

Flashes of lightning flashed across the pupils, reflecting familiar faces. They were the great and ancient emperors that the future incarnation met when they came to the future.

He is the Thunder Emperor. Although he has sacrificed the Thunder Road, he has not lost control of it. He has just become more powerful by transcending the world.

In all worlds, every living being who has gone through the thunder tribulation will be known and noticed by Chi Cang.

The four of them, Ye Fan, ascended the platform and passed through the immortal tribulation. Naturally, they could not escape Chi Cang's eyes.

His eyes moved, as if he had penetrated the layers of cause and effect, and saw everyone in the fairyland.

Then, Chi Cang nodded slightly.

In the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, so many immortals have emerged from the world of mortals. It is expected that there will be several more quasi-immortal emperors or even immortal emperors in the future.

The avenues of Ye Fan, Empress, Wu Shi, Emperor Zun and others are all extraordinary. There is hope of reaching the end of the road, even if it is a sacrifice, it may not be impossible to imagine.

As a priest-level creature who has transcended the end of the road, Chi Cang can see this at a glance.

Perhaps in a short time, these amazing juniors will be able to meet the requirements and cross the sea of ​​thunder embedded in the sword abyss across the boundary sea to march into the sky.

By then, the world will surely become even more powerful.

Relatively speaking, the Thunder Emperor's motherland is considered the best among the many realms of the heavens. In other realms of the heavens, it would be good to have a quasi-immortal emperor. In many places, there are not even creatures who have the hope of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor. .

However, Chi Cang knew that no one could explain this kind of thing. Maybe one day, a proud man of heaven would be born in response to the calamity, advance by leaps and bounds, sweep away enemies of the same level, and become the most powerful person.

In short, he hopes that all the realms of the heavens will flourish and amazing people will spring up like mushrooms after a rain.

After all, it will take an extremely long time for him and Shi Hao to restore their original origins. During this time, they have to rely on the creatures in the world to fight against the strange groups.

It will end in November, I’m not sure what day it will be, just whatever day I write will be that day.

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