The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 253

"At that time, we wandered in the process of human civilization."

"At the beginning, we are only ordinary long life, but when we live to the first thousand years, we found that everyone has some special ability, these capabilities are very weak, but they can pass the passage, they It is getting more and more powerful. "

"You have a lot of calls, fairy, abilities, superman, witch, monster, alien, etc."

"But under the passage of time, there is nothing to be true eternal, even if it is not old."

"Even if we have a powerful ability, it is no longer as before, a war of the cold weapons can be buried to all people."

"There are many people who have died in the next year, and the first millennium started, because we are still some ordinary people, so there are many people who die unexpected."

"Our number is also reduced from two hundred people to one hundred and sixty."

"In the second millennium, when we found that he had a powerful ability, we were tired of this group of life, we all started trying new lifestyles, we agree, reunite every hundred years."

"You will have a few people again every hundreds of years."

"In this way, gradually, our quantity begins to decrease quickly."

"When we were thirty years, we only had 36 people."

Zhou fish lifts the hand:

"Amount, this sister ... old man? Since your people disappeared so fast, why don't you re-raise groups like the first millennium?"

Gothic maid came over, gently use the weak hand to touch the face of the surrounding fish, and exhale his own scholastic muscle, tempting:

"Yeah, why ~"

Looking at the skin of this maid, the skin of the milk, and the blocked dress, the blocked dress, the face is like a red halo, only let the survey of the fish, feel that he is suffering, he is conscious Just squat on the ground.

Gothic maid puts her face to the front of the surrounding fish, with the forehead to the forehead of the surrounding fish, care about: "Brother ~ What happened to you? Let my sister check you?"

Zhou fish squatted on the ground, retired a few steps, and his face was full of sweat.

"Amount, this ... this is not too comfortable, I will think about it, my sister, you don't need to care, you continue, continue."

The Gothic maid is a few times, the charming of the unintentional show, let the male animals in the house, all the hot, almost can't hold it.

Gothic maid licks lick lips, continue to say:

"For us, the biggest danger is not from outside, but from our hearts."

"Although we have powerful power, it is powerful in the age of time, there is no enemy."

"But our biggest enemy is lonely."

"Because the pain and loneliness of the long life, with the increase of survival time, many people have chosen death."

"When your seventeenth wife or husband is only half a century, you still have a mood to find the 18th or even the twenty-eighth?"

"When you have to conceal your identity, can you change a living environment for a few decades?"

"Even if you live with other elderly people, will both live a whole thousand years, will it be tired?"

"No matter what you have, there is nothing to play without any interest in less than a hundred years; no matter what pain you have, it is buried in time after a hundred years; this time, you are alive and what?"

"So, for our people, the biggest enemy is not the ordinary people who are unlimited, but lonely."

"Lonely is the most horrible weapon for us."

Speaking of this, in the eyes of Gothic maid, there is a vicissitudes of time, and the vicissitudes of time have been heavy, this breath is strong, all people in the house can't speak.

The breath suddenly, the Gothic maid called Lucy has restored the appearance of Qian Jiao Baimei.

"Little handsome guy, I will explain it to you according to your requirements. Do you want to come to the sister's room to repay this evening? My sister can be very powerful in that way."

In the eyes of the public, the survey is in the eyes, and the face has been red to the monkey butt.

"This ... Sister, I am wrong! I am wrong, don't you tease me again?"

At this time, from just now, I have been silent to the current Wu Hao.

"So, please also explain your ability and plan, and, what do you need to do?"

In this case, the atmosphere is tight atmosphere.

164 Lucy's whole

Gothic maid turned his head and saw Wu Hao, laughed:

" ~ Little girl, eat your love, vinegar? Can you eat vinegar?

Wu Hao is indifferent to see this maid.

The maidbrows were picked up, and they looked at Wu Hao's eyes.

Wu Wei is calm and sexy Gothic maid.

After a few seconds, Gothic maid faces.

"Well, I will enter the topic next."

"My current name is Lucy, the ability is camouflage, can become any people I have seen, whether the sound is still the same,"

The voice is just falling, and the Gothic maid has become a look of Dai Sen's President behind, and then uses the President of Dai Sen to throw a white eye.

I didn't hold back in the week, and I turned out to find the toilet.

Dai Sen President of the innocent lying gun stands behind crying without tears.

The Gothic maid has changed back, and then reached the man who finished the Lama robe and holding the beads: "You can manage this guy, the ability is to control the power, you can instantly replace a region in an instant. Independent areas affecting the affected area, so that the enemy does not have any efforts. "

I saw a lama called the Novo slightly slightly, I saw him quietly, slowly floating from the ground from the ground.

When it is close to the roof, slowly fall.

The maid Louxi is here to explain "He immediately put his body into the control area with his legs, so that it started reflected back from the ground, it became his inertia, with This inertia can not be affected by gravity. "

The maid is added: "He loves to use this trick in all religious midstances, don't look at him now a kindness, when the first Cross Army is in the east, he is a devout Christian, as a hetero The referee is long, and the human bones that have been burned in his hand have a mountain. "

According to the smile: "It is some old age, Lucy, you don't say anything."

The Gothic maid reached out, a woman who was a full body black robe and a diamond dress.

"The two are Satan and Golden Spark, Satan's ability is death, and they are touched by his right hand, all of them will die, whether living or dead."

Satan wrapped in the black robes and heard that he was arbitrarily stretched out of the desk next to the desk.

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