The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 254

I saw that one of the historic ancient wood office tables for powder.

Dai Sen President is sweating to look at this office desk on the ground, if he doesn't make a mistake, this work desk is outside Brooks, a special table, a special table, to Brooks The Major General Family is a very favored price of invaluable treasure.

The first thing is because I am worried that this table is destroyed in the biochemical tide, I was carried in the army by Brooks.

However, now this historic table is already in the earth for a bunch of unidentified powder. Dai Sen President really doesn't know how to go out, and how to explain with Broois.

I remembered that Brooks' coli held the seats in the parliament, and Dai Sen President I felt that I didn't hope my next year.

Without the sorrow of Dai Sen's President, Gothic maid continued:

"Do you see the Master's black robe on Satan? He wanted to turn his death capabilities to ordinary people in a pillent, unfortunately, no number of experiments, each time Satan took the book to go out to teach, find a bunch of fanatical little white mice to do experiment, failing, running away, continuing to study, what kind of devil, Satan, vampire teaching, etc. There are those black magic books that have been writing inexplicably in history, and a large part is because of his relationship. "

The black robe waved his hands to express his dissatisfaction with Gothic maid.

The maid didn't pay attention, and I pointed to the gold.

"Golden power, can be said to be the most useful in us, the global transient, except for the atmosphere, on the earth, there is no place to have something to have, and she can touch themselves The object is taken together. "

The golden flanks disappeared from the room. After 10 seconds, the golden shines reappeared in the room, holding a large pile of golden blocks in his hand, and there is some logo that makes Dai Sen president.

I saw that the gold shit took this pile of golden hills to the President of Dai Sen, and the heavy gold bars were directly embodied by Dai Sen's president, but the President Daisen was shocked.

"This ... Is this not a gold in the Fed's Gallery?"

Gold flash noodles toned


Looking at Dai Sheng President's weird eyes, gold glitter supplements: "Oh, you don't have to worry, I use your recent developing, what kind of black material set is in my body, no matter what kind of monitoring, I can't collect me. Any information, so you don't have to worry, I will leave evidence ~ "

Say, the gold sparkled and took a pair of transparent gloves from his hand.

The President Dai Sen is holding gold, and there is a horrified horror.

Yes, you didn't leave evidence, but TMD my fingerprint has been printed on gold!

Gold glittering gloves, found that Dai Sen's President is still staring at himself, thinking that he is staring at his skirt, looking at his skirt, a star of the stars, and the gold sparkling is a bit guilty.

Even the handsome explanation: "Ah! These diamonds? Don't worry, not all of your country, there are many other countries."

Dai Sen President is crying, is not full ...? ..........?

He has been unable to say anything.

The servant quietly looked at the golden flashes to Dai Sen's president, and added to Wu Wei:

"As you can see, it is a financial fan, I want you must be confused. Why do we call her gold shock, shiny?"

"That is because the gold flashes like gold very much. At that time, she was indeed a glimmer, but she later replaced a diamond."

"We have called so many years, it is too lazy to change again."

Wu Hao looked at this girl who played his dress on his dress, nodded.

The Gothic maid reached again pointed to the last fashion girl.

"This is our soul, Gori, Gori's ability is the soul connection, you can connect together, ignore the distance, with this ability, no matter where we are, as long as the gold is coming to her You can use her connection to directly move our people to enforce a collection of the same location. "

Gori quietly waved a few people.

At this time, the survey is back.

The maid saw the sound of Shoufei, "She recently fascinated the beauty of the beauty of Southeast Asia, and the most loved to use the soul connection quietly induced her two male objects, and embarrassed the same sex This is not returned. "

Zhou fish didn't expect to hear such a message, then looked at the elegant and beautiful, extremely in line with his aesthetic concept, just gave a charming smile at him.

Donjacki is tight, turn around and escape.

Looking at the Gothic maid of the week, Wu Yi is in his heart, it is really wise to choose to relieve the water form.

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When the maid is laughing enough, Wu Wei continued to ask: "So, for this action, your plan is?"

Lucy faint response.

"This plan I have been prepared for many years, basically unlunished, so I don't need your help in Lsaver City, you only need to go here."

The female servant Louxi took out a mobile phone with a waste of heat from his towering chest, and took a photo and handed it to Wu Wei.

"This is where you need your help."

Wu Hao took the mobile phone, the above heat and smell let Wu Yu have some heartbeat acceleration.

Strive to settle down, Wu Wei found a "acquaintance" on the phone.

It was the swamp that I was running in the underground base at the time, and the swamps who were running around.

It can be seen that this photo is in the sky, this boss's monster body has become more huge, and the at least double has become a real mountain.

Wu Hao's brow is slightly wrinkled. At that time, there was no bitterness of this guy at the time, killing, corrosive and too strong, I really don't know how to deal with it.

The female servant Louis smiled and reached out and touched the frown of Wu Wei.

"Look at the sister, this beautiful little face is frowned, my sister, I am a woman, I can't help but have a pain ~"

Wu Hao retired from the back of the sound and asked: "Is there any way?"

The female servant looks like the eyes, but the eyes are lit, directly rely on, hold Wu Wei, vast in Wu Hao's ear

"Of course, I have collected the information about it, although it is not able to survive in land, even if it is a nuclear blow, it has a great defect. "

The walrun stunning breath is caused by the warmth of the ear, so that Wu Hao's ears are not shaking from autonomous.

"That is it is afraid of water, just impact it with enough water, it will be diluted to a state of action."

Although Wu Hao will not let himself expose any strange.

Unfortunately, she exposes her like a rigid body like a iron block.

The female servant licks his lips and looked at the little guy with a wood, and his mouth showed a smile.

"Of course, it is not enough, it's too strong, but when the researcher, the researchers have unintentionally found that the mystery of the mucus has a difficulty horror for fish, only one small Dropped into the sea, the fish in the square will swarming. "

"And now it is near the coastline, that is, you only need to get it into the sea, and the harvest will help you complete the task."

"How is this method? Sister ~"

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