The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 282

Wu Yujing looked at the body of this woman in front of him.

If you have not remembered something, the whole battle is always, Wu Yuxu has not provided any assistance for yourself.

That is to say, when the Taguz is, Wu Yushu may be due to fear or is fortunate.

She did not have any force in the battle, and at that time, when the planet pulled Yan Yun from the ruins, they must know that Wu Yuxu is dead.

But she did not tell us, but left directly.

Perhaps the will of the planet, she is not willing to pay attention to people.

Looking at Yan Yun, holding the body of Wu Yuxu, crying.

Wu Wei sighed, it's a pity.

In order to save your life, the result is lost.

If Wu Yushu is not afraid of danger, if you come like Yan Yun, you will be dead, you will be resurrected by the planet as yourself.

Turned, Wu Wei sat quietly on the stone, looking to the sky, black clouds, distant sunset, bright red blood.

After a long time, Yan Yun finally wiped his eyes, stop crying, stood behind Wu Wei.

Wu You did not return: "How do you deal with her body?"

Yan Yun deeply sucked a deep breath, firmly said: "It's buried here, I will bring it with Ji Qi and Yushu, live together, return to reality, bring the truth to their families."

Wu Wei nodded, looking at the sun, the sunset, the faint road

"Let's go, let's go home."

185 airspace playback

Wu Hao gathered together, Golden Sparkles and princes were standing opposite the two.

I looked at the two of the opposite side, and then looked at the Wolf City in front of him, Wu Hao's heart was always a little inexplicably

In this way, we saved the world?

Ideated God, Wu Wei asked:

"Gold Sparkling, I am sorry to make you sacrifice so much, these recovery pendants you accept it."

Wu Wei handed over several restoration pendings left on Zhou fish.

The gold flashes are not postponed, and the pendant is closed.

"Nothing, I have no chance to revenge my brothers and sisters, you gave me this opportunity, I should thank you."

Then both people were silent, Wu Hao hesitated and asked.

"That, your life ..."

"There is still 10 years." The gold shines calm, just like she is the same.

Wu Wei suddenly didn't know what to say.

But the gold sparkles smiles:

"In fact, from this moment, I feel that I really live, I know that my life, I am full of hope and expectation, I suddenly feel that I have to do more things, as if all The things began to re-flow. "

"Emotion, although the fear of death, but can't live happier."

"Those boring times, just like eroding your life with you, but now I have lost my eternal life, I am just a true understanding of life."

Under the plenty of gold, a pair of big eyes sparkling.

"The meaning of life is not in its length, but it is the height."

I heard here, Wu Yu's heavy, dissipated.

Wu Wei stretched out the right hand, the golden glitter also stretched the right hand, and the two held together.

"Take care."

"Take care."

Then Wu Yu looked at the prince, and Wang Zi was a little boring:

"That, can I pick up your video to the world? You are our hero, and our savior, I don't want your credit, I'm buried."

If Wu Wei looked at Prince Qi, Wang Zi looked at this beautiful boy in front of him, and the head is getting lower and lower.

Wu Wei suddenly smiled and said:

"Since the comrades say this, what should I do, let's happy."

Wang Ziqi moved his mouth, I would like to say thank you.

Wu Wei has turned around to go to another few people.

The prince is shouting against Wu Hao's back.

"Thank you!"

The week fish suddenly ran over there.

"I heard that you have to upload video?"

Wang Zi nodded nervous.

After the week, the fish is like a thief, I watched Wu Wei, quietly picking my head quietly whisper

"Remember, I have to make me feel handsome and solemn in the video!"

The prince is gone, and the Shoufish turned around and returned. He also shouted around the prince: "Don't forget it!"

Then Wu Hao nodded in a person, and several of them disappeared in the same place.

The prince turned his head and looked at the camera that had been working on his shoulders, scratched his head, or put this section on this section?

Thinking of this, the prince is smiling, you must put it!

The gold shines on the shoulders of the princes, and the two instantly disappeared.

An empty wind, among the Rabater in the ruins of the ruins, long floating.

At this moment, people on the whole earth were surprised to find that all the monsters who have just active, they have no disappearance, even the body is not left.

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