The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 283

Countless people flocking from one of the avoidances, rushing to the city, cleaning the dead monsters and blood, retrieving their homes, rebuilding civilization.

Rebuilding the work of civilization, but also very heavy, but everyone is cheering, everyone is laughing.

Although I don't know why, but human civilization, in this world.


---------------------Dividing line-----------------------

Another picture is fast from Wu Hao's eyes.

Underground base, windmill town, Ledaver City, underground research institute, scientific geeks, Taguz's calculations, planet will come.

One picture, constantly passing from Wu Wei's eyes, Wu Hao feels the consciousness of the swamp blame; feel the desperation and fear of death in his hand, in the heart; feel Li Ruoqi The prior to panic and nervous; I feel the moment of Wang Yu's death, the complicated love of Yan Yun; feel the fear and unlock before Wu Yuxu.

There are still a lot, such as the underground research institute, the pain of the scientific geeks and his inner, such as the exploitation of the biochemical crisis, people's desperation and helpless; such as those who are confused and painful; such as tower Kuz consumes more than 2,000 years of light, and the time consistent, it is finally discovered that it is just a planet's planet's hand, the kind of difficult vicissitudes and pain ...

Countless emotions and emotions slowly slipped from Wu Hao, a inexplicable feeling in Wu Hao's heart, a kind of life for life, for life, for life, is slowly rising.

A sound appeared in the mind of Wu Hao.

"This experience has completed the task as follows:

Revenge (completed)

First round main line task:

1, revenge horn, reward 10 borders (completed)

Round 2, unveiled chapter, reward 20 points (completed)

Anti-in-depth investigation, reward 50 borders (completed)

Down 4, the final hope, reward 100 points (completed)

Second round main line task:

The destruction of the planet, reward 500 points (completed)

Branch mission: save human, reward 150 points (15% completion degree)

A total of 830 points

Note that the branch task:

The decision of Prince (completed)

Start settlement now "

The picture in front disappeared and started a new picture as slowly like a movie.

However, the protagonist became proud of the prince, from the beginning, he started with Wu Hao.

Then he experienced the escape of the underground base, the sadness of the Lisa Verve, the despair of the jumping of the kids, the experience and battle of the underground research, announced the camera information and live video programs, and then the final decisive battle, On the window of the tall building, I keep watching the picture of Wu Hao's fight until he is buried in the high building and climbed out of himself.

Under such a perspective, Wu Yucai found that this ordinary person who has been following the ordinary people behind them is also so exciting.

Under the magical clip of the airspace, Wu Hao didn't know why, with a magical feeling that he was watching the most exciting level of Hollywood movie.

Unlike Hollywood blockbuster, what she looks like a person's true experience.

The picture evolved here, but did not stop, but continued to evolve forward.

Wu Wei glanced in his eyes, because he saw Prince Qi and Golden glimphic kiss on a sandy beach, after a few days, the two handed hands, and went into the wedding hall.

Wang Zi gave their combat video to the country. At this time, the global electrical appliance used has returned to normal, so, for the purpose of unity, various countries have begun publicity and play.

Wu Hao's battle story has become a household name, people on earth, all mad worship people in the recording.

Many people have seen the recording over and over.

I have to say, the highest voice is the highest, it is Wu Wei.

It is not only because he is the captain of the hero. More importantly, there are two gender forms of Wu Wei, let his fans span gender, regardless of men and women, they are attracted by Wu Yisheng, I hope I can marry yourself. Give (margin) he (she), of course, the number of male fans is far more than female fans.

Then there is a famous TV station, interviewing a picture of a brown-haired boy, the topic of the interview is "Save the hero of the earth, can you call a few names? "

After the teenage pointed to by the microphone, after hearing this question, immediately excitedly full of red, his angry shouting

"Are you insulting me? All the recording, I have seen it! It's a whole!"

Then the teenager smashed the microphone, and the head did not return.

In this world, everyone in the Wu Yizhen team has become a hero, a hero of a household name.

The Ledsaver City did not rebuild, but was developed into a tourist holy place, and there were countless bronze statues and sculptures on the ground, which were described in the fighting process of everyone in the Wu Yizhen team.

It also established a huge museum, which protects the utensils they have used by the most cutting instruments.

The combat traces left here are also protected. There are countless people every year, holding the pilgrimage mindset here, and pay tribute to the great battle of the heroes.

There are even many people, three steps to take a few years, just in order to come to Rusaver City, we will save these heroes of the entire humanity.

And the wit huge black flowers were studied by human scientists, and then they announced that the new energy utilization method, and the energy conversion efficiency was doubled, and the use of dark matter can be discovered.

Since this moment, humanity officially announced into an era of infinite energy!

In this way, everyone of the Wu Yunqi is highly held on the altar, even if people are controversial, Wu Yushu, is also true.

And experienced this global biochemical crisis, and the human population has dropped 65%.

People call for uniform calls.

In order to pay tribute to the great hero and respond to the unified voices around the world.

In 5 years of biochemistry, on July 10th, the special days of this hero, all human countries officially announced the establishment of the World League.

All countries around the world, announced abolition of the original national system, officially entered the world alliance system, and re-cast a new financial system, be sure to achieve effective and stable international new order.

Human began to enter the light era since this day.

Then, on the second day, the World Alliance was unprecedented to announce that the quantum-entangled space transfer technology has made breakthrough progress, and human beings will be officially entered in the Star Colonial Era.

All mankind is cheering!

At the same time, the various sects are not announcing, these heroes are the gods of the teaches to return to the saints between the world.

Interestingly, all of human beings, because of this statement, in human history, the first official reached such a universal consensus.

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