The Return of the Saint

The return of the saints returning to Chapter 284

Due to the global unity of human society, all kinds of conflicts of contradictions continue, urgently need a new idea to guide the new century, master the infinite energy.

So, in the strong appeal of people from all walks of life.

One month later, in the World League Headquarters, Les Saver City, the newly established World League capital Wu Hao City.

A philosophical debate that all religious thinking in human history is about to be officially launched.

186 new future

The debate collected all recognized directories, and top people in various philosophical fields, started the biggest thinking debate in human history.

Only participant's debaters, there are more than 100,000 people.

Among this huge forum, all the philosophical and religious thoughts of human beings have been taken out again and again, preparing to reinstate a new theoretical idea to replace all sects and mismaties in the past.

A God, Monitor, Totalism, Tynumphism, Spiritual Studies, Physical and Hydrodynamics; Democracy, Imperialism, a certainism, etc.

All my thoughts are all taken from the top people in their respective fields, take out to interpret and discuss.

In this highest hall of human thoughts, it will be produced by the entire humanity, the most authoritative thoughts, this idea will be accepted by the entire humanity and bring into the Star Colonial Times.

Therefore, as long as you can enter this ideological system, you will name the Qing Zhizhi, and the rest of the whole human civilization!

But if it is unfortunate, it is eliminated, so he is a heir to this thought system, I am afraid it will become a sinister person, and it is broken.

So, these big moles, have jumped acceleration, and in the eyes are the firm.

In this way, in this human debate, countless field debates through the latest technologies, no delay broadcasting to the entire human beings.

At the same time, while conducting civilized reconstruction work, the biggest entertainment is to watch these fight of these impassioned human thinkers.

All human beings are watching this debate.

At the beginning of the debate, there is no preheating, it enters the white heat.

The debate is thick, and it is normal.

Under the anger of both sides, the big players are even more than one.

As a result, the evolution came later, in the hall, there are people who are fighting everywhere, everywhere is a security guard.

Finally, in order to avoid the debate the General Assembly completely become a group meeting, the World Alliance will not have a fight forces, and set the debate, only standing on the platform, and both sides can debate.

On the ring, it is two kinds of fashionable cages, and both sides speak with microphones.

Although many people angry indicate that this is an insult to their personality, I can say "I don't want to automatically exit" and block all people's mouth.

People who have come in, want him to automatically exit when the debate is not ended, is a complete impossible thing.

So, in the past, all teachings and thinkers who were taken by countless people.

All in another cage is turned into another cage.

Although there is still emotional excitement, it is the other party through all the things you can throw, through the gap of the cage.

However, at least there is no bleeding incident, the entire debate hall suddenly becomes a lot.

In addition to one by one in the cage, violerts, like only angry gorilla.

This debate also is now called "debate in cage".

Later, after the battle between the two sides, the battle of the two sides came into the hot state, and the things that can be lost madly threw to the other side, and the clothes were even until the extent of red / naked.

Gradually, many people fight to naked / body status, because they think this shows their brave.

In the days of debate, many people meet the first greetings, even become

"Are you naked today?"

During the period, although a variety of things happened, this duration has been a year of human debate, which has laid the ideological cornerstone of the new human society.

It is in this great debate, assembling all human intelligence, and human beings have formed a new ideological system, which is called the interstellar ideology.

With this new ideological system, the World Alliance is creative to solve the recognized problems recognized by countless politics, finance, laws.

At the same time, the only new human belief system has also been established to maximize human awareness.

Under the guidance of the new ideology, the inventions of human awareness have created countless singularity, and they were explored by scientists and quickly applied to the entire human society.

As a result, it is expected to spend a decade or so, in just three years, it is officially coming.

Because of this, every in this debate, a prominent person, is loaded into the history of human civilization, remembering the entire interstellar human beings.

The picture evolved here, I don't know why, Wu Hao's heart began to get angry.

Then, Wu Wei saw Prince Qi and Golden Spark, and the two fame and fortune were frequently used as the most important guests by various programs. They were invited to do various memories, no matter how many times they were, people were as illustrated. Generally, as long as they participate in the programs, the ratings will rise.

In this way, I haven't lack of money and name, and the two people go around the world every day. If you are tired, you will go up and have a happy life.

However, not long, the golden ten years of light is overwhelmed.

I saw that the prince was squatted in front of the gold sparkling bed, the painful scene, his side, stood an eight-year-old little boy, this little boy was crying in bed.

I saw that the picture changed again, and the prince has appeared again.

At this moment, he seems to have been very old. He stands on a horror of a horizontal platform seems to be in an impassion.

There are countless small suspended camera, flying around this sky.

Under the rooftop, there is a biling crowd of countless dense Ma Ma, people are shouting.

"Wang Ziqi! Prince Qi! Prince Qi!"

On the electronic screen behind the prince, write the same sentence with the scrolling multi-language writing.

"The First Presidential Special Speech of Human Star Alliance"

Wu Hao's surprised mouth, the picture suddenly pulled up from the square in front of the square, until the space, you can see the entire beautiful blue planet.

A inexplicable fluctuation spread, Wu Wei felt that he understood this fluctuation, it seems to be just a feeling of self-speaking.

"This time I plan to finish this evolution, I will change a new species to play, but it seems to be very interesting now."

Another fluctuation spread, and the conclusion.

"I will observe it for 100,000 years."

At the end of the picture, Wu Hao, countless thoughts float in the mind.

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