The Return of the Saint

Shengren return chapter 285

The notice of airspace came.

"The task decision is over, the level: perfect."

"Reward 1000 points, reward items, sword Tiancian"

Get 1830 points, 180 points have been issued.

Existing boundary: 2710 points

187 extreme enjoyment

Among the void stores in the airspace, a sword slowly turned out in front of Wu Hao.

The sword is three feet, the plummet is dark, and his body is simple; the edge of the edge, but there is a cold light.

On the sword, the word "Tianshu" is in ancient.

Wu Wei stretched out the right hand and held the sword handle of the sword.

At a moment of holding, the entire sword issued a singular beep.

A strange terrorist suction, from the sword, once, let Wu Yu's body is weak, and you will fall.

But the suction did not stop, and it is still desperately trying to draw strength in Wu Yizhi.

In case, Wu Yu changed the water form.

The booming power is once again taken from Wu Yizhi.

Tiancheng swords were trembled, and it seems to have a comfortable embarrassment.

Yingying's Blu-ray, from Wu Wei's sword handle.

Slowly go to the sword to spread.

Blinking between blinks, there is a brush.

After blue, the appearance of the Tiancian sword has also changed.

Light blue swords, it seems to be transparent, there is countless sword pattern, such as water wave, laminated.

After the light, the power of the sword disappeared.

Tiancu Sword quietly lying in Wu Hao's hands, a feeling of a bloody, coming in the hands of Wu Hao, the sword is no longer a sword, but the extension of his arm.

Wu Yu lifted the sword, and casually waved in the body, the sword tip scored a mystery trajectory in the air, sharp sword blade, cutting the air, and whispering.

Just, Wu Hao likes this sword.

Lotten the sword in front of the heart, and the "display information" in Wu Hao is.

Product Name: Tianshu

Features: Reliable strain, the mystery is endless

Price: 1000 borders

Sword Spirit: None "

What is the sword spirit? Wu Yu's heart is confused, or like that parasitic in the movie drama in the sword?

Didn't get the interpretation of the airspace, Wu Wei shook his head and his mind.

The Tianchetin in the hand disappeared, and at her right hand wrist, there was a beautiful sword tattoo.

Satisfied with the texture in his hand, Wu Wei felt that this sword was very convenient.

I tried it again, and I still have no use of goods, and I have no items that can be purchased.

A waved, Wu Hao left the airspace store.

Go back to his room.

Here, the clouds are linger, in the empty, and a suspended stone is four.

I don't know why, Wu Wei came back this time, suddenly feeling that the sun rays here strong, the contour of the object also become soft.

It seems that Wu Hao's heart is slightly warm.

Maybe, is it just my illusion?

Before the line of sight, Wu Hao saw a box, the box was critical, but the box is surrounded by three strange objects.

A multicolored microphone, a blue white prisoner, a lipstick.

Seeing these three things, Wu Hao Shu-cool mood immediately affected, and it feels some heavy.

Hurry up, throw these three things into the box, and then put the box's cover.

Wu Yusong has a breath.

Get up, Wu Wei Milk Lady: "Shows Personal Information."

Name: Wu Wei (Captain)

real name:? ? (Unwaken)

Identity: Evolution

ID number: 1

Individual construct: a multi-dimensional life that is a carrier and a physical and mental triple.

Personal quality: get off

Special ability: road species? ? ?

Water form (unconscious, embarrassing, water whip, spiral pill, ice attribute)

Item: Tianshu (Sword Spirit: None)

The road to grow (mindful): Gravy

Waiting for the task: the road of saints

Overall, there is little change, but the ice attributes there should be, it should refer to the use of the ice when Wu Hao is fighting at the time of Takaz.

Thinking here, Wu Wei has a glass of water to the airspace, holding in the hand, transforming into a water form.

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