The Return of the Saint

Shengren return to Chapter 289

Why is the different people, will the room are different?

Is it a secret in the fog in the feet?

I think of this, Wu Wei decided to fly down, explore the fog of this room, what is it?

Wu Wei changed to water form, and the chest is tall and toned, jacking up this temporary dress.

Wrinkled frowned, the two meat is really uncomfortable.

Let's make a space for yourself.

Slim black leather jacket, white liner, elastic jeans that makes it easy.

Then Wu Hao flew down, put into the fog in the fog.

Under the fog, I don't know how high it is, it seems that I fly the same.

Just Wusi thought that there was no end, when I was ready to return.

A weird sound passed.

Just like ice water, when it is poured on a hot iron block, the kind of "Zi" sounds.

Under curious, Wu Wei took the sound of the sound.

The more close, the more fog becomes more.

Although "Zi" is getting bigger and bigger, it can't see anything before Wu Yu.

Suddenly, a horrible roaring rumored.

A strong sound wave shocks Wu Hao's ear to live on the spot.

Strong airflow sweeps from the front and sweeps all the fog.

I saw it, the front is a huge waterfall, and countless water flows are inclined.

But let Wu Hao shocked is not a waterfall, but a huge creature of the waterfall under a human form.

This creature is a thousand meters, just like a mountain, the whole body of the monster is red, which seems to have magma flow.

The monster's eyes are squatted in two nails. The lips are densely sutured, and the horrible sound is just the nasal sound of the monster.

A few black shackles, squatting the monsters on the cliff under the waterfall, and rushing to the water.

Under the foot of the monster is a horrible high temperature magma, this monster is constantly struggling, trying to break free.

But it can't get rid of the shackles of the shackles.

Can only endure the flushing of the water flow.

The huge amount of water poured in the huge body of the monster, but poured a raging flame that burned on the monster.

Wu Wei looked at this monster, but in his heart, he was in a strong vibration.

Suddenly, this monster seems to find Wu Hao, I saw that the nail nails on its eyes were slowed down.

After the nail leaves, the eye of the monster is not damaged, and I saw a monster opened a pair of eyes burned with flame.

In the eyeball, it is mapped, except for the reflection of Wu Hao, there is only an angry.

Looking at the eyes of the monster, Wu Yu is cold.

It seems that this pair of eyes, there is a strange magic, which has already made himself thoroughly.

In front of this horrible giant, it is like naked / body, and people panic.

In a strong fear, Wu Wei immediately shouted in awareness.

"Let me leave the airspace!"

In an instant, Wu Wei disappeared in the original place.

Huge human monsters, quietly looked at Wu Yu disappeared.

There are countless new slimming fog, gradually covering this monster figure, but the monster is densely sutured, but quietly has a strange amplitude.

190 strange man

At this moment, the sky has not yet dawn, people are still sleeping, but they have been separated from the fast-moving period, and they are preparing for waking up.

"Ah ~~~ !!!!"

As an exclamation, a boy slammed from the bed.

His big mouth breathed, fine sweat beads constantly emerged in his forehead.

Skinny body, clearing the five senses.

Wipe the sweat on the forehead, Wu Hao, with the forehead, recalling the dream, the moment of moment.

I only feel that I have done a long dream, I have to be as if I will never wake up.

The specific content is not remembered, but Wu Wei remembers that the pair of eyes awakened.

Fire red pupil, the center seems to have endless flames in crazy burning, inside, is anger and hatred.

Now, as long as I think, Wu Wei feels that the pair of flaming is floating in front of her own, and the west look seems to have went deep into their own inner depths.

Shake the head, Wu Wei smashed the things in the dream.

Looking at the window, there is a slightly lifting, but it is a short distance from the past.

I have no sleep no longer sleep.

Wu Wei wears a good clothes, sitting on the bed, meditation.

He always feels that there is something wrong with it, but I don't know what is wrong.

Just like this dream tonight, it is already the third time.

After reading the date, there is a day before two months.

The geirman dreams appear every time the fixed date? Is there any special meaning?

I scratched my head, still there is no idea.

Forget it, I don't think more, I just add trouble, or to wash it first.

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