The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 290

Go to the bathroom and open the light.

Wu Wei looked at the mirror and widened his eyes.

what happened? How do you become so white?

Wu Yan got to the mirror, I looked around, the white and shiny skin, immediately let Wu Hao's appearance, rose by the passers-by, and rose to the handsome man.

Especially the cold eyes, compare the white skin, will immediately let the opposite sex feel that this is an iceberg beauty, there is an attractive force that makes it difficult to inhibit women.

To know, if a person is positive, then the skin of his skin is improved, it will cause an appearance to produce a change in bone.

Just like Wu Hao, the passers-party party, immediately advanced to the class of grass grazing level.

Wu Wei looked at the mirror and frowned.

How is this white? Is it sick?

When I thought here, Wu Wei was shocked, and there were countless possible to emerge in my mind.

Dermatology, hospital inspection, skin cancer, no money, school donation, no medicine, no medicine, Wu Wei, enjoy the 17 years old, sudden.

"" Wu Wei took a shot his face, and quickly stopped his horrible Lenovo in his mind, told himself, nothing, absolutely fine.

But I didn't have a mood early, hurryly wash it, I have to go to the hospital for examination.

Passing through the hall, Wu Hao looks at the ashes, photos, beer bottles on the table.

Stopped in a hurry, under the table, took out three fragrant, squat, ignited, and inserted into the incense burner.

Tap, left the room.

A gentle "I am gone", echoing in this cold house, only the red incense above the incense burner is slowly emitting.

In a blink of an eye, Wu Wei sat in the hospital, holding a bunch of inspections in his hand.

Large tone, okay, everything is normal.

I looked at my empty wallet, Wu Yu's heart pain, one morning, more than 700.

If you have a little more, you can eat two months of living expenses.

Now Wu Hao, after the Hong Old Pen, the hand is getting rich.

But when I think of Hong Lao, Wu Yu is in the heart to feel this money.

Shake the head, Wu Hao no longer ruined these.

Going back to the room, I am preparing to give myself down bowl.

I found a middle-aged man who smoked in the lobby, and drums drums in the back waist, revealing a black gun handle.

Twist, middle-aged man smiled slightly in Wu Wei:

"I haven't seen you for a long time, a blink of an eye, Xiao Wu is so big."

Wu Wei smashed, closed the door, silent to move a chair and sat over.

The middle-aged man shook his head.

"You still don't think about talking?"

Wu Yu nodded.

Middle-aged men sigh, no more talk.

For a time, there is only a cigarette in the house to slowly.

"For so many years, no matter what happens, you should make him past."

Wu Wei was silent, and nodded.

The middle-aged man took the shoulder of Wu Hao, smiled:

"The child who loves to hide in the corner is also a handsome guy, and time is really fast."

Wu Wei is just nodded, just a hands gripping, showing it, his heart is not as calm as him.

Middle-aged man, seeing, gentle road: "When the thing is in the same year, there is no relationship with you, everything is already in the past, you are still young, study hard, go to experience life."

Wu Wei seems to be relaxed.

"How suddenly thinks here?"

When I heard Wu Hao, the middle-aged man flashed a little look of inexplicably.

"You don't have to ask too much, I just remembered, I haven't been there for several years, come and see today."

Wu Wei asked

"Are you still doing those jobs?"

Middle-aged man smiled.

"There is no way, organize arrangements, when the police, you must get this skin."

Get up, the middle-aged man took the shoulders of Wu Hao again.

"I listen to your class teacher, you are very good in school, it is a good child, continue to keep it, come back next time."

There are not a few steps, the middle-aged man suddenly remembered what, turning away, put a key in Wu Hao's hand.

"Since you are already in adulthood, then my mission is also over."

"You have to be a good person in the future, don't go to the laws and messy things, I don't want to see you in the interrogation room."

After that, the middle-aged man laughed.

Wu Wei came to, smiled.

The middle-aged man sighed and turned to get ready to leave.

In the middle-aged man is going to leave, a sentence is from behind.

"Retire early, pay attention to safety!"

The middle-aged man's mouth hangs a gratified smile, and waved behind him.

I don't leave.

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