The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 383

All the black robe people came together to Wu Yuchong, a close black robes were near, and they were kicked out by Wu Hao, hit a string of black robe.

But more black robes have rushing to Wu Hao.

Then a one-piece and black robe pressed against the body of Wu Wei.

Just like a hill, the more heap it.

Piled up in Wu Wei in the following, hit the fist in the waist, snorted to the teeth, breathe, and quickly pursted short distances in all directions.

The horrible Juli came from the bottom of the person, so that the whole person swells outward, after two consecutive expansion, with the bloody rain, the whole person is full of flying.

More is the broken black robe, which is broken on the floor of the roof, which is chemically made of viscous blood.

The black people who pressed the top of the person, even directly to the top, dropped the roof.

The most central office, slowly climbed from a pile of strong blood, except for a pair of black and white eyes, the whole person has become a blood, all body is soaked.

Shaking your head, getting off the blood on the head.

Wu Wei stood on the roof.

The black robe sitting on the throne, but his mouth revealed a mysterious trail.

He looked at his hand gently, and Wu Wei standing on the roof.

In an instant, Wu Hao only felt that the three thousand six thousand pores came to a horrible suction, like a lot of blood, and the whole body was smashed, and the stabbing was extremely.

Wu Hao did not help himself called the self-director.

The black robes slowly raised their hands, turbid black blood, wrapped a small group of red crystal blood, floating into the black robe, the black robe man holding the red blood, smiled:

"Even if you can immunize my blood, I can't turn you into blood, but this doesn't mean that I can't absorb your blood!"

Run your hand, hold the bright red blood, and the blood group quietly integrated into the pale palm of the black robe.

Wu Hao's hard single hand, squatting on the ground, the body continued to tremble because of the pain of just pain.

The black robe smiled:

"I have to see, can you take a few times a few times in your body?"

254 's thoughts

On the roof of the empty, a group of black robes chased Wu Wei, fast moving.

Wu Wei's constant foot kicking, punching, elbow, knee; but still constantly being forced to escape.

The black robe is sticky, hurts, holding the waist, pulls legs; everything is extremely slow, Wu Wei is slightly slow, and it is a group of people to create blood, and they are on his body.

When Wu Wei was completely cast by blood, the black robes sitting on the bloody throne would raise their hands, let Wu Yu screamed.

After several consecutive times, Wu Yu was weak, and his hands were supported on the ground and gasped.

A large number of blood loss makes his skin have lost the ruddy and gloss of the past, becoming pale.

The past is not expensive, it seems to have become struggling.

Wu Hao only felt that it was another battle of dizziness, and there was a little uncomfortable at the heart.

The black robe on the bloody throne, laughing:

"A normal human body, about 5000 to 6000ml, 500ml of blood loss, no abnormal symptoms; the blood loss reaches 20%, that is, 1000ml or more, there is a dangerous symptom; the blood loss is one-third, then You are not far from death. "

"It's better to guess, now you, is it not far from death?"

Wu Hao did not reply, he just grab all the opportunity to rest.

Because, the surrounding black robe, once again recovering the original, standing from the ground.

Wu Wei is too estimated that according to the current physical condition, I am afraid that I have been sucking twice, I will completely lose action.

I took a deep breath, and I was in my heart.

Continue to delay time, this is the only thing you can do.

Wu Wei is very clear, it is not a person who is fighting, after his body, there is a person who is a whole team, is working.

The black robes looked at the fighting spirit of Wu Hao, and it could not help but somewhat uncomfortable.

He is ridiculous to Wu Wei: "Why do you have to resist? If you have your strength, you will dare to stop my blood magic from getting strength?"

Wu Hao stranched: "You said, I don't understand."

The blood magic laughed, the more the more and more sound, and the more you smoke.

"Yeah, you don't understand, how can you understand?"

"This world, the world is the world of weak meat, people oppressed each other; hypocritical smiles are filled with every place in the world, which makes me deeply disgusted this disgusting society! Hey! Those who have money than I have All of them are earned by despicable means! Those who are officials, all are greedy corruption! Those who have a beautiful woman, all of which are rich people's small three and spare tires! "

"There is no fair in this world, and there is no existence of justice! Some, only a shocking dirty and dark!"

"I want to become a strong, I want to be the strongest person in the world! I just want to be above everyone! There is no power of the mortal, but it is a group of garbage ordinary antity!"

Wu Hao said: "So, can you have your strength, can you get rid of your antity born?"

Blood magic laugh, laugh!

"You said, I can't refute it, because my life is a poor antique ant, but now! This antity has got a powerful power!"

"Now I, see who is unhappy, I will kill him! Which woman is looking at it! Anyone who has bullied me, there are nose and tears, and I have killed it to death by my life. ! I can ignore anything that bind the antity of the moral and garbage law, I despise all rules! Because I am the only person who is eligible to develop all rules, all rules should serve me, this is hard, cool, cool Can't be cool! "

Wu Wei frowned:

"You are too tyranny, now you are just the pain you have received in a simple vent."

"You don't dare to face them, so you can revenge those who are weak and innocent than you. You will let you have to become the most disgusted person, now you, and those who have bullied you. What is the difference? "

The blood magic is sitting on the throne, slightly, looking at your hands down, human:

"I became the most disgusted person I have ever."

Then, the blood of the gods slammed up from the throne, and there was a strong momentum.

"You! What do you know? How can you understand the pain I have been there? How can you understand what I have suffered from this society?"

"You don't understand! You don't understand anything! It is like this kind of natural look, and it's a dog that is effective for the country. It can understand the white eyes and unscrupulous people who have suffered from the bottom of our society. Your person I have been completely brainworked by the state! What is the coward? Who is a coward? You are a true coward! "

"This world is a junk world that is ruled by power! I just want to be the kind of person who once bullied me! Because, this is free to release the darkness of the darkness, it is your hunger that you have a fascinator. a ha ha ha!"

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