The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 384

"So, in order to get the power sufficient to rule the world, tonight, I have to pay these antithesis in Yin City, and get the power of over all countries!"

After saying, the blood magic raised his hand, and a group of black robes was treated with a bloody curtain.

Then I was pursued.

"Are you not a Madrine? Are you not a dog's goog? Are you not to defend the people? Do you say that I am a coward?"

"You are giving me it! Come over, kill me! Come over to save the life of people in Yin City!"

The black robe raised his hand again, and he saw Wu Huan hugged his body. It rolled down on the ground. The power struggled even took out several crack huge depression.

Another group of blood came out of the body from Wu Wei. After this, lying on the ground side.

Wu Yu will, his lips have been dry, the head is painful, the body is weak, thirst is unusually, very much very much. Water.

If it is because of the reason for the last silk, Wu Wei even can't help but drink this, it is slowly condensed into human shaped blood.

The blood magic looked on the side, still supported the body, wanted to stand up again, smiled:

"Take a look at you, how can I not believe that such a perfect face will grow up in a man, or if you die, tell me that you are a man, I am afraid I will hit you a sense of consciousness. In revenue my hometown, that is, at least this evening, you can don't have to die. "

"But since I told me, you are a man, so unfortunately, you can only die here tonight, because my blood magic people, there is no sex to men, hahaha ~"

After finishing, it was a bloody to poured Wu Hao, but Wu Yilong didn't have the strength of the flash.

The blood laughed in Wu Hao:

"Don't give you farewell, you will only put the gilly of the Monarch!"

After reaching, Wu Yu sent a very sharp scream, this sound with a strong penetration, a few want to puncture the cloud.

There is strong, pain, helplessness, and sadness.

Then I lie down in the bloody, I lost my consciousness.

255 blood magic body

A group of black robes, standing densely ladied around Wu Wei in the ground.

The blood magic on the throne, slowly dropped from the air, and he looked at the side of the side lying on the ground, just like playing easy to pull the can, casually kicking Wu Wei kicking the guardrail on the roof On the ground, a human form of recess was hit by a life.

Wu Hao squirts a big blood, from the in the coma, I can't help it, but I can only pull my head, I am weak.

The blood of the gods came over and stepped on the side face of Wu Hao with the foot, and he died on the cement.

"It turned out to be alive? Your waste!"

After that, use the feet and hike, directly kick it in the air, then raise his hand to hold the neck of Wu Hao, and smiled:

"Don't you just have a hard? How do you say something now?"

Wu Yizhang has a blue, trying to open the lips, but there is no air in breathing.

The blood magic will be in front of himself, and smiled.

"Is it very uncomfortable? Is it very painful? This blames you too weak!"

"The weak is in this world, there is no words! Do you think you are? Still tm a high high-top look? Do you have this qualification? Do you know those insults I have been in the school? You know me Is it painful by my parents? You know that I have been indifferent as a loser in the eyes of others? "

"No! You don't understand anything! It is like this kind of flowers in this greenhouse. It is not known to have a lot of people who have never bullied and insulted, and this is the reason for the gap in our strength! "

"Your idea is right? Is my idea wrong? These all have any meaning! Reality is, I am better than you! The result is you dead, and I will continue to live!"

"Dead, it is wrong; it is alive,"

"This is right! This is wrong!"

With the continuous tightening of the palm of the blood, Wu Hao's consciousness has also begun to gradually blur.

"Look at you around, these have been killed by me, and there are people who are willing to be killed!"

"Pain? Remorse? Is it sad? Desperate?"

"If you want to blame, you will blame you it is too weak! Waste! Summer! Miscellaneous!"

"Hahaha ~!"

Wu Hao's eyelids are getting more and more sourced, and the sight is beginning to become clear.

Looking at this face of this face, lifting himself in the air of the air.

The blood magic is just a fourteenth, five-year-old teenager, looking at the twisted facial features and violent eyes.

Wu Wei didn't know why, suddenly I felt a little laugh.

"What is the insult to be in the school? What parents have ignored? What is the indifference?"

"In the end, who? Is it the flowers in the greenhouse?"

But yourself by this guy, I can only let him discred and insult yourself, it is really wrote!

Obviously, this guy is just a real coward!

Obviously, this guy in front of him is just because of fear and chooses to endure because of enduring and choosing to distort his soul!

However, you can't say it in a sentence.

why? Why is that?

Slowly, Wu Hao is desperately struggling with the hands and low.

Yes, although I don't want to admit it, this guy says it is right.

That is, it's too weak.

Because I am too weak, I killed people fighting with me.

Because I am too weak, I am about to kill people in Yin City.

Because I am too weak, I killed people who are very important to themselves.

Very important person?

Wu Wei always thinks there is such a person, but who is this person?

I can't stand it. I only feel that I think of this, there is a strong sadness to be completely overwhelmed.

This sadness is so strong, so that the pain is not enough.

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