The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns 401

After finishing, Cui Teacher was happy to take the shoulder of the king:

"Good kid, or because your two two valids are too low, maybe it can be rated as S-level."

Wang Dadou smiled silly.

Wu Wei is looking at Wang Dado Seli Road:

"Is there two s? Then his abilities are defense strengthen?"

Cui Jiao said nodded:

"We have tested last night, his defensive power is strong, no matter whether any weapon is used, even the laser cannot cut his skin, it is really surprised."

Hearing here, Wang Dadou seems to think of what, suddenly hit a snoring, shake:

"I am dying! I will never do those inexplicable tests."

Wu Wei looked at Cui Teacher, and Cui Jiaguan smiled.

"Wang Dadou's ability has a side effect, that is, he will feel the painful feelings of how big strengths have been affected."

Wu Wei Shen Si:

"That is to say, although his defense has almost reached the unbreakable point, if it is too painful, will he lose his fight?"

Cui Jiaotian nodded, then got up:

"Well, basic situation, you also know, Wu Wei, because of his ability and the dependence on you, Wang Dadou joined your team, and as a shield of your team, his ability is enough, this is also The meaning of it; after all, his mind is still in the level of ten-year-old children, you will take care of you. "

Wu Yu sighed a breath:

"I am here to not bring my children."

Cui Jiao official, laugh, laughing, took the shoulder of Wu Wei:

"Since you have come back, you will be responsible for it, and if you feel in the street, you will be back. You are really good, good, don't pull, Wang Dadou's dormitory, I have already arranged him, he knows, now time is almost, you have two time to have breakfast, I have to go in advance. "

After that, Cui Jiaguan left.

I have left Wu Wei and Wang Dadou, and Wang Dadou found Wu Hao to see himself, showing a slut and smiled:

"Wu Hao Sister!"

Wu Hao's brow is screwed into a Sichuan word, said:

"Don't add your sister two words!"

Wang Dadotou said:

"Okay, Wu Hao"! "

Wu Wei suddenly felt that his head was hurting again.

I remembered that I didn't work last night, Wu Wei felt still, Wang Dadou loves how to call it, he doesn't matter.

"Let's go, I will take you to the cafeteria, I will recognize the road."

"Good ~"

On the way to the cafeteria, I happened to meet the scenery of the morning exercise is preparing to eat breakfast.

Give the scenery of the snow, let the two have learned each other, and the three will go to the canteen together.

Along the way, the turning rate is 100%.

After all, a beautiful black military girl, a faceful super handsome guy, plus a longitudinal height of 2 meters 2, a cross-shaped big man in crossing a meter 3, these three people think that others are also difficult.

The pedestrians on the road often attracted attention by the exaggerated body of Wang Dadou, and the three people were approaching. The men's eyes were all condensed on the face of Wu Hao. In the brightest snow.

Three people, just like the black hole of the eyes, make people move their eyes.

For such gaze, the scenery of the scenery is determined, and it is not intentionally.

Wu Wei is already used to it, and it will not be as good as before, and Wang Dadou is still aware of the attention of others.

Come to the cafeteria, people who come to people, but more, but also wearing a casual, wearing military uniform soldiers and officers, but a few.

Naturally, there is no more no order than before the cafeteria.

But when Wu Hao walked into the moment, the sound of the sound of the canteen was strange, and then boiled.

"I am, see that the mammoth is not? So is it a basketball player?"

"Heaven, how can there be such a beautiful girl in the three yuan? God ~ Thank you, give me this miracle, it is still saved three times."

"Goddess! My goddess actually appeared again! Just watching, I feel that I have gotten it! It is too happy!"

At this moment, a girl who is queuing makes his companion's hand, shouted:

"Jia Jia, look at the boys, ah ~! Hao Hao ~! Is it a star? I want to have a sign!"

But I found my girlfriend, it is already a delusional ideal that I have a face, full of small stars.

But there are some people who are more cold and quiet, they are whispered:

"Hey, do you see the female body in the black army of the golden silk? The earliest related videos circulated in the dark network is related to this woman. And I didn't remember the wrong, the woman Very strong, the trump card in the Huasuo troops, is said that only a person is suppressed with all the Athly A-class events above Hua Prefecture. "

"What is so strong? Is it too exaggerated?"

"The reliability of my intelligence, you know, even if you don't necessarily have such an exaggeration, it is definitely not a weak, and this woman is very famous among the aliens. Do you know?"

"What is the number?"

"Because she is strong and extremely oppressed, it is very strong and called the 'strongest king' in the dark online."

268 canteen

Wu Wei did not know that he was already famous in the dark network, and there was a top out of this domineering.

But if he knows, I am afraid it will only be depressed.

After that, the three people have made meals and sit on a table.

Just sat down, Wang Dadou looked at the meals in front of the look, wiped the mouth of the mouth, and asked a little sorry:

"Wu Wei sister, I can really eat such good food? How is it really eat?"

Looking at Wang Dadou, I reached out against the food, reach it to half, and quickly retract; like a thief, look around, sit in the chair, Wu Wei can't help but sigh:

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