The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 402

"Eat, eat it, it's okay, you have a meal, you don't waste it."

Wang Dou suddenly put down the scruples in his heart, holding a plate.

The scenery of the scenery suddenly put down the tableware, gently coughed, attracted Wu Yu and Wang Dadou's attention.

Look at the scenery seems to have any important words, and even the Wang Dado, which is concentrated and the food, does not help but slow down his eating speed.

I saw the scenery of the scenery:

"Wu Wei, you are really a girl!"

Wu Yu hand shakes, almost put on the dining plate in front of the scenery of the snow.

Wang Dadou stopped eating, nodding and said:

"The scenery, you are so powerful, you will see it, don't know why, Wu Wei's sister wants to lie to me, don't want me to call my brother, I am not a child who can't miss my brother, how can I be Law! "

Jing Xue's heart is facing the Wang Dadao:

"Yes, big head, Wu Yiming is my sister, but I have to let you call him that my brother is wrong. You are a good child, you must help your sister to correct the mistake!"

Wang Dadou listened to the praise of Jing Sah, and smiled on his face. The rice didn't care, and the chest was shocked.

"Scene Brother, you can rest assured, I will help Wu Yizhen's sister to correct the mistake!"

Then Wang Dadou turned his face, and his face was facing Wu Wei:

"Sister, you see, Lianjing big brother knows that you are lie to me, saying lies is not good, you have to be with big head, as an honest good child!"

Looking at Wang Dado's face of a big look, Wu Yu put on the green gluten, and took the steel spoon in the hand.

The scenery of the scenery will not be installed again, and the table will start laughing.

In confused, he suddenly laughed in front of the scene, Wang Dadou asked Wu Wei:

"My sister, what is the brother of the scenery?"

Wu Hao, a slap in the tiger's back of Wang Dadou, did not have a good airway:

"Hurry and eat your meal, I have sold the fool of the money."

Wang Dadou scratched his head and didn't understand what happened just now, but he is still an obedience and the food in front of the food.

After such a small episode, the lattice between the two people between Wu Hao and Jing Xuefeng is much more.

A little joke that is innocent is a good way to pull the distance between strangers.

After all, it is a young person, and there is a topic between the two people.

And Wang Dadou is concentrated, not for a while, the food in front is empty.

He not only took all the dishes, but also licked a dry oil on the plate.

Even so, he is still embarrassed, I am sorry to re-play a plate.

After all, I can come here, and eat such a good food, I have made Wang Dadou feel like I am in my dreams.

He worried that he had too much to eat too much, scared Wu Hao sister, and what if he didn't care about himself?

Wu Hao, chatted with Jing Xiaofeng, pays attention to Wang Dadou's shy.

He didn't say much, but the tradition took up the Daddy's empty food, and went to the window to play a large plate of food, posing in front of Wang Dadou:


Wang Dadou looked at the rich food, and the expression of Wu Hao's face.

I don't know why, all this scene overlaps with a scene in his memory.

On that day, he and his old man were only found in the trash can, and the old man is like this, with a pair of faces, but also said to him.


Touching the scene, I think I can't see my old man, I can't help but I can't help it. When I hold Wu, I started wow, crying, crying, and tears, I painted in Wu Hao's clothes.

Wu Wei did not push Wang Dadou, but looked up his hand gently patted the back of this husband and whispered:

"Stupid, want to cry, cry, there are so many people who are watching, it will be smiled by others."

Wang Dadou still only took care of the head in Wu Hao's arms, cried.

Seeing this scene, a chopstick dropped sound in the entire cafeteria.

At first, those boys thought that Wu Wei and Jing Xuefeng were pair, watching two people talking about laughing, although it is very unwilling, but because of the differences between appearance, it can only be admitted.

But I didn't expect that the big man who has always thought it was a big man in my heart, but not only the goddess did not mind, but even the man sat next to it, there was no reaction.

A group of boys immediately painted in my heart, and a good flower inserted on cow dung.

Many girls in the cafeteria have been staring at Wu Hao. It is much less than the enemy's eyes, but there is a lot of weird eyes.

Wu Wei did not care about other people's eyes, but the Wang Dado, who was waiting to be stable.

To the scenery of the scenery:

"Do you have a paper? This idiot applies my nose and tears, I am everywhere."

Jing Xue wind took a pack of paper towels from arms and handed it to Wu Wei.

But the scenery of the scenery is that Wu Hao took out the paper, but wiped his clothes on his clothes. Instead, it was first carefully to wipe the tears on his face first.

Looking at Wang Dadou, I finally calmed my emotions, Wu Wei stood in front of the big head, picked up, touching the top of the big head, gentle road:

"Cry enough, just eat, no longer eat, the rice is cold."

At this time, the cold breath of the ice belt was completely melted, and only the spring breeze was left.

This moment, people in the cafeteria, no matter what men and women, they were shocked by the beauty of Wu Hao at the moment.

It was already beautiful enough, this is like a strange light, which is impressive and cannot speak.

Those who have been full of heartless, but there is no more emotions in my heart, but they are all in my heart, fortunately, this big cry, let them see this seems to be beautiful in this world. Screen.

I just saw a moment, my mind seems to have got the most thorough cure.

Wang Dadou looked at Wu Hao in front of him, grinning secretly:

"Sister, you can see it when you don't go to face!"

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