The Return of the Saint

Southern Returned Chapter 403

After saying, Wang Dadou bowed and started to eat.

At this time, Wu Hao used a paper towel and wiped the place where his clothes were blurred by Wang Dad, and he continued to eat like a business.

Jing Xiaofeng looks at Wu Wei in front of him, doubts:

"Wu Wei, you and Wang Dadou really only know that day is not? Does he really have a brother who lost for many years?"

Wu Yu nodded.

Jing Xuefeng gently patted his hand, admire:

"You really have seen the most beautiful people, no one, if I am very sure you are a genuine boy, I will definitely be a moment when I have just been."

Wu Hao has no expression:

"What is your saying? Can you eat?"

After finishing, I also lifted my fingers the food in front of the scene.

Jing Xue wind slightly, she understands Wu Wei's meaning, haha, laugh:

"Yes, right, big land, big belly, eat, eat ~"

269 ​​Mall shopping

After a few people finished, they left the cafeteria.

Because there are some things to be dealt, they will leave.

And Wu Hao looked at the Wang Dadou next to him, Wang Dadou wearing a large super large military uniform.

It seems that I have to buy some clothes that I can change, Wu Wei looks at the military uniforms on my body. His own clothes are only military uniforms and a set of casual, because it is trouble, there is no home clothes together. .

So Wu Hao returned to the dormitory, reversed the staining army, replaced the casual, and called a big head, calling a taxi with mobile phone software to buy clothes outside the mall outside the military camp.

When I was on the road, I looked at the side of myself. When I got a face, I looked at the surrounding Wang Dadou, but Wu Wei asked himself in my heart, why would you be so good about a person who doesn't meet?

Why will you be self-hearted when you look at this big man with a stupid?

Is it because of sympathy? Or is it for pity?

If you can't help, Wu Hao remembers, the body in the tent.

Wu Yu Ming, in fact, he is just a disease with the Dynasty.

Wang Dadou looked at his loved ones in front of him, and his eyes looked at his father in front of himself.

Because there is the same experience, it can understand that the desperation and hope who can save their own strengths.

Looking at the taxi, it seems that it seems that the first time I took a taxi, I was shocked, and Wu Hao's heart was slightly warm.

Yes, I am actually just compensating, compensating the past myself in the heart.

At least, there is a person who has the same experience with yourself, can get the eager to get warmth.

Then, the past is the past, maybe you can get a few more comfort.

With this, Wu Hao suddenly felt a wide in the heart, because he suddenly found that he had some understanding and understanding of his own inner heart.

Soon, the car is coming, there is nothing to say in the mall.

Wu Hao's clothes are still bought, just a bit of trouble of Wang Dadou's clothes.

Because the model is too big, you can find a few more and you can always find it.

Wang Dadou came out of the dressing room, tall and strong body, plus the decent clothes, the stupidness on the face died.

Strong, powerful figure, let a few passes of young women look red face.

Wu Wei found Wang Dadou's collar, and reached out to help him adjust it.

The female sales of women next to him is envious:

"Two feelings, it is really good to envy!"

Wang Dadou has a face:

"Of course, my sister is best for me."

The salesperson heard the words, consciously lost, hurry and sisely:

"Sorry, the original two is a brother, you can really have a good sister, I just thought that the two were a couple!"

Wu Wei frowned, I wanted to speak to explain that I am a man, I don't say it.

If it is said, it is necessary to explain a lot of pile.

What is the people who meet in Pingshui, why should it say so much nonsense?

So Wu Hao Langu:

"Nothing, it is ok, just this set."

After brushing the card, the two will continue to buy.

As a person who enters tens of thousands of people, now Wu Hao spends a lot of money on money.

No deliberately avoid expensive clothes, and there is no cheap clothes.

Purely followed, I look at the store to try it, I bought it.

Because it is a very ordinary shopping mall, there is no particular expensive dress.

I spent a few thousand pieces, I purchased a lot of clothes for myself and Wang Dadou.

Of course, things are all handed over to Wang Dabo, although these things are not good, Wu Wei is too troublesome.

Wang Dadou is like a baby, and carefully puts a lot of bags in his hand, I am afraid that I accidentally stain them.

Along the way, two a highly short combination is very eye-catching.

Because Wu Yizhen is generous, buy clothes is just trying to finish, as long as it is not difficult to look, they will buy it directly.

The salespersons of this layer of clothing are stare at this pair of combinations in both eyes, so good customers, no salesperson will not like it.

Each time Wu Hao has finished his clothes, when you come out, you will always look at the eyes of the vendor, and the surrounding men's eyes are straight.

Wu Wei is a bit helpless, come to buy clothes, and also holding the idea that might look through the clothing, which can make you look less weak.

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