The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 558

Looking at the river that rolled away from the distance, Wu Wei suddenly rushed.

River water has its own belongings, can you now, where should I go?

Wu Hao didn't want to return to the military camp so fast, touched his stomach, he felt that his stomach was a bit hungry.

Get up, a few jumping, jumping from the bridge.

Walking on a dark road and not seeing around.

There is no street light around, only occasionally passing vehicles, bringing a flashing bright light.

Walking in such a dark silence, Wu Wei feels a weird security.

He is like a small animal that is injured in the corner, the dark world, which brings him a feeling of uninhabilitation.

Walking, Wu Wei found that there is a warm pale yellow light in the darkness in front.

A old man wearing a small vest is sitting under the light, soaring the Erlang legs, smoking in the mouth, sucking the dry smoke.

Beside the old man, parked a iron-shaped car; on the cars, put a bucket rolling high soup, high soup, is the firewood burning.

The old man took a dry smoke and lost a wood from time to time.

Looking at this pull-up stall posing on the roadside, Wu Yu is surprised.

In this rushing place, there will be someone selling ramen on the roadside.

Originally, Wu Wei wants to leave here, but when passing this ranking, the barrel is rolling, and a strange fragrance is exuded.

Wu Wei only felt that he suddenly moved his foot. He didn't know that it was sitting on a small table before the ramen stall.

I thought about it, Wu Wei is still a way:

"Boss, come to a bowl!"

The old man has been in the guests, but it is not anxious. It should only be, and the shake is standing from the small bench.

Take a bowl from the car, it has been pulled in advance, and it will be in the high soup, and the soup is put into a bowl, put on the chopsticks, just give Wu Hao.

Looking at this blink of the blink of the blink, Wu Hao's mouth pulled gently.

Can this also raise?

There is no seasonings inside, only silky faces with clear bottom soup.

The previous fragrance is filled with high soup, and there is no fear of the slightest in this bowl, it seems like it is white boiled water, let people look suddenly.

The old man is lazy, let Wu Wei can't help but want to hit the table.

"121 blocks 5 hair, thank you."

It is no wonder that selling ramen in this ridiculous mountain, the feelings are special.

Although Wu Wei really wants a punch to fly this stinky old man, it can look at this old man, standing to stand unstable, Wu Wei helpless.

Forget it, more than a hundred pieces, he is not good today, too lazy and this old man.

Wu Wei touched the pocket, there is no cash today, and he doesn't know enough.

When I took the money, Wu Wei thought in my heart, waiting for a while, I would not be enough to flash people, anyway, this old man is also in pit.

However, after all the money in the pocket, Wu Wei was surprised.

There are not many things on the table, just 121 blocks.

Is it so clever? Is it wrong with it?

I haven't waited for Wu Yu's reproduction, the old man is playing, and the table is full of money. It is all in his trouser pocket. It is actually not the number, it looks like a bamboo look.

After receiving the money, the old man has been tight, like who owes him money, no face, is finally better.

He used tobacco pipe to Wu Hao:

"Little doll, hurry to eat, this is cold, you can eat it."

Looking at the empty desktop, Wu Wei came back to God.

Look at this old man's light car, I'm afraid that I have already opened a black store for many years, but I can just see how much I have brought.

Wu Wei shook his head, forget it, he was too lazy to have a faster old man.

Although it is a bit uncomfortable, Wu Wei decided to taste this bowl of noodles worth more than one hundred pieces.

Pick up the chopsticks, looked at the bowl in front of this bowl without any spices, even if he is now hungry, he looks at this bowl of clean soup, he still can't afford any appetite.

Do you really eat this kind of thing?

The old man didn't go, just sit in the opposite of the Wu Hao table, soared to the two lang legs, smoking in the mouth:

"Small doll, taste it!"

Looking at this old man sitting opposite, a look of a face, Wu Wei felt that he was angry.

Forget it, eat a bite, don't eat it, you will take it, today is really unlucky!

Pick up the chopsticks and carefully put a few wires and put it in your mouth.

While chewing, Wu Hao thought in his heart:

As soon as this ghost, you are making flowers, or you can't get it.

Sure enough, although the ramen is excellent, the entrance is smooth, but because there is no fragrance, it can't eat any flavor.

After eating this, Wu Hao is thinking to open this old head, but in the moment of opening, Wu Hao lives.

In his mouth, it began to have a sweet taste of a sweet sour, a sweet and happy taste from the bottom of the heart.

In the meantime, Wu Wei seems to return to the first day of the first time and Ji Ru Yue, that day, Ji Ru's warm flavor; that day, my heart is sweet and sweet, the kind of heartbeat acceleration The tension is all in front of him.

Then, Wu Hao's hand couldn't help but pick the chopsticks, and started the big mouth of the big mouth.

This bowl ramen is like there is a weird magic. Every mouth is very different, and every bite will hooked the memories in Wu Yu and the feelings and emotions of the past.

In the memories, Wu Wei once again saw his father taught himself to do noodles; there is also the days of Cheng Uncle to cook themselves; and Hong Lao personally kissed himself, drinking with himself That one is still not known to know the night;

Wu Hao is getting more and more urgent, very fast, and it is completely eaten by Wu Hao.

However, the soup in the bowl must not give up. He just wants to continue to eat, eat forever, once again, once again experience the past buried in his depths, those happiness, happiness, pain and profound A moment, let them reproduce in front of themselves.

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