The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 559

Wu Hao took directly to the bowl, and the big mouth of the big mouth was drinking the rest of the soup.

Finally, soup was also drunk by Wu Hao, but Wu Wei still took a bowl, sitting there, and did not know, his face, unknown, has been tearful.

And that old man, I seem to be surprised, just sitting quietly in front of Wu Hao, smoking the smoke.

Wu Hao is empty, looking at this old man, asked:

"What is this? Why is it so delicious? I haven't eaten such a delicious surface in this life."

I looked at Wu Wei with tears, and I took a silent smoke quietly, slowly spitting a cloud fog in the sky, slowly said:

"Little doll, you know, have you have a few realms in this world?"

The tears on Wu Hao still dripping down, he shaken his head.

Old man smiles:

"This world, the lowermost food, only know the taste of taste, pay attention to the taste of sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, salty, etc., under the premium, no surprise; but then, three Ok, it can't last for a long time. "

"And that medium food is entry, pay attention to the body needs of Wenyang, elegant, gentle, refreshing, etc., to satisfy people's body needs, know that they have just hurt, and they are so weak; just good, warm Fell meat; the initial entrance is flat, gradually afraid, the food is not greasy, the more the number of times, the body is getting stronger. "

As the old man is coming, Wu Hao put down the empty bowl and is coming.

"That, this is the top food? Is it what I just eaten?"

I heard the old man, haha ​​laughed:

"Good, good, this is the top food, pay attention to the heart; the taste, sour and bitter, etc., there are many kinds of endless; into the body, warm and fragrant, etc., dozens have been exhausted; I am angry with emotions, happy luck is awesome, there is no exhaustion, this kind of food, is it the same thing about the medium flow? "

After listening to the old man, Wu Yu's heart is faintly comprehension.

"Listening to you is food, I feel that this is like life. I would like to ask the old man, this is the top food, how did you do it?"

After the dry smoke in the old man, but did not put it back, he just put down the pipe and seriously said:

"This is the top food, pay attention to the day, the land, people, and the lack of one can, although it is very difficult, but as long as you have the heart, you can also prepare for proper; eliminate these three, there is an object, to prepare, It's hard as it is like it! "


"No him, sincere! Absolute heart, if there is a one in mind, naturally, it will not be able to taste, this bowl is made, but a bowl of ordinary water is boiled, not worth mentioning."

After the end, the old man was on the small table, and the residual smoked slag was removed, put it on the clothes pocket, plugged into his back.

The old man is slow and standing up, taking a shot of Wu Hao's shoulder.

"Child, this life is short, but it is long, and there is a taste, it is still behind; you, you will be a slow product! Don't worry, wait until the rush, you will understand."

After that, the old man is carrying his hands, and the tremble is going to the distance.

Wu Wei looked at the gradually farther figure of this old man, looked at this car and wooden table, shouted:

"Old people, your things forget!"

"Those who have been cumbersome, it is better here, don't take it."

I saw the empty bowl on the wooden table, and Wu Hao shouted at the old man:

"The old man, then I want to eat something you do again, how much is it next?"

The old man's figure is about to completely get into the dark, and his words are lightly fluttering to Wu Hao's ear.

"All of you are."

Just finished, the figure of the old man disappeared completely.

377 floor night

Wu Wei sat in the same place, and there is a feeling that can't figure out in his heart.

Whether it is the remaining taste in your mouth, or the old man.

All like a seasoning is general, bring this night's bowl, pushing to a realm that cannot be described in words.

After a long time, Wu Hao smiled.

It turns out that this is the top food, this is the top finery.

Wipe off the tears on your face, Wu Hao didn't expect, only this night, he has cryed twice.

Slowly spit out a breath, Wu Hao stood up from the seat, re-receipt the strap of the backpack, Wu Hao looked at this ordinary odd stall, here, he met a weird old man.

After this bowl, Wu Wei only felt that he was very comfortable.

In that bowl, Wu Hao retakes his own life.

The more you have to get, the more you have to know, you can put it down, the more you are.

Compared to this all-in-one taste of this life, I haven't been asking for yourself, it seems that it is not so important.

If you are, it's not your own.

That share was released like Ji Ru Yue.

Wu Wei turned, leaving the lights of this small pull-parallel, and stepped into the dark road.

Walking, I started to have some travel from time to time on the road.

At this moment, Wu Wei suddenly realized a problem.

I have just been sitting so long in that little ramen, how to pass around a car, so quiet.

After leaving now, a car is connected, and it is interrupted.

I thought about it, Wu Wei still, maybe, just coincident?

Forget it, don't think too much.

Wu Wei touched the phone from the backpack, after booting, looked at the time displayed above.

22:00, Well, there is another hour from the access to the access, you can go back.

At your feet, you start to run quickly.

At this moment, a gorgeous sports car Mercedes-Benz on the road, putting a deafening music on the car, the owner of the car extended out the arms of the various precious rings, enjoying the nightly bones.

The owner is in this case where there is no camera, directly opens the speed of nearly one hundred and forty.

Just when the owner enjoys a high-speed flying, he turned into a blink of a glimpse, surprised from the rearview mirror and found another figure in jogging, slowly approached his car, and then tied with the body, then slowly Going forward to catch up.

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