The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 567

Every night, Chu Xing will scream from sleeping, because he always dreams that Tang Qi suddenly appeared in his bed, holding a bloody black knife, smiling at the Chinese .

For self-policy, Chu Xing took the initiative to choose a permanent redemption product, turned himself into a woman.

In this way, at least let her not have a suspicious Tang Qi to kill so soon.

However, Chu Xing knows that this cannot be long lasting. I hoped that I became an ugly woman after turning into the mind, I didn't expect to have a good appearance, which made Chu Xing shocked.

However, because the goods that have been exchanged in the face of Tang Qi, I don't dare to deliberately dismiss it, otherwise I will touch Tang Qi's extremely fragile and frangible self-esteem. It will only be difficult to see.

In this case, Chu Xing has to wait patiently to wait for the opportunity to leave this team.

However, Tang Qi is too strong. Strong to Chu Xing does not dare to rebellious, because the front foot is just killed, and the feet will be killed.

Recently, Chu Xing also felt that Tang Qi got to be a weird.

This makes Chu Xing know that there is not much time, in the airspace, for the crazy tyrant who is thinking about the next half of the body, the fragile moral concept can still be binding about him, and Chu Xing does not dare to guarantee.

If it turns into a member of the Tang Qihou, Chu Xing is preferred to choose death.

Ok, this time, the opportunity finally appeared, you can come up soon!

Quietly got a back of the man in front of him, Chu Xing secretly cheered himself:

"It's this world, the opportunity is coming, I will have a freedom at this moment, I can never reveal the horse's foot, I must live!"

"Please, 'Sudden self-improvement', you must be too weak, was crushed by Tang Qi, I couldn't escape from the palm, but I also expected you!"


In addition to Tang Qi, more challenger teams also come to this unknown continent, some people are fearful, some people are full of expectations, and people are jumping.

There are people who have a water to touch the fish ideas, and people who have united combat ideas have it, and people who have a falling stone idea will also have it.

Different ideas, different beliefs, different judgments, different opinions, different purposes; will lead to this challengers in this world actions.

And these differences will, in this month, what has not yet occurred this, how to bring together, waiting for Wu Hao's face?

And Wu Hao, can also overcome this 175341 people in a month, and kill the lucky Tang Qi, for death, and revenge?

At this moment, no one knows how the result will be.

But everyone is clear, at that moment, it will be a big battle!

381 calm Wu Wei

Above this planet, it is built on a high mountain in the dark deficiency.

A face-oriented and majestic man is lazy to lean on a luxurious throne in a full-gold, after his brain, it is a flashing star.

Next to the throne, the weird spikes of the electric light are flaffled from time to time.

The spike has a lightning-like thorn shape, which is surging where countless horror currents are flowing.

A unable to describe a majestic momentum, so that this space is silent in a suffocating atmosphere.

This is the world of the world, the god of the people, Zeus.

I only see the dark eyes of Sleeus, and the road:

"Well? These people who don't know where to come from, what is going on? Is it actions?"

After that, suddenly this man is slightly lit, muttering:

"Hey? This group of people, there are two mortals' horizontal color ..."

After that, Zeus stood up from the throne, lying his hand to the lightning spikes next to himself.

Suddenly, Zeus got up the movement of the movement and turned his head.

After seeing Zeus's body, I don't know when, standing with a head of the crown, the beautiful goddess, wearing a gorgeous clothes, holding hands in the chest, the front is not happy, and the evil is close to Zeus.

Zeus is slightly stigted, slightly brought, sitting back in his seat, and there is a majestic manner on his face.

"Well, I will observe first, see what these mortals think."

Return the perspective to the place where Wu Hao is located.

Here, like eternal silence, there is no living product.

The notice of the airspace has also passed in the ear of Wu Hao:

"Due to the reason for the gap, the evolution will be trapped in the hut, until the time of the experience of the world is over, the evolution can enter the experience world."

"When the evolution is in the small house in time, any cultivation associated with extraction can be performed, in the hut of the time, the density of all types of energy and the extent to which the absorption will be 100 times the outside world."

"In the hut, the space is unlimited, and it will not be attacked."

"There is also a special feature of the hut of the time, and the evolution can adjust the time of the hut to raise the internal and excessive time."

"The highest can be reached: the hut is one hour = experience in the world for 1 month."

"Evolution can decide freely."

After that, the notice in Wu Hao's brain disappeared.

Wu Wei stands in place, sinking, shakes his head.

It seems that the airspace means that you can practice in this cottage?

Close your eyes, and Wu Yu feels fine.

The shape is moving, the water form is there.

A conversion, the fire form appeared.

Then, Wu Wei shook his head.

He can feel that herself in the fire form and the water form, and countless energy communicates with the outside world.

However, these energy will not pay attention to Wu Hao's control, just self-flowing in his own way.

If you have a bit more, the energy in Wu Hao is working, just like a black box that can be seen inside.

For Wu Hao, how is this power to work, and in the form of, it is a mysterious mystery for him.

Wu Wei just holding the switch of this black box in his hand, can switch the water form and the fire form.

Therefore, for the current Wu Hao, it is impossible to learn some kind of force through the regular kinds of power.

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