The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 568

Therefore, these raging energy can only look at it, and one is unable to stay in the body.

Wu Hao under the fire state, looked at his robust arm, and felt another emotional boiling.

For now Wu Hao, the fire state will not be like the latter chaos.

However, it is still very susceptible to emotional influence, because of myself, I can't make reasonable thinking. Once you have emotions, you must vent it immediately.

Try a fireball in the hut of time.

The moment of the fireball disappeared, and Wu Wei under fire state shook his head.

This way, try to test the new trick or the power of his own strength, there is no way.

Suddenly, Wu Yi is curious.

He found himself like never tried directly to switch from the fire state to a water form.

So Wu Wei tried to switch once.

When his figure becomes thin, there is a cold and hot power hit together in his body.

A strong persistence hit the heart of Wu Hao, Wu Haozhao spit out a big blood, and his pain lie in the original land.

The prompt of the airspace appears in the mind of Wu Hao.

"It is detected that the evolutioner is injured and is free to fix."


In the mind, the words just fell, the pain on Wu Wei disappeared.

Wu Yu's heart took a little shot of his chest. She did not expect that there is no problem from the water form to switch fire form, and can directly switch from fire-shaped state to hydracle actually will be so violently impacted?

Run your hand again, Wu Wei has become a blood red, another sky blue.

The two power of water and fire, wrapped around Wu Hao, harmonious coexistence, no problem.

Wu Wei is strange, it is clear that the power of this water and fire can also be directly switched directly from the water form.

But why is it hurt when switching from fire-shaped switches into a water form?

Next, Wu Hao has tried several times.

Then, the conclusion was obtained.

I can't switch directly from the fire state to the water form. If you want to switch this, you will cause the disease before, it will be painful, the movement must not.

If there is no vacancy treatment, the time will last for nearly half an hour, during which, almost anything can be done.

After half an hour, everything will recover slowly.

After experimenting, Wu Wei found that as long as he went in the form of water, the original will be changed, then change, no matter how many times, no matter how many times, there will be no diagnosis.

Wu Hao was fortunate in his heart, and fooled in the hut of time. Otherwise, if he is fighting with the enemy, he suddenly moved in a half-hour. Is this not a bunch of hands?

After all the characteristics of transformation transformed, after familiarity, Wu Yu's heart is finally put down.

Transformed into the water form that is best for thinking, Wu Wei began to count this task in the heart.

I saw Wu Hao in the state of women, frowned, showing a bitterness of a chapped love, and people can't wait to take her in his arms. Good comfort.

"Well, the other's advantages should have the following points:

1, overwhelming number of people

2, the time growing for a month

3, after a month, they can borrow the indigenous forces in the world of mission "

"My advantage is the following:

1, overwhelming individual pair

2, nine-year privileges "

In other words, in this mission world, the other party must kill nine times to truly kill me, but as long as they don't say, they will not know that I have a few lives, this is for me, That is, a fate is also a final card.

But in the other party's camp, there is a variable, which is Tang Qi.

The strange luck in Tang Qi, Wu Hao is known, because, Zhou fish pays for the price of life.

When I think of it, Wu Hao couldn't help but have a Tianshu sword in her hand, even her water form, there is also a strong murder that can't control from the heart.

The slowness is slow, and Wu Wei determines that others can do it, but must first do this change in Tang Qi.

The longer the time, the more dangerous dangers are happening in Tang Qi's luck.

At that time, Tang Qi in the treasure house of the gods, dialogue with the female elves and got the artifact, Wu Wei also remembered.

Now Tang Qi, there should be two artifacts on your hand.

They are: 'Shenwang's cloak' with 'endless Saint Cup'.

Wu Wei remembered that the female elves next to Tang Qi said that 'Endless Saint Cups can make the holders who have no resurrection after death, and the functions are extremely anti-day.

In contrast, although you can resurrect, there is only nine life.

Therefore, to kill Tang Qi, you must first find way to ruin his artifact.

There is also the wizard around Tang Qi, may have a predictable ability.

In other words, the current Tang Qi = predicts + unsatisfactory body + horrible luck.

If you want to do this, Wu Wei found that Tang Qi was like the protagonist of the YY novels she had seen in real.

Good color, more feelings, invincible, act unscrupulous.

At this point, Wu Hao found that he suddenly wake up.

It turned out that Tang Qi will be in this mission, his biggest enemy.

That is to say, this time the combat strategy must be set around how the fastest drove Tang Qi.

Let him live a day, you will be able to be superior by the opponent one day.

In the previous YY novel, the enemy of the protagonist always gave the opponent because some reasons were determined, and finally the protagonist successfully turned over.

Wu Wei secretly decided in his heart, as long as you challenge the world, you must do two words, you will do it, you will not listen to him nonsense, never move anything!

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