The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 582

But in this moment, the Chu Xing has secretly decided.

I only saw the soft Chu Xing, and the left hand was deadly grabbed her skirt, and the other hand firmly clever the long sword in his hand.

But the face is red, with a slightly shy eye, slightly 'um'.

I heard the reply, and the god of Tang Qi is clear.

He haha, smiled:

"That line, remember this evening, don't forget!"

Then a group of people go to the place where the black flame falls, galloping.

In the fast flight, the foot is sword, fluttering in the air short skirt, showing a pair of legs, the eyes are staring at the front of the front, a silver teeth bites.

Since you are not benevolent, you will blame me! Tang Qi!

389 unlucky Chu Xing

When the black fire column of the sky is completely swallowed by the frozen city.

A man in a black robes, standing in the distance, looking at the distance of the distance, the corner of the mouth hangs a smile smile.

"'Suddenly powerful"? I didn't expect it to be a sympathetic guy; even if I didn't think of it, I actually had two so powerful strengths, ,, unfortunately, your appearance has been recorded, This time, although I haven't killed you; but, next time is your death! "

After that, the black robe is ready to turn around.

Suddenly, there is a long way to have a black shadow, just hear the ''.

The chest of the black robe was pierced by the black shadow.

This is a dark-hail, which will burn black flames that are not extinguished from the guns of the burdogue.

The black robe screamed, and it was born with a black flame for ashes.

I saw that the long gun was slightly fiddlming in the void, and quickly flew back to Wu Hao's hands.

At this moment, Wu Hao still didn't look back, just walked in front of himself, and leained out of the right hand to catch a long gun.

One of the long guns returned to Wu Yu, and the black flame on him disappeared.

After inserting the long gun in the body, Wu Hao Zhou has a blue light, and the fire red war armor disappeared. It was originally back to the heights behind him.

Wu Yi, just issued a disdainful cold from the nose, the dead black robes don't know, Wu Wei's perception, in this unmanned listless plain, can reach ten kilometers long.

Within this range, as long as it is a hostile guy, it will focus on the light among the nights.

However, just in the moment of the black robe into the moment.

In the very distant desert in Wu Hao, zero zero scattered a large tent group, and in a biggest account, there is a group of people sitting on the ground and playing a combat meeting.

A middle-aged man suddenly stood up from his position, facing a white candidate with a waist left wheel:

"Captain, my second branch was killed."

I saw the cowboy picked the eyebrows:

"This guy is actually so strong? It seems that it is very dangerous close to investigation. It seems that after the small Tang and the old king have an accident, choose to send your borders, it is correct."

"What information did you get? For example, his strength type, body type, and appearance."

The middle-aged man nodded:

"I will receive a memory of myself, I think it should have a lot of gains."

I saw that the middle-aged man closed his eyes, and then he opened his eyes, he opened his eyes and went to the white denim:

"Captain, this person can use ice and fire two different power, and there are two different gender and appearance of men and women."

Everyone in the conference room heard the words, all of which were a spiritual earthquake.

"It's great, I finally have a letter about this guy!"

How long does it have to wait for the people in the meeting, I saw that middle-aged men suddenly changed, and they screamed:

"not good!"

A black flame, emerges from the middle-aged man, starting the burning of the bears.

"No! How can this? Why will this fire come over? Captain! The captain will save! I don't want to die! I don't want to die ...!"

The middle-aged man has not fallen, and it has been burned into a gray ash.

Everyone in the entire conference room is a small unestaining of the middle-aged man staying in the tent.

White cowboy holds the back of the left-wheel pistol and condense, anger and rushing down, Yang Tian's anger:

"You this bastard! On the two days, I will kill the three people in our team. If I don't kill you, I don't swear!"

However, what happened in the desert, Wu Wei did not know.

Of course, even if he knows, there will be no special reaction.

After killing the fish of the leak, Wu Hao continued to walk in this plain.

Wu Wei has been converted to the water form of thinking.

Because Wu Wei discovered a problem.

She didn't have any news channels, so she didn't know where Tang Qi is in the body.

No one can listen to the news, just now, the living people in the city have been killed by themselves.

For Wu Hao, even if you leave a living port, there is no meaning, because she doesn't understand how to stroke it, and it is not desserting.

I looked at this empty wilderness, even the city's city didn't, Wu Wei had to smile.

Close his eyes, Wu Wei under the water form, the body is filled with a sharp water, silent in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the square is all over 100 kilometers, it has been completely shrouded by the dense fog.

Wu Wei closed his eyes, these dense fogs have been intended to touch the tentacles of Wu Hao, touching the four sides.

In the dense fog, the original perception is constantly pulling, changing; like countless tentacles, and extends crazy.

500 kilometers, six hundred kilometers, seven hundred kilometers ...

Soon, Wu Hao's perception has extends to a thousand kilometers.

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