The Return of the Saint

Southern Returns Chapter 583

In her perception, Wu Hao suddenly found a movie.

She concentrated his attention, but found that this is a naked woman with a little bit of blood. This kind of woman is stepping on a flying sword, and the flying in the direction of Wu Hao.

Wu Wei has created curious. This woman seems to be chased, but unfortunately, it is already a perceived limit of Wu Hao.

So, open your eyes and instantly disappear in the same place.

This naked girl is the Chu Xing that turns a woman. The Chu Xing at this moment is exhaustive to drive the flying sword under his feet.

Chu Xing's white skin is scattered.

However, these blood is not her.

When the foot of Chu Xing took a step, the flying sword accelerated again.

Although I am a **, the whistling of the wind, but the Chu Xing does not care at all.

Looking down at the blood on my body, the corner of Chu Xing is not coming to the self-excited smile.

This is like this, and the time came to the evening, Chu Xing went to Tang Qi's tent.

In the tent, Chu Xing felt the Tang Qi, let the Tang Qi took out the rope and tied himself and played the game.

For Tang Qi's movements, Chu Xing has been hidden, even if she has been completely hanging in front of Tang Qi.

When she and Tang Qi have been smooth, I have completely put it down in Tang Qi, ready to enter her body.

The swords in the Chu Xing were exploded, and the sharp sword gas did not only cut off all the ropes bundled in her, but also in the Tang Qian accident, instantly cut the poor little Tang Qi.

Then, a few swords will be thoroughly cleared.

Just when the Tang Qi was shocked, Chu Xing stepped on the flying sword, and even the clothes didn't come to take the madness.

Escape, Chu Xing sounds in the night sky laugh.

I have been helid for so long, I can make a bad breath tonight!

Although the wind in the night is very cold, Chu Xing is exciting to take the kid.

Chu Xing knows that from this moment, his life enters the countdown.

With Chu Xing's understanding of Tang Qi, he was absolutely recovered after his Little Tang Qi was destroyed by himself.

Because of his root of his strength, all are related to Xiao Tang Qi.

Originally, Chu Xing can also cut off the neck of Tang Qi with the sword, but Chu Xing knows that Tang Qi has artifacts that can be resurrected immediately, which is not dead.

After cutting his Xiaotang Qi, Tang Qi wants to recover, unless you choose to commit suicide, it is impossible.

And Chu Xing didn't know why, even if he knew that he was able to resurrect, every time he faced the death of death, it was always very reluctant, unless it is not necessary, Tang Qi will never choose suicide. of.

And even if the situation is in a hurry, he is at least 10 minutes to determine it.

This time, even if you count the anger of Tang Qi, at least three minutes.

This is only a few minutes, it will be chased by him.

However, this time is different.

Because there is a Tang Qian that is completely unable to fight against it.

Therefore, Chu Xing is now deliberately marked in the direction of the airspace.

Chu Xing is gambling, gambling Tang Qi did not dare to take risks, because Chu Xing knows that the surface of Tang Qi seems to be very arrogant, and in fact, the practice is very cautious, not to grasp, he never done.

So, the current Chu Xing is gambling at your life.

She gambling Tang Qi did not dare to take risks, gambling she would not be killed by the 'exclusive to the powerful' found and then killed.

Such a rush, the original meaning of this non-Chu Xing, unfortunately, Chu Xing has been forced to go without the way.

With its insult to Tang Qi, Chu Xing would rather die.

Although she is very rare, she is absolutely dare to fight.

After the Chu Xing body, a group of beautiful women surveyed a man who had a lower body, and his fingertips had a panicked look.

"Fu Jun, what happened to you?"

"Fu Jun, she escaped in that person, is it necessary to recover her?"

I saw this man's face by Red turning green, turning green by green.

He deeply sucked a sigh of relief, deeply glanced at the direction of Chu Xing, biting his teeth:

"Don't chase it, you immediately take me away! After I have a chance to find this woman's calculation! Next time, I will let you smash down! Chu Xing!"

"let's go!"

After that, Tang Qi made his hometown, with him to escape.

After the Chu Xing flew, he fell to a wood. In her perception, Chu Xing found that Tang Qi did not chase it, she could not help but happily.

It seems that Tang Qi is still cautious than she thinks, and she is not discovered by that person at this moment.

Now, it is actually her rush plan, the best results.

It's really helping me! Chu Xing is dark in his heart.

Under the mood, Chu Xing did not immediately took out his clothes, but in the spatial ring, carefully won a small glass of water.

This is a magical spring water. As long as you fall on your head, you can relieve the permanent transformation of Chu Xing, let him recover the man.

This is what Chu Xing has spent a big price. For the border of this glass of spring, it is still not suspicious of Tang Qi, and Chu Xing is born, and it is not easy to exchange.

Looking at the cup of the hand, the hand of Chu Xing is slightly shaking.

Have you long? Finally, it can be reverted to the right good man.

Chu Xing carefully fell on his head.

I saw that the skeleton of Chu Xing began to become thick, and the skin was temporary, it became rough.

The five senses have also changed back to the original ordinary appearance.

In the blink of an eye, the original naked girl changed to naked men; at this moment, the heart of Chu Xing was very comfortable.

Just when he was ready to take out clothes from the space ring.

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