The Return of the Saint

Southern Return Chapter 589

On July 4th, the Kingdom of Ternas was controlled by a treason, and made a scorpion move and tried to rule other kingdom.

On July 5, the kings of the gods appeared in the sky, destroying the Kingdom of Ternas, and then was irritated by the rebel god, down the thunder and thunder god; the rebel god fled into the ground.

On July 7, the rebel god has set up a huge organization named '' in the underground, and built a city in the ground and continued to be indulgence.

On July 8th, the gods of the gods was established, and 356 people in this continent and a few kinds of gods and several gods, form a joint army, referred to as the gods; in addition, about 40 people Class countries have joined the disintegration organization.

On July 15, the two armies conducted a positive battle in the Leontini plains, 'god' organized to defeat, gave out all the territories of all human countries, and escaped to the underground city.

On July 17, the God of War, Arce, one of the Olympus 12th God as a coach; the gods of the gods launched a general attack from the underground entrance, and began to attach the various rebel people in the ground.

On July 27, the war launched in the past 10 days. After the public, the gods were inserted into the ground labyrinth. Subsequently, the labyrine of the ground collapsed, the gods of the United States was suffering; this battle, Ares Aris were seriously injured, and the gods Arce Beautiful god Aflodi, that is, Xiaoyi God, who was killed by '' organized a deputy leader 'shadow', and the gods were swallowed and became the first fallen.

On July 28th, 'The gods' organized a counterattack, with the form of guerrilla and harassment, and even 30 people in the country, '' organizational Sasday, the gods of the United States was losed, and the army did not defend.

On July 29, the gods on the Olympus mountains officially joined the battle and stabilized the defeat of the gods.

On July 30, because of the shelter of Gaia, the gods could not form an effective blow to the rebel gods hiding under the bottom, and the battlefield was stalemate.

On August 1st, '' organization is dissolved, ' God' organization is formally established, the original '' organization's deputy leader, 'shadow', becoming the leader of ' God' organization; some rebel gods left ' After the gods' organization, the purpose of unknown action on the mainland.

In the morning of August 2, the Kingdom of Oralbartan has bonded to the huge black fire column from the sky because of unknown reasons, and there is no living in the whole city; it is said that in the body of the incident, there are many departures' destruction. The god 'has not been selected to join the Advanced Cadre of Add' God '.

On August 3, the Pavia Mountain range was fired because of unknown reasons, and the black flame that was not extinguished was burned for a week. After the flame disappeared, the Pavia Mountain inch is not soya, and the incident is considered to be related to the destroyed event of Hersse City. (Note: In the morning of August 4, the sky came from a man's pain, and the incident may also be related to the hunting goddess Alta Misi and the gods of the gods.)

On August 7th, since the Pavia Mountains fire, the main gods in the gods of the gods have returned to Olympus Shenshan, no longer appearing; staying in the gods of the gods unable to block the gods. 'The army's offensive, the front of the front appeared signs.

On August 14th, in the Defense War of Kordo, I'm sour, the revenge goddess, Ni Los three sisters were killed, and the gods were self-proclaimed by the rebellion of the two brothers of the golden silver. After this war, the next grace of the gods, the army's army's defense is again caught in the edge of the collapse.

On August 17th, when ' God' organized a battle, ' God' organized the leader 'shadow', was lured by itself, Tang Qi to kill the desert Bethlehem, gods were taken, ' God' organized group dragon without first, Into chaos.

On August 19th, ' God' organized because of internal scotting, collapse to several different organizations, completely became a plate of shared sand, and the gods of the gods also stabilized the upcoming front line.

On August 30, because the owner went back to Olympus Shenshan, he never returned. Because of the differences between the people of the gods, they began to collapse due to their differences. Since then, the whole continent has begun to fall into the era of the most dark and chaos. .

---------- Historical split line ---------

Seagulls, all over the horizon; waves, run to the end of the sea.

The port of Gollin, is still the same as it is, lively.

The parking vessel came to the shipper, up and down the goods, filled with vitality and gold coins.

On a passenger ship just right, I walked down a black robes who would wrap themselves in a coat.

The black robe hides the face in the shadow of the hat, walking, faintly revealing a pair of white hands.

On the pier in the people, there are two full-deputy armed soldiers, standing in front of a signboard, glanceing against everyone on the pier.

Two soldiers wore a bright silver armor, but held a AK47 in his hand, on this ancient pier, it appeared such a color.

On the signboard, there are many colorful live portraits, and there is a name and different amounts of bounty.

Among them, the most striking is the top of the signboard, a huge man portrait, this man holds a black long gun, the color and the double eyes are a flaming, which is very pressing under the exquisite painter of the picture.

The man's bounty is not written, but only wrote 'can be a wish to the gods.

A soldier immediately discovered this strange black robes on the pier in the glazing with the eyes, and immediately used the gun.

"Hey! There are small children there! Give me!"

The black robes heard, slightly hesitated, and then slowly came over, only standing in the same place.

"Pick your hat, hurry!"

The black robe is like not heard, still standing in the place, keeping silence.

"Small child! I haven't heard it! I told you to take a hat!"

After that, this soldier lifted the muzzle and pointed to the black man, a gun tied, threatened:

"The last time reminds you, picking up the hat immediately! Come! Otherwise, I will shoot!"

Another soldier also followed the muzzle and aimed at this black man.

The conflict has caused people's attention on the pier, and everyone has seen it.

At this time, someone suddenly sent exclaimed:

"Winns Beck Duke's cargo ship is on fire! Let's come to save fire!"

At the dock, I started to have turned up. When the two soldiers looked up, I saw a huge cargo ship, and the flame of the bears was burning.

But from the burning cargo ship, suddenly ran out of a group of ragged people, and the people were engraved with slavery.

People are stunned.

"Heaven! I didn't expect the Duke of Winns Beck, which has always fairly honestly, actually runs slave trade in the dark! This is really news!"

Just when people were talking, the two soldiers suddenly changed.


Two soldiers did not have time to take a black robe, they went forward and began to drive the crowd.

The black robe took the opportunity to run, left the terminal.

Hiding in an unmanned alley, the black robe opened the hat and exposed a face of the country.

This black robes were originally Wu Hao under water form, and I saw her shook his head and spit a breath.

Now she has been able to use a short time to switch.

In this fast switch, the power of another form can be used in the case where the original morphology is maintained.

Although only one instant, you can do a lot of things, such as the roaming of the pier.

The hat is too big, and it is very bored out for a long time.

After the breathing is almost, Wu Hao is re-wearing a hat and starts at the beginning of this alley.

This is an ordinary alley, both sides are full of mottled stones.

Wu Wei stretched out the top of the stone wall of the alley, suddenly, there was a raised stone was pressed.

Then, the ground is quietly exposed to a black lacquered entrance, layered ladder, leading to the dark ground.

Wu Wei went without hesitation, and the entrance was slowly closed after she entered.

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